Examples of GoFile

Examples of ro.redeul.google.go.lang.psi.GoFile

        assertEquals(GoLiteral.Type.Char, aChar.getType());
        assertEquals('ሴ', (char)aChar.getValue());

    public void testRune() throws Exception {
        GoFile file = get(
                parse("" +
                        "package main\n" +
                        "var (\n" +
                        "     x0 = '1'\n" +
                        "     x1 = 'a'\n" +
                        "     x2 = 'ä'\n" +
                        "     x3 = '本'\n" +
                        "     x4 = '\\t'\n" +
                        "     x5 = '\\000'\n" +
                        "     x6 = '\\007'\n" +
                        "     x7 = '\\377'\n" +
                        "     x8 = '\\x07'\n" +
                        "     x9 = '\\xff'\n" +
                        "     x10 = '\\u12e4'\n" +
                        "     x11 = '\\U00101234'\n" +
                        "     x12 = '\\\\'\n" +
                        "     x13 = '\\\''\n" +

        HashMap<Integer,Integer> testRuneValues = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

        testRuneValues.put(0, 49);
        testRuneValues.put(1, 97);
        testRuneValues.put(2, 228);
        testRuneValues.put(3, 26412);
        testRuneValues.put(4, 9);
        testRuneValues.put(5, 0);
        testRuneValues.put(6, 7);
        testRuneValues.put(7, 255);
        testRuneValues.put(8, 7);
        testRuneValues.put(9, 255);
        testRuneValues.put(10, 4836);
        testRuneValues.put(11, 1053236);
        testRuneValues.put(12, 92);
        testRuneValues.put(13, 39);

        GoVarDeclaration[] declarations =

        GoLiteralChar aChar;

        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : testRuneValues.entrySet()) {
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