Examples of ByteArrayClassLoader

Examples of org.codehaus.janino.ByteArrayClassLoader

        ClassLoader cl = compiler.getClassLoader();
        if( !(cl instanceof ByteArrayClassLoader) )
            throw new Error("class loader not instance of org.codehaus.janino.ByteArrayClassLoader");
        ByteArrayClassLoader bcl = (ByteArrayClassLoader)cl;
        ArrayList<MemoryByteCode> result = new ArrayList<MemoryByteCode>();
        for( Object oClassName : bcl.getClasses().keySet() ){
            if( oClassName==null )continue;
            String sClassName = oClassName.toString();
            Object _data = bcl.getClasses().get(oClassName);
            byte[] data = (byte[])_data;
            result.add(new MemoryByteCode(sClassName, data));
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Examples of org.drools.base.ClassFieldAccessorCache.ByteArrayClassLoader


    public BaseClassFieldReader getClassFieldReader(final Class< ? > clazz,
                                                    final String fieldName,
                                                    CacheEntry cache) {
        ByteArrayClassLoader byteArrayClassLoader = cache.getByteArrayClassLoader();
        Map<Class< ? >, ClassFieldInspector> inspectors = cache.getInspectors();
//        if ( byteArrayClassLoader == null || byteArrayClassLoader.getParent() != classLoader ) {
//            if ( classLoader == null ) {
//                throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "ClassFieldAccessorFactory cannot have a null parent ClassLoader" );
//            }
//            byteArrayClassLoader = new ByteArrayClassLoader( classLoader );
//        }
        try {
            // if it is a self reference
            if ( SELF_REFERENCE_FIELD.equals( fieldName ) ) {
                // then just create an instance of the special class field extractor
                return new SelfReferenceClassFieldReader( clazz,
                                                          fieldName );
            } else if ( fieldName.indexOf( '.' ) > -1 || fieldName.indexOf( '[' ) > -1 ) {
                // we need MVEL extractor for expressions
                return new MVELClassFieldReader( clazz,
                                                 cache );
            } else {
                // otherwise, bytecode generate a specific extractor
                ClassFieldInspector inspector = inspectors.get( clazz );
                if ( inspector == null ) {
                    inspector = new ClassFieldInspector( clazz );
                    inspectors.put( clazz,
                                    inspector );
                final Class< ? > fieldType = (Class< ? >) inspector.getFieldTypes().get( fieldName );
                final Method getterMethod = (Method) inspector.getGetterMethods().get( fieldName );
                if ( fieldType != null && getterMethod != null ) {
                    final String className = ClassFieldAccessorFactory.BASE_PACKAGE + "/" + Type.getInternalName( clazz ) + Math.abs( System.identityHashCode( clazz ) ) + "$" + getterMethod.getName();

                    // generating byte array to create target class
                    final byte[] bytes = dumpReader( clazz,
                                                     clazz.isInterface() );
                    // use bytes to get a class

                    final Class< ? > newClass = byteArrayClassLoader.defineClass( className.replace( '/',
                                                                                                     '.' ),
                                                                                  PROTECTION_DOMAIN );
                    // instantiating target class
                    final Integer index = (Integer) inspector.getFieldNames().get( fieldName );
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Examples of org.drools.base.ClassFieldAccessorCache.ByteArrayClassLoader


    public BaseClassFieldWriter getClassFieldWriter(final Class< ? > clazz,
                                                    final String fieldName,
                                                    final CacheEntry cache) {
        ByteArrayClassLoader byteArrayClassLoader = cache.getByteArrayClassLoader();
        Map<Class< ? >, ClassFieldInspector> inspectors = cache.getInspectors();
        try {
            // otherwise, bytecode generate a specific extractor
            ClassFieldInspector inspector = inspectors.get( clazz );
            if ( inspector == null ) {
                inspector = new ClassFieldInspector( clazz );
                inspectors.put( clazz,
                                inspector );
            final Method setterMethod = (Method) inspector.getSetterMethods().get( fieldName );
            if ( setterMethod != null ) {
                final Class< ? > fieldType = setterMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];
                final String className = ClassFieldAccessorFactory.BASE_PACKAGE + "/" + Type.getInternalName( clazz ) + Math.abs( System.identityHashCode( clazz ) ) + "$" + setterMethod.getName();

