Package flex.messaging.util.concurrent

Source Code of flex.messaging.util.concurrent.AsynchBeansWorkManagerExecutor$WorkCommandWrapper

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package flex.messaging.util.concurrent;

import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;


import flex.messaging.config.ConfigurationException;
import flex.messaging.log.Log;
import flex.messaging.log.LogCategories;

* Implements {@link Executor} by delegating command execution to a WAS asynchbeans <code>WorkManager</code>.
* For more information on the asynchbeans API, refer to the WAS Javadoc for
* <a href="">WorkManager</a>.
* @exclude
public class AsynchBeansWorkManagerExecutor implements Executor
    // Constructor
     * Constructs an <code>AsynchBeansWorkManagerExecutor</code> that will delegate command execution
     * to the specified <code>WorkManager</code> instance that is registered in JNDI.
     * @param workManagerJNDIName The JNDI resource ref name for the <code>WorkManager</code>.
     * @see
    public AsynchBeansWorkManagerExecutor(String workManagerJNDIName)
            InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
            workManager = (WorkManager)ic.lookup(workManagerJNDIName);
        catch(NamingException ne)
            ConfigurationException ce = new ConfigurationException();
            ce.setMessage(13600, new Object[] {workManagerJNDIName});
            throw ce;
        workListener = new WorkListener() {
            public void workAccepted(WorkEvent event)
                /* No-op */                
            public void workCompleted(WorkEvent event)
                // This only needs to be handled if execution of the Runnable failed.
                WorkException e = event.getException();
                if (e != null)
                    if (Log.isDebug())
                        Log.getLogger(LogCategories.EXECUTOR).error("AsynchBeansWorkManager's WorkListener.workCompleted() callback invoked for failed execution.", e);
                    handleFailedExecution(((WorkCommandWrapper)event.getWork()).command, e);
            public void workRejected(WorkEvent event)
                WorkException e = event.getException();
                if (Log.isDebug())
                    Log.getLogger(LogCategories.EXECUTOR).error("AsynchBeansWorkManager's WorkListener.workRejected() callback invoked. WorkException? " + e);
                handleFailedExecution(((WorkCommandWrapper)event.getWork()).command, e);
            public void workStarted(WorkEvent event)
                /* No-op */
    // Variables
     * Instance level lock for thread-safe state changes.
    private final Object lock = new Object();
     * Reference to the WorkManager instance configured in WAS that this executor instance delegates to.
    private final WorkManager workManager;
     * Listener that monitors scheduled work for errors and notifies the FailedExecutionHandler if one has been set.
    private final WorkListener workListener;
    // Properties
    //  failedExecutionHandler
    private FailedExecutionHandler failedExecutionHandler;
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FailedExecutionHandler getFailedExecutionHandler()
        synchronized (lock)
            return failedExecutionHandler;           
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void setFailedExecutionHandler(FailedExecutionHandler value)
        synchronized (lock)
            failedExecutionHandler = value;
    // Public Methods
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void execute(Runnable command)
            // Register our listener to monitor each scheduled work, and set the start timeout for the work to indefinite (no queue timeout).
            workManager.startWork(new WorkCommandWrapper(command), WorkManager.INDEFINITE, workListener);
        catch (WorkException e)
            handleFailedExecution(command, e);
    // Private Methods
     * Handles command execution problems by notifying the FailedExecutionHandler if one has been set
     * and otherwise logging the failure.
     * @param command The command that failed to execute successfully.
     * @param e The exception generated by the failed command.
    private void handleFailedExecution(Runnable command, Exception e)
        FailedExecutionHandler handler = getFailedExecutionHandler();
        if (handler != null)
            handler.failedExecution(command, this, e);
        else if (Log.isError())
            Log.getLogger(LogCategories.EXECUTOR).error("AsynchBeansWorkManager hit an Exception but no FailedExecutionHandler is registered to handle the error.", e);
    // Inner Classes

     * Helper class that wraps Runnable commands in the WAS Work interface.
    class WorkCommandWrapper implements Work
        public WorkCommandWrapper(Runnable command)
            this.command = command;
        private final Runnable command;
        public void run()
         * This is invoked by WAS when the server is shutting down to signal long-running daemon threads spawned by the WorkManager
         * to exit from their run() method. Our works are all short lived so this is a no-op; in this case  WAS will force any
         * works that are executing at server shutdown to terminate.
        public void release()
            // No-op.

Related Classes of flex.messaging.util.concurrent.AsynchBeansWorkManagerExecutor$WorkCommandWrapper

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