Package com.envoisolutions.sxc.jaxb

Source Code of com.envoisolutions.sxc.jaxb.WriterIntrospector$BeanComparator

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.envoisolutions.sxc.jaxb;

import java.awt.Image;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.datatype.Duration;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import com.envoisolutions.sxc.builder.BuildException;
import com.envoisolutions.sxc.builder.impl.JBlankLine;
import com.envoisolutions.sxc.builder.impl.JIfElseBlock;
import com.envoisolutions.sxc.builder.impl.JLineComment;
import com.envoisolutions.sxc.builder.impl.JStaticImports;
import static com.envoisolutions.sxc.jaxb.JavaUtils.isPrivate;
import static com.envoisolutions.sxc.jaxb.JavaUtils.toClass;
import com.envoisolutions.sxc.jaxb.model.Bean;
import com.envoisolutions.sxc.jaxb.model.ElementMapping;
import com.envoisolutions.sxc.jaxb.model.EnumInfo;
import com.envoisolutions.sxc.jaxb.model.Model;
import com.envoisolutions.sxc.jaxb.model.Property;
import com.envoisolutions.sxc.util.Base64;
import com.sun.codemodel.JBlock;
import com.sun.codemodel.JCatchBlock;
import com.sun.codemodel.JConditional;
import com.sun.codemodel.JExpr;
import com.sun.codemodel.JExpression;
import com.sun.codemodel.JFieldVar;
import com.sun.codemodel.JForEach;
import com.sun.codemodel.JInvocation;
import com.sun.codemodel.JMethod;
import com.sun.codemodel.JTryBlock;
import com.sun.codemodel.JType;
import com.sun.codemodel.JVar;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

public class WriterIntrospector {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WriterIntrospector.class.getName());

    private final BuilderContext context;
    private final Model model;
    private final Map<Bean, JAXBObjectBuilder> builders = new LinkedHashMap<Bean, JAXBObjectBuilder>();
    private final Map<Class, JAXBEnumBuilder> enumBuilders = new LinkedHashMap<Class, JAXBEnumBuilder>();

    public WriterIntrospector(BuilderContext context, Model model) throws JAXBException {
        this.context = context;
        this.model = model;

        List<Bean> mybeans = new ArrayList<Bean>(model.getBeans());
        Collections.sort(mybeans, new BeanComparator());

        // build all enum toString methods so they are available for use by bean readers
        for (EnumInfo enumInfo : model.getEnums()) {

        // declare all writer methods first, so everything exists when we build
        for (Bean bean : mybeans) {
            if (bean.getType().isEnum()) continue;

            boolean mixed = false;
            for (Property property : bean.getProperties()) {
                if (property.isMixed() && property.getXmlName() == null) {
                    mixed = true;
            JAXBObjectBuilder builder = context.createJAXBObjectBuilder(bean.getType(), bean.getRootElementName(), bean.getSchemaTypeName(), mixed);

            LinkedHashSet<Property> allProperties = new LinkedHashSet<Property>();
            for (Bean b = bean; b != null; b = b.getBaseClass()) {

            // set the default namespace to the most popular namespace used in properties
            String mostPopularNS = getMostPopularNS(allProperties);
            if (mostPopularNS != null) builder.setWriterDefaultNS(mostPopularNS);

            // declare all private field accessors (so they are grouped)
            for (Property property : allProperties) {
                Field field = property.getField();
                if (field != null) {
                    if (isPrivate(field)) {
                } else {
                    if (isPrivate(property.getGetter()) || isPrivate(property.getSetter())) {
                        builder.getPrivatePropertyAccessor(property.getGetter(), property.getSetter(), property.getName());

            // declare all adapter classes
            for (Property property : allProperties) {
                if (property.getAdapterType() != null) {

            builders.put(bean, builder);

        // build the writer methods
        for (Bean bean : model.getBeans()) {
            if (!bean.getType().isEnum()) {
                JAXBObjectBuilder builder = builders.get(bean);
                if (builder != null) {
                    add(builder, bean);

    private void add(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, Bean bean) {
        JBlock block = builder.getWriteMethod().body();

        // perform instance checks
        JIfElseBlock ifElseBlock = new JIfElseBlock();
        JInvocation unexpectedSubclass = builder.getWriteContextVar().invoke("unexpectedSubclass").arg(builder.getXSW()).arg(builder.getWriteObject()).arg(context.dotclass(bean.getType()));
        for (Bean altBean : getSubstitutionTypes(builder.getType())) {
            if (bean == altBean) continue;

