Package com.persistit.exception

Examples of com.persistit.exception.CorruptJournalException

     * @param recordSize
     * @throws PersistitIOException
    void scanIdentifyVolume(final long address, final long timestamp, final int recordSize) throws PersistitIOException {
        if (recordSize > IV.MAX_LENGTH) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("IV JournalRecord too long: " + recordSize + " bytes at position "
                    + addressToString(address, timestamp));
        read(address, recordSize);
        final Integer handle = Integer.valueOf(IV.getHandle(_readBuffer));
        final long id = IV.getVolumeId(_readBuffer);
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     * @param recordSize
     * @throws PersistitIOException
    void scanIdentifyTree(final long address, final long timestamp, final int recordSize) throws PersistitIOException {
        if (recordSize > IT.MAX_LENGTH) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("IT JournalRecord too long: " + recordSize + " bytes at position "
                    + addressToString(address, timestamp));
        if (_readBuffer.remaining() < recordSize) {
            read(address, recordSize);
        final Integer handle = Integer.valueOf(IT.getHandle(_readBuffer));
        final String treeName = IT.getTreeName(_readBuffer);
        final Integer volumeHandle = Integer.valueOf(IT.getVolumeHandle(_readBuffer));
        final Volume volume = _handleToVolumeMap.get(volumeHandle);
        // Handle records written incorrectly due to bug 1125603
        if (volumeHandle == Volume.LOCK_VOLUME_HANDLE) {
        if (volume == null) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("IT JournalRecord refers to unidentified volume handle " + volumeHandle
                    + " at position " + addressToString(address, timestamp));
        if (!volume.isTemporary()) {
            final TreeDescriptor td = new TreeDescriptor(volumeHandle, treeName);
            _handleToTreeMap.put(handle, td);
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     * @param recordSize
     * @throws PersistitIOException
    void scanLoadPage(final long address, final long timestamp, final int recordSize) throws PersistitIOException {
        if (recordSize > Buffer.MAX_BUFFER_SIZE + PA.OVERHEAD) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("PA JournalRecord too long: " + recordSize + " bytes at position "
                    + addressToString(address, timestamp));
        // timestamp <= 0 means this is a page from a transient volume
        // and should not be added to the recovery set.
        if (timestamp > 0) {
            read(address, recordSize);
            final int volumeHandle = PA.getVolumeHandle(_readBuffer);
            final long pageAddress = PA.getPageAddress(_readBuffer);

            final Volume volume = _handleToVolumeMap.get(volumeHandle);
            if (volume == null) {
                throw new CorruptJournalException("PA reference to volume " + volumeHandle
                        + " is not preceded by an IV record for that handle at " + addressToString(address, timestamp));

            final PageNode pageNode = new PageNode(volumeHandle, pageAddress, address, timestamp);
            final PageNode oldPageNode = _pageMap.get(pageNode);
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    void scanLoadPageMap(final long from, final long timestamp, final int recordSize) throws PersistitIOException {
        read(from, PM.OVERHEAD);
        final int count = PM.getEntryCount(_readBuffer);
        if (count * PM.ENTRY_SIZE + PM.OVERHEAD != recordSize) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("Invalid record size " + recordSize + " for PM record at "
                    + addressToString(from, timestamp));

        long address = from + PM.OVERHEAD;
        int index = 0;
        int loaded = 0;

        for (int remaining = count; remaining > 0; remaining--) {
            if (index == loaded) {
                final int loadedSize = Math.min((_readBuffer.capacity() / PM.ENTRY_SIZE), remaining) * PM.ENTRY_SIZE;
                read(address, loadedSize);
                address += loadedSize;
                index = 0;
                loaded = loadedSize / PM.ENTRY_SIZE;
                if (loaded <= 0) {
                    throw new CorruptJournalException("Could not load PageMap segment in entry "
                            + (count - remaining + 1) + " at " + addressToString(from, timestamp));
            final int volumeHandle = PM.getEntryVolumeHandle(_readBuffer, index);
            final Volume volume = _handleToVolumeMap.get(volumeHandle);
            if (volume == null) {
                throw new CorruptJournalException("Page map refers to undefined volume handle " + volumeHandle
                        + " in entry " + (count - remaining + 1) + " at " + addressToString(from, timestamp));
            final long pageAddress = PM.getEntryPageAddress(_readBuffer, index);
            final long pageTimestamp = PM.getEntryTimestamp(_readBuffer, index);
            final long journalAddress = PM.getEntryJournalAddress(_readBuffer, index);
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    void scanLoadTransactionMap(final long from, final long timestamp, final int recordSize)
            throws PersistitIOException {
        read(from, TM.OVERHEAD);
        final int count = TM.getEntryCount(_readBuffer);
        if (count * TM.ENTRY_SIZE + TM.OVERHEAD != recordSize) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("Invalid record size " + recordSize + " for TM record at "
                    + addressToString(from, timestamp));
        long address = from + TM.OVERHEAD;
        int index = 0;
        int loaded = 0;
        for (int remaining = count; remaining > 0; remaining--) {
            if (index == loaded) {
                final int loadedSize = Math.min(_readBuffer.capacity() / TM.ENTRY_SIZE, remaining) * TM.ENTRY_SIZE;
                read(address, loadedSize);
                address += loadedSize;
                index = 0;
                loaded = loadedSize / TM.ENTRY_SIZE;
                if (loaded <= 0) {
                    throw new CorruptJournalException("Could not load TramsactionMap segment in entry "
                            + (count - remaining + 1) + " at " + addressToString(from, timestamp));
            final long startTimestamp = TM.getEntryStartTimestamp(_readBuffer, index);
            final long commitTimestamp = TM.getEntryCommitTimestamp(_readBuffer, index);
            final long journalAddress = TM.getEntryJournalAddress(_readBuffer, index);
            final long lastRecordAddress = TM.getLastRecordAddress(_readBuffer, index);

