Examples of IndexShard

Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard

    protected ViewResponse shardOperation(ViewRequest request, int shardId) throws ElasticSearchException {

        // Get the doc first
        IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexService(request.index());
        IndexShard indexShard = indexService.shardSafe(shardId);
        GetResult getResult = indexShard.getService().get(request.type(), request.id(), null, false);

        if (!getResult.exists()) {
            throw new ElasticSearchIllegalArgumentException("Document not found, cannot render view");
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard

    @Override protected ShardFlushResponse newShardResponse() {
        return new ShardFlushResponse();

    @Override protected ShardFlushResponse shardOperation(ShardFlushRequest request) throws ElasticSearchException {
        IndexShard indexShard = indicesService.indexServiceSafe(request.index()).shardSafe(request.shardId());
        indexShard.flush(new Engine.Flush().refresh(request.refresh()).full(request.full()));
        return new ShardFlushResponse(request.index(), request.shardId());
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard

    private void applyInitializingShard(final RoutingTable routingTable, final DiscoveryNodes nodes, final IndexShardRoutingTable indexShardRouting, final ShardRouting shardRouting) throws ElasticSearchException {
        final IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexServiceSafe(shardRouting.index());
        final int shardId = shardRouting.id();

        if (indexService.hasShard(shardId)) {
            IndexShard indexShard = indexService.shardSafe(shardId);
            if (indexShard.state() == IndexShardState.STARTED) {
                // the master thinks we are initializing, but we are already started
                // (either master failover, or a cluster event before we managed to tell the master we started), mark us as started
                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    logger.trace("[{}][{}] master [{}] marked shard as initializing, but shard already created, mark shard as started");
                shardStateAction.shardStarted(shardRouting, "master " + nodes.masterNode() + " marked shard as initializing, but shard already started, mark shard as started");
            } else {
                if (indexShard.ignoreRecoveryAttempt()) {
        // if there is no shard, create it
        if (!indexService.hasShard(shardId)) {
            try {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("[{}][{}] creating shard", shardRouting.index(), shardId);
                InternalIndexShard indexShard = (InternalIndexShard) indexService.createShard(shardId);
            } catch (IndexShardAlreadyExistsException e) {
                // ignore this, the method call can happen several times
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.warn("[{}][{}] failed to create shard", e, shardRouting.index(), shardRouting.id());
                try {
                    indexService.removeShard(shardId, "failed to create [" + ExceptionsHelper.detailedMessage(e) + "]");
                } catch (IndexShardMissingException e1) {
                    // ignore
                } catch (Exception e1) {
                    logger.warn("[{}][{}] failed to remove shard after failed creation", e1, shardRouting.index(), shardRouting.id());
                shardStateAction.shardFailed(shardRouting, "Failed to create shard, message [" + detailedMessage(e) + "]");
            } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
                logger.warn("[{}][{}] failed to create shard", e, shardRouting.index(), shardRouting.id());
                try {
                    indexService.removeShard(shardId, "failed to create [" + ExceptionsHelper.detailedMessage(e) + "]");
                } catch (IndexShardMissingException e1) {
                    // ignore
                } catch (Exception e1) {
                    logger.warn("[{}][{}] failed to remove shard after failed creation", e1, shardRouting.index(), shardRouting.id());
                shardStateAction.shardFailed(shardRouting, "Failed to create shard, message [" + detailedMessage(e) + "]");
        final InternalIndexShard indexShard = (InternalIndexShard) indexService.shardSafe(shardId);

        if (indexShard.ignoreRecoveryAttempt()) {
            // we are already recovering (we can get to this state since the cluster event can happen several
            // times while we recover)

        if (!shardRouting.primary()) {
            // recovery from primary
            IndexShardRoutingTable shardRoutingTable = routingTable.index(shardRouting.index()).shard(shardRouting.id());
            for (ShardRouting entry : shardRoutingTable) {
                if (entry.primary() && entry.started()) {
                    // only recover from started primary, if we can't find one, we will do it next round
                    final DiscoveryNode sourceNode = nodes.get(entry.currentNodeId());
                    try {
                        // we are recovering a backup from a primary, so no need to mark it as relocated
                        final StartRecoveryRequest request = new StartRecoveryRequest(indexShard.shardId(), sourceNode, nodes.localNode(), false, indexShard.store().list());
                        recoveryTarget.startRecovery(request, false, new PeerRecoveryListener(request, shardRouting, indexService));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        handleRecoveryFailure(indexService, shardRouting, true, e);
        } else {
            if (shardRouting.relocatingNodeId() == null) {
                // we are the first primary, recover from the gateway
                // if its post api allocation, the index should exists
                boolean indexShouldExists = indexShardRouting.allocatedPostApi();
                IndexShardGatewayService shardGatewayService = indexService.shardInjector(shardId).getInstance(IndexShardGatewayService.class);
                shardGatewayService.recover(indexShouldExists, new IndexShardGatewayService.RecoveryListener() {
                    @Override public void onRecoveryDone() {
                        shardStateAction.shardStarted(shardRouting, "after recovery from gateway");

