Examples of GssSharepointPermission

Examples of com.google.enterprise.connector.sharepoint.generated.gssacl.GssSharepointPermission

              + principal.getType() + " ]  is unavailable");

        // Handle Permissions
        GssSharepointPermission permissions = ace.getPermission();
        if (null == permissions) {
          LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "No permissions found for Principal [ "
              + principal.getName() + " ] ");
        // Check to determine whether the object-type of the document is list
        // list-item or site.

        ObjectType objectType = ObjectType.ITEM;

        if (document.getObjType().equals(SPConstants.SITE)) {
          objectType = ObjectType.SITE_LANDING_PAGE;
        } else if (null != document.getParentList()) {
          if (document.getParentList().getPrimaryKey().equals(
                  document.getFeedType()))) {
            objectType = ObjectType.LIST;
        final String principalName = getPrincipalName(principal);
        String siteCollUrl = wsResult.getSiteCollectionUrl();
        String[] deniedPermissions = permissions.getDeniedPermission();
        if (null != deniedPermissions) {
          Set<RoleType> deniedRoleTypes =
              getRoleTypesFor(deniedPermissions, objectType);
          if (deniedRoleTypes.size() > 0) {
            LOGGER.fine("Denied Permission list "
                + Arrays.asList(permissions.getDeniedPermission())
                + " for the User " + principalName);
            LOGGER.fine("Principal [" + principalName
                + "] Denied Role Types [ " + deniedRoleTypes + " ]");
            // Pass denied permissions only if Peeker or Reader role is denied.
            if (deniedRoleTypes.contains(RoleType.PEEKER)
                || deniedRoleTypes.contains(RoleType.READER)) {
              if (supportsDenyAcls) {
                LOGGER.fine("Processing Deny permissions"
                    + " for Principal ["+ principalName + "]");
                processPrincipal(principal, aclDenyUsers, aclDenyGroups,
                    principalName, siteCollUrl, memberships, webState);
              } else {
                // Skipping ACL as denied ACLs are not supported as per
                // Traversal Context.
                LOGGER.warning("Skipping ACL as Deny permissions are detected"
                    + "for Document [" + entityUrl + "] for Principal ["
                    + principalName + " ] when Supports Deny ACL ["
                    + supportsDenyAcls + "].");
                continue ACL;
        LOGGER.fine("Permission list "
            + Arrays.asList(permissions.getAllowedPermissions())
            + " for the User " + principalName);
        Set<RoleType> allowedRoleTypes =
            getRoleTypesFor(permissions.getAllowedPermissions(), objectType);
        if (!allowedRoleTypes.isEmpty()) {
          LOGGER.fine("Principal [ "+ principalName
              + " ] Allowed Role Types [ "+ allowedRoleTypes + " ]");
          // Pass allowed permissions only if role other than Peeker is allowed.
          if (allowedRoleTypes.contains(RoleType.READER)
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