                // generating byte array to create target class
                final byte[] bytes = dumpWriter( clazz,
                                                 clazz.isInterface() );
                // use bytes to get a class

                final Class< ? > newClass = byteArrayClassLoader.defineClass( className.replace( '/',
                                                                                                 '.' ),
                                                                              PROTECTION_DOMAIN );
                // instantiating target class
                final Integer index = (Integer) inspector.getFieldNames().get( fieldName );
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Examples of org.drools.base.ClassFieldAccessorCache.ByteArrayClassLoader


    public BaseClassFieldReader getClassFieldReader(final Class< ? > clazz,
                                                    final String fieldName,
                                                    CacheEntry cache) {
        ByteArrayClassLoader byteArrayClassLoader = cache.getByteArrayClassLoader();
        Map<Class< ? >, ClassFieldInspector> inspectors = cache.getInspectors();
//        if ( byteArrayClassLoader == null || byteArrayClassLoader.getParent() != classLoader ) {
//            if ( classLoader == null ) {
//                throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "ClassFieldAccessorFactory cannot have a null parent ClassLoader" );
//            }
//            byteArrayClassLoader = new ByteArrayClassLoader( classLoader );
//        }
        try {
            // if it is a self reference
            if ( SELF_REFERENCE_FIELD.equals( fieldName ) ) {
                // then just create an instance of the special class field extractor
                return new SelfReferenceClassFieldReader( clazz,
                                                          fieldName );
            } else {
                // otherwise, bytecode generate a specific extractor
                ClassFieldInspector inspector = inspectors.get( clazz );
                if ( inspector == null ) {
                    inspector = new ClassFieldInspector( clazz );
                    inspectors.put( clazz,
                                    inspector );
                Class< ? > fieldType = (Class< ? >) inspector.getFieldTypes().get( fieldName );
                Method getterMethod = (Method) inspector.getGetterMethods().get( fieldName );
                Integer index = (Integer) inspector.getFieldNames().get( fieldName );
                if ( fieldType == null && fieldName.length() > 1 && Character.isLowerCase( fieldName.charAt( 0 ) ) && Character.isUpperCase( fieldName.charAt(1) ) ) {
                    // it might be that odd case of javabeans naming conventions that does not use lower case first letters if the second is uppercase
                    String altFieldName = Character.toUpperCase( fieldName.charAt( 0 ) ) + fieldName.substring( 1 );
                    fieldType = (Class< ? >) inspector.getFieldTypes().get( altFieldName );
                    if( fieldType != null ) {
                        // it seems it is the corner case indeed.
                        getterMethod = (Method) inspector.getGetterMethods().get( altFieldName );
                        index = (Integer) inspector.getFieldNames().get( altFieldName );
                if ( fieldType != null && getterMethod != null ) {
                    final String className = ClassFieldAccessorFactory.BASE_PACKAGE + "/" + Type.getInternalName( clazz ) + Math.abs( System.identityHashCode( clazz ) ) + "$" + getterMethod.getName();

                    // generating byte array to create target class
                    final byte[] bytes = dumpReader( clazz,
                                                     clazz.isInterface() );
                    // use bytes to get a class

                    final Class< ? > newClass = byteArrayClassLoader.defineClass( className.replace( '/',
                                                                                                     '.' ),
                                                                                  PROTECTION_DOMAIN );
                    // instantiating target class
                    final ValueType valueType = ValueType.determineValueType( fieldType );
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Examples of org.drools.base.ClassFieldAccessorCache.ByteArrayClassLoader