                    @Override public void onIgnoreRecovery(String reason) {

                    @Override public void onRecoveryFailed(IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException e) {
                        handleRecoveryFailure(indexService, shardRouting, true, e);
            } else {
                // relocating primaries, recovery from the relocating shard
                final DiscoveryNode sourceNode = nodes.get(shardRouting.relocatingNodeId());
                try {
                    // we don't mark this one as relocated at the end, requests in any case are routed to both when its relocating
                    // and that way we handle the edge case where its mark as relocated, and we might need to roll it back...
                    final StartRecoveryRequest request = new StartRecoveryRequest(indexShard.shardId(), sourceNode, nodes.localNode(), false, indexShard.store().list());
                    recoveryTarget.startRecovery(request, false, new PeerRecoveryListener(request, shardRouting, indexService));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    handleRecoveryFailure(indexService, shardRouting, true, e);
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard

    private class FailedEngineHandler implements Engine.FailedEngineListener {
        @Override public void onFailedEngine(final ShardId shardId, final Throwable failure) {
            ShardRouting shardRouting = null;
            final IndexService indexService = indicesService.indexService(shardId.index().name());
            if (indexService != null) {
                IndexShard indexShard = indexService.shard(shardId.id());
                if (indexShard != null) {
                    shardRouting = indexShard.routingEntry();
            if (shardRouting == null) {
                logger.warn("[{}][{}] engine failed, but can't find index shard", shardId.index().name(), shardId.id());
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard

    @Override public IndexShard shard(int shardId) {
        return shards.get(shardId);

    @Override public IndexShard shardSafe(int shardId) throws IndexShardMissingException {
        IndexShard indexShard = shard(shardId);
        if (indexShard == null) {
            throw new IndexShardMissingException(new ShardId(index, shardId));
        return indexShard;
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard

        Injector shardInjector = modules.createChildInjector(injector);

        shardsInjectors = newMapBuilder(shardsInjectors).put(shardId.id(), shardInjector).immutableMap();

        IndexShard indexShard = shardInjector.getInstance(IndexShard.class);


        shards = newMapBuilder(shards).put(shardId.id(), indexShard).immutableMap();
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard

        deleteShard(shardId, false, false, false, reason);

    private void deleteShard(int shardId, boolean delete, boolean snapshotGateway, boolean deleteGateway, String reason) throws ElasticSearchException {
        Injector shardInjector;
        IndexShard indexShard;
        synchronized (this) {
            Map<Integer, Injector> tmpShardInjectors = newHashMap(shardsInjectors);
            shardInjector = tmpShardInjectors.remove(shardId);
            if (shardInjector == null) {
                if (!delete) {
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard

        return percolator.percolate(request);

    private void loadQueries(String indexName) {
        IndexService indexService = percolatorIndexService();
        IndexShard shard = indexService.shard(0);
        shard.refresh(new Engine.Refresh(true));
        Engine.Searcher searcher = shard.searcher();
        try {
            // create a query to fetch all queries that are registered under the index name (which is the type
            // in the percolator).
            Query query = new DeletionAwareConstantScoreQuery(indexQueriesFilter(indexName));
            QueriesLoaderCollector queries = new QueriesLoaderCollector();
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard

                throw new PercolateIndexUnavailable(new Index(PercolatorService.INDEX_NAME));
            if (percolatorIndex.numberOfShards() == 0) {
                throw new PercolateIndexUnavailable(new Index(PercolatorService.INDEX_NAME));
            IndexShard percolatorShard = percolatorIndex.shard(0);
            Engine.Searcher percolatorSearcher = percolatorShard.searcher();
            try {
                percolatorSearcher.searcher().search(request.query(), new QueryCollector(logger, queries, searcher, percolatorIndex, matches));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                logger.warn("failed to execute", e);
            } finally {
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Examples of org.elasticsearch.index.shard.service.IndexShard

        return clusterState.routingTable().index(request.index()).shard(request.shardId()).shardsIt();

