Examples of ItemState

Examples of org.exoplatform.services.jcr.dataflow.ItemState


      int sameNameIndex = 0;
      List<ItemState> changes = new ArrayList<ItemState>();
      ItemState deleteState = null;
      for (int j = 0; j < siblings.size(); j++)
         NodeData sdata = siblings.get(j);

         // calculating same name index
         if (sdata.getQPath().getName().getAsString().equals(srcPath.getName().getAsString()))

         // skeep unchanged
         if (sdata.getOrderNumber() == j)

         NodeData newData = sdata;
         // change same name index
         if (sdata.getQPath().getName().getAsString().equals(srcPath.getName().getAsString())
            && sdata.getQPath().getIndex() != sameNameIndex)
            // update with new index
            QPath siblingPath =
               QPath.makeChildPath(newData.getQPath().makeParentPath(), newData.getQPath().getName(), sameNameIndex);

            newData =
               new TransientNodeData(siblingPath, newData.getIdentifier(), newData.getPersistedVersion(),
                  newData.getPrimaryTypeName(), newData.getMixinTypeNames(), j, newData.getParentIdentifier(),
            newData =
               new TransientNodeData(newData.getQPath(), newData.getIdentifier(), newData.getPersistedVersion(),
                  newData.getPrimaryTypeName(), newData.getMixinTypeNames(), j, newData.getParentIdentifier(),

          * Re-ordering a set of Child Nodes. When an orderBefore(A, B) is
          * performed, an implementation must generate a NODE_REMOVED for node A
          * and a NODE_ADDED for node A. Note that the paths associated with these
          * two events will either differ by the last index number (if the movement
          * of A causes it to be re-ordered with respect to its same-name siblings)
          * or be identical (if A does not have same-name siblings or if the
          * movement of A does not change its order relative to its same-name
          * siblings). Additionally, an implementation should generate appropriate
          * events reflecting the "shifting" over of the node B and any nodes that
          * come after it in the child node ordering. Each such shifted node would
          * also produce a NODE_REMOVED and NODE_ADDED event pair with paths
          * differing at most by a final index.
         if (sdata.getQPath().equals(srcPath))
            deleteState = new ItemState(sdata, ItemState.DELETED, true, null, false, false);
            changes.add(new ItemState(newData, ItemState.UPDATED, true, null, false, true));
            ItemState state = ItemState.createUpdatedState(newData);
      // delete state first
      if (deleteState != null)
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.jcr.dataflow.ItemState


            mergeFailedRefs.add(new TransientValueData(offendingIdentifier));

         changes.add(new ItemState(mergeFailed, state, true, getInternalPath(), true));

         return res;

      catch (IOException e)
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.jcr.dataflow.ItemState

      NodeData nodeData =
         new TransientNodeData(path, identifier, -1, primaryTypeName, mixinTypeNames, orderNum,
            parentNode.getInternalIdentifier(), acl);

      // Create new Node
      ItemState state = ItemState.createAddedState(nodeData, false);
      NodeImpl node = (NodeImpl)dataManager.update(state, true);

      NodeTypeDataManager ntmanager = session.getWorkspace().getNodeTypesHolder();
      ItemAutocreator itemAutocreator = new ItemAutocreator(ntmanager, valueFactory, dataManager, true);
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.jcr.dataflow.ItemState

            nodeData.getPrimaryTypeName(), mixins, nodeData.getOrderNumber(), nodeData.getParentIdentifier(),

      //      ((TransientNodeData)data).setMixinTypeNames(mixins);

      dataManager.update(new ItemState(data, ItemState.MIXIN_CHANGED, false, null), false);
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.jcr.dataflow.ItemState

      permProp =
         new TransientPropertyData(permProp.getQPath(), permProp.getIdentifier(), permProp.getPersistedVersion(),
            permProp.getType(), permProp.getParentIdentifier(), permProp.isMultiValued(), permValues);

      dataManager.update(new ItemState(data, ItemState.MIXIN_CHANGED, false, null, true), false);
      dataManager.update(ItemState.createUpdatedState(permProp, true), false);

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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.jcr.dataflow.ItemState


   private TransactionChangesLog getNormalizedChangesLog(String collisionID, int state, TransactionChangesLog changesLog)
      ItemState citem = changesLog.getItemState(collisionID);

      if (citem != null)

         TransactionChangesLog result = new TransactionChangesLog();

         ChangesLogIterator cli = changesLog.getLogIterator();
         while (cli.hasNextLog())
            ArrayList<ItemState> normalized = new ArrayList<ItemState>();
            PlainChangesLog next = cli.nextLog();
            for (ItemState change : next.getAllStates())
               if (state == change.getState())
                  ItemData item = change.getData();
                  // targeted state
                  if (citem.isNode())
                     // Node... by ID and desc path
                     if (!item.getIdentifier().equals(collisionID)
                        && !item.getQPath().isDescendantOf(citem.getData().getQPath()))
                  else if (!item.getIdentifier().equals(collisionID))
                     // Property... by ID
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.jcr.dataflow.ItemState

      public void restore() throws IOException
         List<ItemState> listItemState = itemDataChangesLog.getAllStates();
         for (int i = 0; i < this.listFixupStream.size(); i++)
            ItemState itemState = listItemState.get(listFixupStream.get(i).getItemSateId());
            ItemData itemData = itemState.getData();