            // add condition
            JBlock altBlock = ifElseBlock.addCondition(context.dotclass(altBean.getType()).eq(builder.getWriteObject().invoke("getClass")));

            // write xsi:type
            QName typeName = altBean.getSchemaTypeName();
            altBlock.invoke(builder.getXSW(), "writeXsiType").arg(typeName.getNamespaceURI()).arg(typeName.getLocalPart());

            // call alternate marshaller
            writeClassWriter(builder, altBean, altBlock, JExpr.cast(context.toJClass(altBean.getType()), builder.getWriteObject()));

            // add as expected subclass arg

        // if the class isn't exactally this bean's type, then we have an unexpceted subclass
        JBlock unknownSubclassBlock = ifElseBlock.addCondition(context.dotclass(builder.getType()).ne(builder.getWriteObject().invoke("getClass")));

        block.add(new JBlankLine());

        // add beforeMarshal
        JExpression lifecycleCallbackRef = builder.getLifecycleCallbackVar();
        if (builder.getWriteVariableManager().containsId(builder.getLifecycleCallbackVar().name())) {
            lifecycleCallbackRef = builder.getJAXBObjectClass().staticRef(builder.getLifecycleCallbackVar().name());
        block.invoke(builder.getWriteContextVar(), "beforeMarshal").arg(builder.getWriteObject()).arg(lifecycleCallbackRef);

        block.add(new JBlankLine());

        writeProperties(builder, bean);

    private void addEnum(EnumInfo enumInfo) {
        JAXBEnumBuilder builder = context.createJAXBEnumBuilder(enumInfo.getType(), enumInfo.getRootElementName(), enumInfo.getSchemaTypeName());

        JMethod method = builder.getToStringMethod();

        JIfElseBlock enumSwitch = new JIfElseBlock();
        for (Map.Entry<Enum, String> entry : enumInfo.getEnumMap().entrySet()) {
            Enum enumValue = entry.getKey();
            String enumText = entry.getValue();

            JBlock enumCase = enumSwitch.addCondition(context.toJClass(enumInfo.getType()).staticRef(;

        JInvocation unexpectedInvoke = enumSwitch._else().invoke(builder.getToStringContext(), "unexpectedEnumConst")

        for (Enum expectedValue : enumInfo.getEnumMap().keySet()) {

        // switch statements don't seem to compile correctly
        // JSwitch enumSwitch = method.body()._switch(value);
        // for (Map.Entry<Enum, String> entry : bean.getEnumMap().entrySet()) {
        //     Enum enumValue = entry.getKey();
        //     String enumText = entry.getValue();
        //     JCase enumCase = enumSwitch._case(new JEnumLabel(;
        //     enumCase.body()._return(JExpr.lit(enumText));
        // }
        // enumSwitch._default().body()._throw(JExpr._new(toJClass(IllegalArgumentException.class))
        //         .arg(JExpr.lit("No value mapped to ").plus(value).plus(JExpr.lit(" for enum " + bean.getType().getName()))));

        enumBuilders.put(enumInfo.getType(), builder);

    private void writeProperties(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, Bean bean) {
        writeAttributes(builder, bean);
        writeElementsAndValue(builder, bean);


    private void writeAttributes(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, Bean bean) {
        if (bean.getBaseClass() != null) {
            writeAttributes(builder, bean.getBaseClass());

        for (Property property : bean.getProperties()) {
            if (property.getXmlStyle() == Property.XmlStyle.ATTRIBUTE) {
                JBlock block = builder.getWriteMethod().body();
                block.add(new JBlankLine());
                block.add(new JLineComment(property.getXmlStyle() + ": " + property.getName()));

                JExpression propertyVar = getValue(builder, property, block);

                if (!property.isXmlAny()) {
                    if (!toClass(property.getType()).isPrimitive()) {
                        JConditional nullCond = block._if(;
                        block = nullCond._then();

                    writeSimpleTypeAttribute(builder, block, property, propertyVar);
                } else {
                    // if (value != null)
                    JConditional nullCond = block._if(;

