Examples of JavaTypeMapping

Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping

        if (mainTable instanceof DatastoreClass)
            // Field of class in its primary/secondary table
            DatastoreClass ct = (DatastoreClass) mainTable;
            JavaTypeMapping m = null;
            if (fieldName.equals(qs.getCandidateAlias()))
                // Candidate table so return id mapping
                m = ct.getIDMapping();
                return m.newScalarExpression(qs, this);
                if (fieldName.indexOf(".") > 0)
                    String baseField = fieldName.substring(0, fieldName.indexOf("."));
                        m = ct.getFieldMapping(baseField);
                    catch (NoSuchPersistentFieldException npfe)
                        // Check if this field is a previously utilised embedded field
                        if (embeddedFieldMappings != null)
                            m = (JavaTypeMapping)embeddedFieldMappings.get(baseField);
                        if (m == null)
                            // Field is not valid for this class, and we have no known embedded mapping for it so its a user error
                            throw npfe;
                    if (m == null)
                        throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("037001", fieldName, ct.toString()));
                    if (m instanceof EmbeddedPCMapping)
                        // Embedded PC field
                        String subField = fieldName.substring(fieldName.indexOf(".") + 1);
                        m = getMappingForEmbeddedField((EmbeddedPCMapping)m, subField);
                        if (m == null)
                            throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("037002", fieldName, subField, baseField));
                        // Save this embedded mapping in case the user has nested subobjects within it
                        // TODO This doesnt allow for embedded "subfields" having the same name as other embedded subfields
                        // Currently we just keep on saving these against the subfield name, but maybe we only to keep the
                        // most recent since the field will be processed straight away if it's part of a JDOQL query
                        if (embeddedFieldMappings == null)
                            embeddedFieldMappings = new HashMap();
                        embeddedFieldMappings.put(subField, m);
                    ScalarExpression expr = m.newScalarExpression(qs, this);
                    if (expr instanceof ObjectExpression)
                        ((ObjectExpression)expr).setFieldDefinition(m.getFieldMetaData().getName(), m.getFieldMetaData().getTypeName());
                    return expr;
                    // Field of main table
                    m = ct.getFieldMapping(fieldName);
                    if (m == null)
                        throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("037001", fieldName, ct.toString()));

                    ScalarExpression expr = m.newScalarExpression(qs, this);
                    if (expr instanceof ObjectExpression)
                        ((ObjectExpression)expr).setFieldDefinition(fieldName, m.getType());
                    return expr;
        else if (mainTable instanceof DatastoreCollection ||
                 mainTable instanceof DatastoreMap)
            // User has an embedded element/key/value and has a constraint on it
            String fld = fieldName;
            if (fieldName.indexOf(".") > 0)
                // TODO Process the base field - typically is "null". When is it not "null" ?
                String subField = fieldName.substring(fieldName.indexOf(".")+1);
                fld = subField;

            if (mainTable instanceof DatastoreElementContainer)
                // collection/array - element mapping
                DatastoreElementContainer join = (DatastoreElementContainer)mainTable;
                JavaTypeMapping m = join.getElementMapping();
                if (m instanceof EmbeddedElementPCMapping)
                    JavaTypeMapping fieldMapping = ((EmbeddedMapping)m).getJavaTypeMapping(fld);
                    if (fieldMapping != null)
                        return fieldMapping.newScalarExpression(qs, this);
                        throw new JPOXUserException("'" + fieldName + "' was not found as a field stored in the join table " + mainTable);
            else if (mainTable instanceof DatastoreMap)
                // Check for a key field first
                DatastoreMap join = (DatastoreMap)mainTable;
                JavaTypeMapping m = join.getKeyMapping();
                if (m instanceof EmbeddedKeyPCMapping)
                    JavaTypeMapping fieldMapping = ((EmbeddedMapping)m).getJavaTypeMapping(fld);
                    if (fieldMapping != null)
                        return fieldMapping.newScalarExpression(qs, this);

                // Check for a value field next
                m = join.getValueMapping();
                if (m instanceof EmbeddedValuePCMapping)
                    JavaTypeMapping fieldMapping = ((EmbeddedMapping)m).getJavaTypeMapping(fld);
                    if (fieldMapping != null)
                        return fieldMapping.newScalarExpression(qs, this);

            throw new JPOXUserException("'" + fieldName + "' was not found as an embedded element/key/value field stored in the join table " + mainTable);
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping

            return m.getJavaTypeMapping(fieldName);

        String field = fieldName.substring(0, fieldName.indexOf("."));
        String subField = fieldName.substring(fieldName.indexOf(".")+1);
        JavaTypeMapping mapping = m.getJavaTypeMapping(field);
        if (mapping instanceof EmbeddedPCMapping && subField != null)
            return getMappingForEmbeddedField((EmbeddedPCMapping)mapping, subField);
        return mapping;
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping

            if (value == null)
                return new NullLiteral(qs);

