Package com.carrotsearch.hppc

Examples of com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntOpenHashSet$EntryIterator

    CTTree tree = instance.getTree();
    CTNode pred = tree.getTerminal(instance.predId);
    Pair<CTNode,CTNode> pair = getESMPair(pred);
    if (pair == nullreturn null;
    Pair<PBArg,IntOpenHashSet> max = new Pair<PBArg,IntOpenHashSet>(null, new IntOpenHashSet());
    IntOpenHashSet set;
    CTNode prn = pair.o1;
    CTNode esm = pair.o2;
    for (PBArg arg : instance.getArgs())
      if (!PBLib.isNumberedArgument(arg) || arg.isLabel(PBLib.PB_ARG0))
      set = arg.getTerminalIdSet(tree);
      if (set.contains(esm.getTerminalId()))
        max.set(arg, set);
      if (arg.hasType(",") && max.o2.size() < set.size())
        max.set(arg, set);
    if (max.o1 == nullreturn null;
    CTNode dsp = esm.getAntecedent();
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    DEPReader reader = new DEPReader(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);;
    PrintStream fout = UTOutput.createPrintBufferedFileStream(outFile);
    IntOpenHashSet[] sets;
    StringBuilder build;
    IntOpenHashSet set;
    int[] indices;
    DEPTree tree;
    int i, size;
    while ((tree = != null)
      sets  = assignTopics(topics, tree);
      size  = sets.length;
      build = new StringBuilder();
      for (i=1; i<size; i++)
        set = sets[i];
        if (set.isEmpty())
          indices = set.toArray();
          build.append(UTArray.join(indices, ","));
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    int nodeId, topicId, i, nSize = tree.size(), tSize = topics.size(), iSize;
    IntOpenHashSet[] sets = new IntOpenHashSet[nSize];
    boolean match;
    for (nodeId=1; nodeId<nSize; nodeId++)
      sets[nodeId] = new IntOpenHashSet();
    for (nodeId=1; nodeId<nSize; nodeId++)
      for (topicId=0; topicId<tSize; topicId++)
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    final ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollectorImpl();
    final List<TransferPair> transfers = Lists.newArrayList();

    final ClassGenerator<Projector> cg = CodeGenerator.getRoot(Projector.TEMPLATE_DEFINITION, context.getFunctionRegistry());

    IntOpenHashSet transferFieldIds = new IntOpenHashSet();

    boolean isAnyWildcard = false;
    ClassifierResult result = new ClassifierResult()
    boolean classify = isClassificationNeeded(exprs);
    for(int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); i++){
      final NamedExpression namedExpression = exprs.get(i);
      if (classify && namedExpression.getExpr() instanceof SchemaPath) {
        classifyExpr(namedExpression, incoming, result);
        if (result.isStar) {
          isAnyWildcard = true;
          Integer value = result.prefixMap.get(result.prefix);
          if (value != null && value.intValue() == 1) {
            int k = 0;
            for(VectorWrapper<?> wrapper : incoming) {
              ValueVector vvIn = wrapper.getValueVector();
              SchemaPath originalPath = vvIn.getField().getPath();
              if (k > result.outputNames.size()-1) {
                assert false;
              String name = result.outputNames.get(k++)// get the renamed column names
              if (name == EMPTY_STRING) continue;
              FieldReference ref = new FieldReference(name);
              TransferPair tp = wrapper.getValueVector().getTransferPair(ref);
          } else if (value != null && value.intValue() > 1) { // subsequent wildcards should do a copy of incoming valuevectors
            int k = 0;
            for(VectorWrapper<?> wrapper : incoming) {
              ValueVector vvIn = wrapper.getValueVector();
              SchemaPath originalPath = vvIn.getField().getPath();
              if (k > result.outputNames.size()-1) {
                assert false;
              String name = result.outputNames.get(k++)// get the renamed column names
              if (name == EMPTY_STRING) continue;

              final LogicalExpression expr = ExpressionTreeMaterializer.materialize(originalPath, incoming, collector, context.getFunctionRegistry() );
                throw new SchemaChangeException(String.format("Failure while trying to materialize incoming schema.  Errors:\n %s.", collector.toErrorString()));

              MaterializedField outputField = MaterializedField.create(name, expr.getMajorType());
              ValueVector vv = TypeHelper.getNewVector(outputField, oContext.getAllocator());
              TypedFieldId fid = container.add(vv);
              ValueVectorWriteExpression write = new ValueVectorWriteExpression(fid, expr, true);
              HoldingContainer hc = cg.addExpr(write);


