Package com.compomics.util.experiment.biology

Examples of com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.PTM

            int modMatchIndex = 0;

            for (ModificationMatch modMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) {

                PTM currentPtm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modMatch.getTheoreticPtm());
                int ptmLocation = modMatch.getModificationSite();

                if (currentPtm.isNTerm()) {
                    ptmLocation = 0;
                } else if (currentPtm.isCTerm()) {
                    ptmLocation = peptideSequence.length() + 1;

                br.write(getCurrentTabSpace() + "<Modification monoisotopicMassDelta=\"" + currentPtm.getMass() + "\" "
                        + "residues=\"" + peptideSequence.charAt(modMatch.getModificationSite() - 1) + "\" "
                        + "location=\"" + ptmLocation + "\" >" + System.getProperty("line.separator"));

                CvTerm ptmCvTerm = PtmToPrideMap.getDefaultCVTerm(currentPtm.getName());
                if (ptmCvTerm != null) {
                    if (mzidVersion1_2) {
                        writeCvTerm(new CvTerm("PSI-MS", "MS:100XXX", "order", modMatchIndex + "")); // @TODO: add correct cv term!
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        // iterate and add the ptms
        for (String ptm : searchParameters.getModificationProfile().getAllModifications()) {

            PTM currentPtm = ptmFactory.getPTM(ptm);

            String aminoAcidsAtTarget = "";
            if (currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODN
                    || currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODNP
                    || currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODC
                    || currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODCP) {
                aminoAcidsAtTarget = ".";
            } else {
                for (Character aa : currentPtm.getPattern().getAminoAcidsAtTarget()) {
                    aminoAcidsAtTarget += aa;

            br.write(getCurrentTabSpace() + "<SearchModification residues=\"" + aminoAcidsAtTarget + "\" massDelta=\"" + currentPtm.getMass()
                    + "\" fixedMod= \"" + searchParameters.getModificationProfile().getFixedModifications().contains(ptm) + "\" >" + System.getProperty("line.separator"));

            CvTerm cvTerm = ptmToPrideMap.getCVTerm(ptm);
            if (cvTerm != null) {
            } else {
                writeCvTerm(new CvTerm("PSI-MS", "MS:1001460", "unknown modification", null));

            // add modification specificity
            if (currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODN
                    || currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODNAA) {
                writeCvTerm(new CvTerm("PSI-MS", "MS:1002057", "modification specificity protein N-term", null));
            } else if (currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODNP
                    || currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODNPAA) {
                writeCvTerm(new CvTerm("PSI-MS", "MS:1001189", "modification specificity peptide N-term", null));
            } else if (currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODC
                    || currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODCAA) {
                writeCvTerm(new CvTerm("PSI-MS", "MS:1002058", "modification specificity protein C-term", null));
            } else if (currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODCP
                    || currentPtm.getType() == PTM.MODCPAA) {
                writeCvTerm(new CvTerm("PSI-MS", "MS:1001190", "modification specificity peptide C-term", null));

            br.write(getCurrentTabSpace() + "</SearchModification>" + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
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     * @param peptideMatch the considered peptide match
     * @return the corresponding key
    public String getKey(PeptideMatch peptideMatch) {
        PTMFactory ptmFactory = PTMFactory.getInstance();
        PTM ptm;
        ArrayList<Double> modificationMasses = new ArrayList<Double>();
        for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : peptideMatch.getTheoreticPeptide().getModificationMatches()) {
            if (modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm() != null
                    && modificationMatch.isVariable()) {
                ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm());
        String key = "";
        for (Double mass : modificationMasses) {
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                boolean found = false;

