Package com.facebook.presto.spi

Examples of com.facebook.presto.spi.RecordSet

        public Operator createNewDataStream(OperatorContext operatorContext, Split split, List<ColumnHandle> columns)
            assertInstanceOf(split, FunctionAssertions.TestSplit.class);
            FunctionAssertions.TestSplit testSplit = (FunctionAssertions.TestSplit) split;
            if (testSplit.isRecordSet()) {
                RecordSet records = InMemoryRecordSet.builder(ImmutableList.of(LONG, STRING, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, LONG, STRING, STRING)).addRow(
                        MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(new DateTime(2001, 8, 22, 3, 4, 5, 321, DateTimeZone.UTC).getMillis()),
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        List<? extends ConnectorColumnHandle> delegatedColumns = new ArrayList<>(columns);
        if (sampleWeightField > -1) {
            RecordSet recordSet;
            if (delegatedColumns.isEmpty()) {
                // Pick a random column, so that we can figure out how many rows there are
                TpchSplit tpchSplit = (TpchSplit) split;
                ConnectorColumnHandle column = Iterables.getFirst(metadata.getColumnHandles(tpchSplit.getTableHandle()).values(), null);
                checkNotNull(column, "Could not find any columns");
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        checkState(getSource() == null, "Index source split already set");

        IndexSplit indexSplit = (IndexSplit) split.getConnectorSplit();

        // Normalize the incoming RecordSet to something that can be consumed by the index
        RecordSet normalizedRecordSet = probeKeyNormalizer.apply(indexSplit.getKeyRecordSet());
        RecordSet result = index.lookup(normalizedRecordSet);
        source = new PageSourceOperator(new RecordPageSource(result), result.getColumnTypes(), operatorContext);

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    public RecordSet lookup(RecordSet rawInputRecordSet)
        // convert the input record set from the column ordering in the query to
        // match the column ordering of the index
        RecordSet inputRecordSet = keyFormatter.apply(rawInputRecordSet);

        // lookup the values in the index
        RecordSet rawOutputRecordSet = indexedTable.lookupKeys(inputRecordSet);

        // convert the output record set of the index into the column ordering
        // expect by the query
        return outputFormatter.apply(rawOutputRecordSet);
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                Set<TpchScaledColumn> keyColumns = FluentIterable.from(keyColumnNames)

                TpchTable<?> tpchTable = TpchTable.getTable(table.getTableName());
                RecordSet recordSet = tpchRecordSetProvider.getRecordSet(tpchTable, ImmutableList.copyOf(columnHandles.values()), table.getScaleFactor(), 0, 1);
                IndexedTable indexedTable = indexTable(recordSet, ImmutableList.copyOf(columnHandles.keySet()), keyColumnNames);
                indexedTablesBuilder.put(keyColumns, indexedTable);
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        public Operator createNewDataStream(OperatorContext operatorContext, Split split, List<ColumnHandle> columns)
            assertInstanceOf(split, FunctionAssertions.TestSplit.class);
            FunctionAssertions.TestSplit testSplit = (FunctionAssertions.TestSplit) split;
            if (testSplit.isRecordSet()) {
                RecordSet records = InMemoryRecordSet.builder(ImmutableList.of(LONG, STRING, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, LONG, STRING, STRING)).addRow(
                        MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(new DateTime(2001, 8, 22, 3, 4, 5, 321, DateTimeZone.UTC).getMillis()),
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        List<? extends ColumnHandle> delegatedColumns = new ArrayList<>(columns);
        if (sampleWeightField > -1) {
            RecordSet recordSet;
            if (delegatedColumns.isEmpty()) {
                // Pick a random column, so that we can figure out how many rows there are
                TpchSplit tpchSplit = (TpchSplit) split;
                ColumnHandle column = Iterables.getFirst(metadata.getColumnHandles(tpchSplit.getTableHandle()).values(), null);
                checkNotNull(column, "Could not find any columns");
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        List<? extends ColumnHandle> delegatedColumns = new ArrayList<>(columns);
        if (sampleWeightField > -1) {
            RecordSet recordSet;
            if (delegatedColumns.isEmpty()) {
                // Pick a random column, so that we can figure out how many rows there are
                TpchSplit tpchSplit = (TpchSplit) split;
                ColumnHandle column = Iterables.getFirst(metadata.getColumnHandles(tpchSplit.getTableHandle()).values(), null);
                checkNotNull(column, "Could not find any columns");
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            throws Exception
        ConnectorTableHandle table = getTableHandle(tableUnpartitioned);
        ConnectorPartitionResult partitionResult = splitManager.getPartitions(table, TupleDomain.<ConnectorColumnHandle>all());
        ConnectorSplit split = Iterables.getFirst(getAllSplits(splitManager.getPartitionSplits(table, partitionResult.getPartitions())), null);
        RecordSet recordSet = recordSetProvider.getRecordSet(split, ImmutableList.of(invalidColumnHandle));
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        handle ="jdbc:h2:mem:test" + System.nanoTime());

        RecordSet ordersRecords = readTpchRecords(TPCH_ORDERS_METADATA);
        handle.execute("CREATE TABLE orders (\n" +
                "  orderkey BIGINT PRIMARY KEY,\n" +
                "  custkey BIGINT NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  orderstatus CHAR(1) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  totalprice DOUBLE NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  orderdate CHAR(10) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  orderpriority CHAR(15) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  clerk CHAR(15) NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  shippriority BIGINT NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  comment VARCHAR(79) NOT NULL\n" +
        insertRows(TPCH_ORDERS_METADATA, handle, ordersRecords);

        RecordSet lineItemRecords = readTpchRecords(TPCH_LINEITEM_METADATA);
        handle.execute("CREATE TABLE lineitem (\n" +
                "  orderkey BIGINT,\n" +
                "  partkey BIGINT NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  suppkey BIGINT NOT NULL,\n" +
                "  linenumber BIGINT,\n" +
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Related Classes of com.facebook.presto.spi.RecordSet

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