      String outputName = getRef(namedExpression).getRootSegment().getPath();
      if (result != null && result.outputNames != null && result.outputNames.size() > 0) {
        for (int j = 0; j < result.outputNames.size(); j++) {
          if (!result.outputNames.get(j).equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
            outputName = result.outputNames.get(j);
      final LogicalExpression expr = ExpressionTreeMaterializer.materialize(namedExpression.getExpr(), incoming, collector, context.getFunctionRegistry(), true);
      final MaterializedField outputField = MaterializedField.create(outputName, expr.getMajorType());
        throw new SchemaChangeException(String.format("Failure while trying to materialize incoming schema.  Errors:\n %s.", collector.toErrorString()));

      // add value vector to transfer if direct reference and this is allowed, otherwise, add to evaluation stack.
      if(expr instanceof ValueVectorReadExpression && incoming.getSchema().getSelectionVectorMode() == SelectionVectorMode.NONE
          && !((ValueVectorReadExpression) expr).hasReadPath()
          && !isAnyWildcard
          && !transferFieldIds.contains(((ValueVectorReadExpression) expr).getFieldId().getFieldIds()[0])
        ) {

        ValueVectorReadExpression vectorRead = (ValueVectorReadExpression) expr;
        TypedFieldId id = vectorRead.getFieldId();
        ValueVector vvIn = incoming.getValueAccessorById(id.getIntermediateClass(), id.getFieldIds()).getValueVector();

        TransferPair tp = vvIn.getTransferPair(getRef(namedExpression));
        logger.debug("Added transfer for project expression.");
      } else if (expr instanceof DrillFuncHolderExpr &&
          ((DrillFuncHolderExpr) expr).isComplexWriterFuncHolder())  {
        // Need to process ComplexWriter function evaluation.
        // Lazy initialization of the list of complex writers, if not done yet.
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    private void applyDeletedShards(final ClusterChangedEvent event) {
        RoutingNodes.RoutingNodeIterator routingNode = event.state().readOnlyRoutingNodes().routingNodeIter(event.state().nodes().localNodeId());
        if (routingNode == null) {
        IntOpenHashSet newShardIds = new IntOpenHashSet();
        for (IndexService indexService : indicesService) {
            String index = indexService.index().name();
            IndexMetaData indexMetaData = event.state().metaData().index(index);
            if (indexMetaData == null) {
            // now, go over and delete shards that needs to get deleted
            for (MutableShardRouting shard : routingNode) {
                if (shard.index().equals(index)) {
            for (Integer existingShardId : indexService.shardIds()) {
                if (!newShardIds.contains(existingShardId)) {
                    if (indexMetaData.state() == IndexMetaData.State.CLOSE) {
                        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug("[{}][{}] removing shard (index is closed)", index, existingShardId);
                        indexService.removeShard(existingShardId, "removing shard (index is closed)");
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                    } else {
                        throw new ElasticsearchParseException("only lat/lon or [" + FIELD_VALUE + "] is allowed");
                } else if (FIELD_PRECISION.equals(fieldName)) {
                    if(parser.nextToken() == Token.START_ARRAY) {
                        IntOpenHashSet precisions = new IntOpenHashSet();
                        while(parser.nextToken() != Token.END_ARRAY) {
                        precision = precisions.toArray();
                    } else {
                        precision = new int[] { parsePrecision(parser) };
                } else if (FIELD_VALUE.equals(fieldName)) {
                    if(Double.isNaN(lon) && Double.isNaN(lat)) {
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                            RestoreSource restoreSource = new RestoreSource(snapshotId, index);
                            String renamedIndex = indexEntry.getKey();
                            IndexMetaData snapshotIndexMetaData = metaData.index(index);
                            // Check that the index is closed or doesn't exist
                            IndexMetaData currentIndexMetaData = currentState.metaData().index(renamedIndex);
                            IntSet ignoreShards = new IntOpenHashSet();
                            if (currentIndexMetaData == null) {
                                // Index doesn't exist - create it and start recovery
                                // Make sure that the index we are about to create has a validate name
                                createIndexService.validateIndexName(renamedIndex, currentState);
                                IndexMetaData.Builder indexMdBuilder = IndexMetaData.builder(snapshotIndexMetaData).state(IndexMetaData.State.OPEN).index(renamedIndex);
                                if (!request.includeAliases() && !snapshotIndexMetaData.aliases().isEmpty()) {
                                    // Remove all aliases - they shouldn't be restored
                                } else {
                                    for (ObjectCursor<String> alias : snapshotIndexMetaData.aliases().keys()) {
                                IndexMetaData updatedIndexMetaData =;
                                if (partial) {
                                    populateIgnoredShards(index, ignoreShards);
                                rtBuilder.addAsNewRestore(updatedIndexMetaData, restoreSource, ignoreShards);
                                mdBuilder.put(updatedIndexMetaData, true);
                            } else {
                                validateExistingIndex(currentIndexMetaData, snapshotIndexMetaData, renamedIndex, partial);
                                // Index exists and it's closed - open it in metadata and start recovery
                                IndexMetaData.Builder indexMdBuilder = IndexMetaData.builder(snapshotIndexMetaData).state(IndexMetaData.State.OPEN);
                                indexMdBuilder.version(Math.max(snapshotIndexMetaData.version(), currentIndexMetaData.version() + 1));
                                if (!request.includeAliases()) {
                                    // Remove all snapshot aliases
                                    if (!snapshotIndexMetaData.aliases().isEmpty()) {
                                    /// Add existing aliases
                                    for (ObjectCursor<AliasMetaData> alias : currentIndexMetaData.aliases().values()) {
                                } else {
                                    for (ObjectCursor<String> alias : snapshotIndexMetaData.aliases().keys()) {
                                IndexMetaData updatedIndexMetaData = indexMdBuilder.index(renamedIndex).build();
                                rtBuilder.addAsRestore(updatedIndexMetaData, restoreSource);
                                blocks.removeIndexBlock(renamedIndex, INDEX_CLOSED_BLOCK);
                                mdBuilder.put(updatedIndexMetaData, true);
                            for (int shard = 0; shard < snapshotIndexMetaData.getNumberOfShards(); shard++) {
                                if (!ignoreShards.contains(shard)) {
                                    shardsBuilder.put(new ShardId(renamedIndex, shard), new RestoreMetaData.ShardRestoreStatus(clusterService.state().nodes().localNodeId()));
                                } else {
                                    shardsBuilder.put(new ShardId(renamedIndex, shard), new RestoreMetaData.ShardRestoreStatus(clusterService.state().nodes().localNodeId(), RestoreMetaData.State.FAILURE));

