Package org.exolab.castor.util

Source Code of org.exolab.castor.util.Configuration$ConfigValues

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* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the
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* Copyright 1999-2004 (C) Intalio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* $Id:,v 1.7 2004/11/05 05:41:13 kvisco Exp $

package org.exolab.castor.util;

import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.Parser;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.apache.xml.serialize.Serializer;
import org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat;
import org.apache.xml.serialize.Method;
import org.exolab.castor.util.Messages;
import org.exolab.castor.xml.NodeType;
import org.exolab.castor.xml.XMLNaming;
import org.exolab.castor.xml.util.DefaultNaming;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

* Provides default configuration for Castor components from the
* <tt></tt> configuration file. All Castor features
* rely on the central configuration file.
* <p>
* The configuration file is loaded from the Java <tt>lib</tt>
* directory, the classpath and the Castor JAR. Properties set in the
* classpath file takes precedence over properties set in the Java library
* configuration file and properties set in the Castor JAR, allowing for
* each customization. All three files are named <tt></tt>.
* <p>
* For example, to change the parser in use, specify that all
* documents should be printed with identantion or turn debugging on,
* create a new configuration file in the current directory, instead
* of modifying the global one.
* @author <a href="">Keith Visco</a>
* @author <a href="">Assaf Arkin</a>
* @version $Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2004/11/05 05:41:13 $
public abstract class Configuration

     * Names of properties used in the configuration file.
    public static class Property

         * Property specifying the class name of the XML serializer to use.
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.serializer
         * </pre>
        public static final String Serializer = "org.exolab.castor.serializer";
         * Property specifying the type of node to use for
         * primitive values, either "element" or "attribute"
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.xml.introspector.primitive.nodetype
         * </pre>
        public static final String PrimitiveNodeType
            = "org.exolab.castor.xml.introspector.primitive.nodetype";

         * Property specifying the class name of the XML parser to use.
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.parser
         * </pre>
        public static final String Parser = "org.exolab.castor.parser";

         * Property specifying whether to perform document validation by default.
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.SAXParser.validation
         * </pre>
        public static final String ParserValidation = "org.exolab.castor.parser.validation";

         * Property specifying whether to support Namespaces by default.
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.SAXParser.namespaces
         * </pre>
        public static final String Namespaces = "org.exolab.castor.parser.namespaces";
         * Property specifying Namespace to Package Mappings
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.xml.nspackages
         * </pre>
        public static final String NamespacePackages = "org.exolab.castor.xml.nspackages";

         * Property specifying the implementation of the naming conventions
         * to use. Values of this property must be either "mixed", "lower", or
         * the name of a class which extends org.exolab.castor.xml.XMLNaming.
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.xml.naming
         * </pre>
        public static final String Naming = "org.exolab.castor.xml.naming";       

         * Property specifying whether to use validation in the Marshalling Framework
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.marshalling.validation
         * </pre>
         public static final String MarshallingValidation = "org.exolab.castor.marshalling.validation";
         * Property specifying whether XML documents should be indented by default.
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.indent
         * </pre>
        public static final String Indent = "org.exolab.castor.indent";

         * Property specifying additional features for the parser.
         * This value contains a comma separated list of features that
         * might or might not be supported by the specified parser.
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.sax.features
         * </pre>
        public static final String ParserFeatures = "org.exolab.castor.sax.features";

        public static final String ParserFeatureSeparator = ",";

         * Property specifying the regular expression validator
         * to use. This specified class must implement
         * org.exolab.castor.xml.validators.RegExpValidator
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.regexp
         * </pre>
        public static final String RegExp = "org.exolab.castor.regexp";

         * Property specifying whether to run in debug mode.
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.debug
         * </pre>
        public static final String Debug = "org.exolab.castor.debug";

         * Property specifying whether to apply strictness to elements when
         * unmarshalling. Default is true which means that elements appearing in the
         * XML Documnt which cannot be mapped to a class cause a SAXException to be thrown.
         * If set to false, these 'unknown' elements are ignored
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.strictelements
         * </pre>
        public static final String StrictElements = "org.exolab.castor.xml.strictelements";