                    String entryName = builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId(property.getName() + "Entry");

                    boolean needsCast = true;
                    if (property.getType() instanceof ParameterizedType) {
                        ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) property.getType();
                        Type[] arguments = parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments();
                        if (arguments.length == 2 &&
                                QName.class.equals(arguments[0]) &&
                                property.getComponentType().equals(arguments[1])) {
                            needsCast = false;

                    if (needsCast) {
                        propertyVar = JExpr.cast(context.toJClass(Map.class).narrow(context.toJClass(QName.class), context.getGenericType(property.getComponentType())), propertyVar);

                    JForEach each = nullCond._then().forEach(context.toJClass(Map.Entry.class).narrow(context.toJClass(QName.class), context.getGenericType(property.getComponentType())), entryName, propertyVar.invoke("entrySet"));
                    writeSimpleTypeAttribute(builder, each.body(), each.var().invoke("getKey"), toClass(property.getComponentType()), each.var().invoke("getValue"));

    private void writeElementsAndValue(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, Bean bean) {
        if (bean.getBaseClass() != null) {
            writeElementsAndValue(builder, bean.getBaseClass());

        for (Property property : bean.getProperties()) {
            if (property.getXmlStyle() == Property.XmlStyle.ATTRIBUTE) continue;

            builder.getWriteMethod().body().add(new JBlankLine());
            builder.getWriteMethod().body().add(new JLineComment(property.getXmlStyle() + ": " + property.getName()));

            JVar propertyVar = getValue(builder, property, builder.getWriteMethod().body());

            switch (property.getXmlStyle()) {
                case ELEMENT:
                    // if the element is required, add a null check that writes xsi nil
                    JVar outerVar = propertyVar;
                    JBlock outerBlock = builder.getWriteMethod().body();

                    JVar firstVar = null;
                    if (property.isCollection()) {
                        QName wrapperElement = property.getXmlName();

                        // if wrapper tag is required, start tag before null check
                        if (wrapperElement != null && (property.isRequired() || property.isNillable())) {

                        // if collection is not null, process it; otherwise write xsi:nil
                        JConditional nullCond = outerBlock._if(;
                        if (property.isNillable()) {

                        // if wrapper tag is not required, start the tag inside of the null block
                        if (wrapperElement != null && !property.isRequired() && !property.isNillable()) {

                        JType itemType;
                        if (!toClass(property.getComponentType()).isPrimitive()) {
                            itemType = context.getGenericType(property.getComponentType());
                        } else {
                            itemType = context.toJType((Class<?>) toClass(property.getComponentType()));

                        // if xml list add code to properly space items
                        if (property.isXmlList()) {
                            firstVar = nullCond._then().decl(context.toJType(boolean.class), builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId(property.getName() + "First"), JExpr.TRUE);

                        String itemName = builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId(property.getName() + "Item");
                        JForEach each = nullCond._then().forEach(itemType, itemName, outerVar);

                        // write wraper element closing tag
                        if (wrapperElement != null) {
                            if (property.isRequired() || property.isNillable()) {
                            } else {

                        outerBlock = each.body();
                        outerVar = each.var();
                    Class propertyType = toClass(property.getComponentType());

                    // process value through adapter
                    outerVar = writeAdapterConversion(builder, outerBlock, property, outerVar);
                    if (property.getAdapterType() != null) {
                        propertyType = property.getComponentAdaptedType();

                    // determine types that may be substuited for this value
                    Map<Class, ElementMapping> expectedTypes = new TreeMap<Class, ElementMapping>(new ClassComparator());
                    for (ElementMapping mapping : property.getElementMappings()) {
                        if (mapping.getComponentType() != null) {
                            expectedTypes.put(toClass(mapping.getComponentType()), mapping);
                        } else {
                            expectedTypes.put(toClass(property.getType()), mapping);

                    if (expectedTypes.size() == 1 && !property.isMixed()) {
                        ElementMapping mapping = property.getElementMappings().iterator().next();

                        // null check for non-nillable elements
                        JBlock block = outerBlock;
                        JConditional nullCond = null;
                        if (!mapping.isNillable() && !propertyType.isPrimitive()) {
                            nullCond = outerBlock._if(;
                            block = nullCond._then();

                        // add space (' ') separator for XmlList
                        if (property.isXmlList()) {
                            // if (fooFirst) {
                            //    writer.writeCharacters(" ");
                            // }
                            // fooFirst = false;
                            block._if(firstVar.not())._then().add(builder.getXSW().invoke("writeCharacters").arg(" "));
                            block.assign(firstVar, JExpr.FALSE);

