Package com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui

Examples of com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.CheckBox


    private Widget doInsertLogical() {
        HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel();

        final CheckBox cb = new CheckBox();
        cb.setValue( editingCol.isInsertLogical() );
        cb.setText( "" );
        cb.setEnabled( !isReadOnly );
        if ( !isReadOnly ) {
            cb.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                public void onClick( ClickEvent arg0 ) {
                    if ( oracle.isGlobalVariable( editingCol.getBoundName() ) ) {
                        cb.setEnabled( false );
                        editingCol.setInsertLogical( false );
                    } else {
                        editingCol.setInsertLogical( cb.getValue() );
            } );
        hp.add( cb );
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                choice.addItem( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.DeleteAnExistingFact(),

                //Checkbox to include Advanced Action types
                final CheckBox chkIncludeAdvancedOptions = new CheckBox( SafeHtmlUtils.fromString( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.IncludeAdvancedOptions() ) );
                chkIncludeAdvancedOptions.setValue( false );
                chkIncludeAdvancedOptions.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {

                    public void onClick( ClickEvent event ) {
                        if ( chkIncludeAdvancedOptions.getValue() ) {
                            addItem( 3,
                            addItem( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.WorkItemAction(),
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            final SmallLabel label = makeColumnLabel( atc );
            hp.add( label );

            final MetadataCol52 at = atc;
            final CheckBox hide = new CheckBox( new StringBuilder( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.HideThisColumn() ).append( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.COLON ).toString() );
            hide.setStyleName( "form-field" );
            hide.setValue( atc.isHideColumn() );
            hide.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                public void onClick( ClickEvent sender ) {
                    final MetadataCol52 clonedAt = at.cloneColumn();
                    at.setHideColumn( hide.getValue() );
                    dtable.setColumnVisibility( at,
                                                !at.isHideColumn() );
                    setColumnLabelStyleWhenHidden( label,
                                                   hide.getValue() );
                    fireUpdateColumn( identity.getName(), clonedAt, at, clonedAt.diff(at) );
            } );
            hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
            hp.add( hide );

            attributeConfigWidget.add( hp );
        if ( model.getAttributeCols().size() > 0 ) {
            HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel();
            hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
            hp.add( new SmallLabel( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.Attributes() ) );
            attributeConfigWidget.add( hp );

        for ( AttributeCol52 atc : model.getAttributeCols() ) {
            final AttributeCol52 at = atc;
            HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel();
            hp.setVerticalAlignment( HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE );

            hp.add( new HTML( "    " ) );
            if ( !isReadOnly ) {
                hp.add( removeAttr( at ) );
            final SmallLabel label = makeColumnLabel( atc );
            hp.add( label );

            final Widget defaultValue = DefaultValueWidgetFactory.getDefaultValueWidget( atc,
                                                                                         isReadOnly, new DefaultValueWidgetFactory.DefaultValueChangedEventHandler() {
                public void onDefaultValueChanged( DefaultValueWidgetFactory.DefaultValueChangedEvent event ) {
                    final AttributeCol52 clonedAt = at.cloneColumn();
                    fireUpdateColumn( identity.getName(), clonedAt, at, clonedAt.diff(at) );
            } );

            if ( at.getAttribute().equals( RuleAttributeWidget.SALIENCE_ATTR ) ) {
                hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
                final CheckBox useRowNumber = new CheckBox( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.UseRowNumber() );
                useRowNumber.setStyleName( "form-field" );
                useRowNumber.setValue( at.isUseRowNumber() );
                useRowNumber.setEnabled( !isReadOnly );
                hp.add( useRowNumber );

                hp.add( new SmallLabel( "(" ) );
                final CheckBox reverseOrder = new CheckBox( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.ReverseOrder() );
                reverseOrder.setStyleName( "form-field" );
                reverseOrder.setValue( at.isReverseOrder() );
                reverseOrder.setEnabled( at.isUseRowNumber() && !isReadOnly );

                useRowNumber.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                    public void onClick( ClickEvent sender ) {
                        final AttributeCol52 clonedAt = at.cloneColumn();
                        at.setUseRowNumber( useRowNumber.getValue() );
                        reverseOrder.setEnabled( useRowNumber.getValue() );
                        fireUpdateColumn( identity.getName(), clonedAt, at, clonedAt.diff(at) );
                } );

                reverseOrder.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                    public void onClick( ClickEvent sender ) {
                        final AttributeCol52 clonedAt = at.cloneColumn();
                        at.setReverseOrder( reverseOrder.getValue() );
                        fireUpdateColumn( identity.getName(), clonedAt, at, clonedAt.diff(at) );
                } );
                hp.add( reverseOrder );
                hp.add( new SmallLabel( ")" ) );
            hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
            hp.add( new SmallLabel( new StringBuilder( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.DefaultValue() ).append( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.COLON ).toString() ) );
            hp.add( defaultValue );