         * Property specifying whether or not to save the "keys" of a Hashtable or
         * Map during marshalling. By default this is true.
         * <pre>
         * org.exolab.castor.xml.saveMapKeys
         * </pre>
         * @since
        public static final String SaveMapKeys = "org.exolab.castor.xml.saveMapKeys";
         * The name of the configuration file.
         * <pre>
         * </pre>
        public static final String FileName = "";

        static final String ResourceName = "/org/exolab/castor/";

    } //-- class: Property

    static class Features
        public static final String Validation = "";
        public static final String Namespaces = "";
    } //-- class: Features

    // Some static string definitions
    static final String TRUE_VALUE  = "true";
    static final String ON_VALUE    = "on";

     * The default properties loaded from the castor jar / classpath
    private static Properties _jarProps = null;
     * The default properties loaded from the configuration file.
    private static Properties   _defaultProps;
     * The default configuration values (retrieved from default properties)
    private static ConfigValues _defaultValues = new ConfigValues();

     * Protected default constructor
    Configuration() {
    } //-- Configuration
     * Returns true if the configuration specifies debugging.
     * Design note: This method should be overloaded by any
     * sub-classes.
     * @returns true if the configuration specifies debugging.
     * @see #getDefaultDebug()
    public boolean debug() {
        return getDefaultDebug();
    } //-- debug
     * Returns true if the default configuration specified debugging.
     * @returns true if the configuration specifies debugging.
    public static boolean getDefaultDebug()
        return _defaultValues.debug;
    } //-- getDefaultDebug

     * Access to the property specifying whether to apply strictness to elements when
     * unmarshalling. Default is true which means that elements appearing in the
     * XML Documnt which cannot be mapped to a class cause a SAXException to be thrown.
     * If set to false, these 'unknown' elements are ignored.
     * Design note: This method should be overloaded by any
     * sub-classes.
     * @return true if element processing should be "strict".
     * @see #getDefaultStrictElements()
    public boolean strictElements() {
        return getDefaultStrictElements();
    } //-- strictElements
     * Access to the property specifying whether to apply strictness to elements when
     * unmarshalling. Default is true which means that elements appearing in the
     * XML Documnt which cannot be mapped to a class cause a SAXException to be thrown.
     * If set to false, these 'unknown' elements are ignored
     * @return true if element processing should be "strict".
     * @see #strictElements()
    public static boolean getDefaultStrictElements() {
        return _defaultValues.strictElements;
    } //-- getDefaultStrictElements

     * Returns true if the current configuration (user-supplied or default)
     * specifies validation in the marshalling framework.
     * Design note: This method should be overloaded by any
     * sub-classes.
     * @return true if by default validation should be performed during the
     * marshalling and unmarshalling process, otherwise false.
     * @see #getDefaultMarshallingValidation()
    public boolean marshallingValidation() {
        return getDefaultMarshallingValidation();
    } //-- marshallingValidation
     * Returns true if the default configuration specifies validation in
     * the marshalling framework.
     * @return true if by default validation should be performed during the
     * marshalling and unmarshalling process, otherwise false.
     * @see #marshallingValidation()
    public static boolean getDefaultMarshallingValidation()
        return _defaultValues.marshallingValidation;
    } //-- getDefaultMarshallingValidation

     * Returns the current properties from the configuration file(s).
     * The Properties returned may be empty, but never null.
     * Design note: This method should be overloaded by any
     * sub-classes.
     * @return the current set of configuration properties.
     * @see #getDefault()
    public Properties getProperties() {
        return getDefault();
    } //-- getProperties
     * Returns the default configuration file. Changes to the returned
     * properties set may affect all Castor functions relying on the
     * default configuration.
     * @return the default configuration properties
     * @see #getProperties()
    public static synchronized Properties getDefault()
        if ( _defaultProps == null ) {
        return _defaultProps;
    } //-- getDefault

     * Returns a property from the current configuration.
     * Equivalent to calling <tt>getProperty</tt> on the result
     * of {@link #getDefault}.
     * @param name The property name
     * @param defValue The property's default value
     * @return The property's value
     * @see #getDefaultProperty(String,String)
     * @see #getProperties()
    public String getProperty( String name, String defValue )
        return getProperties().getProperty( name, defValue );
    } //-- getProperty

