Examples of ItemType

Examples of com.gmail.nossr50.datatypes.skills.ItemType

            if (maximumDurability <= 0) {
                reason.add("Maximum durability of " + key + " must be greater than 0!");

            // Item Type
            ItemType repairItemType = ItemType.OTHER;
            String repairItemTypeString = config.getString("Repairables." + key + ".ItemType", "OTHER");

            if (!config.contains("Repairables." + key + ".ItemType") && itemMaterial != null) {
                ItemStack repairItem = new ItemStack(itemMaterial);

Examples of com.sk89q.worldedit.blocks.ItemType

        boolean itemsOnly = args.hasFlag('i');

        try {
            int id = Integer.parseInt(query);

            ItemType type = ItemType.fromID(id);

            if (type != null) {
                actor.print("#" + type.getID() + " (" + type.getName() + ")");
            } else {
                actor.printError("No item found by ID " + id);

        } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {

        if (query.length() <= 2) {
            actor.printError("Enter a longer search string (len > 2).");

        if (!blocksOnly && !itemsOnly) {
            actor.print("Searching for: " + query);
        } else if (blocksOnly && itemsOnly) {
            actor.printError("You cannot use both the 'b' and 'i' flags simultaneously.");
        } else if (blocksOnly) {
            actor.print("Searching for blocks: " + query);
        } else {
            actor.print("Searching for items: " + query);

        int found = 0;

        for (ItemType type : ItemType.values()) {
            if (found >= 15) {
                actor.print("Too many results!");

            if (blocksOnly && type.getID() > 255) {

            if (itemsOnly && type.getID() <= 255) {

            for (String alias : type.getAliases()) {
                if (alias.contains(query)) {
                    actor.print("#" + type.getID() + " (" + type.getName() + ")");

Examples of lineage2.gameserver.templates.item.ItemType

    int enchant = item.getEnchantLevel();
    if(enchant == 0)
    ItemType itemType = item.getItemType();
    boolean isBlessed = item.getTemplate().isBlessedEquipment();
    boolean isTopGrade = false;
    int crystal = item.getTemplate().getCrystalType().cry;
    Integer bodyPart = item.getBodyPart();
    if(crystal == ItemTemplate.CRYSTAL_R)

Examples of net.glowstone.block.itemtype.ItemType

        // attempt to use item in hand
        // follows ALLOW/DENY: default to if no block was interacted with
        if (selectResult(event.useItemInHand(), !useInteractedBlock) && holding != null) {
            // call out to the item type to determine the appropriate right-click action
            ItemType type = ItemTable.instance().getItem(holding.getType());
            if (clicked == null) {
                type.rightClickAir(player, holding);
            } else {
                type.rightClickBlock(player, clicked, face, holding, clickedLoc);

        // if anything was actually clicked, make sure the player's up to date
        // in case something is unimplemented or otherwise screwy on our side

Examples of net.sf.gum.xml.v1.ItemType

    else if( value instanceof ItemType )

      ItemType itemType = (ItemType) value;

      super.setText( itemType.getTitle() );
      //---else, this is first time and there is no data so it is a DefaultMutableTreeNode

Examples of net.sf.saxon.s9api.ItemType


    public XdmAtomicValue getUntypedAtomic(XProcRuntime runtime) {
        try {
            ItemTypeFactory itf = new ItemTypeFactory(runtime.getProcessor());
            ItemType untypedAtomic = itf.getAtomicType(new QName(NamespaceConstant.SCHEMA, "xs:untypedAtomic"));
            XdmAtomicValue val = new XdmAtomicValue(value, untypedAtomic);
            return val;
        } catch (SaxonApiException sae) {
            throw new XProcException(sae);

Examples of net.sf.saxon.type.ItemType


    public Expression typeCheck(ExpressionVisitor visitor, ItemType contextItemType) throws XPathException {
        final TypeHierarchy th = visitor.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
        select = visitor.typeCheck(select, contextItemType);
        ItemType selectedItemType = select.getItemType(th);
        action = visitor.typeCheck(action, selectedItemType);
        key = visitor.typeCheck(key, selectedItemType);
        if (Literal.isEmptySequence(select)) {
            return select;

Examples of net.sf.saxon.type.ItemType

        if (Literal.isEmptySequence(action)) {
            return action;
        // Optimize the sort key definitions
        ItemType selectedItemType = select.getItemType(th);
        if (sortKeys != null) {
            for (int i=0; i<sortKeys.length; i++) {
                Expression sortKey = sortKeys[i].getSortKey();
                sortKey = visitor.optimize(sortKey, selectedItemType);

Examples of net.sf.saxon.type.ItemType

            boolean foundChild = false;
            boolean foundPossibleChild = false;
            int childNodeKinds = (1<<Type.TEXT | 1<<Type.ELEMENT | 1<<Type.COMMENT | 1<<Type.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION);
            for (int i=0; i<components.length; i++) {

                ItemType it = components[i].getItemType(th);
                if (it instanceof NodeTest) {
                    boolean maybeEmpty = Cardinality.allowsZero(components[i].getCardinality());
                    int possibleNodeKinds = ((NodeTest)it).getNodeKindMask();
                    if ((possibleNodeKinds & 1<<Type.TEXT) != 0) {
                        // the text node might turn out to be zero-length. If that's a possibility,

Examples of org.apache.vxquery.types.ItemType

    private SequenceType sequenceType;

    public boolean sequenceTypeMatch(TaggedValuePointable tvp) {
        byte tag = tvp.getTag();
        Quantifier stq = sequenceType.getQuantifier();
        ItemType it = sequenceType.getItemType();
        if (tag == ValueTag.SEQUENCE_TAG) {
            Quantifier vq = getSequenceQuantifier(seqp);
            if (stq.isSubQuantifier(vq)) {
                if (it instanceof AnyItemType) {
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