Examples of EqualUsesAnalysis

Examples of soot.jimple.toolkits.scalar.EqualUsesAnalysis

      // Get supporting info and analyses
      MHGPostDominatorsFinder pd = new MHGPostDominatorsFinder(new BriefUnitGraph(sm.getActiveBody()));
      EqualUsesAnalysis lif = new EqualUsesAnalysis(g);
      TransitiveTargets runMethodTargets = new TransitiveTargets( callGraph, new Filter(new RunMethodsPred()) );
      // Build a map from start stmt to possible run methods,
      // and a map from start stmt to possible allocation nodes,
      // and a map from start stmt to guaranteed join stmt
      Iterator<Stmt> startIt = startStatements.iterator();
      while (startIt.hasNext())
        Stmt start = startIt.next();
        List<SootMethod> runMethodsList = new ArrayList<SootMethod>(); // will be a list of possible run methods called by this start stmt
        List<AllocNode> allocNodesList = new ArrayList<AllocNode>(); // will be a list of possible allocation nodes for the thread object that's getting started
        // Get possible thread objects (may alias)
        Value startObject = ((InstanceInvokeExpr) (start).getInvokeExpr()).getBase();
        PointsToSetInternal pts = (PointsToSetInternal) pag.reachingObjects((Local) startObject);
        List<AllocNode> mayAlias = getMayAliasList(pts);
        if( mayAlias.size() < 1 )
          continue; // If the may alias is empty, this must be dead code
        // For each possible thread object, get run method
        Iterator<MethodOrMethodContext> mayRunIt = runMethodTargets.iterator( start ); // fails for some call graphs
        while( mayRunIt.hasNext() )
          SootMethod runMethod = (SootMethod) mayRunIt.next();
          if( runMethod.getSubSignature().equals("void run()") )
        // If haven't found any run methods, then use the type of the startObject,
        // and add run from it and all subclasses
        if(runMethodsList.isEmpty() && ((RefType) startObject.getType()).getSootClass().isApplicationClass())
          List<SootClass> threadClasses = hierarchy.getSubclassesOfIncluding( ((RefType) startObject.getType()).getSootClass() );
          Iterator<SootClass> threadClassesIt = threadClasses.iterator();
            SootClass currentClass = threadClassesIt.next();
            if( currentClass.declaresMethod("void run()") )             
              runMethodsList.add(currentClass.getMethod("void run()"));

        // For each possible thread object, get alloc node
        Iterator<AllocNode> mayAliasIt = mayAlias.iterator();
        while( mayAliasIt.hasNext() )
          AllocNode allocNode = mayAliasIt.next();
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't find run method for: " + startObject)
            if( allocNode.getType() instanceof RefType )
              List threadClasses = hierarchy.getSubclassesOf(((RefType) allocNode.getType()).getSootClass());
              Iterator threadClassesIt = threadClasses.iterator();
                SootClass currentClass = (SootClass) threadClassesIt.next();
                if( currentClass.declaresMethod("void run()") )             
                  runMethodsList.add(currentClass.getMethod("void run()"));
        // Add this start stmt to both maps
        startToRunMethods.put(start, runMethodsList);
        startToAllocNodes.put(start, allocNodesList);
        // does this start stmt match any join stmt???
        Iterator<Stmt> joinIt = joinStatements.iterator();
        while (joinIt.hasNext())
          Stmt join = joinIt.next();
          Value joinObject = ((InstanceInvokeExpr) (join).getInvokeExpr()).getBase();
          // If startObject and joinObject MUST be the same, and if join post-dominates start
          List barriers = new ArrayList();
          barriers.addAll(g.getSuccsOf(join)); // definitions of the start variable are tracked until they pass a join
          if( lif.areEqualUses( start, (Local) startObject, join, (Local) joinObject, barriers) )
            if((pd.getDominators(start)).contains(join)) // does join post-dominate start?
//              G.v().out.println("START-JOIN PAIR: " + start + ", " + join);
              startToJoin.put(start, join); // then this join always joins this start's thread
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