Package com.knowgate.dfs

Examples of com.knowgate.dfs.FileSystem

    String sSourceDir =  sWorkAreasPut + oSource.getString(DB.gu_workarea) + sSep + "apps" + sSep + "Hipermail" + sSep + "html" + sSep + Gadgets.leftPad(String.valueOf(oSource.getInt(DB.pg_mailing)), '0', 5);
    String sTargetDir =  sWorkAreasPut + getString(DB.gu_workarea) + sSep + "apps" + sSep + "Hipermail" + sSep + "html" + sSep + Gadgets.leftPad(String.valueOf(getInt(DB.pg_mailing)), '0', 5);

  try {
    FileSystem oFs = new FileSystem();
    oFs.copy(sProtocol+sSourceDir, sProtocol+sTargetDir);
  } catch (Exception xcpt) {
    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln(xcpt.getClass().getName()+" "+xcpt.getMessage());
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    DBBind oDbb = (DBBind) oConn.getPool().getDatabaseBinding();
  final String sSep = oDbb.getProperty("fileprotocol","file://").startsWith("file:") ? File.separator : "/";
    String sSourceDir =  oDbb.getPropertyPath("workareasput") + getString(DB.gu_workarea) + sSep + "apps" + sSep + "Hipermail" + sSep + "html" + sSep + Gadgets.leftPad(String.valueOf(getInt(DB.pg_mailing)), '0', 5);
  try {
    FileSystem oFs = new FileSystem();
  } catch (Exception xcpt) {
    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln(xcpt.getClass().getName()+" "+xcpt.getMessage());
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  // Add attachments to message to be sent

  if (aAttachmentsPath!=null) {
    final int nAttachments = aAttachmentsPath.length;

    FileSystem oFS = new FileSystem();
    for (int p=0; p<nAttachments; p++) {
      String sFilePath = aAttachmentsPath[p];
      if (sBasePath!=null) {
        if (!sFilePath.startsWith(sBasePath))
          sFilePath = sBasePath + sFilePath;
      File oFile = new File(sFilePath);
      MimeBodyPart oAttachment = new MimeBodyPart();
      oAttachment.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64");

      ByteArrayDataSource oDataSrc;
      try {
        oDataSrc = new ByteArrayDataSource(oFS.readfilebin(sFilePath), "application/octet-stream");
      } catch ( ftpe) {
      throw new IOException(ftpe.getMessage());
      oAttachment.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(oDataSrc));
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  private String sFilePath;
  private String sEncoding;
  private FileSystem oFS;

  public XMLDocument() {
    oFS = new FileSystem();
    sEncoding = "UTF-8";
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   * @param sFile File Path
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws OutOfMemoryError
  public XMLDocument(String sFile) throws IOException, OutOfMemoryError {
    oFS = new FileSystem();
    sEncoding = "UTF-8";
    load (sFile);
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   * @param sEnc Character Encoding
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws OutOfMemoryError
  public XMLDocument(String sFile, String sEnc) throws IOException, OutOfMemoryError {
    oFS = new FileSystem();
    sEncoding = sEnc;
    load (sFile);
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    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin CallsTab.render()");

    FileSystem oFS = new FileSystem(FileSystem.OS_PUREJAVA);

    String sOutput;
    String sDomainId = req.getProperty("domain");
    String sWorkAreaId = req.getProperty("workarea");
    String sUserId = req.getProperty("user");
    String sZone = req.getProperty("zone");
    String sLang = req.getProperty("language");
    String sTemplatePath = req.getProperty("template");
    String sStorage = req.getProperty("storage");
    String sFileDir = "file://" + sStorage + "domains" + File.separator + sDomainId + File.separator + "workareas" + File.separator + sWorkAreaId + File.separator + "cache" + File.separator + sUserId;
    String sCachedFile = "callstab_" + req.getWindowState().toString() + ".xhtm";

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln ("user=" + sUserId);
      DebugFile.writeln ("template=" + sTemplatePath);
      DebugFile.writeln ("cache dir=" + sFileDir);
      DebugFile.writeln ("modified=" + req.getAttribute("modified"));
      DebugFile.writeln ("encoding=" + sEncoding);