            if (!isZombieTransaction(journalAddress)) {
                final TransactionMapItem ts = new TransactionMapItem(startTimestamp, journalAddress);
                final Long key = Long.valueOf(startTimestamp);
                if (_recoveredTransactionMap.put(key, ts) != null) {
                    throw new CorruptJournalException("Redundant record in TransactionMap record " + ts + " entry "
                            + (count - remaining + 1) + " at " + addressToString(address, startTimestamp));

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    void scanJournalEnd(final long address, final long timestamp, final int recordSize) throws PersistitIOException {
        if (recordSize != JE.OVERHEAD) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("JE JournalRecord has incorrect length: " + recordSize
                    + " bytes at position " + addressToString(address, timestamp));
        read(address, JE.OVERHEAD);
        final long currentAddress = JE.getCurrentJournalAddress(_readBuffer);
        final long baseAddress = JE.getBaseAddress(_readBuffer);
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                "JE record wrong base address %3$,d: expected %4$,d at %1$s:%2$,d");

    void scanCheckpoint(final long address, final long timestamp, final int recordSize) throws PersistitIOException {
        if (recordSize != CP.OVERHEAD) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("CP JournalRecord has incorrect length: " + recordSize
                    + " bytes at position " + addressToString(address, timestamp));
        read(address, CP.OVERHEAD);
        final long systemTimeMillis = CP.getSystemTimeMillis(_readBuffer);
        final Checkpoint checkpoint = new Checkpoint(timestamp, systemTimeMillis, true);
        final long baseAddress = CP.getBaseAddress(_readBuffer);

        if (baseAddress < _baseAddress || baseAddress > _currentAddress) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("Invalid base journal address " + baseAddress + " for CP record at "
                    + addressToString(address, timestamp));
        _baseAddress = baseAddress;

        _lastValidCheckpoint = checkpoint;
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     * @throws PersistitIOException
    private void validateMemberFile(final long generation) throws PersistitIOException {
        final File file = JournalManager.generationToFile(_journalFilePath, generation);
        if (!file.exists()) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("Missing journal file " + file);
        read(generation * _blockSize, JH.OVERHEAD);
        int recordSize = getLength(_readBuffer);

        validate(recordSize, file, 0, JH.OVERHEAD, JH.MAX_LENGTH,
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            if (item == null) {
                item = new TransactionMapItem(startTimestamp, address);
                _abortedTransactionMap.put(key, item);
            } else {
                throw new CorruptJournalException("Duplicate transaction abort records with same timestamp(" + key
                        + "): previous/current=" + item.getStartAddress() + "/"
                        + addressToString(address, startTimestamp));
        } else {
            TransactionMapItem item = _recoveredTransactionMap.get(key);
            if (item == null) {
                if (backchainAddress != 0) {
                    throw new CorruptJournalException("Missing transaction record at with timestamp(" + key
                            + "): previous/current=" + backchainAddress + "/"
                            + addressToString(address, startTimestamp));
                item = new TransactionMapItem(startTimestamp, address);
                _recoveredTransactionMap.put(key, item);

