Examples of JaxbSerializationProvider

Examples of org.kie.services.client.serialization.JaxbSerializationProvider

        return jaxbSerProvider;

    public static JaxbSerializationProvider newInstance(JAXBContext jaxbContext) {
        JaxbSerializationProvider jaxbSerProvider = new ServerJaxbSerializationProvider(jaxbContext);
        return jaxbSerProvider;
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Examples of org.kie.services.client.serialization.JaxbSerializationProvider

            } catch (JMSException jmse) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to setup a JMS connection.", jmse);

            JaxbSerializationProvider serializationProvider = ClientJaxbSerializationProvider.newInstance();
            // if necessary, add user-created classes here:
            // xmlSerializer.addJaxbClasses(MyType.class, AnotherJaxbAnnotatedType.class);

            // Create msg
            TextMessage msg;
            try {

                // serialize request
                String xmlStr = serializationProvider.serialize(req);
                msg = session.createTextMessage(xmlStr);

                // set properties
                msg.setIntProperty(SerializationConstants.SERIALIZATION_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, JaxbSerializationProvider.JMS_SERIALIZATION_TYPE);
                Collection<Class<?>> extraJaxbClasses = serializationProvider.getExtraJaxbClasses();
                if (!extraJaxbClasses.isEmpty()) {
                    String extraJaxbClassesPropertyValue = serializationProvider.classSetToCommaSeperatedString(extraJaxbClasses);
                    msg.setStringProperty(SerializationConstants.EXTRA_JAXB_CLASSES_PROPERTY_NAME, extraJaxbClassesPropertyValue);
                    msg.setStringProperty(SerializationConstants.DEPLOYMENT_ID_PROPERTY_NAME, deploymentId);
            } catch (JMSException jmse) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to create and fill a JMS message.", jmse);
            } catch (SerializationException se) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to deserialze JMS message.", se.getCause());

            // send
            try {
            } catch (JMSException jmse) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to send a JMS message.", jmse);

            // receive
            Message response;
            try {
                response = consumer.receive(timeout);
            } catch (JMSException jmse) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to receive or retrieve the JMS response.", jmse);

            if (response == null) {
                logger.warn("Response is empty, leaving");
                return null;
            // extract response
            assert response != null : "Response is empty.";
            try {
                String xmlStr = ((TextMessage) response).getText();
                cmdResponses = (JaxbCommandsResponse) serializationProvider.deserialize(xmlStr);
            } catch (JMSException jmse) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to extract " + JaxbCommandsResponse.class.getSimpleName()
                        + " instance from JMS response.", jmse);
            } catch (SerializationException se) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to extract " + JaxbCommandsResponse.class.getSimpleName()
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Examples of org.kie.services.client.serialization.JaxbSerializationProvider

                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to setup a JMS connection.", jmse);

            // Create msg
            TextMessage textMsg;
            JaxbSerializationProvider serializationProvider;
            try {

                // serialize request
                serializationProvider = config.getJaxbSerializationProvider();
                String xmlStr = serializationProvider.serialize(req);
                textMsg = session.createTextMessage(xmlStr);
                // set properties
                // 1. corr id
                // 2. serialization info
                textMsg.setIntProperty(SERIALIZATION_TYPE_PROPERTY_NAME, config.getSerializationType());
                Set<Class<?>> extraJaxbClasses = config.getExtraJaxbClasses();
                if( !extraJaxbClasses.isEmpty() ) {
                    if( deploymentId == null ) {
                        throw new MissingRequiredInfoException(
                                "Deserialization of parameter classes requires a deployment id, which has not been configured.");
                    textMsg.setStringProperty(DEPLOYMENT_ID_PROPERTY_NAME, deploymentId);
                // 3. user/pass for task operations
                String userName = config.getUserName();
                String password = config.getPassword();
                if( isTaskCommand ) {
                    if( userName == null ) {
                        throw new RemoteCommunicationException(
                                "A user name is required when sending task operation requests via JMS");
                    if( password == null ) {
                        throw new RemoteCommunicationException(
                                "A password is required when sending task operation requests via JMS");
                    textMsg.setStringProperty("username", userName);
                    textMsg.setStringProperty("password", password);
                // 4. process instance id
            } catch( JMSException jmse ) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to create and fill a JMS message.", jmse);
            } catch( SerializationException se ) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to deserialze JMS message.", se.getCause());

            // send
            try {
            } catch( JMSException jmse ) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to send a JMS message.", jmse);

            // receive
            Message response;
            try {
                response = consumer.receive(config.getTimeout() * 1000);
            } catch( JMSException jmse ) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to receive or retrieve the JMS response.", jmse);

            if( response == null ) {
                logger.warn("Response is empty");
                return null;
            // extract response
            assert response != null: "Response is empty.";
            try {
                String xmlStr = ((TextMessage) response).getText();
                cmdResponse = (JaxbCommandsResponse) serializationProvider.deserialize(xmlStr);
            } catch( JMSException jmse ) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to extract " + JaxbCommandsResponse.class.getSimpleName()
                        + " instance from JMS response.", jmse);
            } catch( SerializationException se ) {
                throw new RemoteCommunicationException("Unable to extract " + JaxbCommandsResponse.class.getSimpleName()
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Examples of org.kie.services.client.serialization.JaxbSerializationProvider

    private <T> T deserializeResponseContent(String responseBody, Class<T> entityClass) {
       JaxbSerializationProvider jaxbSerializationProvider = config.getJaxbSerializationProvider();
       T responseEntity = null;
       try {
           responseEntity = (T) jaxbSerializationProvider.deserialize(responseBody);
       } catch( ClassCastException cce ) {
           throw new RemoteApiException("Unexpected entity in response body, expected " + entityClass.getName() + " instance.", cce);
       return responseEntity;
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