                        // write element
                        writeElement(builder, block, mapping, outerVar, propertyType, mapping.isNillable(), property.isXmlList());

                        // property is required and does not support nill, then an error is reported if the value was null
                        if (property.isRequired() && !mapping.isNillable() && nullCond != null) {
                            nullCond._else().invoke(builder.getWriteContextVar(), "unexpectedNullValue").arg(builder.getWriteObject()).arg(property.getName());
                    } else {
                        JIfElseBlock conditional = new JIfElseBlock();

                        if (property.isMixed()) {
                            // add instance of check
                            JExpression isInstance = outerVar._instanceof(context.toJClass(String.class));
                            JBlock block = conditional.addCondition(isInstance);

                            // declare item variable
                            JVar itemVar;
                            if (toClass(property.getComponentType()) == String.class) {
                                itemVar = outerVar;
                            } else {
                                String itemName = builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId("string");
                                itemVar = block.decl(context.toJClass(String.class), itemName, JExpr.cast(context.toJClass(String.class), outerVar));
                            writeSimpleTypeElement(builder, itemVar, String.class, block);

                        ElementMapping nilMapping = null;
                        for (Map.Entry<Class, ElementMapping> entry : expectedTypes.entrySet()) {
                            Class itemType = entry.getKey();
                            ElementMapping mapping = entry.getValue();

                            if (mapping.isNillable()) {
                                if (nilMapping != null && nilMapping != mapping) {
                                    throw new BuildException("Property " + property + " mappings " + mapping.getXmlName() + " and " + nilMapping + " are both nillable.  Only one mapping may of an property may be nilable");
                                nilMapping = mapping;

                            // add instance of check
                            JExpression isInstance = outerVar._instanceof(context.toJClass(itemType));
                            JBlock block = conditional.addCondition(isInstance);

                            // add space (' ') separator for XmlList
                            if (property.isXmlList()) {
                                // if (fooFirst) {
                                //    writer.writeCharacters(" ");
                                // }
                                // fooFirst = false;
                                block._if(firstVar.not())._then().add(builder.getXSW().invoke("writeCharacters").arg(" "));
                                block.assign(firstVar, JExpr.FALSE);

                            // declare item variable
                            JVar itemVar;
                            if (toClass(property.getComponentType()) == itemType) {
                                itemVar = outerVar;
                            } else {
                                String itemName = builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId(itemType.getSimpleName());
                                itemVar = block.decl(context.toJClass(itemType), itemName, JExpr.cast(context.toJClass(itemType), outerVar));
                            writeElement(builder, block, mapping, itemVar, itemType, false, property.isXmlList());

                        // if item was null, write xsi:nil or report an error
                        JBlock nullBlock = conditional.addCondition(outerVar.eq(JExpr._null()));
                        if (nilMapping != null) {
                            // write start element
                            QName name = nilMapping.getXmlName();

                            // write xsi:nil

                            // close element
                        } else {
                            nullBlock.invoke(builder.getWriteContextVar(), "unexpectedNullValue").arg(builder.getWriteObject()).arg(property.getName());

                        // if not a recogonized type or null, report unknown type error
                        JInvocation unexpected = conditional._else().invoke(builder.getWriteContextVar(), "unexpectedElementType").arg(builder.getXSW()).arg(builder.getWriteObject()).arg(property.getName()).arg(outerVar);
                        for (Class expectedType : expectedTypes.keySet()) {
                case ELEMENT_REF:
                    JBlock block = builder.getWriteMethod().body();

                    JVar itemVar = propertyVar;
                    if (property.isCollection()) {
                        JBlock collectionNotNull = block._if(;

                        JType itemType;
                        if (!toClass(property.getComponentType()).isPrimitive()) {
                            itemType = context.getGenericType(property.getComponentType());
                        } else {
                            itemType = context.toJType((Class<?>) toClass(property.getComponentType()));

                        String itemName = builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId( property.getName() + "Item");
                        JForEach each = collectionNotNull.forEach(itemType, itemName, propertyVar);

                        JBlock newBody = each.body();
                        block = newBody;
                        itemVar = each.var();

                    // process value through adapter
                    itemVar = writeAdapterConversion(builder, block, property, itemVar);

                    if (property.isMixed()) {
                        // add instance of check
                        JExpression isInstance = itemVar._instanceof(context.toJClass(String.class));
                        JConditional conditional = block._if(isInstance);