    public BaseClassFieldWriter getClassFieldWriter(final Class< ? > clazz,
                                                    final String fieldName,
                                                    final CacheEntry cache) {
        ByteArrayClassLoader byteArrayClassLoader = cache.getByteArrayClassLoader();
        Map<Class< ? >, ClassFieldInspector> inspectors = cache.getInspectors();
        try {
            // otherwise, bytecode generate a specific extractor
            ClassFieldInspector inspector = inspectors.get( clazz );
            if ( inspector == null ) {
                inspector = new ClassFieldInspector( clazz );
                inspectors.put( clazz,
                                inspector );
            Method setterMethod = (Method) inspector.getSetterMethods().get( fieldName );
            Integer index = (Integer) inspector.getFieldNames().get( fieldName );
            if ( setterMethod == null && fieldName.length() > 1 && Character.isLowerCase( fieldName.charAt( 0 ) ) && Character.isUpperCase( fieldName.charAt(1) ) ) {
                // it might be that odd case of javabeans naming conventions that does not use lower case first letters if the second is uppercase
                String altFieldName = Character.toUpperCase( fieldName.charAt( 0 ) ) + fieldName.substring( 1 );
                setterMethod = (Method) inspector.getSetterMethods().get( altFieldName );
                index = (Integer) inspector.getFieldNames().get( altFieldName );
            if ( setterMethod != null ) {
                final Class< ? > fieldType = setterMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];
                final String className = ClassFieldAccessorFactory.BASE_PACKAGE + "/" + Type.getInternalName( clazz ) + Math.abs( System.identityHashCode( clazz ) ) + "$" + setterMethod.getName();

                // generating byte array to create target class
                final byte[] bytes = dumpWriter( clazz,
                                                 clazz.isInterface() );
                // use bytes to get a class

                final Class< ? > newClass = byteArrayClassLoader.defineClass( className.replace( '/',
                                                                                                 '.' ),
                                                                              PROTECTION_DOMAIN );
                // instantiating target class
                final ValueType valueType = ValueType.determineValueType( fieldType );
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Examples of org.drools.base.ClassFieldAccessorCache.ByteArrayClassLoader


    public BaseClassFieldReader getClassFieldReader(final Class< ? > clazz,
                                                    final String fieldName,
                                                    CacheEntry cache) {
        ByteArrayClassLoader byteArrayClassLoader = cache.getByteArrayClassLoader();
        Map<Class< ? >, ClassFieldInspector> inspectors = cache.getInspectors();
//        if ( byteArrayClassLoader == null || byteArrayClassLoader.getParent() != classLoader ) {
//            if ( classLoader == null ) {
//                throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "ClassFieldAccessorFactory cannot have a null parent ClassLoader" );
//            }
//            byteArrayClassLoader = new ByteArrayClassLoader( classLoader );
//        }
        try {
            // if it is a self reference
            if ( SELF_REFERENCE_FIELD.equals( fieldName ) ) {
                // then just create an instance of the special class field extractor
                return new SelfReferenceClassFieldReader( clazz,
                                                          fieldName );
            } else if ( fieldName.indexOf( '.' ) > -1 || fieldName.indexOf( '[' ) > -1 ) {
                // we need MVEL extractor for expressions
                return new MVELClassFieldReader( clazz,
                                                 cache );
            } else {
                // otherwise, bytecode generate a specific extractor
                ClassFieldInspector inspector = inspectors.get( clazz );
                if ( inspector == null ) {
                    inspector = new ClassFieldInspector( clazz );
                    inspectors.put( clazz,
                                    inspector );
                final Class< ? > fieldType = (Class< ? >) inspector.getFieldTypes().get( fieldName );
                final Method getterMethod = (Method) inspector.getGetterMethods().get( fieldName );
                if ( fieldType != null && getterMethod != null ) {
                    final String className = ClassFieldAccessorFactory.BASE_PACKAGE + "/" + Type.getInternalName( clazz ) + Math.abs( System.identityHashCode( clazz ) ) + "$" + getterMethod.getName();