    Date oDtModified = (Date) req.getAttribute("modified");

    if (null!=oDtModified) {
      try {

        File oCached = new File(sFileDir.substring(7)+File.separator+sCachedFile);

        if (!oCached.exists()) {
        else {
          if (DebugFile.trace) {
            DebugFile.writeln ("file modified " + new Date(oCached.lastModified()).toString());
            DebugFile.writeln ("last modified " + new Date(oDtModified.getTime()).toString());
          if (oCached.lastModified()>oDtModified.getTime()) {
            sOutput = new String(FileSystem.readfile(sFileDir+File.separator+sCachedFile, sEncoding==null ? "ISO8859_1" : sEncoding));

            if (DebugFile.trace) {
              DebugFile.writeln("cache hit " + sFileDir+File.separator+sCachedFile);
              DebugFile.writeln("End CallsTab.render()");

          return sOutput;
          } // fi ()
      catch (Exception xcpt) {
        DebugFile.writeln(xcpt.getClass().getName() + " " + xcpt.getMessage());
    } // fi (oDtModified)

    String sXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\"?>";

    int iCalls = 0;

    if (req.getWindowState().equals(WindowState.MINIMIZED)) {
      sXML += "<calls/>";
    else {

      DBBind oDBB = (DBBind) getPortletContext().getAttribute("GlobalDBBind");

      DBSubset oCalls = new DBSubset (DB.k_phone_calls, DB.gu_phonecall + "," + DB.tp_phonecall + "," + DB.dt_start + "," + DB.dt_end + "," + DB.gu_contact + "," + DB.contact_person + "," + DB.tx_phone + "," + DB.tx_comments,
                                      DB.gu_workarea + "=? AND " + DB.gu_user + "=? AND " + DB.id_status + "=0 ORDER BY 3 DESC", 10);

      JDCConnection oCon = null;

      try  {
        oCon = oDBB.getConnection("CallsTab");

        iCalls = oCalls.load (oCon, new Object[]{sWorkAreaId,sUserId});

        for (int c=0; c<iCalls; c++) {
          if (oCalls.isNull(2,c))
          else {
            Date dtStart = oCalls.getDate(2,c);

            oCalls.setElementAt(Gadgets.leftPad(String.valueOf(dtStart.getHours()), '0', 2) + ":" + Gadgets.leftPad(String.valueOf(dtStart.getMinutes()), '0', 2), 2,c);
        } // next (c)

        oCon = null;

        sXML += "<calls>\n"+oCalls.toXML("","call")+"</calls>";
      catch (SQLException e) {
        sXML += "<calls/>";

        try {
          if (null != oCon)
            if (!oCon.isClosed())
        } catch (SQLException ignore) { }

    try {
       if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("new ByteArrayInputStream(" + String.valueOf(sXML.length()) + ")");

       if (sEncoding==null)
         oInStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(sXML.getBytes());
         oInStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(sXML.getBytes(sEncoding));

       oOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4000);

       Properties oProps = new Properties();

       Enumeration oKeys = req.getPropertyNames();
       while (oKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
         String sKey = (String) oKeys.nextElement();
         oProps.setProperty(sKey, req.getProperty(sKey));
       } // wend

       if (req.getWindowState().equals(WindowState.MINIMIZED))
         oProps.setProperty("windowstate", "MINIMIZED");
         oProps.setProperty("windowstate", "NORMAL");

       StylesheetCache.transform (sTemplatePath, oInStream, oOutStream, oProps);

       if (sEncoding==null)
         sOutput = oOutStream.toString();
         sOutput = oOutStream.toString("UTF-8");


       oInStream = null;

       oFS.writefilestr (sFileDir+File.separator+sCachedFile, sOutput, sEncoding==null ? "ISO8859_1" : sEncoding);
     catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) {
       if (DebugFile.trace) {
         DebugFile.writeln("TransformerConfigurationException " + tce.getMessageAndLocation());
         try {
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          throw new MessagingException (sqle.getMessage(), sqle);
        try {
          File oDir = new File (sFolderDir);
          if (!oDir.exists()) {
            FileSystem oFS = new FileSystem();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          iOpenMode = 0;
          oConn = null;
          if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
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    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln("Begin MyIncidencesTab.render()");

    FileSystem oFS = new FileSystem(FileSystem.OS_PUREJAVA);

    String sOutput;
    String sDomainId = req.getProperty("domain");
    String sWorkAreaId = req.getProperty("workarea");
    String sUserId = req.getProperty("user");
    String sZone = req.getProperty("zone");
    String sLang = req.getProperty("language");
    String sTemplatePath = req.getProperty("template");
    String sStorage = req.getProperty("storage");
    String sFileDir = "file://" + sStorage + "domains" + File.separator + sDomainId + File.separator + "workareas" + File.separator + sWorkAreaId + File.separator + "cache" + File.separator + sUserId;
    String sCachedFile = "myincidencestab_" + req.getWindowState().toString() + ".xhtm";

