Package com.xuggle.xuggler

Examples of com.xuggle.xuggler.IContainer

  public void testCreateSDPData()
    IContainerFormat format = IContainerFormat.make();
    format.setOutputFormat("rtp", null, null);
    IContainer container = IContainer.make();"rtp://", IContainer.Type.WRITE, format);
    IStream stream = container.addNewStream(0);
    IStreamCoder coder = stream.getStreamCoder();
    IBuffer buffer = IBuffer.make(null, 4192);
    int len = container.createSDPData(buffer);
    assertTrue(len > 1);
    byte[] stringBuf = new byte[len-1];
    buffer.get(0, stringBuf, 0, stringBuf.length);
    String sdp = new String(stringBuf);
    log.debug("SDP({}) = {}", sdp.length(), sdp);
    String otherSdp = container.createSDPData();
    assertEquals(sdp, otherSdp);
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        logger.trace("Opening stream in a Xuggler container using format {}",
        IContainer container = IContainer.make();
        XugglerException.throwIfInError(, format));

        logger.trace("Looking for first audio stream in container");
        int streamId = -1;
        IStreamCoder audioCoder = null;
        int numStreams = container.getNumStreams();
        for (int num = 0; num < numStreams; num++) {
            IStream stream = container.getStream(num);
            IStreamCoder coder = stream.getStreamCoder();
            if (coder.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO) {
                streamId = num;
                audioCoder = coder;
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    public JizzTrackInfo read(InputStream in) throws IOException,
            UnsupportedTrackTypeException {
        logger.trace("Opening stream in a Xuggler container");
        IContainer container = IContainer.make();
        XugglerException.throwIfInError(, null));
        try {
            IMetaData metadata = container.getMetaData();
            logger.trace("Got Xuggler metadata: {}", metadata);
            return new XugglerTrackInfoImpl(metadata);
        } finally {
            logger.trace("Closing Xuggler container");
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      throw new IllegalArgumentException("must pass in a filename as the first argument");
    String filename = args[0];
    // Create a Xuggler container object
    IContainer container = IContainer.make();
    // Open up the container
    if (, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not open file: " + filename);
    // query how many streams the call to open found
    int numStreams = container.getNumStreams();
    // and iterate through the streams to find the first audio stream
    int audioStreamId = -1;
    IStreamCoder audioCoder = null;
    for(int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
      // Find the stream object
      IStream stream = container.getStream(i);
      // Get the pre-configured decoder that can decode this stream;
      IStreamCoder coder = stream.getStreamCoder();
      if (coder.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
        audioStreamId = i;
        audioCoder = coder;
    if (audioStreamId == -1)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not find audio stream in container: "+filename);
     * Now we have found the audio stream in this file.  Let's open up our decoder so it can
     * do work.
    if (, null) < 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not open audio decoder for container: "+filename);
     * And once we have that, we ask the Java Sound System to get itself ready.
     * Now, we start walking through the container looking at each packet.
    IPacket packet = IPacket.make();
    while(container.readNextPacket(packet) >= 0)
       * Now we have a packet, let's see if it belongs to our audio stream
      if (packet.getStreamIndex() == audioStreamId)
         * We allocate a set of samples with the same number of channels as the
         * coder tells us is in this buffer.
         * We also pass in a buffer size (1024 in our example), although Xuggler
         * will probably allocate more space than just the 1024 (it's not important why).
        IAudioSamples samples = IAudioSamples.make(1024, audioCoder.getChannels());
         * A packet can actually contain multiple sets of samples (or frames of samples
         * in audio-decoding speak).  So, we may need to call decode audio multiple
         * times at different offsets in the packet's data.  We capture that here.
        int offset = 0;
         * Keep going until we've processed all data
        while(offset < packet.getSize())
          int bytesDecoded = audioCoder.decodeAudio(samples, packet, offset);
          if (bytesDecoded < 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("got error decoding audio in: " + filename);
          offset += bytesDecoded;
           * Some decoder will consume data in a packet, but will not be able to construct
           * a full set of samples yet.  Therefore you should always check if you
           * got a complete set of samples from the decoder
          if (samples.isComplete())
         * This packet isn't part of our audio stream, so we just silently drop it.
        do {} while(false);
     * Technically since we're exiting anyway, these will be cleaned up by
     * the garbage collector... but because we're nice people and want
     * to be invited places for Christmas, we're going to show how to clean up.
    if (audioCoder != null)
      audioCoder = null;
    if (container !=null)
      container = null;
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          musicPath = mp;

