Examples of AreaEdgeList

Examples of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.AreaEdgeList

        Set<Edge> edges = new HashSet<Edge>();

        // create polygon and accumulate nodes for area
        for (Ring ring : group.outermostRings) {

            AreaEdgeList edgeList = new AreaEdgeList();
            // the points corresponding to concave or hole vertices
            // or those linked to ways
            ArrayList<VLPoint> visibilityPoints = new ArrayList<VLPoint>();
            ArrayList<OSMNode> visibilityNodes = new ArrayList<OSMNode>();
            HashSet<P2<OSMNode>> alreadyAddedEdges = new HashSet<P2<OSMNode>>();
            // we need to accumulate visibility points from all contained areas
            // inside this ring, but only for shared nodes; we don't care about
            // convexity, which we'll handle for the grouped area only.

            // we also want to fill in the edges of this area anyway, because we can,
            // and to avoid the numerical problems that they tend to cause
            for (Area area : group.areas) {
                if (!ring.toJtsPolygon().contains(area.toJTSMultiPolygon())) {

                // Add stops from public transit relations into the area
                Collection<OSMNode> nodes = osmdb.getStopsInArea(area.parent);
                if (nodes != null) {
                    for (OSMNode node : nodes) {
                        addtoVisibilityAndStartSets(startingNodes, visibilityPoints,
                                visibilityNodes, node);

                for (Ring outerRing : area.outermostRings) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < outerRing.nodes.size(); ++i) {
                        OSMNode node = outerRing.nodes.get(i);
                        createEdgesForRingSegment(edges, edgeList, area, outerRing, i,
                        addtoVisibilityAndStartSets(startingNodes, visibilityPoints,
                                visibilityNodes, node);
                    for (Ring innerRing : outerRing.holes) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < innerRing.nodes.size(); ++j) {
                            OSMNode node = innerRing.nodes.get(j);
                            createEdgesForRingSegment(edges, edgeList, area, innerRing, j,
                            addtoVisibilityAndStartSets(startingNodes, visibilityPoints,
                                    visibilityNodes, node);
            List<OSMNode> nodes = new ArrayList<OSMNode>();
            List<VLPoint> vertices = new ArrayList<VLPoint>();
            accumulateRingNodes(ring, nodes, vertices);
            VLPolygon polygon = makeStandardizedVLPolygon(vertices, nodes, false);
            accumulateVisibilityPoints(ring.nodes, polygon, visibilityPoints, visibilityNodes,

            ArrayList<VLPolygon> polygons = new ArrayList<VLPolygon>();
            // holes
            for (Ring innerRing : ring.holes) {
                ArrayList<OSMNode> holeNodes = new ArrayList<OSMNode>();
                vertices = new ArrayList<VLPoint>();
                accumulateRingNodes(innerRing, holeNodes, vertices);
                VLPolygon hole = makeStandardizedVLPolygon(vertices, holeNodes, true);
                accumulateVisibilityPoints(innerRing.nodes, hole, visibilityPoints,
                        visibilityNodes, true);

            Environment areaEnv = new Environment(polygons);
            // FIXME: temporary hard limit on size of
            // areas to prevent way explosion
            if (visibilityPoints.size() > MAX_AREA_NODES) {
                LOG.warn("Area " + group.getSomeOSMObject() + " is too complicated ("
                        + visibilityPoints.size() + " > " + MAX_AREA_NODES);

            if (!areaEnv.is_valid(VISIBILITY_EPSILON)) {
                LOG.warn("Area " + group.getSomeOSMObject() + " is not epsilon-valid (epsilon = "
                        + VISIBILITY_EPSILON + ")");


            createNamedAreas(edgeList, ring, group.areas);

            OSMWithTags areaEntity = group.getSomeOSMObject();
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Examples of org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.AreaEdgeList

            HashSet<Edge> seenEdges = new HashSet<Edge>();
            HashSet<AreaEdgeList> seenAreas = new HashSet<AreaEdgeList>();
            for (Vertex vertex : graph.getVertices()) {
                for (Edge e : vertex.getOutgoing()) {
                    if (e instanceof AreaEdge) {
                        AreaEdgeList areaEdgeList = ((AreaEdge) e).getArea();
                        if (seenAreas.contains(areaEdgeList))
                        for (NamedArea area : areaEdgeList.getAreas()) {
                                    / bestBikeSafety);
                    if (!(e instanceof StreetEdge)) {
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