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln ("user=" + sUserId);
      DebugFile.writeln ("template=" + sTemplatePath);
      DebugFile.writeln ("cache dir=" + sFileDir);
      DebugFile.writeln ("modified=" + req.getAttribute("modified"));
      DebugFile.writeln ("encoding=" + sEncoding);

    Date oDtModified = (Date) req.getAttribute("modified");

    if (null!=oDtModified) {
      try {

        File oCached = new File(sFileDir.substring(7)+File.separator+sCachedFile);

        if (!oCached.exists()) {
        else if (oCached.lastModified()>oDtModified.getTime()) {
          sOutput = new String(oFS.readfile(sFileDir+File.separator+sCachedFile, sEncoding==null ? "ISO8859_1" : sEncoding));

          if (DebugFile.trace) {
            DebugFile.writeln("cache hit " + sFileDir+File.separator+sCachedFile);
            DebugFile.writeln("End MyIncidencesTab.render()");

          return sOutput;
      catch (Exception xcpt) {
        DebugFile.writeln(xcpt.getClass().getName() + " " + xcpt.getMessage());

    String sXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\"?>";

    int iBugs = 0;

    if (req.getWindowState().equals(WindowState.MINIMIZED)) {
      sXML += "<bugs/>";
    else {

      DBBind oDBB = (DBBind) getPortletContext().getAttribute("GlobalDBBind");

      DBSubset oBugs = new DBSubset (DB.k_bugs, DB.gu_bug + "," + DB.tl_bug,
                                     "(" + DB.tx_status + " IS NULL OR " + DB.tx_status + " IN ('EN ESPERA', 'ASIGNADO', 'VERIFICADO')) AND (" + DB.nm_assigned + "=? OR " + DB.tx_rep_mail + " IN (SELECT " + DB.tx_main_email + " FROM " + DB.k_users + " WHERE " + DB.gu_user + "=?)) ORDER BY " + DB.od_priority + " DESC", 10);

      JDCConnection oCon = null;

      try  {
        oCon = oDBB.getConnection("MyIncidencesTab");

        iBugs = oBugs.load (oCon, new Object[]{sUserId,sUserId});

        oCon = null;

        sXML += "<bugs>\n"+oBugs.toXML("","bug")+"</bugs>";
      catch (SQLException e) {
        sXML += "<bugs/>";

        try {
          if (null != oCon)
            if (!oCon.isClosed())
        } catch (SQLException ignore) { }

    try {
       if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("new ByteArrayInputStream(" + String.valueOf(sXML.length()) + ")");

       if (sEncoding==null)
         oInStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(sXML.getBytes());
         oInStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(sXML.getBytes(sEncoding));

       oOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4000);

       Properties oProps = new Properties();

       Enumeration oKeys = req.getPropertyNames();
       while (oKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
         String sKey = (String) oKeys.nextElement();
         oProps.setProperty(sKey, req.getProperty(sKey));
       } // wend

       if (req.getWindowState().equals(WindowState.MINIMIZED))
         oProps.setProperty("windowstate", "MINIMIZED");
         oProps.setProperty("windowstate", "NORMAL");

       StylesheetCache.transform (sTemplatePath, oInStream, oOutStream, oProps);

       if (sEncoding==null)
         sOutput = oOutStream.toString();
         sOutput = oOutStream.toString("UTF-8");


       oInStream = null;

       oFS.writefilestr (sFileDir+File.separator+sCachedFile, sOutput, sEncoding==null ? "ISO8859_1" : sEncoding);
     catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) {
       if (DebugFile.trace) {
         DebugFile.writeln("TransformerConfigurationException " + tce.getMessageAndLocation());
         try {
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    final int iMaxRecent = 10;

    FileSystem oFS = new FileSystem(FileSystem.OS_PUREJAVA);

    String sOutput;
    String sDomainId = req.getProperty("domain");
    String sWorkAreaId = req.getProperty("workarea");
    String sUserId = req.getProperty("user");
    String sZone = req.getProperty("zone");
    String sLang = req.getProperty("language");
    String sTemplatePath = req.getProperty("template");
    String sStorage = req.getProperty("storage");
    String sFileDir = "file://" + sStorage + "domains" + File.separator + sDomainId + File.separator + "workareas" + File.separator + sWorkAreaId + File.separator + "cache" + File.separator + sUserId;
    String sCachedFile = "recentpoststab_" + req.getWindowState().toString() + ".xhtm";