        public IMediaWriter addMusic(int streamIndex, IMediaWriter orangeMovie,long total)
                IContainer container = IContainer.make();      
                System.out.println("Adding music");
                if (, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
                      throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not open file");

                int numStreams = container.getNumStreams();

                int audioStreamId = -1;
                IStreamCoder audioCoder = null;
                for(int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
                        IStream stream = container.getStream(i);
                    IStreamCoder coder = stream.getStreamCoder();

                    if (coder.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
                        audioStreamId = i;
                        audioCoder = coder;

                if (audioStreamId == -1)
                        throw new RuntimeException("could not find audio stream in container");
                IPacket packet = IPacket.make();
                long timer = 0;
                boolean stoper = false;
                while(stoper == false)
                    if (packet.getStreamIndex() == audioStreamId)
                        IAudioSamples samples = IAudioSamples.make(512, audioCoder.getChannels(),IAudioSamples.Format.FMT_S16 );
                        int offset = 0;
                        while(offset < packet.getSize())
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        "you must install the GPL version of Xuggler (with IVideoResampler" +
        " support) for this demo to work");

    // create a Xuggler container object

    IContainer container = IContainer.make();

    // open up the container

    if (, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not open file: " + filename);

    // query how many streams the call to open found

    int numStreams = container.getNumStreams();

    // and iterate through the streams to find the first video stream

    int videoStreamId = -1;
    IStreamCoder videoCoder = null;
    for(int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
      // find the stream object

      IStream stream = container.getStream(i);

      // get the pre-configured decoder that can decode this stream;

      IStreamCoder coder = stream.getStreamCoder();

      if (coder.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO)
        videoStreamId = i;
        videoCoder = coder;

    if (videoStreamId == -1)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not find video stream in container: "+filename);

    // Now we have found the video stream in this file.  Let's open up
    // our decoder so it can do work

    if ( < 0)
      throw new RuntimeException(
        "could not open video decoder for container: " + filename);

    IVideoResampler resampler = null;
    if (videoCoder.getPixelType() != IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24)
      // if this stream is not in BGR24, we're going to need to
      // convert it.  The VideoResampler does that for us.

      resampler = IVideoResampler.make(
        videoCoder.getWidth(), videoCoder.getHeight(), IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24,
        videoCoder.getWidth(), videoCoder.getHeight(), videoCoder.getPixelType());
      if (resampler == null)
        throw new RuntimeException(
          "could not create color space resampler for: " + filename);

    // Now, we start walking through the container looking at each packet.

    IPacket packet = IPacket.make();
    while(container.readNextPacket(packet) >= 0)
      // Now we have a packet, let's see if it belongs to our video strea

      if (packet.getStreamIndex() == videoStreamId)
        // We allocate a new picture to get the data out of Xuggle

        IVideoPicture picture = IVideoPicture.make(videoCoder.getPixelType(),
            videoCoder.getWidth(), videoCoder.getHeight());

        int offset = 0;
        while(offset < packet.getSize())
          // Now, we decode the video, checking for any errors.

          int bytesDecoded = videoCoder.decodeVideo(picture, packet, offset);
          if (bytesDecoded < 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("got error decoding video in: " + filename);
          offset += bytesDecoded;
          // Some decoders will consume data in a packet, but will not
          // be able to construct a full video picture yet.  Therefore
          // you should always check if you got a complete picture from
          // the decode.

          if (picture.isComplete())
            IVideoPicture newPic = picture;
            // If the resampler is not null, it means we didn't get the
            // video in BGR24 format and need to convert it into BGR24
            // format.