                try {
                    Double mass = new Double(massString);
                    for (String ptmName : modificationProfile.getAllNotFixedModifications()) {
                        PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(ptmName);
                        if (mass == ptm.getMass()) {
                            if (shortNames && ptm.getShortName() != null) {
                                result += ptm.getShortName();
                            } else {
                                result += ptm.getName();
                            found = true;
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                        for (int aa = 0; aa < sequence.length(); aa++) {
                            modifiedSequence += sequence.charAt(aa);
                            for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) {
                                if (modificationMatch.getModificationSite() == aa + 1) {
                                    String ptmName = modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm();
                                    PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(ptmName);
                                    CvTerm cvTerm = null;
                                    if (ptmToPrideMap != null) {
                                        try {
                                            cvTerm = ptmToPrideMap.getCVTerm(ptmName);
                                            if (cvTerm == null) {
                                                cvTerm = PtmToPrideMap.getDefaultCVTerm(ptmName);
                                        } catch (Exception e) {
                                    if (cvTerm != null) {
                                        modifiedSequence += "[" + cvTerm.getName() + "]";
                                    } else {
                                        modifiedSequence += "[" + ptm.getShortName() + "]";
                        writer.write(modifiedSequence + SEPARATOR);
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        if (!modifications.isEmpty()) {

            for (String modName : modifications) {

                PTM ptm1 = ptmFactory.getPTM(modName);

                for (int modSite : modificationProfiles.get(modName)) {

                    double refP = 1, secondaryP = 1;

                    for (SpectrumIdentificationAssumption assumption : spectrumMatch.getAllAssumptions()) {

                        if (assumption instanceof PeptideAssumption) {

                            PeptideAssumption peptideAssumption = (PeptideAssumption) assumption;

                            if (peptideAssumption.getPeptide().getSequence().equals(mainSequence)) {

                                boolean modificationAtSite = false, modificationFound = false;

                                for (ModificationMatch modMatch : peptideAssumption.getPeptide().getModificationMatches()) {

                                    PTM ptm2 = ptmFactory.getPTM(modMatch.getTheoreticPtm());

                                    if (ptm1.getMass() == ptm2.getMass()) {

                                        modificationFound = true;
                                        psParameter = (PSParameter) peptideAssumption.getUrParam(psParameter);
                                        double p = psParameter.getSearchEngineProbability();
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        HashMap<Double, ModificationMatch> modificationMatches = new HashMap<Double, ModificationMatch>();
        Peptide peptide = spectrumMatch.getBestPeptideAssumption().getPeptide();

        for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) {
            if (modificationMatch.isVariable()) {
                PTM refPTM = ptmFactory.getPTM(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm());
                double ptmMass = refPTM.getMass();
                if (!modifications.containsKey(ptmMass)) {
                    ArrayList<PTM> ptms = new ArrayList<PTM>();
                    for (String ptm : ptmProfile.getSimilarNotFixedModifications(ptmMass)) {
                    modifications.put(ptmMass, ptms);
                    nMod.put(ptmMass, 1);
                } else {
                    nMod.put(ptmMass, nMod.get(ptmMass) + 1);
                modificationMatches.put(ptmMass, modificationMatch);

        if (!modifications.isEmpty()) {

            MSnSpectrum spectrum = (MSnSpectrum) spectrumFactory.getSpectrum(spectrumMatch.getKey());
            annotationPreferences.setCurrentSettings(spectrumMatch.getBestPeptideAssumption(), true, sequenceMatchingPreferences);