    // New for v4.0
    String sOrderBy = req.getProperty("orderby");
    if (null==sOrderBy) sOrderBy = DB.dt_published;
    if (sOrderBy.length()==0) sOrderBy = DB.dt_published;

    if (DebugFile.trace) {
      DebugFile.writeln ("user=" + sUserId);
      DebugFile.writeln ("template=" + sTemplatePath);
      DebugFile.writeln ("cache dir=" + sFileDir);
      DebugFile.writeln ("modified=" + req.getAttribute("modified"));
      DebugFile.writeln ("encoding=" + sEncoding);

    Date oDtModified = (Date) req.getAttribute("modified");

    if (null!=oDtModified) {
      try {

        File oCached = new File(sFileDir.substring(7)+File.separator+sCachedFile);

        if (!oCached.exists()) {
        else if (oCached.lastModified()>oDtModified.getTime()) {
          sOutput = new String(oFS.readfile(sFileDir+File.separator+sCachedFile, sEncoding==null ? "ISO8859_1" : sEncoding));

          if (DebugFile.trace) {
            DebugFile.writeln("cache hit " + sFileDir+File.separator+sCachedFile);
            DebugFile.writeln("End RecentPosts.render()");

          return sOutput;
      catch (Exception xcpt) {
        DebugFile.writeln(xcpt.getClass().getName() + " " + xcpt.getMessage());

    String sXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\"?>";

    int iPosts = 0;

    if (req.getWindowState().equals(WindowState.MINIMIZED)) {
      sXML += "<posts/>";
    else {

      DBBind oDBB = (DBBind) getPortletContext().getAttribute("GlobalDBBind");

      JDCConnection oCon = null;

      try  {
        oCon = oDBB.getConnection("RecentPostsTab");

        DBSubset oPosts = Forums.getTopLevelMessages(oCon,iMaxRecent,sWorkAreaId,Boolean.TRUE, sOrderBy);
        iPosts = oPosts.getRowCount();

        oCon = null;

        Date dtPub;
        int iDtPubColPos = oPosts.getColumnPosition(DB.dt_published);
        for (int p=0; p<iPosts; p++) {
          dtPub = oPosts.getDate(iDtPubColPos,p);
          oPosts.setElementAt(Gadgets.leftPad(String.valueOf(dtPub.getMonth()+1),'0',2)+"-"+Gadgets.leftPad(String.valueOf(dtPub.getDate()),'0',2)+" "+Gadgets.leftPad(String.valueOf(dtPub.getHours()),'0',2)+":"+Gadgets.leftPad(String.valueOf(dtPub.getMinutes()),'0',2), 5,p);

        sXML += "<posts>\n"+oPosts.toXML("","newsmsg")+"</posts>";
      catch (SQLException e) {
        sXML += "<posts/>";

        try {
          if (null != oCon)
            if (!oCon.isClosed())
        } catch (SQLException ignore) { }

    try {
       if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("new ByteArrayInputStream(" + String.valueOf(sXML.length()) + ")");

       if (sEncoding==null)
         oInStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(sXML.getBytes());
         oInStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(sXML.getBytes(sEncoding));

       oOutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4000);

       Properties oProps = new Properties();

       Enumeration oKeys = req.getPropertyNames();
       while (oKeys.hasMoreElements()) {
         String sKey = (String) oKeys.nextElement();
         oProps.setProperty(sKey, req.getProperty(sKey));
       } // wend

       if (req.getWindowState().equals(WindowState.MINIMIZED))
         oProps.setProperty("windowstate", "MINIMIZED");
         oProps.setProperty("windowstate", "NORMAL");
       StylesheetCache.transform (sTemplatePath, oInStream, oOutStream, oProps);

       if (sEncoding==null)
         sOutput = oOutStream.toString();
         sOutput = oOutStream.toString("UTF-8");


       oInStream = null;

       oFS.writefilestr (sFileDir+File.separator+sCachedFile, sOutput, sEncoding==null ? "ISO8859_1" : sEncoding);
     catch (TransformerConfigurationException tce) {
       if (DebugFile.trace) {
         DebugFile.writeln("TransformerConfigurationException " + tce.getMessageAndLocation());
         try {
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Related Classes of com.knowgate.dfs.FileSystem

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