            if (resampler != null)
              // we must resample
              newPic = IVideoPicture.make(
                resampler.getOutputPixelFormat(), picture.getWidth(),
              if (resampler.resample(newPic, picture) < 0)
                throw new RuntimeException(
                  "could not resample video from: " + filename);

            if (newPic.getPixelType() != IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24)
              throw new RuntimeException(
                "could not decode video as BGR 24 bit data in: " + filename);

            // convert the BGR24 to an Java buffered image

            BufferedImage javaImage = Utils.videoPictureToImage(newPic);

            // process the video frame

            processFrame(newPic, javaImage);
        // This packet isn't part of our video stream, so we just
        // silently drop it.
        do {} while(false);

    // Technically since we're exiting anyway, these will be cleaned up
    // by the garbage collector... but because we're nice people and
    // want to be invited places for Christmas, we're going to show how
    // to clean up.

    if (videoCoder != null)
      videoCoder = null;
    if (container !=null)
      container = null;
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    // Let's make sure that we can actually convert video pixel formats.
    if (!IVideoResampler.isSupported(IVideoResampler.Feature.FEATURE_COLORSPACECONVERSION))
      throw new RuntimeException("you must install the GPL version of Xuggler (with IVideoResampler support) for this demo to work");

    // Create a Xuggler container object
    IContainer container = IContainer.make();

    // Tell Xuggler about the device format
    IContainerFormat format = IContainerFormat.make();
    if (format.setInputFormat(driverName) < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("couldn't open webcam device: " + driverName);

    // devices, unlike most files, need to have parameters set in order
    // for Xuggler to know how to configure them, for a webcam, these
    // parameters make sense

    IMetaData params = IMetaData.make();
    params.setValue("framerate", "30/1");
    params.setValue("video_size", "320x240");   

    // Open up the container
    int retval =, IContainer.Type.READ, format,
        false, true, params, null);
    if (retval < 0)
      // This little trick converts the non friendly integer return value into
      // a slightly more friendly object to get a human-readable error name
      IError error = IError.make(retval);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not open file: " + deviceName + "; Error: " + error.getDescription());

    // query how many streams the call to open found
    int numStreams = container.getNumStreams();

    // and iterate through the streams to find the first video stream
    int videoStreamId = -1;
    IStreamCoder videoCoder = null;
    for(int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
      // Find the stream object
      IStream stream = container.getStream(i);
      // Get the pre-configured decoder that can decode this stream;
      IStreamCoder coder = stream.getStreamCoder();

      if (coder.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO)
        videoStreamId = i;
        videoCoder = coder;
    if (videoStreamId == -1)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not find video stream in container: "+deviceName);

     * Now we have found the video stream in this file.  Let's open up our decoder so it can
     * do work.
    if ( < 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not open video decoder for container: "+deviceName);

    IVideoResampler resampler = null;
    if (videoCoder.getPixelType() != IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24)
      // if this stream is not in BGR24, we're going to need to
      // convert it.  The VideoResampler does that for us.
      resampler = IVideoResampler.make(videoCoder.getWidth(), videoCoder.getHeight(), IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24,
          videoCoder.getWidth(), videoCoder.getHeight(), videoCoder.getPixelType());
      if (resampler == null)
        throw new RuntimeException("could not create color space resampler for: " + deviceName);
     * And once we have that, we draw a window on screen

     * Now, we start walking through the container looking at each packet.
    IPacket packet = IPacket.make();
    while(container.readNextPacket(packet) >= 0)
       * Now we have a packet, let's see if it belongs to our video stream
      if (packet.getStreamIndex() == videoStreamId)
         * We allocate a new picture to get the data out of Xuggler
        IVideoPicture picture = IVideoPicture.make(videoCoder.getPixelType(),
            videoCoder.getWidth(), videoCoder.getHeight());

        int offset = 0;
        while(offset < packet.getSize())
           * Now, we decode the video, checking for any errors.
          int bytesDecoded = videoCoder.decodeVideo(picture, packet, offset);
          if (bytesDecoded < 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("got error decoding video in: " + deviceName);
          offset += bytesDecoded;