                        shards =;
                        RestoreMetaData.Entry restoreEntry = new RestoreMetaData.Entry(snapshotId, RestoreMetaData.State.INIT, ImmutableList.copyOf(renamedIndices.keySet()), shards);
                        mdBuilder.putCustom(RestoreMetaData.TYPE, new RestoreMetaData(restoreEntry));
                    } else {
                        shards = ImmutableMap.of();

                    checkAliasNameConflicts(renamedIndices, aliases);

                    // Restore global state if needed

                    if (completed(shards)) {
                        // We don't have any indices to restore - we are done
                        restoreInfo = new RestoreInfo(, ImmutableList.copyOf(renamedIndices.keySet()),
                                shards.size(), shards.size() - failedShards(shards));

                    ClusterState updatedState = ClusterState.builder(currentState).metaData(mdBuilder).blocks(blocks).routingTable(rtBuilder).build();
                    RoutingAllocation.Result routingResult = allocationService.reroute(ClusterState.builder(updatedState).routingTable(rtBuilder).build());
                    return ClusterState.builder(updatedState).routingResult(routingResult).build();

                private void checkAliasNameConflicts(Map<String, String> renamedIndices, Set<String> aliases) {
                    for(Map.Entry<String, String> renamedIndex: renamedIndices.entrySet()) {
                        if (aliases.contains(renamedIndex.getKey())) {
                            throw new SnapshotRestoreException(snapshotId, "cannot rename index [" + renamedIndex.getValue() + "] into [" + renamedIndex.getKey() + "] because of conflict with an alias with the same name");

                private void populateIgnoredShards(String index, IntSet ignoreShards) {
                    for (SnapshotShardFailure failure : snapshot.shardFailures()) {
                        if (index.equals(failure.index())) {

                private boolean checkPartial(String index) {
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Related Classes of com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntOpenHashSet$EntryIterator

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