
Examples of

        final TestResponse res = new TestResponse();
        final Artister b = new Artister();
        final List<Album> albums = new ArrayList<Album>();
        final Artist artist = TestUtils.getArtist();
        final Album album = TestUtils.getAlbum(artist);

        albums.add( album );
        b.setResponse( res );
        b.showArtist( artist, albums );
        final String data = res.getOutput();

        assertTrue( data.contains(artist.getName()) );
        assertTrue( data.contains(album.getName()) );
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        final List<Album> recentlyPlayedAlbums = new ArrayList<Album>();
        final TestResponse res = new TestResponse( db );
        final Homer h = new Homer();

        final Artist artist = TestUtils.getArtist();
        final Album album = TestUtils.getAlbum(artist);
        final Genre genre = TestUtils.getGenre();
        final Track track = TestUtils.getTrack(artist, album, genre);
        recentlyPlayedTracks.add( track );
        recentlyPlayedAlbums.add( album );
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        final TestResponse res = new TestResponse();
        final Userer u = new Userer();
        final List<Track> tracks = new ArrayList<Track>();
        final Artist artist = TestUtils.getArtist();
        final Album album = TestUtils.getAlbum(artist);
        final Genre genre = TestUtils.getGenre();
        final Track track = TestUtils.getTrack(artist, album, genre);

        tracks.add( track );
        u.setResponse( res );
        u.showScrobbleLog( tracks );
        final String data = res.getOutput();

        // http headers
        assertTrue( data.contains("Content-Disposition") );
        assertTrue( data.contains(".scrobbler.log") );
        // file headers
        assertTrue( data.contains("#AUDIOSCROBBLER/1.1") );
        assertTrue( data.contains("#TZ") );
        assertTrue( data.contains("#CLIENT") );
        // track info
        assertTrue( data.contains(artist.getName()) );
        assertTrue( data.contains(album.getName()) );
        assertTrue( data.contains(track.getName()) );
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