           * Some decoders will consume data in a packet, but will not be able to construct
           * a full video picture yet.  Therefore you should always check if you
           * got a complete picture from the decoder
          if (picture.isComplete())
            IVideoPicture newPic = picture;
             * If the resampler is not null, that means we didn't get the video in BGR24 format and
             * need to convert it into BGR24 format.
            if (resampler != null)
              // we must resample
              newPic = IVideoPicture.make(resampler.getOutputPixelFormat(), picture.getWidth(), picture.getHeight());
              if (resampler.resample(newPic, picture) < 0)
                throw new RuntimeException("could not resample video from: " + deviceName);
            if (newPic.getPixelType() != IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24)
              throw new RuntimeException("could not decode video as BGR 24 bit data in: " + deviceName);

            // Convert the BGR24 to an Java buffered image
            BufferedImage javaImage = Utils.videoPictureToImage(newPic);

            // and display it on the Java Swing window
         * This packet isn't part of our video stream, so we just silently drop it.
        do {} while(false);

     * Technically since we're exiting anyway, these will be cleaned up by
     * the garbage collector... but because we're nice people and want
     * to be invited places for Christmas, we're going to show how to clean up.
    if (videoCoder != null)
      videoCoder = null;
    if (container !=null)
      container = null;

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    // Let's make sure that we can actually convert video pixel formats.
    if (!IVideoResampler.isSupported(IVideoResampler.Feature.FEATURE_COLORSPACECONVERSION))
      throw new RuntimeException("you must install the GPL version of Xuggler (with IVideoResampler support) for this demo to work");
    // Create a Xuggler container object
    IContainer container = IContainer.make();
    // Open up the container
    if (, IContainer.Type.READ, null) < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not open file: " + filename);
    // query how many streams the call to open found
    int numStreams = container.getNumStreams();
    // and iterate through the streams to find the first audio stream
    int videoStreamId = -1;
    IStreamCoder videoCoder = null;
    int audioStreamId = -1;
    IStreamCoder audioCoder = null;
    for(int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
      // Find the stream object
      IStream stream = container.getStream(i);
      // Get the pre-configured decoder that can decode this stream;
      IStreamCoder coder = stream.getStreamCoder();
      if (videoStreamId == -1 && coder.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO)
        videoStreamId = i;
        videoCoder = coder;
      else if (audioStreamId == -1 && coder.getCodecType() == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
        audioStreamId = i;
        audioCoder = coder;
    if (videoStreamId == -1 && audioStreamId == -1)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not find audio or video stream in container: "+filename);
     * Check if we have a video stream in this file.  If so let's open up our decoder so it can
     * do work.
    IVideoResampler resampler = null;
    if (videoCoder != null)
      if( < 0)
        throw new RuntimeException("could not open audio decoder for container: "+filename);
      if (videoCoder.getPixelType() != IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24)
        // if this stream is not in BGR24, we're going to need to
        // convert it.  The VideoResampler does that for us.
        resampler = IVideoResampler.make(videoCoder.getWidth(), videoCoder.getHeight(), IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24,
            videoCoder.getWidth(), videoCoder.getHeight(), videoCoder.getPixelType());
        if (resampler == null)
          throw new RuntimeException("could not create color space resampler for: " + filename);
       * And once we have that, we draw a window on screen
    if (audioCoder != null)
      if ( < 0)
        throw new RuntimeException("could not open audio decoder for container: "+filename);
       * And once we have that, we ask the Java Sound System to get itself ready.
      catch (LineUnavailableException ex)
        throw new RuntimeException("unable to open sound device on your system when playing back container: "+filename);
     * Now, we start walking through the container looking at each packet.
    IPacket packet = IPacket.make();
    mFirstVideoTimestampInStream = Global.NO_PTS;
    mSystemVideoClockStartTime = 0;
    while(container.readNextPacket(packet) >= 0)
       * Now we have a packet, let's see if it belongs to our video stream
      if (packet.getStreamIndex() == videoStreamId)
         * We allocate a new picture to get the data out of Xuggler
        IVideoPicture picture = IVideoPicture.make(videoCoder.getPixelType(),
            videoCoder.getWidth(), videoCoder.getHeight());
         * Now, we decode the video, checking for any errors.
        int bytesDecoded = videoCoder.decodeVideo(picture, packet, 0);
        if (bytesDecoded < 0)
          throw new RuntimeException("got error decoding audio in: " + filename);