     * Returns a property from the default configuration file.
     * Equivalent to calling <tt>getProperty</tt> on the result
     * of {@link #getDefault}.
     * @param name The property name
     * @param defValue The property's default value
     * @return The property's value
     * @see #getProperty (String, String)
    public static String getDefaultProperty( String name, String defValue )
        return getDefault().getProperty( name, defValue );
    } //-- getDefaultProperty

     * Returns the currently configured naming conventions to use
     * for the XML framework
     * Design note: This method should be overloaded by any
     * sub-classes.
     * @return the currently configured naming conventions to use
     * for the XML framework    
     * @see #getDefaultXMLNaming()
    public XMLNaming getXMLNaming() {
        return getDefaultXMLNaming();
    } //-- getXMLNaming

     * Returns the default naming conventions to use for the XML framework
     * @return the default naming conventions to use for the XML framework    
    public static XMLNaming getDefaultXMLNaming() {
        if (_defaultValues.naming != null) return _defaultValues.naming;
        String prop = getDefaultProperty( Property.Naming, null);
        if ((prop == null) || (prop.equalsIgnoreCase("lower"))) {
            _defaultValues.naming = new DefaultNaming();
        else if (prop.equalsIgnoreCase("mixed")) {
            DefaultNaming dn = new DefaultNaming();
            _defaultValues.naming = dn;
        else {
            try {
                Class cls = Class.forName(prop);
                _defaultValues.naming = (XMLNaming) cls.newInstance();
            catch (Exception except) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load XMLNaming: " +
        return _defaultValues.naming;
    } //-- getNaming

     * Return an XML parser implementing the feature list specified
     * in the configuration file.
     * Design note: This method should be overloaded by any
     * sub-classes.
     * @return a suitable XML parser
     * @see #getDefaultParser()
    public Parser getParser() {
        return getDefaultParser();
    } //-- getParser
     * Return an XML document parser implementing the feature list
     * specified in the default configuration file.
     * @return a suitable XML parser
     * @see #getParser()
    public static Parser getDefaultParser()
        return getDefaultParser( null );
    } //-- getDefaultParser

     * Returns an XML document parser implementing the requested
     * set of features. The feature list is a comma separated list
     * of features that parser may or may not support. No errors are
     * generated for unsupported features. If the feature list is not
     * null, it overrides the default feature list specified in the
     * configuration file, including validation and Namespaces.
     * @param features The requested feature list, null for the
     *   defaults
     * @return A suitable XML parser
    public static Parser getDefaultParser( String features )
        String prop;
        Parser parser;
        //-- validation?
        prop = getDefault().getProperty( Property.ParserValidation, "false" );
        boolean validation = ( prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) ||
                               prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "on" ) );
        //-- namespaces?
        prop = getDefault().getProperty( Property.Namespaces, "false" );
        boolean namespaces = ( prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) ||
                               prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "on" ) );

        //-- which parser?
        prop = getDefault().getProperty( Property.Parser );
        if (( prop == null ) || (prop.length() == 0))  {
            // If no parser class was specified, check for JAXP
            // otherwise we default to Xerces.
            SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
            try {
                SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
                return saxParser.getParser();
            catch(ParserConfigurationException pcx) {
                Logger.getSystemLogger().println( Messages.format( "conf.configurationError", pcx ) );
            catch(org.xml.sax.SAXException sx) {
                Logger.getSystemLogger().println( Messages.format( "conf.configurationError", sx ) );
        if ((prop == null) ||
            (prop.length() == 0) ||
            prop = "org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser";

        // If a parser class was specified, we try to create it and
        // complain about creation error.
        try {
            Class cls;
            cls = Class.forName( prop );
            parser = (Parser) cls.newInstance();
        } catch ( Exception except ) {
            throw new RuntimeException( Messages.format( "conf.failedInstantiateParser",
                                                         prop, except ) );

        if ( parser instanceof XMLReader ) {
            StringTokenizer token;
            XMLReader xmlReader = (XMLReader)parser;
            try {
                xmlReader.setFeature( Features.Validation, validation );
                xmlReader.setFeature( Features.Namespaces, namespaces );
                features = getDefault().getProperty( Property.ParserFeatures, features );
                if ( features != null ) {
                    token = new StringTokenizer( features, ", " );
                    while ( token.hasMoreTokens() ) {
                        xmlReader.setFeature( token.nextToken(), true );
            catch ( SAXException except ) {
                Logger.getSystemLogger().println( Messages.format( "conf.configurationError", except ) );
        return parser;

