Examples of BeefGuiFluidBar

Examples of erogenousbeef.bigreactors.gui.controls.BeefGuiFluidBar

  public void initGui() {

    titleString = new BeefGuiLabel(this, _entity.getInventoryName(), guiLeft + 8, guiTop + 6);

    fluidBar = new BeefGuiFluidBar(this, guiLeft + 8, guiTop + 16, _entity, 0);
    powerBar = new BeefGuiPowerBar(this, guiLeft + 148, guiTop + 16, _entity);
    progressArrow = new BeefGuiProgressArrow(this, guiLeft + 76, guiTop + 41, 0, 178, _entity);
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Examples of erogenousbeef.bigreactors.gui.controls.BeefGuiFluidBar

    coreHeatBar = new BeefGuiHeatBar(this, guiLeft + 130, guiTop + 22, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Core Heat", new String[] { "Heat of the reactor's fuel.", "High heat raises fuel usage.", "", "Core heat is transferred to", "the casing. Transfer rate", "is based on the design of", "the reactor's interior."});
    caseHeatBar = new BeefGuiHeatBar(this, guiLeft + 108, guiTop + 22, EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Casing Heat", new String[] { "Heat of the reactor's casing.", "High heat raises energy output", "and coolant conversion."});
    fuelMixBar = new BeefGuiFuelMixBar(this, guiLeft + 86, guiTop + 22, this.reactor);

    coolantIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 132, guiTop + 91, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("coolantIn"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Coolant Fluid Tank", "", "Casing heat will superheat", "coolant in this tank." });
    coolantBar = new BeefGuiFluidBar(this, guiLeft + 131, guiTop + 108, this.reactor, MultiblockReactor.FLUID_COOLANT);
    hotFluidIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 154, guiTop + 91, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("hotFluidOut"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Hot Fluid Tank", "", "Superheated coolant", "will pump into this tank,", "and must be piped out", "via coolant ports" });
    hotFluidBar = new BeefGuiFluidBar(this, guiLeft + 153, guiTop + 108, this.reactor, MultiblockReactor.FLUID_SUPERHEATED);
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Examples of erogenousbeef.bigreactors.gui.controls.BeefGuiFluidBar

    powerIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 153, guiTop + 4, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("energyStored"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Energy Storage" });
    powerBar = new BeefGuiPowerBar(this, guiLeft + 152, guiTop + 22, this.turbine);
    steamIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 113, guiTop + 4, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("hotFluidIn"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Intake Fluid Tank" });
    steamBar = new BeefGuiFluidBar(this, guiLeft + 112, guiTop + 22, turbine, MultiblockTurbine.TANK_INPUT);

    waterIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 133, guiTop + 4, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("coolantOut"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Exhaust Fluid Tank" });
    waterBar = new BeefGuiFluidBar(this, guiLeft + 132, guiTop + 22, turbine, MultiblockTurbine.TANK_OUTPUT);

    rpmIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 93, guiTop + 4, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("rpm"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Rotor Speed" });
    rpmBar = new BeefGuiRpmBar(this, guiLeft + 92, guiTop + 22, turbine, "Rotor Speed", new String[] {"Rotors perform best at", "900 or 1800 RPM.", "", "Rotors kept overspeed for too", "long may fail.", "", "Catastrophically."});
    governorIcon = new BeefGuiIcon(this, guiLeft + 102, guiTop + 107, 16, 16, ClientProxy.GuiIcons.getIcon("flowRate"), new String[] { EnumChatFormatting.AQUA + "Flow Rate Governor", "", "Controls the maximum rate at", "which hot fluids are drawn", "from the turbine's intake tank", "and passed over the turbines.", "", "Effectively, the max rate at which", "the turbine will process fluids."});
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