Examples of HeaderMap

Examples of io.undertow.util.HeaderMap

        if (!connection.isUpgradeSupported()) {
            throw UndertowMessages.MESSAGES.upgradeNotSupported();
        final HeaderMap headers = getResponseHeaders();
        headers.put(Headers.UPGRADE, productName);
        headers.put(Headers.CONNECTION, Headers.UPGRADE_STRING);
        return this;
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Examples of io.undertow.util.HeaderMap

    private HttpTransferEncoding() {

    public static void setupRequest(final HttpServerExchange exchange) {
        final HeaderMap requestHeaders = exchange.getRequestHeaders();
        final String connectionHeader = requestHeaders.getFirst(Headers.CONNECTION);
        final String transferEncodingHeader = requestHeaders.getLast(Headers.TRANSFER_ENCODING);
        final String contentLengthHeader = requestHeaders.getFirst(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH);

        final HttpServerConnection connection = (HttpServerConnection) exchange.getConnection();
        //if we are already using the pipelineing buffer add it to the exchange
        PipeliningBufferingStreamSinkConduit pipeliningBuffer = connection.getPipelineBuffer();
        if (pipeliningBuffer != null) {
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Examples of io.undertow.util.HeaderMap

            //this will just discard the data
            //we still go through with the rest of the logic, to make sure all headers are set correctly
            channel = new HeadStreamSinkConduit(channel, terminateResponseListener(exchange));

        final HeaderMap responseHeaders = exchange.getResponseHeaders();
        // test to see if we're still persistent
        String connection = responseHeaders.getFirst(Headers.CONNECTION);
        if (!exchange.isPersistent()) {
            responseHeaders.put(Headers.CONNECTION, Headers.CLOSE.toString());
        } else if (exchange.isPersistent() && connection != null) {
            if (HttpString.tryFromString(connection).equals(Headers.CLOSE)) {
        } else if (exchange.getConnection().getUndertowOptions().get(UndertowOptions.ALWAYS_SET_KEEP_ALIVE, true)) {
            responseHeaders.put(Headers.CONNECTION, Headers.KEEP_ALIVE.toString());
        //according to the HTTP RFC we should ignore content length if a transfer coding is specified
        final String transferEncodingHeader = responseHeaders.getLast(Headers.TRANSFER_ENCODING);
        if(transferEncodingHeader == null) {
            final String contentLengthHeader = responseHeaders.getFirst(Headers.CONTENT_LENGTH);
            if (contentLengthHeader != null) {
                StreamSinkConduit res = handleFixedLength(exchange, headRequest, channel, responseHeaders, contentLengthHeader, serverConnection);
                if (res != null) {
                    return res;
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Examples of io.undertow.util.HeaderMap


    void responseReady(SpdySynReplyStreamSourceChannel result) {
        this.response = result;
        HeaderMap headers = result.getHeaders();
        final String status = result.getHeaders().getFirst(SpdyClientConnection.STATUS);
        int statusCode = 500;
        if (status != null && status.length() > 3) {
            statusCode = Integer.parseInt(status.substring(0, 3));
        clientResponse = new ClientResponse(statusCode, status.substring(3), clientRequest.getProtocol(), headers);
        if (responseListener != null) {
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Examples of io.undertow.util.HeaderMap

            //just add it to this buffer to make managing state easier
        //we just assume it will fit
        HeaderMap trailers = attachable.getAttachment(HttpAttachments.RESPONSE_TRAILERS);
        if (trailers != null && trailers.size() != 0) {
            for (HeaderValues trailer : trailers) {
                for (String val : trailer) {
                    lastChunkBuffer.put((byte) ':');
                    lastChunkBuffer.put((byte) ' ');
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Examples of org.asynchttpclient.simple.HeaderMap


        private void fireHeaders(HttpResponseHeaders headers) {
            if (listener != null) {
                listener.onHeaders(uri, new HeaderMap(headers.getHeaders()));
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Examples of org.httpkit.HeaderMap

class SingleThreadHandler implements IHandler {

    public static final String body = "Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.Run the script below in the context of a web page and click on the page once. You'll see a message popping up in a second. If you keep clicking on the page once in a second, the alert never appears.";

    public void handle(HttpRequest request, RespCallback cb) {
        HeaderMap map = new HeaderMap();
        map.put("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
        ByteBuffer[] bytes = HttpEncode(200, map, SingleThreadHandler.body);
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