Package com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.transaction

Examples of com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.transaction.DatasetGraphTxn

    public void store_0()
        // Expel.
        StoreConnection sConn = getStoreConnection() ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsgW1 = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
        dsgW1.commit() ;
        dsgW1.end() ;
        StoreConnection.release(sConn.getLocation()) ;
        StoreConnection sConn2 = getStoreConnection() ;
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    public void store_1()
        // Expel.
        StoreConnection sConn = getStoreConnection() ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsgR1 = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsgW1 = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
        dsgW1.add(q1) ;
        dsgW1.commit() ;
        dsgW1.end() ;
        StoreConnection.release(sConn.getLocation()) ;
        sConn = null ;
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    public void store_2()
        // Expel.
        // Only applies to non-memory.
        StoreConnection sConn = getStoreConnection() ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsgR1 = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
        StoreConnection.release(sConn.getLocation()) ;
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    public void store_3()
        // Expel.
        StoreConnection sConn = getStoreConnection() ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsgR1 = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
        StoreConnection.release(sConn.getLocation()) ;
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    public void store_4()
        StoreConnection sConn = getStoreConnection() ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsgR1 = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsgW1 = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
        dsgW1.add(q1) ;
        dsgW1.commit() ;
        dsgW1.end() ;
        StoreConnection.release(sConn.getLocation()) ;
        sConn = null ;
        StoreConnection sConn2 = getStoreConnection() ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsgW2 = sConn2.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
        dsgW2.add(q2) ;
        dsgW2.commit() ;
        dsgW2.end() ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsgR2 = sConn2.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
        long x = Iter.count(dsgR2.find()) ;
        assertEquals(2, x) ;
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        // This tests that the dataset is sync'ed when going into transactional mode.
        StoreConnection sConn = getStoreConnection() ;
        Location loc = sConn.getLocation() ;

        DatasetGraphTxn dsgTxn = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;

        dsgTxn.add(q1) ;
        assertTrue(dsgTxn.contains(q1)) ;
        dsgTxn.commit() ;
        dsgTxn.end() ;

        sConn.forceRecoverFromJournal() ;
        assertTrue(sConn.getBaseDataset().contains(q1)) ;
        StoreConnection.release(loc) ;
        sConn = StoreConnection.make(loc) ;
        DatasetGraph dsg2 = sConn.getBaseDataset() ;
        assertTrue(dsg2.contains(q1)) ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsgTxn2 = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
        assertTrue(dsgTxn2.contains(q1)) ;
        dsgTxn2.end() ;
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            dsg.add(q) ;
            TDB.sync(dsg) ;
            assertTrue(dsg.contains(q)) ;

        DatasetGraphTxn dsgTxn = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
        if ( nonTxnData )
            assertTrue(dsgTxn.contains(q)) ;
        dsgTxn.add(q1) ;
        assertTrue(dsgTxn.contains(q1)) ;
        if ( nonTxnData )
            assertTrue(dsgTxn.contains(q)) ;
        dsgTxn.commit() ;
        dsgTxn.end() ;

        // Should have flushed to disk.
        if ( nonTxnData )
            sConn.forceRecoverFromJournal() ;
            assertTrue(dsg.contains(q)) ;
        assertTrue(dsg.contains(q1)) ;
        // release via the transactional machinery
        StoreConnection.release(loc) ;
        sConn = null ;
        StoreConnection sConn2 = StoreConnection.make(loc) ;
        DatasetGraph dsg2 = sConn2.getBaseDataset() ;
        if ( nonTxnData )
            assertTrue(dsg2.contains(q)) ;
        assertTrue(dsg2.contains(q1)) ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsgTxn2 = sConn2.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
        if ( nonTxnData )
            assertTrue(dsgTxn2.contains(q)) ;
        assertTrue(dsgTxn2.contains(q1)) ;
        dsgTxn2.end() ;

