
Examples of

            return invoker.invoke(invocation);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            logger.error("Failback to invoke method " + invocation.getMethodName() + ", wait for retry in background. Ignored exception: "
                                 + e.getMessage() + ", ", e);
            addFailed(invocation, this);
            return new RpcResult(); // ignore
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            int timeout = getUrl().getMethodParameter(methodName, Constants.TIMEOUT_KEY,Constants.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
            if (isOneway) {
              boolean isSent = getUrl().getMethodParameter(methodName, Constants.SENT_KEY, false);
                currentClient.send(inv, isSent);
                return new RpcResult();
            } else if (isAsync) {
              ResponseFuture future = currentClient.request(inv, timeout) ;
                RpcContext.getContext().setFuture(new FutureAdapter<Object>(future));
                return new RpcResult();
            } else {
                return (Result) currentClient.request(inv, timeout).get();
        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
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                                        e );
        if (resultList.size() == 0) {
            return new RpcResult((Object)null);
        } else if (resultList.size() == 1) {
            return resultList.iterator().next();

        if (returnType == void.class) {
            return new RpcResult((Object)null);

        if ( merger.startsWith(".") ) {
            merger = merger.substring(1);
            Method method;
            try {
                method = returnType.getMethod( merger, returnType );
            } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( new StringBuilder( 32 )
                                                .append( "Can not merge result because missing method [ " )
                                                .append( merger )
                                                .append( " ] in class [ " )
                                                .append( returnType.getClass().getName() )
                                                .append( " ]" )
                                                .toString() );
            if ( method != null ) {
                if ( !Modifier.isPublic( method.getModifiers() ) ) {
                    method.setAccessible( true );
                result = resultList.remove( 0 ).getValue();
                try {
                    if ( method.getReturnType() != void.class
                            && method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom( result.getClass() ) ) {
                        for ( Result r : resultList ) {
                            result = method.invoke( result, r.getValue() );
                    } else {
                        for ( Result r : resultList ) {
                            method.invoke( result, r.getValue() );
                } catch ( Exception e ) {
                    throw new RpcException(
                            new StringBuilder( 32 )
                                    .append( "Can not merge result: " )
                                    .append( e.getMessage() ).toString(),
                            e );
            } else {
                throw new RpcException(
                        new StringBuilder( 32 )
                                .append( "Can not merge result because missing method [ " )
                                .append( merger )
                                .append( " ] in class [ " )
                                .append( returnType.getClass().getName() )
                                .append( " ]" )
                                .toString() );
        } else {
            Merger resultMerger;
            if (ConfigUtils.isDefault(merger)) {
                resultMerger = MergerFactory.getMerger(returnType);
            } else {
                resultMerger = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader(Merger.class).getExtension(merger);
            if (resultMerger != null) {
                List<Object> rets = new ArrayList<Object>(resultList.size());
                for(Result r : resultList) {
                result = resultMerger.merge(
                        rets.toArray((Object[])Array.newInstance(returnType, 0)));
            } else {
                throw new RpcException( "There is no merger to merge result." );
        return new RpcResult( result );
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      if (StringUtils.isBlank(mock)){
        throw new RpcException(new IllegalAccessException("mock can not be null. url :" + url));
        mock = normallizeMock(URL.decode(mock));
        if (Constants.RETURN_PREFIX.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(mock.trim())){
          RpcResult result = new RpcResult();
          return result;
        } else if (mock.startsWith(Constants.RETURN_PREFIX)) {
            mock = mock.substring(Constants.RETURN_PREFIX.length()).trim();
            mock = mock.replace('`', '"');
            try {
                Type[] returnTypes = RpcUtils.getReturnTypes(invocation);
                Object value = parseMockValue(mock, returnTypes);
                return new RpcResult(value);
            } catch (Exception ew) {
              throw new RpcException("mock return invoke error. method :" + invocation.getMethodName() + ", mock:" + mock + ", url: "+ url , ew);
        } else if (mock.startsWith(Constants.THROW_PREFIX)) {
          mock = mock.substring(Constants.THROW_PREFIX.length()).trim();
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            checkInvokers(invokers, invocation);
            Invoker<T> invoker = select(loadbalance, invocation, invokers, null);
            return invoker.invoke(invocation);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            logger.error("Failsafe ignore exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            return new RpcResult(); // ignore
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    try {
      result = minvoker.invoke(invocation);
    } catch (RpcException me) {
      if (me.isBiz()) {
        result = new RpcResult(me.getCause());
      } else {
        throw new RpcException(me.getCode(), getMockExceptionMessage(e, me), me.getCause());
    } catch (Throwable me) {
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            } catch ( TException e ) {
                throw new IOException( e.getMessage(), e );

            RpcResult result = new RpcResult();

            result.setException( new RpcException( exception.getMessage() ) );

            Response response = new Response();

            response.setResult( result );

            response.setId( id );

            return response;

        } else if ( message.type == TMessageType.REPLY ) {

            String resultClassName = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader( ClassNameGenerator.class )
                    .getExtension(ThriftClassNameGenerator.NAME).generateResultClassName( serviceName, );

            if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( resultClassName ) ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        new StringBuilder( 32 )
                                .append( "Could not infer service result class name from service name " )
                                .append( serviceName )
                                .append( ", the service name you specified may not generated by thrift idl compiler" )
                                .toString() );