                        // declare item variable
                        JVar stringVar;
                        if (toClass(property.getComponentType()) == String.class) {
                            stringVar = itemVar;
                        } else {
                            String itemName = builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId("string");
                            stringVar = conditional._then().decl(context.toJClass(String.class), itemName, JExpr.cast(context.toJClass(String.class), itemVar));
                        writeSimpleTypeElement(builder, stringVar, String.class, conditional._then());

                        block = conditional._else();

                    if (!property.isXmlAny()) {
                        block.invoke(builder.getWriteContextVar(), "unexpectedElementRef").arg(builder.getXSW()).arg(builder.getWriteObject()).arg(property.getName()).arg(itemVar);
                    } else {
                        block.invoke(builder.getWriteContextVar(), "writeXmlAny").arg(builder.getXSW()).arg(builder.getWriteObject()).arg(property.getName()).arg(itemVar);
                case VALUE:
                    block = builder.getWriteMethod().body();

                    itemVar = propertyVar;
                    firstVar = null;
                    if (property.isCollection()) {
                        JBlock collectionNotNull = block._if(;

                        JType itemType;
                        if (!toClass(property.getComponentType()).isPrimitive()) {
                            itemType = context.getGenericType(property.getComponentType());
                        } else {
                            itemType = context.toJType((Class<?>) toClass(property.getComponentType()));

                        firstVar = collectionNotNull.decl(context.toJType(boolean.class), builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId(property.getName() + "First"), JExpr.TRUE);

                        String itemName = builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId( property.getName() + "Item");
                        JForEach each = collectionNotNull.forEach(itemType, itemName, propertyVar);

                        JBlock newBody = each.body();
                        block = newBody;
                        itemVar = each.var();

                    // add space (' ') separator for XmlList
                    if (property.isCollection()) {
                        // if (fooFirst) {
                        //    writer.writeCharacters(" ");
                        // }
                        // fooFirst = false;
                        block._if(firstVar.not())._then().add(builder.getXSW().invoke("writeCharacters").arg(" "));
                        block.assign(firstVar, JExpr.FALSE);

                    // process value through adapter
                    propertyVar = writeAdapterConversion(builder, block, property, itemVar);

                    // write it
                    writeSimpleTypeElement(builder, propertyVar, toClass(property.getComponentType()), block);

                    throw new BuildException("Unknown XmlMapping type " + property.getXmlStyle());

    private void writeElement(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, JBlock block, ElementMapping mapping, JVar itemVar, Class type, boolean nillable, boolean xmlList) {
        // if this is an id ref we write the ID property of the target bean instead of the bean itself
        if (mapping.getProperty().isIdref()) {
            Property property = mapping.getProperty();
            Property idProperty = findReferencedIdProperty(property);

            // read the id value
            itemVar = getValue(builder, itemVar, idProperty, property.getName() + JavaUtils.capitalize(idProperty.getName()), block);

            // the written type is always a non-nillable String
            type = String.class;
            nillable = false;

            // if (id != null) write the value
            JConditional nullCond = block._if(;
            block = nullCond._then();

        // write start element
        if (!xmlList) {
            QName name = mapping.getXmlName();

        // if nillable, we need to write xsi:nil when value is null
        JBlock elementWriteBlock = block;
        if (nillable && !type.isPrimitive() && !xmlList) {
            JConditional nilCond = block._if(;
            elementWriteBlock = nilCond._then();

        // write element
        Bean targetBean = model.getBean(type);
        if (targetBean == null || targetBean.getType().isEnum()) {
            // simple built in types like String
            writeSimpleTypeElement(builder, itemVar, type, elementWriteBlock);
        } else {
            if (!mapping.getComponentType().equals(type)) {
                QName typeName = targetBean.getSchemaTypeName();

            writeClassWriter(builder, targetBean, elementWriteBlock, itemVar);

        // close element
        if (!xmlList) {

    private JVar getValue(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, Property property, JBlock block) {
        return getValue(builder, builder.getWriteObject(), property, block);

    private JVar getValue(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, JExpression beanVar, Property property, JBlock block) {
        String propertyName = property.getName();
        if (property.getAdapterType() != null) {
            propertyName += "Raw";

        return getValue(builder, beanVar, property, propertyName, block);

    private JVar getValue(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, JExpression beanVar, Property property, String propertyNameHint, JBlock block) {
        Class propertyType = toClass(property.getType());