            PersistedPropertyData propertyData = (PersistedPropertyData)itemData;
            ValueData tvd =
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.jcr.dataflow.ItemState

                           // push current node as parent

                           // add current node to changes log.
                           // add node, no event fire, persisted, internally created, root is ancestor to save
                           changes.add(new ItemState(currentNode, ItemState.ADDED, false, Constants.ROOT_PATH, true,
                           log.warn("Node skipped name=" + svName + " id=" + exoId + ". Context node "
                              + (parents.size() > 0 ? parents.peek().getQPath().getAsString() : "/"));

                     else if (Constants.SV_PROPERTY.equals(lname))
                        String svName = reader.getAttributeValue(svURI, Constants.SV_NAME);
                        String exoId = reader.getAttributeValue(exoURI, Constants.EXO_ID);
                        String svType = reader.getAttributeValue(svURI, Constants.SV_TYPE);
                        if (svName != null && svType != null && exoId != null)
                           if (parents.size() > 0)
                              SVNodeData parent = parents.peek();
                              QPath currentPath =
                                 QPath.makeChildPath(parent.getQPath(), locationFactory.parseJCRName(svName)
                                 propertyType = PropertyType.valueFromName(svType);
                              catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
                                 propertyType = ExtendedPropertyType.valueFromName(svType);

                              // exo:multivalued optional, assigned for multivalued properties only
                              String exoMultivalued = reader.getAttributeValue(exoURI, Constants.EXO_MULTIVALUED);

                              currentProperty =
                                 new SVPropertyData(currentPath, exoId, 0, propertyType, parent.getIdentifier(),
                                    ("true".equals(exoMultivalued) ? true : false));
                              log.warn("Property can'b be first name=" + svName + " type=" + svType + " id=" + exoId
                                 + ". Node should be prior. Context node "
                                 + (parents.size() > 0 ? parents.peek().getQPath().getAsString() : "/"));
                           log.warn("Property skipped name=" + svName + " type=" + svType + " id=" + exoId
                              + ". Context node "
                              + (parents.size() > 0 ? parents.peek().getQPath().getAsString() : "/"));

                     else if (Constants.SV_VALUE.equals(lname) && propertyType != -1)
                        if (propertyType == PropertyType.BINARY)
                           propertyValue = new BinaryValueWriter();
                           propertyValue = new StringValueWriter();

               case StartElement.CHARACTERS : {
                  if (propertyValue != null)
                     // read property value text


               case StartElement.END_ELEMENT : {
                  String lname = reader.getLocalName();
                  String prefix = reader.getPrefix();
                  if (Constants.NS_SV_PREFIX.equals(prefix))
                     if (Constants.SV_NODE.equals(lname))
                        // change current context
                        // - pop parent from the stack
                        SVNodeData parent = parents.pop();
                        if (parent.getMixinTypeNames() == null)
                           // mixins cannot be null
                           parent.setMixinTypeNames(new InternalQName[0]);
                     else if (Constants.SV_PROPERTY.equals(lname))
                        // apply property to the current node and changes log
                        if (currentProperty != null)
                           SVNodeData parent = parents.peek();

                           // check NodeData specific properties
                           if (currentProperty.getQPath().getName().equals(Constants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE))
                              parent.setPrimartTypeName(InternalQName.parse(new String(currentProperty.getValues().get(
                           else if (currentProperty.getQPath().getName().equals(Constants.JCR_MIXINTYPES))
                              InternalQName[] mixins = new InternalQName[currentProperty.getValues().size()];
                              for (int i = 0; i < currentProperty.getValues().size(); i++)
                                 mixins[i] =
                                       .parse(new String(currentProperty.getValues().get(i).getAsByteArray()));

                           // add property, no event fire, persisted, internally created, root is ancestor to
                           // save
                           changes.add(new ItemState(currentProperty, ItemState.ADDED, false, Constants.ROOT_PATH,
                              true, true));

                           // reset property context
                           propertyType = -1;
                           currentProperty = null;
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.jcr.dataflow.ItemState

      values.add(new TransientValueData(type.getName()));

      PropertyData prop =
         (PropertyData)dataManager.getItemData(((NodeData)getData()), new QPathEntry(Constants.JCR_MIXINTYPES, 0),
      ItemState state;

      if (prop != null)
      {// there was mixin prop
         prop =
            new TransientPropertyData(prop.getQPath(), prop.getIdentifier(), prop.getPersistedVersion(),
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Examples of org.exoplatform.services.jcr.dataflow.ItemState


      if (newMixin.size() > 0)
         dataManager.update(new ItemState(prop, ItemState.UPDATED, true, ancestorToSave), false);
         dataManager.delete(prop, ancestorToSave);
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