            Class<?> clazz = cachedClass.get( resultClassName );

            if ( clazz == null ) {

                try {

                    clazz = ClassHelper.forNameWithThreadContextClassLoader( resultClassName );

                    cachedClass.putIfAbsent( resultClassName, clazz );

                } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );


            TBase<?,? extends TFieldIdEnum> result;
            try {
                result = ( TBase<?,?> ) clazz.newInstance();
            } catch ( InstantiationException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
            } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

            try {
       protocol );
            } catch ( TException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

            Object realResult = null;

            int index = 0;

            while ( true ) {

                TFieldIdEnum fieldIdEnum = result.fieldForId( index++ );

                if ( fieldIdEnum == null ) { break ; }

                Field field;

                try {
                    field = clazz.getDeclaredField( fieldIdEnum.getFieldName() );
                    field.setAccessible( true );
                } catch ( NoSuchFieldException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

                try {
                    realResult = field.get( result );
                } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

                if ( realResult != null ) { break ; }


            Response response = new Response();

            response.setId( id );

            RpcResult rpcResult = new RpcResult();

            if ( realResult instanceof Throwable ) {
                rpcResult.setException( ( Throwable ) realResult );
            } else {

            response.setResult( rpcResult );

            return response;
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    private void encodeResponse( Channel channel, ChannelBuffer buffer, Response response )
            throws IOException {

        RpcResult result = ( RpcResult ) response.getResult();

        RequestData rd = cachedRequest.get( response.getId() );

        String resultClassName = ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader( ClassNameGenerator.class ).getExtension(
                    channel.getUrl().getParameter(ThriftConstants.CLASS_NAME_GENERATOR_KEY, ThriftClassNameGenerator.NAME))
                    .generateResultClassName(rd.serviceName, rd.methodName);

        if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( resultClassName ) ) {
            throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION,
                                    new StringBuilder( 32 ).append(
                                            "Could not encode response, the specified interface may be incorrect." ).toString() );

        Class clazz = cachedClass.get( resultClassName );

        if ( clazz == null ) {

            try {
                clazz = ClassHelper.forNameWithThreadContextClassLoader(resultClassName);
                cachedClass.putIfAbsent( resultClassName, clazz );
            } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
                throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );


        TBase resultObj;

        try {
            resultObj = ( TBase ) clazz.newInstance();
        } catch ( InstantiationException e ) {
            throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
        } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
            throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

        TApplicationException applicationException = null;
        TMessage message;

        if ( result.hasException() ) {
            Throwable throwable = result.getException();
            int index = 1;
            boolean found = false;
            while ( true ) {
                TFieldIdEnum fieldIdEnum = resultObj.fieldForId( index++ );
                if ( fieldIdEnum == null ) { break; }
                String fieldName = fieldIdEnum.getFieldName();
                String getMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateGetMethodName( fieldName );
                String setMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateSetMethodName( fieldName );
                Method getMethod;
                Method setMethod;
                try {
                    getMethod = clazz.getMethod( getMethodName );
                    if ( getMethod.getReturnType().equals( throwable.getClass() ) ) {
                        found = true;
                        setMethod = clazz.getMethod( setMethodName, throwable.getClass() );
                        setMethod.invoke( resultObj, throwable );
                } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
                } catch ( InvocationTargetException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );
                } catch ( IllegalAccessException e ) {
                    throw new RpcException( RpcException.SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage(), e );

            if ( !found ) {
                applicationException = new TApplicationException( throwable.getMessage() );

        } else {
            Object realResult = result.getResult();
            // result field id is 0
            String fieldName = resultObj.fieldForId( 0 ).getFieldName();
            String setMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateSetMethodName( fieldName );
            String getMethodName = ThriftUtils.generateGetMethodName( fieldName );
            Method getMethod;
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                Result result = invoker.invoke(new RpcInvocation(method, args, inv.getAttachments()));
                if (result.hasException()
                        && ! (result.getException() instanceof GenericException)) {
                    return new RpcResult(new GenericException(result.getException()));
                if (ProtocolUtils.isJavaGenericSerialization(generic)) {
                    try {
                        UnsafeByteArrayOutputStream os = new UnsafeByteArrayOutputStream(512);
                            .serialize(null, os).writeObject(result.getValue());
                        return new RpcResult(os.toByteArray());
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new RpcException("Serialize result failed.", e);
                } else if (ProtocolUtils.isBeanGenericSerialization(generic)) {
                    return new RpcResult(JavaBeanSerializeUtil.serialize(result.getValue(), JavaBeanAccessor.METHOD));
                } else {
                    return new RpcResult(PojoUtils.generalize(result.getValue()));
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                throw new RpcException(e.getMessage(), e);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new RpcException(e.getMessage(), e);
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    public boolean isAvailable() {
        return false;

    public Result invoke(Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {
        RpcResult result = new RpcResult();
        if (hasException == false) {
            return result;
        } else {
            result.setException(new RuntimeException("mocked exception"));
            return result;

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