Package com.atomikos.icatch.imp

Source Code of com.atomikos.icatch.imp.TransactionServiceImp

* Copyright (C) 2000-2012 Atomikos <>
* This code ("Atomikos TransactionsEssentials"), by itself,
* is being distributed under the
* Apache License, Version 2.0 ("License"), a copy of which may be found at
* .
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* While the License grants certain patent license rights,
* those patent license rights only extend to the use of
* Atomikos TransactionsEssentials by itself.
* This code (Atomikos TransactionsEssentials) contains certain interfaces
* in package (namespace) com.atomikos.icatch
* (including com.atomikos.icatch.Participant) which, if implemented, may
* infringe one or more patents held by Atomikos.
* It should be appreciated that you may NOT implement such interfaces;
* licensing to implement these interfaces must be obtained separately from Atomikos.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

package com.atomikos.icatch.imp;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Vector;

import com.atomikos.datasource.RecoverableResource;
import com.atomikos.finitestates.FSMEnterEvent;
import com.atomikos.finitestates.FSMEnterListener;
import com.atomikos.icatch.CompositeCoordinator;
import com.atomikos.icatch.CompositeTransaction;
import com.atomikos.icatch.Participant;
import com.atomikos.icatch.Propagation;
import com.atomikos.icatch.RecoveryCoordinator;
import com.atomikos.icatch.RecoveryService;
import com.atomikos.icatch.SubTxAwareParticipant;
import com.atomikos.icatch.SysException;
import com.atomikos.icatch.TSListener;
import com.atomikos.icatch.TransactionService;
import com.atomikos.icatch.TxState;
import com.atomikos.icatch.admin.LogControl;
import com.atomikos.icatch.config.imp.AbstractUserTransactionServiceFactory;
import com.atomikos.icatch.imp.thread.InterruptedExceptionHelper;
import com.atomikos.icatch.system.Configuration;
import com.atomikos.logging.Logger;
import com.atomikos.logging.LoggerFactory;
import com.atomikos.persistence.LogException;
import com.atomikos.persistence.StateRecoveryManager;
import com.atomikos.util.UniqueIdMgr;

* General implementation of Transaction Service.

public class TransactionServiceImp implements TransactionService,
        FSMEnterListener<TxState>, SubTxAwareParticipant, RecoveryService
  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.createLogger(TransactionServiceImp.class);
    private static final int NUMLATCHES = 97;
    private long maxTimeout_;
    private Object[] rootLatches_ = null;
    private Hashtable tidToTransactionMap_ = null;
    private Hashtable rootToCoordinatorMap_ = null;
    private boolean shutdownInProgress_ = false;
    private Object shutdownSynchronizer_;
    private Object recoverySynchronizer_;
    private UniqueIdMgr tidmgr_ = null;
    private StateRecoveryManager recoverymanager_ = null;
    private boolean initialized_ = false;
    private LogControl control_;
    private boolean otsOverride_;
    // true for forced compatibility with OTS;
    // in that case no creation preferences are taken into account
    // concerning orphan checks

    private Vector tsListeners_;
    private int maxNumberOfActiveTransactions_;
    private String tmUniqueName_;
    private Properties initProperties_;
    private boolean single_threaded_2pc_;

     * Create a new instance, with orphan checking set.
     * @param name
     *            The unique name of this TM.
     * @param recoverymanager
     *            The recovery manager to use.
     * @param tidmgr
     *            The String manager to use.
     * @param console
     *            The console to use. Null if none.
     * @param maxtimeout
     *            The max timeout for new or imported txs.
     * @param maxActives
     *            The max number of active txs, or negative if unlimited.
     * @param single_threaded_2pc
     *            Whether 2PC commit should happen in the same thread that started the tx.

    public TransactionServiceImp ( String name ,
            StateRecoveryManager recoverymanager , UniqueIdMgr tidmgr ,
            long maxtimeout , int maxActives , boolean single_threaded_2pc )
        this ( name , recoverymanager , tidmgr  , maxtimeout , true ,
                maxActives , single_threaded_2pc );

     * Create a new instance, with orphan checking set.
     * @param name
     *            The unique name of this TM.
     * @param recoverymanager
     *            The recovery manager to use.
     * @param tidmgr
     *            The String manager to use.
     * @param console
     *            The console to use. Null if none.
     * @param maxtimeout
     *            The max timeout for new or imported txs.
     * @param checkorphans
     *            If false, orphan checking is disabled
     * @param maxActives
     *            The max number of active txs, or negative if unlimited.
     *            <b>even for creation requests that ask for checks</b>. This
     *            mode may be needed for being compatible with certain
     *            configurations that do not support orphan detection.
     * @param single_threaded_2pc
     *            Whether 2PC commit should happen in the same thread that started the tx.

