
Examples of

      throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 14000)
    //getting and applying all check configureted for this module:
    for (int i=0; i < lstConfigChecks.size(); i++ ){
      Config check = (Config)lstConfigChecks.get(i);
      //checks that the configuration is correct (when getValueTypeId is valorized valueCheck must be valorized too)
      if (check.getValueTypeId() != null && check.getValueCheck() == null){
        logger.debug("The value configuration on db isn't valorized." );               
        Vector v = new Vector();
        throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 14009,v,  new HashMap());
      if (check.getLabel().equals(SpagoBIConstants.CHANGEPWDMOD_LEN_MIN)){
        //checks the minmum length of password
        int pwdLen = newPwd.length();
        if (pwdLen < Integer.parseInt(check.getValueCheck())){
          logger.debug("The password's length isn't correct." );                 
          Vector v = new Vector();
          throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 14001,v,  new HashMap());
      if (check.getLabel().equals(SpagoBIConstants.CHANGEPWDMOD_ALPHA)){
        //checks that the new pwd contains alphabetical chars
        char PwdChars[] = new char[newPwd.length()];
        newPwd.getChars(0, newPwd.length(), PwdChars, 0);
        boolean containsChar = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < PwdChars.length; j++) {
          if (check.getValueCheck().contains(String.valueOf(PwdChars[j]))){
            containsChar = true;
        if (!containsChar){
          logger.debug("The password's doesn't contain alphabetical char." );         
          throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 14002,new Vector()new HashMap());
      if (check.getLabel().equals(SpagoBIConstants.CHANGEPWDMOD_LOWER_CHAR)){
        //checks that the new pwd contains LOWER chars
        char PwdChars[] = new char[newPwd.length()];
        newPwd.getChars(0, newPwd.length(), PwdChars, 0);
        boolean containsChar = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < PwdChars.length; j++) {
          if (check.getValueCheck().contains(String.valueOf(PwdChars[j]))){
            containsChar = true;
        if (!containsChar){
          logger.debug("The password's doesn't contain lower char." );         
          throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 14004,new Vector()new HashMap());
      if (check.getLabel().equals(SpagoBIConstants.CHANGEPWDMOD_UPPER_CHAR)){
        //checks that the new pwd contains UPPER chars
        char PwdChars[] = new char[newPwd.length()];
        newPwd.getChars(0, newPwd.length(), PwdChars, 0);
        boolean containsChar = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < PwdChars.length; j++) {
          if (check.getValueCheck().contains(String.valueOf(PwdChars[j]))){
            containsChar = true;
        if (!containsChar){
          logger.debug("The password's doesn't contain upper char." );         
          throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 14005,new Vector()new HashMap());
      if (check.getLabel().equals(SpagoBIConstants.CHANGEPWDMOD_SPECIAL_CHAR)){
        //checks that the new pwd contains special chars
        char PwdChars[] = new char[newPwd.length()];
        newPwd.getChars(0, newPwd.length(), PwdChars, 0);
        boolean containsChar = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < PwdChars.length; j++) {
          if (check.getValueCheck().contains(String.valueOf(PwdChars[j]))){
            containsChar = true;
        if (!containsChar){
          logger.debug("The password's doesn't contain special char." );                 
          Vector v = new Vector();
          throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 14003,v, new HashMap());
      if (check.getLabel().equals(SpagoBIConstants.CHANGEPWDMOD_NUMBER)){
        //checks that the new pwd contains numeric chars
        char PwdChars[] = new char[newPwd.length()];
        newPwd.getChars(0, newPwd.length(), PwdChars, 0);
        boolean containsChar = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < PwdChars.length; j++) {
          if (check.getValueCheck().contains(String.valueOf(PwdChars[j]))){
            containsChar = true;
        if (!containsChar){
          logger.debug("The password's doesn't contain numeric char." );         
          throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 14006,new Vector()new HashMap());
      if (check.getLabel().equals(SpagoBIConstants.CHANGEPWDMOD_CHANGE)){
        //the password must be different from the lastest
        if (oldPwd.equalsIgnoreCase(newPwd)){
          logger.debug("The password's doesn't be equal the lastest." );                 
          throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, 14007,new Vector()new HashMap());
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