            for (Double ptmMass : modifications.keySet()) {
                HashMap<Integer, Double> scores = null;
                if (scoringPreferences.getSelectedProbabilisticScore() == PtmScore.AScore && nMod.get(ptmMass) == 1) {
                    scores = AScore.getAScore(peptide, modifications.get(ptmMass), spectrum, annotationPreferences.getIonTypes(),
                            annotationPreferences.getNeutralLosses(), annotationPreferences.getValidatedCharges(),
                            searchParameters.getFragmentIonAccuracy(), scoringPreferences.isProbabilisticScoreNeutralLosses(), sequenceMatchingPreferences, peptideSpectrumAnnotator, roundingDecimal);
                } else if (scoringPreferences.getSelectedProbabilisticScore() == PtmScore.PhosphoRS) {
                    scores = PhosphoRS.getSequenceProbabilities(peptide, modifications.get(ptmMass), spectrum, annotationPreferences.getIonTypes(),
                            annotationPreferences.getNeutralLosses(), annotationPreferences.getValidatedCharges(),
                            searchParameters.getFragmentIonAccuracy(), scoringPreferences.isProbabilisticScoreNeutralLosses(),
                            sequenceMatchingPreferences, peptideSpectrumAnnotator, roundingDecimal);
                if (scores != null) {
                    // remap to searched PTMs
                    PTM mappedModification = null;
                    String peptideSequence = peptide.getSequence();
                    for (int site : scores.keySet()) {
                        if (site == 0) {
                            // N-term ptm
                            for (PTM ptm : modifications.get(ptmMass)) {
                                if (ptm.isNTerm() && peptide.getPotentialModificationSites(ptm, sequenceMatchingPreferences).contains(1)) {
                                    mappedModification = ptm;
                            if (mappedModification == null) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not map the PTM of mass " + ptmMass + " on the N-terminus of the peptide " + peptideSequence + ".");
                        } else if (site == peptideSequence.length() + 1) {
                            // C-term ptm
                            for (PTM ptm : modifications.get(ptmMass)) {
                                if (ptm.isCTerm() && peptide.getPotentialModificationSites(ptm, sequenceMatchingPreferences).contains(peptideSequence.length())) {
                                    mappedModification = ptm;
                            if (mappedModification == null) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not map the PTM of mass " + ptmMass + " on the C-terminus of the peptide " + peptideSequence + ".");
                        } else {
                            for (PTM ptm : modifications.get(ptmMass)) {
                                if (peptide.getPotentialModificationSites(ptm, sequenceMatchingPreferences).contains(site)) {
                                    mappedModification = ptm;
                            if (mappedModification == null) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not map the PTM of mass " + ptmMass + " at site " + site + " in peptide " + peptide.getSequence() + ".");

                        String ptmName = mappedModification.getName();

                        PtmScoring ptmScoring = ptmScores.getPtmScoring(ptmName);

                        if (ptmScoring == null) {
                            ptmScoring = new PtmScoring(ptmName);
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            Peptide peptide = spectrumMatch.getBestPeptideAssumption().getPeptide();

            ArrayList<Double> modificationMasses = new ArrayList<Double>();
            for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : peptide.getModificationMatches()) {
                PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm());
                if (!modificationMasses.contains(ptm.getMass())) {

            for (double ptmMass : modificationMasses) {

                int nPtm = peptide.getNVariableModifications(ptmMass);
                HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Integer>> dSitesMap = new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Integer>>();
                HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Integer>> pSitesMap = new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Integer>>();
                HashMap<Integer, Double> pScores = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();

                for (String modification : ptmScores.getScoredPTMs()) {

                    PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modification);

                    if (ptm.getMass() == ptmMass) {

                        PtmScoring ptmScoring = ptmScores.getPtmScoring(modification);

                        for (int site : ptmScoring.getDSites()) {
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        String originalKey = peptide.getMatchingKey(sequenceMatchingPreferences);

        for (ModificationMatch modificationMatch : originalMatches) {
            if (modificationMatch.isVariable()) {
                PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modificationMatch.getTheoreticPtm());
                if (ptm.getType() == PTM.MODAA) {
                    Double ptmMass = ptm.getMass();
                    Integer nPtm = variableModifications.get(ptmMass);
                    if (nPtm == null) {
                        variableModifications.put(ptmMass, 1);
                    } else {
                        variableModifications.put(ptmMass, nPtm + 1);
                    if (modificationMatch.isInferred()) {
                        Integer modificationSite = modificationMatch.getModificationSite();
                        ArrayList<Integer> ptmInferredSites = inferredSites.get(ptmMass);
                        if (ptmInferredSites == null) {
                            ptmInferredSites = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                            inferredSites.put(ptmMass, ptmInferredSites);
                        } else if (!ptmInferredSites.contains(modificationSite)) {
                } else {
            } else {

