Package com.substanceofcode.utils

Examples of com.substanceofcode.utils.CauseMemoryException

                //#ifndef DTESTUI
                if (m_debugOutput) System.out.println("Feed list parsing isn't ready");
            } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
              throw new CauseMemoryException(
                  "Error importing feeds from " +
                  m_listParser.getUrl() + " " +
                  e.getMessage(), e);
          } catch(CauseMemoryException ex) {
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            while( (elementType = parser.parse()) != XmlParser.END_DOCUMENT );
        } catch (CauseMemoryException ex) {
      CauseMemoryException cex = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error while parsing HTML Link feed " + url,
      throw cex;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
      CauseException cex = new CauseException(
          "Error while parsing HTML Link feed " + url, ex);
            System.err.println(cex.getMessage() + " " + ex + " " + ex.toString());
//#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(cex.getMessage(), cex);
      throw cex;
        } catch (Throwable t) {
      CauseException cex = new CauseException(
          "Error while parsing HTML Link feed " + url, t);
            System.err.println(cex.getMessage() + " " + t + " " + t.toString());
//#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(cex.getMessage(), cex);
      throw cex;
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            while( parser.parse() != XmlParser.END_DOCUMENT );
        } catch (CauseMemoryException ex) {
      rssFeeds = null;
      CauseMemoryException cex = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error while parsing OPML feed " +
          m_url, ex);
      throw cex;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.err.println("OpmlParser.parseFeeds(): Exception " + ex.toString());
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      m_logger.severe(" Error while parsing " +
//@                  "feeds: " + m_url, ex);
      CauseException cex = new CauseException(
          "Error while parsing Opml feed " + m_url, ex);
      throw cex;
        } catch (OutOfMemoryError ex) {
      rssFeeds = null;
      CauseMemoryException cex = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error while parsing OPML feed " +
          m_url, ex);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      m_logger.severe(" Error while parsing " +
//@                  "feeds: " + m_url, ex);
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            System.err.println(" Error while parsing feeds: " + ex.toString());
      m_ex = new CauseException("Error while parsing feed " + m_url, ex);
        } catch( CauseMemoryException ex ) {
      m_feeds = null;
      m_ex = new CauseMemoryException("Out of memory error while " +
          "parsing feed " + m_url, ex);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(m_ex.getMessage(), ex);
        } catch( Exception ex ) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(" Error while parsing " +
//@                "feeds: " + m_url, ex);
            System.err.println(" Error while parsing feeds: " + ex.toString());
      m_ex = new CauseException("Error while parsing feed " + m_url, ex);
        } catch( OutOfMemoryError t ) {
      m_feeds = null;
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(" Out Of Memory Error while " +
//@          "parsing feeds: " + m_url, t);
            System.err.println(" " +
          "Out Of Memory Error while parsing feeds: " + t.toString());
      m_ex = new CauseMemoryException("Out Of Memory Error while " +
          "parsing feed " + m_url, t);
        } catch( Throwable t ) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(" Error while parsing " +
//@                "feeds: " + m_url, t);
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      if ((m_url != null) && m_url.startsWith("file://")) {
        System.err.println("Cannot process file.");
            /* Out Of Memory Error while parsing RSS data */
            throw new CauseMemoryException(ResourceProviderME.get(
            "", m_url), t);
        } catch(Throwable t) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe("parseFeeds error with " + m_url, t);
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    } catch (CauseMemoryException e) {
      if (m_rssFeed != null) {
        m_rssFeed.setItems(new Vector());
            CauseMemoryException ce =
          new CauseMemoryException("Out of memory error while " +
          "parsing RSS data: " + e.toString(), e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
      if ((url != null) && url.startsWith("file://")) {
        System.err.println("Cannot process file.");
            throw ce;
        } catch(Exception e) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe("parseRssFeedUrl error with " + url, e);
      if ((url != null) && url.startsWith("file://")) {
        System.err.println("Cannot process file.");
            throw new CauseException("Error while parsing RSS data: "
                    + e.toString(), e);
    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
      if (m_rssFeed != null) {
        m_rssFeed.setItems(new Vector());
            CauseMemoryException ce =
          new CauseMemoryException("Out of memory error while " +
          "parsing RSS data: " + e.toString(), e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
      if ((url != null) && url.startsWith("file://")) {
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            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
      CauseMemoryException ce = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error during deserialize", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItunesFeed");
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(Throwable e) {
      CauseException ce = new CauseException(
          "Internal error during deserialize", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItunesFeed");
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
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            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
      CauseMemoryException ce = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error during initialize of RssItunesFeed", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(Throwable e) {
      CauseException ce = new CauseException(
          "Internal error during initialize of RssItunesFeed", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
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            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
      CauseMemoryException ce = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error during  initialize of RssFeed", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(Throwable e) {
      CauseException ce = new CauseException(
          "Internal error during initialize of RssFeed", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
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            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
      CauseMemoryException ce = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error while RssItem init ", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
//@      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
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Related Classes of com.substanceofcode.utils.CauseMemoryException

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