                    // generating byte array to create target class
                    final byte[] bytes = dumpReader( clazz,
                                                     clazz.isInterface() );
                    // use bytes to get a class

                    final Class< ? > newClass = byteArrayClassLoader.defineClass( className.replace( '/',
                                                                                                     '.' ),
                                                                                  PROTECTION_DOMAIN );
                    // instantiating target class
                    final Integer index = (Integer) inspector.getFieldNames().get( fieldName );
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Examples of org.drools.base.ClassFieldAccessorCache.ByteArrayClassLoader


    public BaseClassFieldWriter getClassFieldWriter(final Class< ? > clazz,
                                                    final String fieldName,
                                                    final CacheEntry cache) {
        ByteArrayClassLoader byteArrayClassLoader = cache.getByteArrayClassLoader();
        Map<Class< ? >, ClassFieldInspector> inspectors = cache.getInspectors();
        try {
            // otherwise, bytecode generate a specific extractor
            ClassFieldInspector inspector = inspectors.get( clazz );
            if ( inspector == null ) {
                inspector = new ClassFieldInspector( clazz );
                inspectors.put( clazz,
                                inspector );
            final Method setterMethod = (Method) inspector.getSetterMethods().get( fieldName );
            if ( setterMethod != null ) {
                final Class< ? > fieldType = setterMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];
                final String className = ClassFieldAccessorFactory.BASE_PACKAGE + "/" + Type.getInternalName( clazz ) + Math.abs( System.identityHashCode( clazz ) ) + "$" + setterMethod.getName();

                // generating byte array to create target class
                final byte[] bytes = dumpWriter( clazz,
                                                 clazz.isInterface() );
                // use bytes to get a class

                final Class< ? > newClass = byteArrayClassLoader.defineClass( className.replace( '/',
                                                                                                 '.' ),
                                                                              PROTECTION_DOMAIN );
                // instantiating target class
                final Integer index = (Integer) inspector.getFieldNames().get( fieldName );
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Examples of org.drools.base.ClassFieldAccessorCache.ByteArrayClassLoader


    public BaseClassFieldReader getClassFieldReader(final Class< ? > clazz,
                                                    final String fieldName,
                                                    CacheEntry cache) {
        ByteArrayClassLoader byteArrayClassLoader = cache.getByteArrayClassLoader();
        Map<Class< ? >, ClassFieldInspector> inspectors = cache.getInspectors();
//        if ( byteArrayClassLoader == null || byteArrayClassLoader.getParent() != classLoader ) {
//            if ( classLoader == null ) {
//                throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "ClassFieldAccessorFactory cannot have a null parent ClassLoader" );
//            }
//            byteArrayClassLoader = new ByteArrayClassLoader( classLoader );
//        }
        try {
            // if it is a self reference
            if ( SELF_REFERENCE_FIELD.equals( fieldName ) ) {
                // then just create an instance of the special class field extractor
                return new SelfReferenceClassFieldReader( clazz,
                                                          fieldName );
            } else if ( fieldName.indexOf( '.' ) > -1 || fieldName.indexOf( '[' ) > -1 ) {
                // we need MVEL extractor for expressions
                return new MVELClassFieldReader( clazz,
                                                 cache );
            } else {
                // otherwise, bytecode generate a specific extractor
                ClassFieldInspector inspector = inspectors.get( clazz );
                if ( inspector == null ) {
                    inspector = new ClassFieldInspector( clazz );
                    inspectors.put( clazz,
                                    inspector );
                final Class< ? > fieldType = (Class< ? >) inspector.getFieldTypes().get( fieldName );
                final Method getterMethod = (Method) inspector.getGetterMethods().get( fieldName );
                if ( fieldType != null && getterMethod != null ) {
                    final String className = ClassFieldAccessorFactory.BASE_PACKAGE + "/" + Type.getInternalName( clazz ) + Math.abs( System.identityHashCode( clazz ) ) + "$" + getterMethod.getName();

