
Examples of

            boolean bWorked = true;
// TODO:             TimeHelper.waitInSeconds(20, "Wait before storeToURL. Maybe helps due to layouting problems.");
                XStorable store =
                        XStorable.class, _xComponent
                store.storeToURL(_sDestinationName, PropertyHelper.createPropertyValueArrayFormArrayList(aPropertyList));
            catch ( e)
                GlobalLogWriter.println("IO Exception caught.");
                GlobalLogWriter.println("Message: " + e.getMessage());
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                if (_sOutputURL != null)
                    if (isStoreAllowed())
                        // store the document in an other directory
                        XStorable aStorable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStorable.class, _aDoc);
                        if (aStorable != null)
                            PropertyValue [] szEmptyArgs = new PropertyValue [0];
                            GlobalLogWriter.println(DateHelper.getDateTimeForHumanreadableLog() + " Store document.");
                            aStorable.storeAsURL(_sOutputURL, szEmptyArgs);

                            GlobalLogWriter.println(DateHelper.getDateTimeForHumanreadableLog() + " Store document done.");
                            // TimeHelper.waitInSeconds(1, "After store as URL to:" + _sOutputURL);
                            GlobalLogWriter.println("Reload stored file test.");
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            XServiceInfo xServiceInfo =  UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XServiceInfo.class, aDoc );
            // String sFilter = getFilterName_forExcel(xServiceInfo);
            // System.out.println("Filter is " + sFilter);

            // store the document in an other directory
            XStorable xStorable =  UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStorable.class, aDoc);
            if (xStorable == null)
                GlobalLogWriter.println(" is null");
            String sFilterName = _aGTA.getExportFilterName();

            // check how many Properties should initialize
            int nPropertyCount = 0;
            // if (sFilterName != null && sFilterName.length() > 0)
            // {
            //     nPropertyCount ++;
            // }
            // initialize PropertyArray
            // PropertyValue [] aStoreProps = new PropertyValue[ nPropertyCount ];
            // int nPropertyIndex = 0;
            ArrayList<PropertyValue> aPropertyList = new ArrayList<PropertyValue>();
            String sExtension = "";

            if (sFilterName != null && sFilterName.length() > 0)
                String sInternalFilterName = getInternalFilterName(sFilterName, xMSF);
                String sServiceName = getServiceNameFromFilterName(sFilterName, xMSF);
                GlobalLogWriter.println("Filter detection:");
                // check if service name from file filter is the same as from the loaded document
                boolean bServiceFailed = false;
                if (sServiceName == null || sInternalFilterName == null)
                    GlobalLogWriter.println("Given FilterName '" + sFilterName + "' seems to be unknown.");
                    bServiceFailed = true;
                if (! xServiceInfo.supportsService(sServiceName))
                    GlobalLogWriter.println("Service from FilterName '" + sServiceName + "' is not supported by loaded document.");
                    bServiceFailed = true;
                if (bServiceFailed == true)
                    GlobalLogWriter.println("Please check '" + PropertyName.DOC_CONVERTER_EXPORT_FILTER_NAME + "' in the property file.");

                if (sInternalFilterName != null && sInternalFilterName.length() > 0)
                    // get the FileExtension, by the filter name, if we don't get a file extension
                    // we assume the is also no right filter name.
                    sExtension = getFileExtension(sInternalFilterName, xMSF);
                    if (sExtension == null)
                        GlobalLogWriter.println("Can't found an extension for filtername, take it from the source.");

                PropertyValue Arg = new PropertyValue();
                Arg.Name = "FilterName";
                Arg.Value = sFilterName;
                // aStoreProps[nPropertyIndex ++] = Arg;
                GlobalLogWriter.println("FilterName is set to: " + sFilterName);
            String sOutputURL = "";
                // create the new filename with the extension, which is ok to the file format
                String sInputFileBasename = FileHelper.getBasename(_sInputFile);
                // System.out.println("InputFileBasename " + sInputFileBasename);
                String sInputFileNameNoSuffix = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sInputFileBasename);
                // System.out.println("InputFilename no suffix " + sInputFileNameNoSuffix);
                String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
                String sOutputFile = _sOutputPath;
                if (! sOutputFile.endsWith(fs))
                    sOutputFile += fs;
                if (sExtension != null && sExtension.length() > 0)
                    sOutputFile += sInputFileNameNoSuffix + "." + sExtension;
                    sOutputFile += sInputFileBasename;
                if (FileHelper.exists(sOutputFile) && _aGTA.getOverwrite() == false)
                    GlobalLogWriter.println("File already exist, don't overwrite. Set " + PropertyName.DOC_COMPARATOR_OVERWRITE_REFERENCE + "=true to force overwrite.");

                sOutputURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(sOutputFile);
                GlobalLogWriter.println("Store document as '" + sOutputURL + "'");
                xStorable.storeAsURL(sOutputURL, PropertyHelper.createPropertyValueArrayFormArrayList(aPropertyList));
                GlobalLogWriter.println("Document stored.");
            catch ( e)
                GlobalLogWriter.println("Can't store document '" + sOutputURL + "'. Message is :'" + e.getMessage() + "'");
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            aOverwrite.Name = "Overwrite";
            aOverwrite.Value = Boolean.TRUE;

            // store the document in an other directory
            XStorable aStorable = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStorable.class, _xComponent);
            if (aStorable != null)
                log.println("store document as URL: '" + sOutputURL + "'");
                    aStorable.storeAsURL(sOutputURL, PropertyHelper.createPropertyValueArrayFormArrayList(aPropertyList));
                catch ( e)
                    log.println("ERROR: Exception caught");
                    log.println("Can't write document URL: '" + sOutputURL + "'");
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            resultDocName = suffix.insert(0, resultDocName).toString();

        // create a result URL for storing the office document
        String resultURL = URLHelper.getFileURLFromSystemPath(ensureEndingFileSep(_sOutputPath) + resultDocName);

        XStorable xStorable = null;
        xStorable  = (, xComponent);
        if(xStorable == null)
            throw new ConvWatchCancelException(" could not be instantiated from the office.");

        PropertyValue pvFilterName = new PropertyValue("FilterName", -1, exportFilter,;
        PropertyValue pvOverwrite = new PropertyValue("Overwrite", -1, new Boolean(true),;

            xStorable.storeAsURL(resultURL, new PropertyValue[]{pvFilterName, pvOverwrite});
        catch ( e)
            // wrap IOException
            throw new ConvWatchCancelException("Wrap IOException caught, " + e.getMessage());
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                    lProperties[1].Name  = "Overwrite";
                    lProperties[1].Value = new Boolean( true );

                    sTemp2Url = Helper.CreateTempFile( m_xContext );

                    XStorable xStore = ( )UnoRuntime.queryInterface ( XStorable.class, m_xModel );
                    if ( xStore == null )
                        throw new;

                    xStore.storeToURL( sTemp2Url, lProperties );
                    String sWikiCode = Helper.EachLine( sTemp2Url );

                    if ( aArticle.setArticle( sWikiCode, aSendDialog.m_sWikiComment, aSendDialog.m_bWikiMinorEdit ) )
                        bResult = true;
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            revokeDB(name) ;
        } catch ( e) {}
        XDocumentDataSource xDDS = (XDocumentDataSource)
        UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentDataSource.class, dataSource);
        XStorable store = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class,
        String aFile = utils.getOfficeTemp(xMSF) + name + ".odb";
        store.storeAsURL(aFile, new PropertyValue[] {  });

