Package com.ecyrd.jspwiki

Examples of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiEngine

        doc.setContext( context ); // Make sure it is set
        //  Do some sane defaults
        WikiEngine engine = m_context.getEngine();
        String runplugins = engine.getVariable( m_context, MarkupParser.PROP_RUNPLUGINS );
        if( runplugins != null ) enablePlugins( TextUtil.isPositive(runplugins));
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        OutputStream out = null;
            out = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(outFile) );
            WikiEngine engine = new WikiEngine(props);
            Exporter x = new Exporter(out, true );
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                                              String title,
                                              String baseName )
        String basicPageName = ((baseName != null)?baseName:"Bug")+MarkupParser.cleanLink(title);

        WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();

        String pageName = basicPageName;
        long   lastbug  = 2;

        while( engine.pageExists( pageName ) )
            pageName = basicPageName + lastbug++;

        return pageName;
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               commentText + "\" title=\"" + commentText + "\"/>";

    private String imageUrl( WikiContext ctx )
        WikiEngine engine = ctx.getEngine();
        String commentImage = engine.getWikiProperties().getProperty(PROP_NOTE_IMAGE,

        commentImage = "images/"+commentImage;
        String resource = engine.getTemplateManager().findResource( ctx,
                                                                    commentImage );

        return ctx.getURL( WikiContext.NONE, resource );
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        return "text/html; charset=UTF-8";

    private byte[] getText()
        WikiEngine engine = ((WikiDavProvider)m_provider).getEngine();

        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( engine, m_page );
        context.setRequestContext( WikiContext.VIEW );

        context.setVariable( MarkupParser.PROP_RUNPLUGINS, "false" );
        context.setVariable( WikiEngine.PROP_RUNFILTERS, "false" );

        String text = engine.getHTML( context, m_page );

            return text.getBytes("UTF-8");
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    public String execute( WikiContext context, Map params )
        throws PluginException
        WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
        String prop = (String) params.get( PARAM_PROP );
        if ( "users".equals( prop ) )
            Principal[] principals = WikiSession.userPrincipals( engine );
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    public final int doWikiStartTag()
        throws IOException
        WikiEngine engine = m_wikiContext.getEngine();
        WikiPage   page   = m_wikiContext.getPage();

        if( page != null )
            if( page instanceof Attachment )
                pageContext.getOut().print( engine.beautifyTitle( ((Attachment)page).getParentName()) );
                String name = page.getName();

                int entrystart = name.indexOf("_blogentry_");

                if( entrystart != -1 )
                    name = name.substring( 0, entrystart );

                int commentstart = name.indexOf("_comments_");

                if( commentstart != -1 )
                    name = name.substring( 0, commentstart );

                pageContext.getOut().print( engine.beautifyTitle(name) );

        return SKIP_BODY;
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         * @return String Wiki page snippet
         * @throws PluginException Malformed pattern parameter.
        public String execute( WikiContext context, Map params ) throws PluginException
            WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
            WikiPage page = context.getPage();
            String result = STR_EMPTY;

            if( page != null )
                // get parameters
                String pagename = page.getName();
                String count = (String) params.get( PARAM_COUNT );
                String show = (String) params.get( PARAM_SHOW );
                int entries = TextUtil.parseIntParameter( (String) params.get( PARAM_MAX_ENTRIES ), Integer.MAX_VALUE );
                final int max = TextUtil.parseIntParameter( (String) params.get( PARAM_MAX_COUNT ), Integer.MAX_VALUE );
                final int min = TextUtil.parseIntParameter( (String) params.get( PARAM_MIN_COUNT ), Integer.MIN_VALUE );
                String sort = (String) params.get( PARAM_SORT );
                String body = (String) params.get( PluginManager.PARAM_BODY );
                Pattern[] exclude = compileGlobs( PARAM_EXCLUDE, (String) params.get( PARAM_EXCLUDE ) );
                Pattern[] include = compileGlobs( PARAM_INCLUDE, (String) params.get( PARAM_INCLUDE ) );
                Pattern[] refer = compileGlobs( PARAM_REFER, (String) params.get( PARAM_REFER ) );
                PatternMatcher matcher = (null != exclude || null != include || null != refer) ? new Perl5Matcher() : null;
                boolean increment = false;

                // increment counter?
                if( STR_YES.equals( count ) )
                    increment = true;
                    count = null;

                // default increment counter?
                if( (show == null || STR_NONE.equals( show )) && count == null )
                    increment = true;

                // filter on referring pages?
                Collection<String> referrers = null;

                if( refer != null )
                    ReferenceManager refManager = engine.getReferenceManager();

                    Iterator iter = refManager.findCreated().iterator();

                    while ( iter != null && iter.hasNext() )

                        String name = (String);
                        boolean use = false;

                        for( int n = 0; !use && n < refer.length; n++ )
                            use = matcher.matches( name, refer[n] );

                        if( use )
                            Collection<String> refs = engine.getReferenceManager().findReferrers( name );

                            if( refs != null && !refs.isEmpty() )
                                if( referrers == null )
                                    referrers = new HashSet<String>();
                                referrers.addAll( refs );

                synchronized( this )
                    Counter counter = m_counters.get( pagename );

                    // only count in view mode, keep storage values in sync
                    if( increment && WikiContext.VIEW.equalsIgnoreCase( context.getRequestContext() ) )
                        if( counter == null )
                            counter = new Counter();
                            m_counters.put( pagename, counter );
                        m_storage.setProperty( pagename, counter.toString() );
                        m_dirty = true;

                    if( show == null || STR_NONE.equals( show ) )
                        // nothing to show

                    else if( PARAM_COUNT.equals( show ) )
                        // show page count
                        result = counter.toString();

                    else if( body != null && 0 < body.length() && STR_LIST.equals( show ) )
                        // show list of counts
                        String header = STR_EMPTY;
                        String line = body;
                        String footer = STR_EMPTY;
                        int start = body.indexOf( STR_SEPARATOR );