        String propertyName = builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId(propertyNameHint);

        JVar propertyVar = block.decl(

        if (property.getField() != null) {
            Field field = property.getField();

            if (!isPrivate(field)) {
            } else {
                JFieldVar fieldAccessorField = builder.getPrivateFieldAccessor(field);

                String methodName;
                if (Boolean.TYPE.equals(propertyType)) {
                    methodName = "getBoolean";
                } else if (Byte.TYPE.equals(propertyType)) {
                    methodName = "getByte";
                } else if (Character.TYPE.equals(propertyType)) {
                    methodName = "getChar";
                } else if (Short.TYPE.equals(propertyType)) {
                    methodName = "getShort";
                } else if (Integer.TYPE.equals(propertyType)) {
                    methodName = "getInt";
                } else if (Long.TYPE.equals(propertyType)) {
                    methodName = "getLong";
                } else if (Float.TYPE.equals(propertyType)) {
                    methodName = "getFloat";
                } else if (Double.TYPE.equals(propertyType)) {
                    methodName = "getDouble";
                } else {
                    methodName = "getObject";

        } else if (property.getGetter() != null) {
            Method getter = property.getGetter();
            if (!isPrivate(getter)) {

                JTryBlock tryGetter = block._try();
                tryGetter.body().assign(propertyVar, beanVar.invoke(getter.getName()));

                JCatchBlock catchException = tryGetter._catch(context.toJClass(Exception.class));
                catchException.body().invoke(builder.getReadContextVar(), "getterError")
            } else {
                JFieldVar propertyAccessorField = builder.getPrivatePropertyAccessor(property.getGetter(), property.getSetter(), property.getName());
        } else {
            throw new BuildException("Property does not have a getter " + property.getBean().getClass().getName() + "." + property.getName());

        return propertyVar;

    private void writeClassWriter(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, Bean bean, JBlock block, JExpression propertyVar) {
        // Complex type which will already have an element builder defined
        JAXBObjectBuilder existingBuilder = builders.get(bean);
        if (existingBuilder == null) {
            throw new BuildException("Unknown bean " + bean);

        // Declare dependency from builder to existingBuilder

        // Add a static import for the write method on the existing builder class
        String methodName = "write" + bean.getType().getSimpleName();
        if (builder != existingBuilder) {
            JStaticImports staticImports = JStaticImports.getStaticImports(builder.getJAXBObjectClass());
            staticImports.addStaticImport(existingBuilder.getJAXBObjectClass().fullName() + "." + methodName);

        // Call the static method
        JInvocation invocation = JExpr.invoke(methodName).arg(builder.getXSW()).arg(propertyVar).arg(builder.getWriteContextVar());

    private List<Bean> getSubstitutionTypes(Class<?> c) {
        List<Bean> beans = new ArrayList<Bean>();
        for (Bean bean : model.getBeans()) {
            if (c.isAssignableFrom(bean.getType()) && bean.getSchemaTypeName() != null) {

        Collections.sort(beans, new BeanComparator());
        return beans;

    private <T extends JExpression> T writeAdapterConversion(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, JBlock block, Property property, T propertyVar) {
        if (property.getAdapterType() != null) {
            JVar adapterVar = builder.getAdapter(property.getAdapterType());
            JVar valueVar = block.decl(context.toJClass(property.getComponentAdaptedType()), builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId(property.getName()), JExpr._null());

            JTryBlock tryBlock = block._try();
            tryBlock.body().assign(valueVar, adapterVar.invoke("marshal").arg(propertyVar));

            JCatchBlock catchException = tryBlock._catch(context.toJClass(Exception.class));
            JBlock catchBody = catchException.body();
            catchBody.invoke(builder.getReadContextVar(), "xmlAdapterError")
                    .arg(context.dotclass(toClass(property.getType())))  // currently we only support conversion between same type

