Examples of BodyBuilder

Examples of org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.BodyBuilder

        String defaultFieldName = transformation.addField(Modifier.PRIVATE, fieldType, fieldName + "_default");

        String invariantFieldName = transformation.addField(Modifier.PRIVATE, "boolean", fieldName + "_invariant");

        BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder().begin();

        addDefaultBindingSetup(parameterName, defaultPrefix, defaultBinding, resourcesFieldName, transformation,

        builder.addln("%s = %s.isInvariant(\"%s\");", invariantFieldName, resourcesFieldName, parameterName);

        // Store the current value of the field into the default field. This value will
        // be used to reset the field after rendering.

        builder.addln("%s = %s;", defaultFieldName, fieldName);

        transformation.extendMethod(TransformConstants.CONTAINING_PAGE_DID_LOAD_SIGNATURE, builder

        // Now, when the component completes rendering, ensure that any variant parameters are
        // are returned to default value. This isn't necessary when the parameter is not cached,
        // because (unless the binding is invariant), there's no value to get rid of (and if it is
        // invariant, there's no need to get rid of it).

        if (cache)

            builder.addln("if (! %s)", invariantFieldName);
            builder.addln("%s = %s;", fieldName, defaultFieldName);
            builder.addln("%s = false;", cachedFieldName);

            // Clean up after the component renders.

            String body = builder.toString();

            transformation.extendMethod(TransformConstants.POST_RENDER_CLEANUP_SIGNATURE, body);

            // And again, when the page is detached (TAPESTRY-2460)

            transformation.extendMethod(TransformConstants.CONTAINING_PAGE_DID_DETACH_SIGNATURE, builder.toString());

        return invariantFieldName;
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Examples of org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.BodyBuilder


    private void addWriterMethod(String fieldName, String cachedFieldName, boolean cache, String parameterName,
                                 String fieldType, String resourcesFieldName, ClassTransformation transformation)
        BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder();

        // Before the component is loaded, updating the property sets the default value
        // for the parameter. The value is stored in the field, but will be
        // rolled into default field inside containingPageDidLoad().

        builder.addln("if (! %s.isLoaded())", resourcesFieldName);
        builder.addln("%s = $1;", fieldName);

        // Always start by updating the parameter; this will implicitly check for
        // read-only or unbound parameters. $1 is the single parameter
        // to the method.

        builder.addln("if (%s.isBound(\"%s\"))", resourcesFieldName, parameterName);
        builder.addln("  %s.writeParameter(\"%s\", ($w)$1);", resourcesFieldName, parameterName);

        builder.addln("%s = $1;", fieldName);

        if (cache) builder.addln("%s = %s.isRendering();", cachedFieldName, resourcesFieldName);


        String methodName = transformation.newMemberName("update_parameter", parameterName);

        TransformMethodSignature signature = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PRIVATE, "void", methodName,
                                                                          new String[] { fieldType }, null);

        transformation.addMethod(signature, builder.toString());

        transformation.replaceWriteAccess(fieldName, methodName);
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Examples of org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.BodyBuilder

    private void addReaderMethod(String fieldName, String cachedFieldName, String invariantFieldName, boolean cache,
                                 String parameterName, String fieldType, String resourcesFieldName,
                                 ClassTransformation transformation)
        BodyBuilder builder = new BodyBuilder();

        // While the component is still loading, or when the value for the component is cached,
        // or if the value is not bound, then return the current value of the field.

        builder.addln("if (%s || ! %s.isLoaded() || ! %<s.isBound(\"%s\")) return %s;", cachedFieldName,
                      resourcesFieldName, parameterName, fieldName);

        String cast = TransformUtils.getWrapperTypeName(fieldType);

        // The ($r) cast will convert the result to the method return type; generally
        // this does nothing. but for primitive types, it will unwrap
        // the wrapper type back to a primitive.  We pass the desired type name
        // to readParameter(), since its easier to convert it properly to
        // a type on that end than in the generated code.

        builder.addln("%s result = ($r) ((%s) %s.readParameter(\"%s\", \"%2$s\"));", fieldType, cast,
                      resourcesFieldName, parameterName);

        // If the binding is invariant, then it's ok to cache. Othewise, its only
        // ok to cache if a) the @Parameter says to cache and b) the component
        // is rendering at the point when field is accessed.

        builder.add("if (%s", invariantFieldName);

        if (cache) builder.add(" || %s.isRendering()", resourcesFieldName);

        builder.addln("%s = result;", fieldName);
        builder.addln("%s = true;", cachedFieldName);

        builder.addln("return result;");

        String methodName = transformation.newMemberName("read_parameter", parameterName);

        TransformMethodSignature signature = new TransformMethodSignature(Modifier.PRIVATE, fieldType, methodName, null,

        transformation.addMethod(signature, builder.toString());

        transformation.replaceReadAccess(fieldName, methodName);
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