     * Returns the currently configured NodeType to use for Java
     * primitives. A null value will be returned if no NodeType was
     * specified, indicating the default NodeType should be used.
     * Design note: This method should be overloaded by any
     * sub-classes.
     * @return the NodeType assigned to Java primitives, or null
     * if no NodeType was specified.
     * @see #getDefaultPrimitiveNodeType()
    public NodeType getPrimitiveNodeType() {
        return getDefaultPrimitiveNodeType();
    } //-- getPrimitiveNodeType

     * Returns the NodeType to use for Java primitives.
     * A null value will be returned if no NodeType was specified,
     * indicating the default NodeType should be used.
     * @return the NodeType assigned to Java primitives, or null
     * if no NodeType was specified.
     * @see #getPrimitiveNodeType()
    public static NodeType getDefaultPrimitiveNodeType() {
        if (_defaultValues.primitiveNodeType != null)
            return _defaultValues.primitiveNodeType;
        String prop = getDefaultProperty(Property.PrimitiveNodeType, null);
        if (prop == null)
            return null;
        else {
            _defaultValues.primitiveNodeType = NodeType.getNodeType(prop);
            return _defaultValues.primitiveNodeType;
    } //-- getDefaultPrimitiveNodeType

     * Returns an XML document parser implementing the requested
     * set of features. The feature list is a comma separated list
     * of features that parser may or may not support. No errors are
     * generated for unsupported features. If the feature list is not
     * null, it overrides the default feature list specified in the
     * configuration file, including validation and Namespaces.
     * @return A suitable XML parser
    public XMLReader getXMLReader()
        return getDefaultXMLReader( null ) ;
    } //-- getXMLReader
     * Returns an XML document parser implementing the requested
     * set of features. The feature list is a comma separated list
     * of features that parser may or may not support. No errors are
     * generated for unsupported features. If the feature list is not
     * null, it overrides the default feature list specified in the
     * configuration file, including validation and Namespaces.
     * @return A suitable XML parser
    public static XMLReader getDefaultXMLReader()
        return getDefaultXMLReader( null ) ;
    } //-- getDefaultXMLReader
     * Returns an XML document parser implementing the requested
     * set of features. The feature list is a comma separated list
     * of features that parser may or may not support. No errors are
     * generated for unsupported features. If the feature list is not
     * null, it overrides the default feature list specified in the
     * configuration file, including validation and Namespaces.
     * @param features The requested feature list, null for the
     *   defaults
     * @return A suitable XML parser
    public static XMLReader getDefaultXMLReader( String features )
        String prop;
        XMLReader reader = null;
        //-- validation?
        prop = getDefault().getProperty( Property.ParserValidation, "false" );
        boolean validation = ( prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) ||
                               prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "on" ) );
        //-- namespaces?
        prop = getDefault().getProperty( Property.Namespaces, "false" );
        boolean namespaces = ( prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) ||
                               prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "on" ) );

        //-- which parser?
        prop = getDefault().getProperty( Property.Parser );
        if (( prop == null ) || (prop.length() == 0))  {
            // If no parser class was specified, check for JAXP
            // otherwise we default to Xerces.
            SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
            try {
                SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
                reader = saxParser.getXMLReader();
            catch(ParserConfigurationException pcx) {
                Logger.getSystemLogger().println( Messages.format( "conf.configurationError", pcx ) );
            catch(org.xml.sax.SAXException sx) {
                Logger.getSystemLogger().println( Messages.format( "conf.configurationError", sx ) );
        if (reader == null) {
            if ((prop == null) ||
                (prop.length() == 0) ||
                prop = "org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser";
            // If a parser class was specified, we try to create it and
            // complain about creation error.
            try {
                Class cls;
                cls = Class.forName( prop );
                reader = (XMLReader) cls.newInstance();
            } catch ( Exception except ) {
                throw new RuntimeException( Messages.format( "conf.failedInstantiateParser",
                                                            prop, except ) );

        StringTokenizer token;
        try {
            reader.setFeature( Features.Validation, validation );
            reader.setFeature( Features.Namespaces, namespaces );
            features = getDefault().getProperty( Property.ParserFeatures, features );
            if ( features != null ) {
                token = new StringTokenizer( features, ", " );
                while ( token.hasMoreTokens() ) {
                    reader.setFeature( token.nextToken(), true );
        catch ( SAXException except ) {
            Logger.getSystemLogger().println( Messages.format( "conf.configurationError", except ) );
        return reader;
    } //-- getDefaultXMLReader