                        // split body into header, line, footer on ----
                        // separator
                        if( 0 < start )
                            header = body.substring( 0, start );

                            start = skipWhitespace( start + STR_SEPARATOR.length(), body );

                            int end = body.indexOf( STR_SEPARATOR, start );

                            if( start >= end )
                                line = body.substring( start );

                                line = body.substring( start, end );

                                end = skipWhitespace( end + STR_SEPARATOR.length(), body );

                                footer = body.substring( end );

                        // sort on name or count?
                        Map<String, Counter> sorted = m_counters;

                        if( sort != null && PARAM_COUNT.equals( sort ) )
                            sorted = new TreeMap<String, Counter>( m_compareCountDescending );

                            sorted.putAll( m_counters );

                        // build a messagebuffer with the list in wiki markup
                        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( header );
                        MessageFormat fmt = new MessageFormat( line );
                        Object[] args = new Object[] { pagename, STR_EMPTY, STR_EMPTY };
                        Iterator iter = sorted.entrySet().iterator();

                        while ( iter != null && 0 < entries && iter.hasNext() )

                            Entry entry = (Entry);
                            String name = (String) entry.getKey();

                            // check minimum count
                            final int value = ((Counter) entry.getValue()).getValue();
                            boolean use = min <= value && value <= max;

                            // did we specify a refer-to page?
                            if( use && referrers != null )

                                use = referrers.contains( name );

                            // did we specify what pages to include?
                            if( use && include != null )
                                use = false;

                                for( int n = 0; !use && n < include.length; n++ )

                                    use = matcher.matches( name, include[n] );

                            // did we specify what pages to exclude?
                            if( use && null != exclude )
                                for( int n = 0; use && n < exclude.length; n++ )

                                    use &= !matcher.matches( name, exclude[n] );

                            if( use )
                                args[1] = engine.beautifyTitle( name );
                                args[2] = entry.getValue();

                                fmt.format( args, buf, null );

                        buf.append( footer );

                        // let the engine render the list
                        result = engine.textToHTML( context, buf.toString() );
            return result;
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        int      spacing  = 4;
        boolean  showAuthor = true;
        boolean  showChangenote = true;
        int      tablewidth = 4;
        WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();

        //  Which format we want to see?
        if( "compact".equals( params.get(PARAM_FORMAT) ) )
            spacing  = 0;
            showAuthor = false;
            showChangenote = false;
            tablewidth = 2;

        Calendar sincedate = new GregorianCalendar();
        sincedate.add( Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -since );

        log.debug("Calculating recent changes from "+sincedate.getTime());

        // FIXME: Should really have a since date on the getRecentChanges
        // method.
        Collection   changes = engine.getRecentChanges();
        super.initialize( context, params );
        changes = super.filterCollection( changes );
        if( changes != null )
            Date olddate   = new Date(0);

            DateFormat fmt = getDateFormat( context, params );
            DateFormat tfmt = getTimeFormat( context, params );

            table rt = new table();

            for( Iterator i = changes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                WikiPage pageref = (WikiPage);

                Date lastmod = pageref.getLastModified();

                if( lastmod.before( sincedate.getTime() ) )
                if( !isSameDay( lastmod, olddate ) )
                    tr row = new tr();
                    td col = new td();
                    col.addElement( new b().addElement(fmt.format(lastmod)) );

                    olddate = lastmod;

                String link = context.getURL( pageref instanceof Attachment ? WikiContext.ATTACH : WikiContext.VIEW,
                                              pageref.getName() ) ;
                a linkel = new a(link,engine.beautifyTitle(pageref.getName()));
                tr row = new tr();
                td col = new td().setWidth("30%").addElement(linkel);

                //  Add the direct link to the attachment info.
                if( pageref instanceof Attachment )
                    linkel = new a().setHref(context.getURL(WikiContext.INFO,pageref.getName()));
                    linkel.addElement( new img().setSrc(context.getURL(WikiContext.NONE, "images/attachment_small.png")));

                    col.addElement( linkel );

                if( pageref instanceof Attachment )
                    row.addElement( new td(tfmt.format(lastmod)).setClass("lastchange") );
                    td infocol = (td) new td().setClass("lastchange");
                    infocol.addElement( new a(context.getURL(WikiContext.DIFF, pageref.getName(), "r1=-1"),tfmt.format(lastmod)) );

                //  Display author information.

                if( showAuthor )
                    String author = pageref.getAuthor();

                    td authorinfo = new td();
                    if( author != null )
                        if( engine.pageExists(author) )
                            authorinfo.addElement( new a(context.getURL(WikiContext.VIEW, author),author) );
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        return list;
    private String renderResults( Collection results, WikiContext context, int maxItems )
        WikiEngine engine = context.getEngine();
        table t = new table();

        tr row = new tr();
        t.addElement( row );
        row.addElement( new th().setWidth("30%").setAlign("left").addElement("Page") );
        row.addElement( new th().setAlign("left").addElement("Score"));

        int idx = 0;
        for( Iterator i = results.iterator(); i.hasNext() && idx++ <= maxItems; )
            SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);
            row = new tr();
            td name = new td().setWidth("30%");
            name.addElement( "<a href=\""+
                             context.getURL( WikiContext.VIEW, sr.getPage().getName() )+
            row.addElement( name );
            row.addElement( new td().addElement(""+sr.getScore()));
            t.addElement( row );
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Related Classes of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiEngine

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