                    // generating byte array to create target class
                    final byte[] bytes = dumpReader( clazz,
                                                     clazz.isInterface() );
                    // use bytes to get a class

                    final Class< ? > newClass = byteArrayClassLoader.defineClass( className.replace( '/',
                                                                                                     '.' ),
                                                                                  PROTECTION_DOMAIN );
                    // instantiating target class
                    final Integer index = (Integer) inspector.getFieldNames().get( fieldName );
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Examples of org.drools.base.ClassFieldAccessorCache.ByteArrayClassLoader


    public BaseClassFieldWriter getClassFieldWriter(final Class< ? > clazz,
                                                    final String fieldName,
                                                    final CacheEntry cache) {
        ByteArrayClassLoader byteArrayClassLoader = cache.getByteArrayClassLoader();
        Map<Class< ? >, ClassFieldInspector> inspectors = cache.getInspectors();
        try {
            // otherwise, bytecode generate a specific extractor
            ClassFieldInspector inspector = inspectors.get( clazz );
            if ( inspector == null ) {
                inspector = new ClassFieldInspector( clazz );
                inspectors.put( clazz,
                                inspector );
            final Method setterMethod = (Method) inspector.getSetterMethods().get( fieldName );
            if ( setterMethod != null ) {
                final Class< ? > fieldType = setterMethod.getParameterTypes()[0];
                final String className = ClassFieldAccessorFactory.BASE_PACKAGE + "/" + Type.getInternalName( clazz ) + Math.abs( System.identityHashCode( clazz ) ) + "$" + setterMethod.getName();

                // generating byte array to create target class
                final byte[] bytes = dumpWriter( clazz,
                                                 clazz.isInterface() );
                // use bytes to get a class

                final Class< ? > newClass = byteArrayClassLoader.defineClass( className.replace( '/',
                                                                                                 '.' ),
                                                                              PROTECTION_DOMAIN );
                // instantiating target class
                final Integer index = (Integer) inspector.getFieldNames().get( fieldName );
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Examples of org.drools.base.ClassFieldAccessorCache.ByteArrayClassLoader

        final Object[] args = invocation.getArguments();
  final Class<?> clazz = (Class<?>) args[0];
  final String fieldName = (String) args[1];
  CacheEntry cache = (CacheEntry) args[2];

        ByteArrayClassLoader byteArrayClassLoader = cache.getByteArrayClassLoader();
        Map<Class< ? >, ClassFieldInspector> inspectors = cache.getInspectors();
//        if ( byteArrayClassLoader == null || byteArrayClassLoader.getParent() != classLoader ) {
//            if ( classLoader == null ) {
//                throw new RuntimeDroolsException( "ClassFieldAccessorFactory cannot have a null parent ClassLoader" );
//            }
//            byteArrayClassLoader = new ByteArrayClassLoader( classLoader );
//        }
        try {
            // if it is a self reference
            if ( SELF_REFERENCE_FIELD.equals( fieldName ) ) {
                // then just create an instance of the special class field extractor
                return new SelfReferenceClassFieldReader( clazz,
                                                          fieldName );
            } else if ( fieldName.indexOf( '.' ) > -1 || fieldName.indexOf( '[' ) > -1 ) {
                // we need MVEL extractor for expressions
                return new MVELClassFieldReader( clazz.getName(),
                                                 true );
            } else {
                // otherwise, bytecode generate a specific extractor
                ClassFieldInspector inspector = inspectors.get( clazz );
                if ( inspector == null ) {
                    inspector = new ClassFieldInspector( clazz );
                    inspectors.put( clazz,
                                    inspector );
                final Class< ? > fieldType = (Class< ? >) inspector.getFieldTypes().get( fieldName );
                final Method getterMethod = (Method) inspector.getGetterMethods().get( fieldName );
                if ( fieldType != null && getterMethod != null ) {
                    final String className = DroolsClassFieldAccessorFactoryAspect.BASE_PACKAGE + "/" + Type.getInternalName( clazz ) + Math.abs( System.identityHashCode( clazz ) ) + "$" + getterMethod.getName();

                    // generating byte array to create target class
                    final byte[] bytes = dumpReader( clazz,
                                                     clazz.isInterface() );
                    // use bytes to get a class

                    final Class< ? > newClass = byteArrayClassLoader.defineClass( className.replace( '/',
                                                                                                     '.' ),
                                                                                  PROTECTION_DOMAIN );
                    // instantiating target class
                    final Integer index = (Integer) inspector.getFieldNames().get( fieldName );
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