        HashMap<Double, ArrayList<ModificationMatch>> newMatches = new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<ModificationMatch>>(variableModifications.size());

        if (variableModifications.size() > 0) {

            ArrayList<String> bestKeys = new ArrayList<String>();

            identification.loadSpectrumMatches(peptideMatch.getSpectrumMatches(), null);
            identification.loadSpectrumMatchParameters(peptideMatch.getSpectrumMatches(), psParameter, null);

            boolean validated = false;
            for (String spectrumKey : peptideMatch.getSpectrumMatches()) {
                psParameter = (PSParameter) identification.getSpectrumMatchParameter(spectrumKey, psParameter);
                MatchValidationLevel matchValidationLevel = psParameter.getMatchValidationLevel();
                if (matchValidationLevel.isValidated() && !validated) {
                    validated = true;

            identification.loadSpectrumMatches(bestKeys, null);
            identification.loadSpectrumMatchParameters(bestKeys, psParameter, null);

            HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Integer>> confidentSites = new HashMap<Double, ArrayList<Integer>>();

            // Map confident sites
            for (String spectrumKey : bestKeys) {
                psParameter = (PSParameter) identification.getSpectrumMatchParameter(spectrumKey, psParameter);
                SpectrumMatch spectrumMatch = identification.getSpectrumMatch(spectrumKey);
                PSPtmScores psmScores = (PSPtmScores) spectrumMatch.getUrParam(new PSPtmScores());

                for (String ptmName : psmScores.getScoredPTMs()) {
                    PtmScoring psmScoring = psmScores.getPtmScoring(ptmName);
                    PtmScoring peptideScoring = peptideScores.getPtmScoring(ptmName);
                    if (peptideScoring == null) {
                        peptideScoring = new PtmScoring(ptmName);
                        peptideScores.addPtmScoring(ptmName, peptideScoring);
                    for (int site : psmScoring.getAllPtmLocations()) {
                        double psmDScore = psmScoring.getDeltaScore(site);
                        double peptideDScore = peptideScoring.getDeltaScore(site);
                        if (peptideDScore < psmDScore) {
                            peptideScoring.setDeltaScore(site, psmDScore);
                        double psmPScore = psmScoring.getProbabilisticScore(site);
                        double peptidePScore = peptideScoring.getProbabilisticScore(site);
                        if (peptidePScore < psmPScore) {
                            peptideScoring.setProbabilisticScore(site, psmPScore);
                        int psmValidationLevel = psmScoring.getLocalizationConfidence(site);
                        int peptideValidationLevel = peptideScoring.getLocalizationConfidence(site);
                        if (peptideValidationLevel < psmValidationLevel) {
                            peptideScoring.setSiteConfidence(site, psmValidationLevel);

                for (Integer confidentSite : psmScores.getConfidentSites()) {
                    for (String ptmName : psmScores.getConfidentModificationsAt(confidentSite)) {
                        PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(ptmName);
                        Double ptmMass = ptm.getMass();
                        ArrayList<Integer> ptmConfidentSites = confidentSites.get(ptmMass);
                        if (ptmConfidentSites == null) {
                            ptmConfidentSites = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                            confidentSites.put(ptmMass, ptmConfidentSites);
                        if (!ptmConfidentSites.contains(confidentSite)) {
                            peptideScores.addConfidentModificationSite(ptmName, confidentSite);
                            ModificationMatch newMatch = new ModificationMatch(ptmName, true, confidentSite);
                            ArrayList<ModificationMatch> newPtmMatches = newMatches.get(ptmMass);
                            if (newPtmMatches == null) {
                                newPtmMatches = new ArrayList<ModificationMatch>();
                                newMatches.put(ptmMass, newPtmMatches);
                            if (newPtmMatches.size() > variableModifications.get(ptmMass)) {
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("More sites than PTMs on peptide " + peptideMatch.getKey() + " for PTM of mass " + ptmMass + ".");
                            ArrayList<Integer> ptmInferredSites = inferredSites.get(ptmMass);
                            if (ptmInferredSites != null) {
                                if (ptmInferredSites.isEmpty()) {