    @Override protected PrimaryResponse<BulkShardResponse> shardOperationOnPrimary(ClusterState clusterState, ShardOperationRequest shardRequest) {
        final BulkShardRequest request = shardRequest.request;
        IndexShard indexShard = indexShard(shardRequest);

        Engine.IndexingOperation[] ops = null;

        BulkItemResponse[] responses = new BulkItemResponse[request.items().length];
        for (int i = 0; i < request.items().length; i++) {
            BulkItemRequest item = request.items()[i];
            if (item.request() instanceof IndexRequest) {
                IndexRequest indexRequest = (IndexRequest) item.request();
                try {

                    // validate, if routing is required, that we got routing
                    MappingMetaData mappingMd = clusterState.metaData().index(request.index()).mapping(indexRequest.type());
                    if (mappingMd != null && mappingMd.routing().required()) {
                        if (indexRequest.routing() == null) {
                            throw new RoutingMissingException(indexRequest.index(), indexRequest.type(), indexRequest.id());

                    SourceToParse sourceToParse = SourceToParse.source(indexRequest.source()).type(indexRequest.type()).id(indexRequest.id())
                    long version;
                    Engine.IndexingOperation op;
                    if (indexRequest.opType() == IndexRequest.OpType.INDEX) {
                        Engine.Index index = indexShard.prepareIndex(sourceToParse).version(indexRequest.version()).versionType(indexRequest.versionType()).origin(Engine.Operation.Origin.PRIMARY);
                        version = index.version();
                        op = index;
                    } else {
                        Engine.Create create = indexShard.prepareCreate(sourceToParse).version(indexRequest.version()).versionType(indexRequest.versionType()).origin(Engine.Operation.Origin.PRIMARY);
                        version = create.version();
                        op = create;
                    // update the version on request so it will happen on the replicas

                    // update mapping on master if needed, we won't update changes to the same type, since once its changed, it won't have mappers added
                    if (op.parsedDoc().mappersAdded()) {

                    // if we are going to percolate, then we need to keep this op for the postPrimary operation
                    if (Strings.hasLength(indexRequest.percolate())) {
                        if (ops == null) {
                            ops = new Engine.IndexingOperation[request.items().length];
                        ops[i] = op;

                    // add the response
                    responses[i] = new BulkItemResponse(item.id(), indexRequest.opType().toString().toLowerCase(),
                            new IndexResponse(indexRequest.index(), indexRequest.type(), indexRequest.id(), version));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.debug("[{}][{}] failed to bulk item (index) {}", e, shardRequest.request.index(), shardRequest.shardId, indexRequest);
                    responses[i] = new BulkItemResponse(item.id(), indexRequest.opType().toString().toLowerCase(),
                            new BulkItemResponse.Failure(indexRequest.index(), indexRequest.type(), indexRequest.id(), ExceptionsHelper.detailedMessage(e)));
            } else if (item.request() instanceof DeleteRequest) {
                DeleteRequest deleteRequest = (DeleteRequest) item.request();
                try {
                    Engine.Delete delete = indexShard.prepareDelete(deleteRequest.type(), deleteRequest.id(), deleteRequest.version()).versionType(deleteRequest.versionType()).origin(Engine.Operation.Origin.PRIMARY);
                    // update the request with teh version so it will go to the replicas

                    // add the response
                    responses[i] = new BulkItemResponse(item.id(), "delete",
                            new DeleteResponse(deleteRequest.index(), deleteRequest.type(), deleteRequest.id(), delete.version(), delete.notFound()));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.debug("[{}][{}] failed to bulk item (delete) {}", e, shardRequest.request.index(), shardRequest.shardId, deleteRequest);
                    responses[i] = new BulkItemResponse(item.id(), "delete",
                            new BulkItemResponse.Failure(deleteRequest.index(), deleteRequest.type(), deleteRequest.id(), ExceptionsHelper.detailedMessage(e)));

        if (request.refresh()) {
            try {
                indexShard.refresh(new Engine.Refresh(false));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // ignore
        BulkShardResponse response = new BulkShardResponse(new ShardId(request.index(), request.shardId()), responses);
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