            //noinspection unchecked
            propertyVar = (T) valueVar;
        return propertyVar;

    private void writeSimpleTypeElement(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, JExpression object, Class type, JBlock block) {
        if(isBuiltinType(type)) {
            block.add(builder.getXSW().invoke("writeCharacters").arg(toString(builder, object, type)));
        } else if (type.equals(byte[].class)) {
        } else if (type.equals(QName.class)) {
        } else if (type.equals(DataHandler.class) || type.equals(Image.class)) {
            // todo support AttachmentMarshaller
        } else if (type.equals(Object.class)) {
            block.add(builder.getXSW().invoke("writeDomElement").arg(JExpr.cast(context.toJClass(Element.class), object)).arg(JExpr.FALSE));
        } else {
"(JAXB Writer) Cannot map simple type yet: " + type);

    private void writeSimpleTypeAttribute(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, JBlock block, Property property, JExpression propertyVar) {
        JVar stringBuilder = null;
        JExpression itemVar = propertyVar;
        JBlock itemBlock = block;
        if (property.isCollection()) {
            JType itemType;
            if (!toClass(property.getComponentType()).isPrimitive()) {
                itemType = context.getGenericType(property.getComponentType());
            } else {
                itemType = context.toJType((Class<?>) toClass(property.getComponentType()));

            String valueName = builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId( property.getName() + "Value");
            stringBuilder = block.decl(context.toJClass(StringBuilder.class), valueName, JExpr._new(context.toJClass(StringBuilder.class)));

            String itemName = builder.getWriteVariableManager().createId( property.getName() + "Item");
            JForEach each = block.forEach(itemType, itemName, propertyVar);

            JBlock newBody = each.body();
            itemBlock = newBody;
            itemVar = each.var();

            // if (booleanArrayAttribute.length != 0) booleanArrayAttributeValue.append(" ");
            itemBlock._if(stringBuilder.invoke("length").ne(JExpr.lit(0)))._then().invoke(stringBuilder, "append").arg(" ");

            // the final value assigned to the property is stringBuilder.toString()
            propertyVar = stringBuilder.invoke("toString");

        itemVar = writeAdapterConversion(builder, itemBlock, property, itemVar);

        Class type;
        if (property.getAdapterType() == null) {
            type = toClass(property.getComponentType());
        } else {
            type = property.getComponentAdaptedType();

        // if this is an id ref we write the ID property of the target bean instead of the bean itself
        if (property.isIdref()) {
            Property idProperty = findReferencedIdProperty(property);

            // read the id value
            itemVar = getValue(builder, itemVar, idProperty, property.getName() + JavaUtils.capitalize(idProperty.getName()), itemBlock);

            // the written type is always String
            type = String.class;

            // if (id != null) write the value
            JConditional nullCond = itemBlock._if(;
            itemBlock = nullCond._then();

        if(isBuiltinType(type)) {
            itemVar = toString(builder, itemVar, type);
        } else if (type.equals(byte[].class)) {
            itemVar = context.toJClass(Base64.class).staticInvoke("encode").arg(itemVar);
        } else if (type.equals(QName.class)) {
            itemVar = builder.getXSW().invoke("getQNameAsString").arg(itemVar);
        } else if (type.equals(DataHandler.class) || type.equals(Image.class)) {
            // todo support AttachmentMarshaller
        } else {
  "(JAXB Writer) Cannot map simple attribute type yet: " + type);

        if (stringBuilder != null) {
            itemBlock.invoke(stringBuilder, "append").arg(itemVar);
        } else {
            propertyVar = itemVar;

        QName name = property.getXmlName();
        JExpression prefix;
        if (name.getNamespaceURI().length() > 0) {
            prefix = builder.getWriterPrefix(name.getNamespaceURI());
        } else {
            prefix = JExpr.lit("");

    private Property findReferencedIdProperty(Property property) {
        // find referenced bean
        Bean targetBean = model.getBean(toClass(property.getComponentType()));
        if (targetBean == null) {
            throw new BuildException("Unknown bean " + toClass(property.getType()));

        // find id property on referenced bean
        Property idProperty = null;
        while (idProperty == null) {
            for (Property targetProperty : targetBean.getProperties()) {
                if (targetProperty.isId()) {
                    idProperty = targetProperty;
            if (idProperty == null) {
                if (targetBean.getBaseClass() == null) {
                    throw new BuildException("Property " + property + " is an IDREF, but property type " + toClass(property.getType()).getName() + " does not have an ID property");
                targetBean = targetBean.getBaseClass();
        return idProperty;

    private void writeSimpleTypeAttribute(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, JBlock block, JExpression qnameVar, Class type, JExpression value) {
        if(isBuiltinType(type)) {
            value = toString(builder, value, type);
        } else if (type.equals(byte[].class)) {
            value = context.toJClass(Base64.class).staticInvoke("encode").arg(value);
        } else if (type.equals(QName.class)) {
            value = builder.getXSW().invoke("getQNameAsString").arg(value);
        } else if (type.equals(DataHandler.class) || type.equals(Image.class)) {
            // todo support AttachmentMarshaller
        } else {
  "(JAXB Writer) Cannot map simple attribute type yet: " + type);


    private String getMostPopularNS(Set<Property> properties) {
        List<QName> names = new ArrayList<QName>();
        for (Property property : properties) {
            if (property.getXmlName() != null) {
            for (ElementMapping mapping : property.getElementMappings()) {
                if (mapping.getXmlName() != null) {