            boolean enoughSites = true;
            for (double ptmMass : variableModifications.keySet()) {
                int nPtms = variableModifications.get(ptmMass);
                int nConfident = 0;
                ArrayList<Integer> ptmConfidentSites = confidentSites.get(ptmMass);
                if (ptmConfidentSites != null) {
                    nConfident = ptmConfidentSites.size();
                if (nConfident < nPtms) {
                    enoughSites = false;
            if (!enoughSites) {

                HashMap<Double, HashMap<Double, HashMap<Double, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>>>> ambiguousSites = new HashMap<Double, HashMap<Double, HashMap<Double, HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>>>>>();

                for (String spectrumKey : bestKeys) {

                    psParameter = (PSParameter) identification.getSpectrumMatchParameter(spectrumKey, psParameter);
                    SpectrumMatch spectrumMatch = identification.getSpectrumMatch(spectrumKey);
                    PSPtmScores psmScores = (PSPtmScores) spectrumMatch.getUrParam(new PSPtmScores());

                    for (int representativeSite : psmScores.getRepresentativeSites()) {
                        HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> ambiguousMappingAtSite = psmScores.getAmbiguousPtmsAtRepresentativeSite(representativeSite);
                        int mappingSize = ambiguousMappingAtSite.size();
                        for (int site : ambiguousMappingAtSite.keySet()) {
                            for (String ptmName : ambiguousMappingAtSite.get(site)) {
                                PTM ptm = ptmFactory.getPTM(ptmName);
                                Double ptmMass = ptm.getMass();
                                ArrayList<Integer> ptmConfidentSites = confidentSites.get(ptmMass);
                                if (ptmConfidentSites == null || !ptmConfidentSites.contains(site)) {
                                    double probabilisticScore = 0.0;
                                    double dScore = 0.0;
                                    PtmScoring ptmScoring = psmScores.getPtmScoring(ptmName);
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            for (int secondarySite : secondarySites) {
                ArrayList<String> confidentPtms = confidentSites.get(secondarySite);
                if (confidentPtms != null) {
                    boolean samePtm = false;
                    for (String modification : confidentPtms) {
                        PTM confidentPtm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modification);
                        for (String secondaryModification : secondarySitesMap.get(secondarySite)) {
                            PTM secondaryPtm = ptmFactory.getPTM(secondaryModification);
                            if (secondaryPtm.getMass() == confidentPtm.getMass()) {
                                samePtm = true;
                        if (samePtm) {
                    if (samePtm) {
                if (secondarySite != representativeSite) {
                    ArrayList<Integer> tempRepresentativeSites = new ArrayList<Integer>(ambiguousSites.keySet());
                    for (Integer previousSite : tempRepresentativeSites) {
                        if (previousSite >= representativeSite) {
                        if (previousSite == secondarySite) {
                            HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<String>> previousSites = ambiguousSites.get(previousSite);
                            ArrayList<String> previousPtms = previousSites.get(previousSite);
                            boolean samePtm = false;
                            for (String modification : previousPtms) {
                                PTM previousPtm = ptmFactory.getPTM(modification);
                                for (String secondaryModification : secondarySitesMap.get(secondarySite)) {
                                    PTM secondaryPtm = ptmFactory.getPTM(secondaryModification);
                                    if (secondaryPtm.getMass() == previousPtm.getMass()) {
                                        samePtm = true;
                                if (samePtm) {
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Related Classes of com.compomics.util.experiment.biology.PTM

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