        registerDB(name, dataSource) ;
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        Object oDBContext = null;
        Object oDBSource = null;
        Object newQuery = null;
        Object toolkit = null;
        XStorable store = null;
            oDBContext = ((XMultiServiceFactory) Param.getMSF ())
            .createInstance ("");
            oDBSource = ((XMultiServiceFactory) Param.getMSF ())
            .createInstance ("");
            newQuery = ((XMultiServiceFactory) Param.getMSF ())
            .createInstance ("");
            toolkit = ((XMultiServiceFactory) Param.getMSF ())
            .createInstance ("");
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("Couldn't create instance"));
        String mysqlURL = (String) Param.get ("mysql.url");
        if (mysqlURL == null)
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't get 'mysql.url' from ini-file"));
        user = (String) Param.get ("jdbc.user");
        password = (String) Param.get ("jdbc.password");
        if ((user == null) || (password == null))
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't get 'jdbc.user' or 'jdbc.password' from ini-file"));
        PropertyValue[] info = new PropertyValue[2];
        info[0] = new PropertyValue ();
        info[0].Name = "user";
        info[0].Value = user;
        info[1] = new PropertyValue ();
        info[1].Name = "password";
        info[1].Value = password;
        XPropertySet propSetDBSource = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        XPropertySet.class, oDBSource);
            propSetDBSource.setPropertyValue ("URL", mysqlURL);
            propSetDBSource.setPropertyValue ("Info", info);
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
            log.println ("writing database file ...");
            XDocumentDataSource xDDS = (XDocumentDataSource)
            UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentDataSource.class, oDBSource);
            store = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class,
            aFile = utils.getOfficeTemp ((XMultiServiceFactory) Param.getMSF ())+"JoinView.odb";
            log.println ("... filename will be "+aFile);
            store.storeAsURL (aFile,new PropertyValue[]
            log.println ("... done");
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("Couldn't register object"));
        isolConnection = (XIsolatedConnection) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        XConnection connection = null;
        XStatement statement = null;
        final String tbl_name1 = "tst_table1";
        final String tbl_name2 = "tst_table2";
        final String col_name1 = "id1";
        final String col_name2 = "id2";
            connection = isolConnection.getIsolatedConnection (user, password);
            statement = connection.createStatement ();
            statement.executeUpdate ("drop table if exists " + tbl_name1);
            statement.executeUpdate ("drop table if exists " + tbl_name2);
            statement.executeUpdate ("create table " + tbl_name1 + " (" +
            col_name1 + " int)");
            statement.executeUpdate ("create table " + tbl_name2 + " (" +
            col_name2 + " int)");
        } catch ( e)
                shortWait ();
                connection = isolConnection.getIsolatedConnection (user,
                statement = connection.createStatement ();
                statement.executeUpdate ("drop table if exists " + tbl_name1);
                statement.executeUpdate ("drop table if exists " + tbl_name2);
                statement.executeUpdate ("create table " + tbl_name1 + " (" +
                col_name1 + " int)");
                statement.executeUpdate ("create table " + tbl_name2 + " (" +
                col_name2 + " int)");
            } catch ( e2)
                e2.printStackTrace (log);
                throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("SQLException"));
        XQueryDefinitionsSupplier querySuppl = (XQueryDefinitionsSupplier) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        XNameAccess defContainer = querySuppl.getQueryDefinitions ();
        XPropertySet queryProp = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
        XPropertySet.class, newQuery);
            final String query = "select * from " + tbl_name1 + ", " +
            tbl_name2 + " where " + tbl_name1 + "." +
            col_name1 + "=" + tbl_name2 + "." +
            queryProp.setPropertyValue ("Command", query);
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed (
            "Couldn't set property value"));
        XNameContainer queryContainer = (XNameContainer) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
            queryContainer.insertByName ("Query1", newQuery);
            connection.close ();
        } catch ( e)
            e.printStackTrace (log);
            throw new StatusException (Status.failed ("Couldn't insert query"));
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            boolean bWorked = true;
                XStorable store =
                        XStorable.class, _xComponent
                store.storeToURL(_sDestinationName, PropertyHelper.createPropertyValueArrayFormArrayList(aPropertyList));
            catch ( e)
                GlobalLogWriter.get().println("IO Exception caught.");
                GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Message: " + e.getMessage());
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                if (_sOutputURL != null)
                    if (_aGTA.isStoreAllowed())
                        // store the document in an other directory
                        XStorable aStorable = UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStorable.class, _aDoc);
                        if (aStorable != null)
                            PropertyValue [] szEmptyArgs = new PropertyValue [0];
                            GlobalLogWriter.get().println(DateHelper.getDateTimeForHumanreadableLog() + " Store document.");
                            aStorable.storeAsURL(_sOutputURL, szEmptyArgs);

                            GlobalLogWriter.get().println(DateHelper.getDateTimeForHumanreadableLog() + " Store document done.");
                            TimeHelper.waitInSeconds(2, "After store as URL to:" + _sOutputURL);
                            GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Reload stored file test.");
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