        // Check API methods work.
        Dataset ds = TDBFactory.createDataset(loc) ;
        ds.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
        Model m = (q.isDefaultGraph() ? ds.getDefaultModel() : ds.getNamedModel("g")) ;
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        if ( ! LOC.isMem() )
            FileOps.clearDirectory(LOC.getDirectoryPath()) ;
        StoreConnection.reset() ;
        StoreConnection sConn = StoreConnection.make(LOC) ;
        DatasetGraphTxn dsg = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
        dsg.add(q1) ;
        dsg.add(q2) ;
        initCount = 2 ;
        dsg.commit() ;
        dsg.end() ;
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        public Object call()
            start() ;
            DatasetGraphTxn dsg = null ;
                int id = gen.incrementAndGet() ;
                for (int i = 0; i < repeats; i++)
                    dsg = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.READ) ;
                    log.debug("reader start " + id + "/" + i) ;

                    // Original T_TransSystem code
//                    int x1 = count("SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }", dsg) ;
//                    pause(maxpause) ;
//                    int x2 = count("SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }", dsg) ;
//                    if (x1 != x2) log.warn(format("READER: %s Change seen: %d/%d : id=%d: i=%d",
//                                                  dsg.getTransaction().getLabel(), x1, x2, id, i)) ;
                    // Add in an abort.
                    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    int x1 = count("SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }", dsg) ;
                    pause(maxpause) ;

                    String qs1 = StrUtils.strjoinNL("PREFIX afn:     <>",
                        "SELECT * { {FILTER(afn:wait(10))} UNION {?s ?p ?o }}") ;
                    String qs2 = StrUtils.strjoinNL("DESCRIBE ?s { ?s ?p ?o }") ;
                    try {
                        //countWithAbort(qs1, dsg, 5) ;
                        describeWithAbort(qs2, dsg, -1) ;
                    } catch (QueryCancelledException e)
                        txn("X", dsg);

                    log.debug("reader finish " + id + "/" + i) ;
                    dsg.end() ;
                    txn("R", dsg) ;
                    dsg = null ;
                return null ;
            } catch (RuntimeException ex)
                System.out.flush() ;
                System.err.println() ;
                ex.printStackTrace(System.err) ;
                if ( dsg != null )
                    dsg.abort() ;
                    dsg.end() ;
                    txn("E", dsg) ;
                    dsg = null ;
                System.exit(2) ;
                return null ;
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        public Object call()
            start() ;

            DatasetGraphTxn dsg = null ;
            try {
                int id = gen.incrementAndGet() ;
                for ( int i = 0 ; i < repeats ; i++ )
                    dsg = sConn.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE) ;
                    log.debug("writer start "+id+"/"+i) ;

                    int x1 = count("SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }", dsg) ;
                    int z = change(dsg, id, i) ;
                    pause(maxpause) ;
                    int x2 = count("SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }", dsg) ;
                    if ( x1+z != x2 )
                        TransactionManager txnMgr = dsg.getTransaction().getTxnMgr() ;
                        SysTxnState state = txnMgr.state() ;
                        String label = dsg.getTransaction().getLabel() ;
                        log.warn(format("WRITER: %s Change seen: %d + %d != %d : id=%d: i=%d", label, x1, z, x2, id, i)) ;
                        log.warn(state.toString()) ;
                        dsg.abort() ;
                        dsg.end() ;
                        dsg = null ;
                        return null ;
                    if (commit)
                        dsg.commit() ;
                        txn("C", dsg) ;
                        dsg.abort() ;
                        txn("A", dsg) ;
                    SysTxnState state = sConn.getTransMgrState() ;
                    log.debug(state.toString()) ;
                    log.debug("writer finish "+id+"/"+i)
                    Lib.sleep(20) ;
                    dsg.end() ;
                    dsg = null ;
                return null ;
            catch (RuntimeException ex)
                txn("E", dsg) ;
                System.err.println() ;
                ex.printStackTrace(System.err) ;
                System.exit(1) ;
                if ( dsg != null )
                    dsg.abort() ;
                    dsg.end() ;
                    dsg = null ;
                return null ;
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