     * Returns a new instance of the specified Regular Expression
     * Evaluator, or null if no validator was specified
     * @return the regular expression evaluator,
     * @see #getDefaultRegExpEvaluator()
    public RegExpEvaluator getRegExpEvaluator() {
        return getDefaultRegExpEvaluator();
    } //-- getRegExpEvaluator
     * Returns a new instance of the specified Regular Expression
     * Evaluator, or null if no validator was specified
     * @return the regular expression evaluator,
     * @see #getRegExpEvaluator()
    public static RegExpEvaluator getDefaultRegExpEvaluator() {

        String prop = getDefault().getProperty( Property.RegExp );

        RegExpEvaluator regex = null;

        if ( prop == null ) {
            return null;
        else {
            try {
                Class cls = _defaultValues.regExpEvalClass;
                if (cls == null) cls = Class.forName( prop );
                regex = (RegExpEvaluator) cls.newInstance();
            catch ( Exception except ) {
                throw new RuntimeException( Messages.format( "conf.failedInstantiateRegExp",
                                                             prop, except ) );

        return regex;
    } //-- getRegExpEvaluator

     * Returns a serializer for producing an XML instance document.
     * The caller can specify an alternative output format, may reuse
     * this serializer across several streams, and may serialize both
     * DOM and SAX events.
     * Design note: This method should be overloaded by any
     * sub-classes.
     * @return A suitable serializer
     * @see #getDefaultSerializer()
    public abstract Serializer getSerializer();

     * Returns a default serializer for producing an XML document.
     * The caller can specify an alternative output format, may reuse
     * this serializer across several streams, and may serialize both
     * DOM and SAX events. If such control is not required, it is
     * recommended to call one of the other two methods.
     * @return A suitable serializer
     * @see #getSerializer()
    public static Serializer getDefaultSerializer()
        String     prop;
        Serializer serializer;

        prop = getDefault().getProperty( Property.Serializer );
        if ( prop == null || prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "xerces" ) ) {
            // If no parser class was specified, we default to Xerces.
            serializer = new org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer();
        } else {
            try {
                serializer = (Serializer) Class.forName( prop ).newInstance();
            } catch ( Exception except ) {
                throw new RuntimeException( Messages.format( "conf.failedInstantiateSerializer",
                                                             prop, except ) );
        serializer.setOutputFormat( getDefaultOutputFormat() );
        return serializer;

     * Returns the currently configured OutputFormat for use with a Serializer.
     * Design note: This method should be overloaded by any
     * sub-classes.
     * @return the currently configured OutputFormat.
     * @see #getDefaultOutputFormat()
    public abstract OutputFormat getOutputFormat();

     * Returns the default OutputFormat for use with a Serializer.
     * @return the default OutputFormat
    public static OutputFormat getDefaultOutputFormat() {

        boolean indent = false;
        String prop = getDefault().getProperty( Property.Indent, "" );

        //-- get default indentation
        indent = ( prop.equalsIgnoreCase( TRUE_VALUE ) ||
                   prop.equalsIgnoreCase( ON_VALUE ) );

        OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat();
        // There is a bad interaction between the indentation and the
        // setPreserveSpace option. The indentated output is strangely indented.
        if (!indent)

        return format;
    } //-- getOutputFormat

     * Returns a serializer for producing an XML document to
     * the designated output stream using the default serialization
     * format.
     * Design note: This method should be overloaded by any
     * sub-classes.
     * @param output the output stream
     * @return A suitable serializer
    public abstract DocumentHandler getSerializer( OutputStream output )
        throws IOException;

     * Returns a default serializer for producing an XML document to
     * the designated output stream using the default serialization
     * format.
     * @param output the output stream
     * @return A suitable serializer
    public static DocumentHandler getDefaultSerializer( OutputStream output )
        throws IOException
        Serializer      serializer;
        DocumentHandler docHandler;

        serializer = getDefaultSerializer();
        serializer.setOutputByteStream( output );
        docHandler = serializer.asDocumentHandler();
        if ( docHandler == null )
            throw new RuntimeException( Messages.format( "conf.serializerNotSaxCapable",
                                                         serializer.getClass().getName() ) );
        return docHandler;