        String  mostPopularNS = null;
        int mostPopularCount = 0;

        Map<String, Integer> nsCount = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
        for (QName name : names) {
            String namespace = name.getNamespaceURI();
            if (namespace.length() > 0) {
                Integer count = nsCount.get(namespace);
                count = count == null ? 0 : count + 1;
                nsCount.put(namespace, count);
                if (count > mostPopularCount) {
                    mostPopularNS = namespace;
                    mostPopularCount = count;

        return mostPopularNS;

    private boolean isBuiltinType(Class type) {
        return type.equals(boolean.class) ||
                type.equals(byte.class) ||
                type.equals(short.class) ||
                type.equals(int.class) ||
                type.equals(long.class) ||
                type.equals(float.class) ||
                type.equals(double.class) ||
                type.equals(String.class) ||
                type.equals(Boolean.class) ||
                type.equals(Byte.class) ||
                type.equals(Short.class) ||
                type.equals(Integer.class) ||
                type.equals(Long.class) ||
                type.equals(Float.class) ||
                type.equals(Double.class) ||
                type.equals(XMLGregorianCalendar.class) ||
                type.equals(Duration.class) ||
                type.equals(BigDecimal.class) ||
                type.equals(BigInteger.class) ||

    private JExpression toString(JAXBObjectBuilder builder, JExpression value, Class<?> type) {
        if (type.isPrimitive()) {
            if (type.equals(boolean.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Boolean.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(byte.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Byte.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(short.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Short.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(int.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Integer.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(long.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Long.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(float.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Float.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(double.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Double.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
        } else {
            if (type.equals(String.class)) {
                return value;
            } else if (type.equals(Boolean.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Boolean.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(Byte.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Byte.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(Short.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Short.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(Integer.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Integer.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(Long.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Long.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(Float.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Float.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(Double.class)) {
                return context.toJClass(Double.class).staticInvoke("toString").arg(value);
            } else if (type.equals(XMLGregorianCalendar.class)) {
                return value.invoke("toXMLFormat");
            } else if (type.equals(Duration.class)) {
                return value.invoke("toString");
            } else if (type.equals(BigDecimal.class)) {
                return value.invoke("toString");
            } else if (type.equals(BigInteger.class)) {
                return value.invoke("toString");
            } else if (type.isEnum()) {
                JAXBEnumBuilder enumBuilder = enumBuilders.get(type);
                if (enumBuilder == null) {
                    throw new BuildException("Unknown enum type " + type);

                return invokeEnumToString(builder, builder.getWriteObject(), JExpr._null(), enumBuilder, value);
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Invalid type " + type);

    private JInvocation invokeEnumToString(JAXBObjectBuilder caller, JVar beanVar, JExpression parameterName, JAXBEnumBuilder enumBuilder, JExpression value) {
        // Declare dependency from caller to parser

        // Add a static import for the toString method on the existing builder class
        String methodName = "toString" + enumBuilder.getType().getSimpleName();
        JStaticImports staticImports = JStaticImports.getStaticImports(caller.getJAXBObjectClass());
        staticImports.addStaticImport(enumBuilder.getJAXBEnumClass().fullName() + "." + methodName);

        // Call the static method
        JInvocation invocation = JExpr.invoke(methodName)

        return invocation;

    private static class BeanComparator implements Comparator<Bean> {
        public int compare(Bean left, Bean right) {
            if (left.equals(right)) return 0;

            if (left.getType().isAssignableFrom(right.getType())) {
                return 1;
            return -1;


    private static class ClassComparator implements Comparator<Class> {
        public int compare(Class left, Class right) {
            if (left.equals(right)) return 0;

            if (left.isAssignableFrom(right)) {
                return 1;
            return -1;

Related Classes of com.envoisolutions.sxc.jaxb.WriterIntrospector$BeanComparator

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