         * Some decoders will consume data in a packet, but will not be able to construct
         * a full video picture yet.  Therefore you should always check if you
         * got a complete picture from the decoder
        if (picture.isComplete())
          IVideoPicture newPic = picture;
           * If the resampler is not null, that means we didn't get the video in BGR24 format and
           * need to convert it into BGR24 format.
          if (resampler != null)
            // we must resample
            newPic = IVideoPicture.make(resampler.getOutputPixelFormat(), picture.getWidth(), picture.getHeight());
            if (resampler.resample(newPic, picture) < 0)
              throw new RuntimeException("could not resample video from: " + filename);
          if (newPic.getPixelType() != IPixelFormat.Type.BGR24)
            throw new RuntimeException("could not decode video as BGR 24 bit data in: " + filename);

          long delay = millisecondsUntilTimeToDisplay(newPic);
          // if there is no audio stream; go ahead and hold up the main thread.  We'll end
          // up caching fewer video pictures in memory that way.
            if (delay > 0)
          catch (InterruptedException e)

          // And finally, convert the picture to an image and display it

      else if (packet.getStreamIndex() == audioStreamId)
         * We allocate a set of samples with the same number of channels as the
         * coder tells us is in this buffer.
         * We also pass in a buffer size (1024 in our example), although Xuggler
         * will probably allocate more space than just the 1024 (it's not important why).
        IAudioSamples samples = IAudioSamples.make(1024, audioCoder.getChannels());
         * A packet can actually contain multiple sets of samples (or frames of samples
         * in audio-decoding speak).  So, we may need to call decode audio multiple
         * times at different offsets in the packet's data.  We capture that here.
        int offset = 0;
         * Keep going until we've processed all data
        while(offset < packet.getSize())
          int bytesDecoded = audioCoder.decodeAudio(samples, packet, offset);
          if (bytesDecoded < 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("got error decoding audio in: " + filename);
          offset += bytesDecoded;
           * Some decoder will consume data in a packet, but will not be able to construct
           * a full set of samples yet.  Therefore you should always check if you
           * got a complete set of samples from the decoder
          if (samples.isComplete())
            // note: this call will block if Java's sound buffers fill up, and we're
            // okay with that.  That's why we have the video "sleeping" occur
            // on another thread.
         * This packet isn't part of our video stream, so we just silently drop it.
        do {} while(false);
     * Technically since we're exiting anyway, these will be cleaned up by
     * the garbage collector... but because we're nice people and want
     * to be invited places for Christmas, we're going to show how to clean up.
    if (videoCoder != null)
      videoCoder = null;
    if (audioCoder != null)
      audioCoder = null;
    if (container !=null)
      container = null;
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    IMediaWriter writer = new MediaWriter(file.toString());

    // add the audio stream

    ICodec codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodec(ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_MP3);
    IContainer container = writer.getContainer();
    IStream stream = container.getStream(
        writer.addAudioStream(audioStreamIndex, audioStreamId,
            codec, channelCount, sampleRate));
    int sampleCount = stream.getStreamCoder().getDefaultAudioFrameSize();

    // create a place for audio samples
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    IMediaWriter writer = new MediaWriter(file.toString());

    // add the audio stream

    ICodec codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodec(ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_MP3);
    IContainer container = writer.getContainer();
    int streamIndex = writer.addAudioStream(
        audioStreamIndex, audioStreamId, codec, channelCount, sampleRate);
    IStream stream = container.getStream(streamIndex);
    int sampleCount = stream.getStreamCoder().getDefaultAudioFrameSize();

    // create a place for audio samples

    IAudioSamples samples = IAudioSamples.make(sampleCount, channelCount);
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Related Classes of com.xuggle.xuggler.IContainer

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