            final CheckBox hide = new CheckBox( new StringBuilder( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.HideThisColumn() ).append( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.COLON ).toString() );
            hide.setStyleName( "form-field" );
            hide.setValue( at.isHideColumn() );
            hide.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                public void onClick( ClickEvent sender ) {
                    final AttributeCol52 clonedAt = at.cloneColumn();
                    at.setHideColumn( hide.getValue() );
                    dtable.setColumnVisibility( at,
                                                !at.isHideColumn() );
                    setColumnLabelStyleWhenHidden( label,
                                                   hide.getValue() );
                    fireUpdateColumn( identity.getName(), clonedAt, at, clonedAt.diff(at) );
            } );
            hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
            hp.add( hide );
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        } );
        pop.addAttribute( new StringBuilder(GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.Binding()).append(GuidedDecisionTableConstants.COLON).toString(),
                          binding );

        //Patterns can be negated, i.e. "not Pattern(...)"
        final CheckBox chkNegated = new CheckBox();
        chkNegated.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {

            public void onClick( ClickEvent event ) {
                boolean isPatternNegated = chkNegated.getValue();
                binding.setEnabled( !isPatternNegated );

        } );
        pop.addAttribute( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.negatePattern(),
                          chkNegated );

        Button ok = new Button( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.OK() );
        ok.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick( ClickEvent w ) {

                boolean isPatternNegated = chkNegated.getValue();
                String ft = types.getItemText( types.getSelectedIndex() );
                String fn = isPatternNegated ? "" : binding.getText();
                if ( !isPatternNegated ) {
                    if ( fn.equals( "" ) ) {
                        Window.alert( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.PleaseEnterANameForFact() );
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     * An editor for whether the column is hidden or not
     * @param col
     * @return
    public static CheckBox getHideColumnIndicator( final DTColumnConfig52 col ) {
        final CheckBox chkHide = new CheckBox();
        chkHide.setValue( col.isHideColumn() );
        chkHide.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick( ClickEvent sender ) {
                col.setHideColumn( chkHide.getValue() );
        } );
        return chkHide;
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        return horiz;

    private Widget checkBoxEditor( final RuleAttribute at,
                                   final boolean isReadOnly ) {
        final CheckBox box = new CheckBox();
        box.setEnabled( !isReadOnly );
        if ( at.getValue() == null || at.getValue().isEmpty() ) {
            box.setValue( false );
            at.setValue( FALSE_VALUE );
        } else {
            box.setValue( ( at.getValue().equals( TRUE_VALUE ) ) );

        box.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick( ClickEvent event ) {
                at.setValue( ( box.getValue() ) ? TRUE_VALUE : FALSE_VALUE );
        } );
        return box;
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                choice.addItem( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.DeleteAnExistingFact(),

                //Checkbox to include Advanced Action types
                final CheckBox chkIncludeAdvancedOptions = new CheckBox( SafeHtmlUtils.fromString( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.IncludeAdvancedOptions() ) );
                chkIncludeAdvancedOptions.setValue( false );
                chkIncludeAdvancedOptions.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {

                    public void onClick( ClickEvent event ) {
                        if ( chkIncludeAdvancedOptions.getValue() ) {
                            addItem( 3,
                            addItem( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.WorkItemAction(),
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            final SmallLabel label = makeColumnLabel( atc );
            hp.add( label );

            final MetadataCol52 at = atc;
            final CheckBox hide = new CheckBox( new StringBuilder( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.HideThisColumn() ).append( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.COLON ).toString() );
            hide.setStyleName( "form-field" );
            hide.setValue( atc.isHideColumn() );
            hide.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                public void onClick( ClickEvent sender ) {
                    final MetadataCol52 clonedAt = at.cloneColumn();
                    at.setHideColumn( hide.getValue() );
                    dtable.setColumnVisibility( at,
                                                !at.isHideColumn() );
                    setColumnLabelStyleWhenHidden( label,
                                                   hide.getValue() );
                    fireUpdateColumn( identity.getName(), clonedAt, at, clonedAt.diff( at ) );
            } );
            hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
            hp.add( hide );

            attributeConfigWidget.add( hp );
        if ( model.getAttributeCols().size() > 0 ) {
            HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel();
            hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
            hp.add( new SmallLabel( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.Attributes() ) );
            attributeConfigWidget.add( hp );

        for ( AttributeCol52 atc : model.getAttributeCols() ) {
            final AttributeCol52 at = atc;
            HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel();
            hp.setVerticalAlignment( HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE );

            hp.add( new HTML( "    " ) );
            if ( !isReadOnly ) {
                hp.add( removeAttr( at ) );
            final SmallLabel label = makeColumnLabel( atc );
            hp.add( label );

            final Widget defaultValue = DefaultValueWidgetFactory.getDefaultValueWidget( atc,
                                                                                         isReadOnly, new DefaultValueWidgetFactory.DefaultValueChangedEventHandler() {
                public void onDefaultValueChanged( DefaultValueWidgetFactory.DefaultValueChangedEvent event ) {
                    final AttributeCol52 clonedAt = at.cloneColumn();
                    clonedAt.setDefaultValue( event.getOldDefaultValue() );
                    fireUpdateColumn( identity.getName(), clonedAt, at, clonedAt.diff( at ) );
            } );

            if ( at.getAttribute().equals( RuleAttributeWidget.SALIENCE_ATTR ) ) {
                hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
                final CheckBox useRowNumber = new CheckBox( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.UseRowNumber() );
                useRowNumber.setStyleName( "form-field" );
                useRowNumber.setValue( at.isUseRowNumber() );
                useRowNumber.setEnabled( !isReadOnly );
                hp.add( useRowNumber );

                hp.add( new SmallLabel( "(" ) );
                final CheckBox reverseOrder = new CheckBox( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.ReverseOrder() );
                reverseOrder.setStyleName( "form-field" );
                reverseOrder.setValue( at.isReverseOrder() );
                reverseOrder.setEnabled( at.isUseRowNumber() && !isReadOnly );

                useRowNumber.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                    public void onClick( ClickEvent sender ) {
                        final AttributeCol52 clonedAt = at.cloneColumn();
                        at.setUseRowNumber( useRowNumber.getValue() );
                        reverseOrder.setEnabled( useRowNumber.getValue() );
                        fireUpdateColumn( identity.getName(), clonedAt, at, clonedAt.diff( at ) );
                } );

                reverseOrder.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                    public void onClick( ClickEvent sender ) {
                        final AttributeCol52 clonedAt = at.cloneColumn();
                        at.setReverseOrder( reverseOrder.getValue() );
                        fireUpdateColumn( identity.getName(), clonedAt, at, clonedAt.diff( at ) );
                } );
                hp.add( reverseOrder );
                hp.add( new SmallLabel( ")" ) );
            hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
            hp.add( new SmallLabel( new StringBuilder( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.DefaultValue() ).append( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.COLON ).toString() ) );
            hp.add( defaultValue );

            final CheckBox hide = new CheckBox( new StringBuilder( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.HideThisColumn() ).append( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.COLON ).toString() );
            hide.setStyleName( "form-field" );
            hide.setValue( at.isHideColumn() );
            hide.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
                public void onClick( ClickEvent sender ) {
                    final AttributeCol52 clonedAt = at.cloneColumn();
                    at.setHideColumn( hide.getValue() );
                    dtable.setColumnVisibility( at,
                                                !at.isHideColumn() );
                    setColumnLabelStyleWhenHidden( label,
                                                   hide.getValue() );
                    fireUpdateColumn( identity.getName(), clonedAt, at, clonedAt.diff( at ) );
            } );
            hp.add( new HTML( "  " ) );
            hp.add( hide );
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     * An editor for whether the column is hidden or not
     * @param col
     * @return
    public static CheckBox getHideColumnIndicator( final DTColumnConfig52 col ) {
        final CheckBox chkHide = new CheckBox();
        chkHide.setValue( col.isHideColumn() );
        chkHide.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick( ClickEvent sender ) {
                col.setHideColumn( chkHide.getValue() );
        } );
        return chkHide;
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        } );
        pop.addAttribute( new StringBuilder( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.Binding() ).append( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.COLON ).toString(),
                          binding );

        //Patterns can be negated, i.e. "not Pattern(...)"
        final CheckBox chkNegated = new CheckBox();
        chkNegated.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {

            public void onClick( ClickEvent event ) {
                boolean isPatternNegated = chkNegated.getValue();
                binding.setEnabled( !isPatternNegated );

        } );
        pop.addAttribute( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.negatePattern(),
                          chkNegated );

        pop.add( new ModalFooterOKCancelButtons( new Command() {
            public void execute() {
                boolean isPatternNegated = chkNegated.getValue();
                String ft = types.getItemText( types.getSelectedIndex() );
                String fn = isPatternNegated ? "" : binding.getText();
                if ( !isPatternNegated ) {
                    if ( fn.equals( "" ) ) {
                        Window.alert( GuidedDecisionTableConstants.INSTANCE.PleaseEnterANameForFact() );
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Related Classes of com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.CheckBox

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