     * Returns a serializer for producing an XML instance document to
     * the designated output stream using the default serialization
     * format.
     * Design note: This method should be overloaded by any
     * sub-classes.
     * @param output the Writer to write data to.
     * @return A suitable serializer
    public abstract DocumentHandler getSerializer( Writer output )
        throws IOException;

     * Returns a default serializer for producing an XML document to
     * the designated output stream using the default serialization
     * format.
     * @param output the Writer to write data to.
     * @return A suitable serializer
    public static DocumentHandler getDefaultSerializer( Writer output )
        throws IOException
        Serializer      serializer;
        DocumentHandler docHandler;

        serializer = getDefaultSerializer();
        serializer.setOutputCharStream( output );
        docHandler = serializer.asDocumentHandler();
        if ( docHandler == null )
            throw new RuntimeException( Messages.format( "conf.serializerNotSaxCapable",
                                                         serializer.getClass().getName() ) );
        return docHandler;

     * Called by {@link #getDefault} to load the configuration the
     * first time. Will not complain about inability to load
     * configuration file from one of the default directories, but if
     * it cannot find the JAR's configuration file, will throw a
     * run time exception.
    protected static void loadDefaults()
    _defaultProps = loadProperties( Property.ResourceName, Property.FileName);

        String     prop;
        prop = _defaultProps.getProperty( Property.Debug, "" );
        if ( prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "true" ) || prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "on" ) )
            _defaultValues.debug = true;
        prop = _defaultProps.getProperty( Property.MarshallingValidation, "" );
        if ( prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "false" ) || prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "off" ) )
            _defaultValues.marshallingValidation = false;

        prop = _defaultProps.getProperty( Property.StrictElements, "" );
        if ( prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "false" ) || prop.equalsIgnoreCase( "off" ) )
            _defaultValues.strictElements = false;
            _defaultValues.strictElements = true;

        prop = null;

     * Load the configuration will not complain about inability to load
     * configuration file from one of the default directories, but if
     * it cannot find the JAR's configuration file, will throw a
     * run time exception.
  public static Properties loadProperties(String resourceName, String fileName)
        File        file;
        Properties properties = new Properties();

        boolean found = false;
        // Get detault configuration from the Castor JAR.
        // Complain if not found.
        try {
            properties.load( Configuration.class.getResourceAsStream( resourceName ) );
            //-- debug information:
            //URL url = Configuration.class.getResource( resourceName );
            //System.out.println("loading configuration: " + url.toExternalForm());
            //-- end debug information
            found = true;
        catch ( Exception except ) {
            // Do nothing as we will check classpath
            // and java lib directory below

        // Get overriding configuration from the Java
        // library directory, ignore if not found. If
        // found merge existing properties.
        String javaHome = null;
        try {
            javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home");
        catch(Exception except) {
            // Ignore probably running in an applet
        if (javaHome != null) {
            try {     
                file = new File( javaHome, "lib" );
                file = new File( file, fileName );
                if ( file.exists() ) {
                    properties = new Properties(properties);
                    properties.load( new FileInputStream( file ) );
                    found = true;
            catch ( IOException except ) {
                // Do nothing
            catch (SecurityException sx) {
                // Most likely running under an app-server
                // Do nothing

        //-- Cannot find any file(s).
        if (!found) {
            throw new RuntimeException( Messages.format( "conf.noDefaultConfigurationFile",
                                                            fileName ) );

        return properties;
   * Inner class to hold values of the configuration
  static class ConfigValues {
         * True if the configuration specified debugging.
        boolean debug = false;

         * True if the configuration specified strictElements
        boolean strictElements = false;

         * True if the default configuration specified validation in the marshalling Framework
         * True, by default!
        boolean  marshallingValidation = true;

         * The naming conventions for the XML Framework
        XMLNaming naming = null;
         * The NodeType assigned to java primitives
        NodeType primitiveNodeType = null;
         * The class to use for regular expression evaluation
        Class regExpEvalClass = null;
    } //-- class: ConfigValues

} //-- Configuration

Related Classes of org.exolab.castor.util.Configuration$ConfigValues

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