Examples of InputPolicy

Examples of org.openquark.cal.compiler.io.InputPolicy

            // Everything else is supported normally.
            // Set the typeExpr for the target, the result, and the overloading resolver.

            ArrayList<Object> valueList = new ArrayList<Object>();
            InputPolicy inputPolicies[] = new InputPolicy[nArgs];
            TypeExpr[] argTypes = new TypeExpr[nArgs];
            for (int i = 0; i < nArgs; i++) {
                Object[] values = argValues[i].getInputJavaValues();
                inputPolicies[i] = argValues[i].getInputPolicy();
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Examples of org.openquark.cal.compiler.io.InputPolicy

            //but more complex input polices can have 0 or more arguments.
            int policyArgCount = 0;
            //create an application for each input policy
            for(int i=0; i < args.length; i++) {
                InputPolicy inputPolicy = inputPolicies[i];
                int nArgs = inputPolicy.getNArguments();
                SourceModel.Expr[] inputPolicyParts = new SourceModel.Expr[inputPolicy.getNArguments() + 1];
                inputPolicyParts[0] = inputPolicy.getMarshaler();
                //this loop is from 1 as the first element is always the inputPolicy itself, and then any arguments
                for (int j = 1; j <= nArgs; ++j) {
                    String argName = "arg_" + (policyArgCount);
                    ioPolicyParams.add(SourceModel.Parameter.make(argName, false));                   
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Examples of org.openquark.cal.compiler.io.InputPolicy

        int argCount = 0;
        List<SourceModel.Parameter> paramsForMarshaler = new ArrayList<SourceModel.Parameter>();
        for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) {
            InputPolicy childInputPolicy = childrenList.get(i).getInputPolicy();
            int nChildInputPolicyArgs = childInputPolicy.getNArguments();
            SourceModel.Expr[] childInputPolicyParts = new SourceModel.Expr[nChildInputPolicyArgs + 1];
            childInputPolicyParts[0] = childInputPolicy.getMarshaler();
            //this loop is from 1 as the first element is always the input policy itself
            for (int j = 1; j <= nChildInputPolicyArgs; j++) {
                String childArg = "arg_" + (argCount++);
                paramsForMarshaler.add(SourceModel.Parameter.make(childArg, false));   
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Examples of org.openquark.cal.compiler.io.InputPolicy

        int argCount = 0;
        List<SourceModel.Parameter> paramsForMarshaler = new ArrayList<SourceModel.Parameter>();
        for (int i = 0; i < tupleDim; i++) {
            InputPolicy componentInputPolicy = tupleValue.get(i).getInputPolicy();
            int nComponentInputPolicyArgs = componentInputPolicy.getNArguments();           
            SourceModel.Expr[] componentInputPolicyArgs = new SourceModel.Expr[nComponentInputPolicyArgs + 1];
            componentInputPolicyArgs[0] = componentInputPolicy.getMarshaler();

            //this loop is from 1 as the first element is always the input policy itself
            for (int j = 1; j <= nComponentInputPolicyArgs; j++) {               
                String componentArg = "arg_" + (argCount++);
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Examples of org.openquark.cal.compiler.io.InputPolicy

        int argCount = 0;
        List<SourceModel.Parameter> paramsForMarshaler = new ArrayList<SourceModel.Parameter>();
        for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
            InputPolicy elementInputPolicy = listValue.get(i).getInputPolicy();
            int nElementInputPolicyArgs = elementInputPolicy.getNArguments();
            SourceModel.Expr[] elementInputPolicyArgs = new SourceModel.Expr[nElementInputPolicyArgs + 1];
            elementInputPolicyArgs[0] = elementInputPolicy.getMarshaler();

            //this loop is from 1 as the first element is always the input policy itself
            for (int j = 1; j <= nElementInputPolicyArgs; j++) {
                String elementArg = "arg_" + (argCount++);               
                paramsForMarshaler.add(SourceModel.Parameter.make(elementArg, false));
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Examples of org.openquark.cal.compiler.io.InputPolicy

        int argCount = 0;
        List<SourceModel.Parameter> paramsForMarshaler = new ArrayList<SourceModel.Parameter>();
        for (int i = 0; i < nFields; i++) {
            InputPolicy fieldInputPolicy = fieldNodes.get(i).getInputPolicy();
            int nFieldInputPolicyArgs = fieldInputPolicy.getNArguments();
            SourceModel.Expr[] fieldInputPolicyArgs = new SourceModel.Expr[nFieldInputPolicyArgs + 1];
            fieldInputPolicyArgs[0] = fieldInputPolicy.getMarshaler();

            //this loop is from 1 as the first element is always the input policy itself
            for (int j = 1; j <= nFieldInputPolicyArgs; j++) {
                String fieldArg = "arg_" + (argCount++);
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