            } else {
                if (backchainAddress == 0) {
                    throw new CorruptJournalException("Duplicate transactions with same timestamp(" + key
                            + "): previous/current=" + item.getStartAddress() + "/"
                            + addressToString(address, startTimestamp));
                if (item.isCommitted()) {
                    throw new CorruptJournalException("Redundant Transaction Commit Record for " + item + " at "
                            + addressToString(address, startTimestamp));
                if (backchainAddress != item.getLastRecordAddress()) {
                    throw new CorruptJournalException("Broken backchain at " + addressToString(address)
                            + " does not match previous record " + item);
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        final TreeDescriptor td = _handleToTreeMap.get(treeHandle);
        final int volumeHandle = td.getVolumeHandle();
        long page = Buffer.decodeLongRecordDescriptorPointer(value.getEncodedBytes(), 0);
        final int size = Buffer.decodeLongRecordDescriptorSize(value.getEncodedBytes(), 0);
        if (size < 0 || size > Value.MAXIMUM_SIZE) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("Transactional long record specification " + "exceeds maximum size of "
                    + Value.MAXIMUM_SIZE + ":" + size);
        final byte[] rawBytes = value.getEncodedBytes();
        final long startAddress = page;
        if (size > value.getMaximumSize()) {

        int offset = 0; // offset of next segment in the value
        int remainingSize = size;

        System.arraycopy(rawBytes, Buffer.LONGREC_PREFIX_OFFSET, value.getEncodedBytes(), offset,

        offset += Buffer.LONGREC_PREFIX_SIZE;
        remainingSize -= Buffer.LONGREC_PREFIX_SIZE;

        for (int count = 0; page != 0; count++) {

            if (remainingSize == 0) {
                throw new CorruptJournalException("Long record chain has more than " + size
                        + " bytes starting at page " + startAddress + " for transaction at "
                        + addressToString(from, timestamp));
            // Look for the latest version of the page which precedes the
            // record's timestamp.
            final PageNode key = new PageNode(volumeHandle, page, -1, -1);
            PageNode pn = lastPageNodeBefore(_branchMap.get(key), timestamp);
            if (pn == null) {
                pn = lastPageNodeBefore(_pageMap.get(key), timestamp);

            if (pn == null) {
                throw new CorruptJournalException("Long record chain missing page " + page + " at count " + count
                        + " at " + addressToString(from, timestamp));

            _currentAddress = pn.getJournalAddress();
            read(_currentAddress, PA.OVERHEAD);
            final int type = PA.getType(_readBuffer);
            final int recordSize = PA.getLength(_readBuffer);
            final int payloadSize = recordSize - PA.OVERHEAD;
            final int leftSize = PA.getLeftSize(_readBuffer);
            final int bufferSize = PA.getBufferSize(_readBuffer);
            final long pageAddress = PA.getPageAddress(_readBuffer);
            // Verify that this is the valid and appropriate PA record
            if (type != PA.TYPE) {
                throw new CorruptJournalException("Record at " + pn.toStringJournalAddress(this)
                        + " is not a PAGE record");

            if (leftSize < 0 || payloadSize < leftSize || payloadSize > bufferSize) {
                throw new CorruptJournalException("Record at " + pn.toStringJournalAddress(this)
                        + " invalid sizes: recordSize= " + payloadSize + " leftSize=" + leftSize + " bufferSize="
                        + bufferSize);

            if (pageAddress != pn.getPageAddress()) {
                throw new CorruptJournalException("Record at " + pn.toStringJournalAddress(this)
                        + " mismatched page address: expected/actual=" + pn.getPageAddress() + "/" + pageAddress);

            // Verify that this is a PAGE_TYPE_LONG_RECORD
            read(_currentAddress, recordSize);
            final int pageType = JournalRecord.getByte(_readBuffer, PA.OVERHEAD + Buffer.TYPE_OFFSET);

            if (pageType != Buffer.PAGE_TYPE_LONG_RECORD) {
                throw new CorruptJournalException("Long record chain contains invalid page type " + pageType
                        + " for page " + page + " at " + pn.toStringJournalAddress(this) + " in transaction at "
                        + addressToString(from, timestamp));

            final int segmentSize = Math.min(remainingSize, payloadSize - Buffer.HEADER_SIZE);

            System.arraycopy(_readBuffer.array(), _readBuffer.position() + PA.OVERHEAD + Buffer.HEADER_SIZE,
                    value.getEncodedBytes(), offset, segmentSize);
            offset += segmentSize;
            remainingSize -= segmentSize;

            // Next page in chain
            page = JournalRecord.getLong(_readBuffer, PA.OVERHEAD + Buffer.RIGHT_SIBLING_OFFSET);

            if (count > Buffer.MAX_LONG_RECORD_CHAIN) {
                throw new CorruptJournalException("Long record chain has more than " + Buffer.MAX_LONG_RECORD_CHAIN
                        + " pages in starting at page " + startAddress + " for transaction at "
                        + addressToString(from, timestamp));

        if (remainingSize != 0) {
            throw new CorruptJournalException("Long record chain has fewer than " + size + " bytes (" + remainingSize
                    + " not recovered) starting at page " + startAddress + " for transaction at "
                    + addressToString(from, timestamp));
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Related Classes of com.persistit.exception.CorruptJournalException

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