
Examples of

                JCVariableDecl innerExTmpVar = makeVar(innerExTmpVarName, innerExType, makeNull());
                stats = stats.append(innerExTmpVar);
                // $tmpex = ex;
                List<JCStatement> innerCatchStats = List.nil();
                Name innerCatchVarName = naming.tempName("ex");
                JCAssign exTmpAssign = make().Assign(makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName), make().Ident(innerCatchVarName));
                innerCatchStats = innerCatchStats.append(make().Exec(exTmpAssign));
                // throw ex;
                JCThrow innerCatchThrow = make().Throw(make().Ident(innerCatchVarName));
                innerCatchStats = innerCatchStats.append(innerCatchThrow);
                JCBlock innerCatchBlock = make().Block(0, innerCatchStats);
                // $var.close() /// ((Closeable)$var).close()
                JCExpression exarg = makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName);
                JCExpression resVar1 = expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(makeUnquotedIdent(resVarName), resVarType, true, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, resVarExpectedType);
                JCMethodInvocation closeCall = make().Apply(null, makeQualIdent(resVar1, isDestroyable ? "destroy" : "release"), List.<JCExpression>of(exarg));
                JCBlock closeTryBlock = make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(make().Exec(closeCall)));
                // try { $var.close() } catch (Exception closex) { $tmpex.addSuppressed(closex); }
                Name closeCatchVarName = naming.tempName("closex");
                JCExpression closeCatchExType = makeJavaType(typeFact().getThrowableDeclaration().getType(), JT_CATCH);
                JCVariableDecl closeCatchVar = make().VarDef(make().Modifiers(Flags.FINAL), closeCatchVarName, closeCatchExType, null);
                JCExpression addarg = make().Ident(closeCatchVarName);
                JCMethodInvocation addSuppressedCall = make().Apply(null, makeQualIdent(makeUnquotedIdent(innerExTmpVarName), "addSuppressed"), List.<JCExpression>of(addarg));
                JCCatch closeCatch = make().Catch(closeCatchVar, make().Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(make().Exec(addSuppressedCall))));
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        JCExpression cond = makeTypeTest(null, selectorAlias, caseType , expressionType);
        String name = isCase.getVariable().getIdentifier().getText();

        Naming.SyntheticName tmpVarName = selectorAlias;
        Name substVarName = naming.aliasName(name);

        // Want raw type for instanceof since it can't be used with generic types
        JCExpression rawToTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES | JT_RAW);

        // Substitute variable with the correct type to use in the rest of the code block
        JCExpression tmpVarExpr = at(isCase).TypeCast(rawToTypeExpr, tmpVarName.makeIdent());
        JCExpression toTypeExpr;
        if (!willEraseToObject(varType)) {
            toTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType);
            tmpVarExpr = unboxType(tmpVarExpr, varType);
        } else {
            toTypeExpr = makeJavaType(varType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES);
        // The variable holding the result for the code inside the code block
        JCVariableDecl decl2 = at(isCase).VarDef(make().Modifiers(FINAL), substVarName, toTypeExpr, tmpVarExpr);

        // Prepare for variable substitution in the following code block
        Substitution prevSubst = naming.addVariableSubst(isCase.getVariable().getDeclarationModel(), substVarName.toString());

        List<JCStatement> stats = List.<JCStatement> of(decl2);
        stats = stats.appendList(transformBlock(caseClause.getBlock()));
        JCBlock block = at(isCase).Block(0, stats);
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    /** The names of all tokens.
    private Name[] tokenName = new Name[Token.values().length];

    private void enterKeyword(String s, Token token) {
        Name n = names.fromString(s);
        tokenName[token.ordinal()] = n;
        if (n.getIndex() > maxKey) maxKey = n.getIndex();
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     * Returns a symbol given the type's or packages's canonical name,
     * or null if the name isn't found.
    private <S extends Symbol> S nameToSymbol(String nameStr, Class<S> clazz) {
        Name name = names.fromString(nameStr);
        // First check cache.
        Symbol sym = (clazz == ClassSymbol.class)
                    ? syms.classes.get(name)
                    : syms.packages.get(name);

        try {
            if (sym == null)
                sym = javaCompiler.resolveIdent(nameStr);


            return (sym.kind != Kinds.ERR &&
                    sym.exists() &&
                    clazz.isInstance(sym) &&
                ? clazz.cast(sym)
                : null;
        } catch (CompletionFailure e) {
            return null;
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            ClassReader reader = ClassReader.instance(context);
            Names names = Names.instance(context);
            List<ClassSymbol> list = List.nil();

            for (Map.Entry<String,JavaFileObject> entry : classFiles.entrySet()) {
                Name name = names.fromString(entry.getKey());
                JavaFileObject file = entry.getValue();
                if (file.getKind() != JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS)
                    throw new AssertionError(file);
                ClassSymbol cs;
                if (isPkgInfo(file, JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS)) {
                    Name packageName = Convert.packagePart(name);
                    PackageSymbol p = reader.enterPackage(packageName);
                    if (p.package_info == null)
                        p.package_info = reader.enterClass(Convert.shortName(name), p);
                    cs = p.package_info;
                    if (cs.classfile == null)
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     * Get the bounds of a type variable as listed in the "extends" clause.
    private static List<Type> getBounds(TypeVar v, DocEnv env) {
        Name boundname = v.getUpperBound().tsym.getQualifiedName();
        if (boundname == boundname.table.names.java_lang_Object) {
            return List.nil();
        } else {
            return env.types.getBounds(v);
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                if (!first) {
                    sb.append(", ");
                first = false;

                Name name =;
                if (len > 1 || name != env.names.value) {
                sb.append(new AnnotationValueImpl(env, val.snd, this));
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     * Returns a symbol given the type's or packages's canonical name,
     * or null if the name isn't found.
    private Symbol nameToSymbol(String name, boolean classCache) {
        Symbol s = null;
        Name nameName = env.names.fromString(name);
        if (classCache)
            s = env.symtab.classes.get(nameName);
            s = env.symtab.packages.get(nameName);

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        if (tree.getTag() != JCTree.IDENT) {
            log.error(tree.pos(), "");
            return syms.errSymbol;
        JCIdent ident = (JCIdent)tree;
        Name name =;
        for (Scope.Entry e = enumType.tsym.members().lookup(name);
             e.scope != null; e = {
            if (e.sym.kind == VAR) {
                Symbol s = ident.sym = e.sym;
                ((VarSymbol)s).getConstValue(); // ensure initializer is evaluated
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        List<Type> argtypes;

        // The types of the actual method type arguments.
        List<Type> typeargtypes = null;

        Name methName =;

        boolean isConstructorCall =
            methName == names._this || methName == names._super;

        if (isConstructorCall) {
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