            JavaTypeMapping m = null;
            ApiAdapter api = qs.getStoreManager().getApiAdapter();
            if (api.isPersistable(cls))
                // PC class, so maybe has its own table
                    // PC class, so maybe has its own table
                    DatastoreClass clsTable = qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreClass(cls.getName(), qs.getClassLoaderResolver());
                    m = clsTable.getFieldMapping(fieldName);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // PC class has no table or no such field so just get a default mapping for type
                    m = qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreAdapter().getMapping(value.getClass(),
                        qs.getStoreManager(), qs.getClassLoaderResolver());
                // Just get a default mapping for type
                m = qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreAdapter().getMapping(value.getClass(),
                    qs.getStoreManager(), qs.getClassLoaderResolver());
            return m.newLiteral(qs, value);
        catch (IllegalAccessException iae)
            // Will not happen since we already checked for it
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping

    public ScalarExpression cast(Class castType)
        JavaTypeMapping[] javaTypeMappings = ((ReferenceMapping)mapping).getJavaTypeMapping();
        for (int i = 0; i < javaTypeMappings.length; ++i)
            JavaTypeMapping m = javaTypeMappings[i];
            if (castType.getName().equals(m.getType()))
                return m.newScalarExpression(qs,te);
        return super.cast(castType);
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping

            // Expression of form "ReferenceExpression == ReferenceExpression"
            // TODO Should really split into an expression for each part and line up the JavaTypeMappings
            for (int i = 0; i < javaTypeMappings.length; ++i)
                JavaTypeMapping m = javaTypeMappings[i];

                if (bexpr == null)
                    bexpr = m.newScalarExpression(qs, te).eq(expr);
                    bexpr = bexpr.ior(m.newScalarExpression(qs, te).eq(expr).encloseWithInParentheses());
        else if (expr.mapping instanceof NullMapping)
            // Expression of form "ReferenceExpression == null"
            for (int i = 0; i < javaTypeMappings.length; ++i)
                JavaTypeMapping m = javaTypeMappings[i];
                if (bexpr == null)
                    bexpr = m.newScalarExpression(qs, te).eq(expr);
                    bexpr = bexpr.and(m.newScalarExpression(qs, te).eq(expr));
            // Expression of form "ReferenceExpression == PC"
            for (int i = 0; i < javaTypeMappings.length; ++i)
                JavaTypeMapping m = javaTypeMappings[i];
                JavaTypeMapping exprMapping = expr.mapping;
                if (m.getNumberOfDatastoreFields() == exprMapping.getNumberOfDatastoreFields())
                    // TODO Should apply the above check on noteq() too but in reverse
                    // If expression implementation and this implementation have same number of PK fields allow the compare
                    // TODO Should really also compare the types of the mappings
                    if (bexpr == null)
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping

            // Expression of form "ReferenceExpression != null"
            // So find a mapping that is not null amongst the possible impls
            for (int i = 0; i < javaTypeMappings.length; ++i)
                JavaTypeMapping m = javaTypeMappings[i];
                if (bexpr == null)
                    bexpr = m.newScalarExpression(qs, te).noteq(expr);
                    bexpr = bexpr.ior(m.newScalarExpression(qs, te).noteq(expr));
            for (int i = 0; i < javaTypeMappings.length; ++i)
                JavaTypeMapping m = javaTypeMappings[i];
                if (bexpr == null)
                    bexpr = m.newScalarExpression(qs,te).noteq(expr);
                    bexpr = bexpr.and(m.newScalarExpression(qs,te).noteq(expr));
        return bexpr;
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping

            return new ContainerSizeExpression(qs, getBackingStoreQueryable().getSizeSubquery(qs, mapping, te, ctRangeVar));
            JavaTypeMapping mapping = qs.getStoreManager().getDatastoreAdapter().getMapping(Integer.class, qs.getStoreManager(), qs.getClassLoaderResolver());
            return new IntegerLiteral(qs,mapping,new Integer(exprs.length));
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping

            for (Iterator it=value.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                Object current = it.next();
                if (current != null)
                    JavaTypeMapping m = dba.getMapping(current.getClass(), qs.getStoreManager(), qs.getClassLoaderResolver());
                    ScalarExpression expr = m.newLiteral(qs,current);

                    // Append the SQLExpression (should be a literal) for the
                    // current element.
                    st.append(hadPrev ? "," : "");
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping

            for (Iterator it=values.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
                Object current = it.next();
                if (null != current)
                    JavaTypeMapping m = dba.getMapping(current.getClass(), qs.getStoreManager(), qs.getClassLoaderResolver());
                    ScalarExpression expr = m.newLiteral(qs, current);

                    // Append the SQLExpression (should be a literal) for the
                    // current element.
                    st.append(hadPrev ? "," : "");
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Examples of org.jpox.store.mapped.mapping.JavaTypeMapping

            jtExpr = qs.newTableExpression(cbt, jtRangeVar);
            //qs.addAlias(jtExpr, true);

        // bind unbound variable
        JavaTypeMapping mb = cbt.getIDMapping();
        ScalarExpression exprBindTo = mb.newScalarExpression(qs, jtExpr);

        // Save the mapping in case we are selecting this in the result clause later
        mapping = mb;

        exprToBind = exprBindTo;
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