    public TransactionServiceImp ( String name ,
            StateRecoveryManager recoverymanager , UniqueIdMgr tidmgr ,
             long maxtimeout , boolean checkorphans ,
            int maxActives , boolean single_threaded_2pc )
        maxNumberOfActiveTransactions_ = maxActives;
        if ( !checkorphans ) otsOverride_ = true;
        else otsOverride_ = false;

        initialized_ = false;
        recoverymanager_ = recoverymanager;
        tidmgr_ = tidmgr;
        tidToTransactionMap_ = new Hashtable();
        shutdownSynchronizer_ = new Object();
        recoverySynchronizer_ = new Object();
        rootToCoordinatorMap_ = new Hashtable();
        rootLatches_ = new Object[NUMLATCHES];
        for (int i = 0; i < NUMLATCHES; i++) {
            rootLatches_[i] = new Object();

        maxTimeout_ = maxtimeout;
        tmUniqueName_ = name;
        tsListeners_ = new Vector();
        single_threaded_2pc_ = single_threaded_2pc;

     * Get an object to lock for the given root. To increase concurrency and
     * still provide atomic operations within the scope of one root.
     * @return Object The object to lock for the given root.

    protected Object getLatch ( String root )
        return rootLatches_[Math.abs ( root.toString().hashCode() % NUMLATCHES )];

     * Set the map to ct for this tid.
     * @param tid
     *            The tx id to map.
     * @param ct
     *            The tx to map to.
     * @exception IllegalStateException
     *                If the tid is already mapped.

    void setTidToTx ( String tid , CompositeTransaction ct )
            throws IllegalStateException
        synchronized ( tidToTransactionMap_ ) {
            if ( tidToTransactionMap_.containsKey ( tid.intern () ) )
                throw new IllegalStateException ( "Already mapped: " + tid );
            tidToTransactionMap_.put ( tid.intern (), ct );
            ct.addSubTxAwareParticipant(this); // for GC purposes

     * For inspector tool: get a list of all active coordinator instances, to
     * allow admin intervention.
     * @return Vector A copy of the list of active coordinators. Empty vector if
     *         none.

    Vector getCoordinatorImpVector ()
        Vector ret = new Vector ();
        Enumeration tids = rootToCoordinatorMap_.keys ();
        while ( tids.hasMoreElements () ) {
            String next = (String) tids.nextElement ();
            CoordinatorImp c = getCoordinatorImp ( next );
            if ( c != null ) {
                // not synchronized -> may be null if removed
                // between enummeration time and retrieval
                // in that case, merely leave it out of returned list
                ret.addElement ( c );
        return ret;

     * Utility method to notify the registered listeners
     * @param init
     *            True for init, false for shutdown.
     * @param before
     *            True if init/shutdown is about to be done, false if it has
     *            been done already.

    private void notifyListeners ( boolean init , boolean before )

        Enumeration enumm = tsListeners_.elements ();
        while ( enumm.hasMoreElements () ) {
            TSListener l = (TSListener) enumm.nextElement ();
            try {
              if ( init ) {
                  l.init ( before , initProperties_ );
              } else {
                  l.shutdown ( before );
            catch ( Exception e ) {
                LOGGER.logWarning ( "Error in TSListener" , e );


     * Removes the coordinator from the root map.
     * @param coord
     *            The coordinator to remove.

    private void removeCoordinator ( CompositeCoordinator coord )

        synchronized ( shutdownSynchronizer_ ) {
            synchronized ( getLatch ( coord.getCoordinatorId ().intern () ) ) {

                rootToCoordinatorMap_.remove ( coord.getCoordinatorId ().intern () );

            // notify any waiting threads for shutdown
            if ( rootToCoordinatorMap_.isEmpty () )
                shutdownSynchronizer_.notifyAll ();

     * Removes the tx from the map.
     * Does nothing if not found or if ct null.
     * @param ct
     *            The transaction to remove.

    private void removeTransaction ( CompositeTransaction ct )
        if ( ct == null )
        tidToTransactionMap_.remove ( ct.getTid ().intern () );


     * Creation method for composite transactions.
     * @return CompositeTransaction.

    private CompositeTransactionImp createCT ( String tid ,
            CoordinatorImp coordinator , Stack lineage , boolean serial )
            throws SysException
        if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ) LOGGER.logDebug ( "Creating composite transaction: " + tid );
        CompositeTransactionImp ct = new CompositeTransactionImp ( this,
                lineage, tid, serial, coordinator );

        setTidToTx ( ct.getTid (), ct );
        return ct;

     * Creation method for composite coordinators.
     * @param RecoveryCoordinator
     *            An existing coordinator for the given root. Null if not a
     *            subtx, or an <b>adaptor</b> in other cases.
     * @param lineage
     *            The ancestor information.
     * @param root
     *            The root id.
     * @param checkOrphans
     *            False for OTS, true for real composite txs.
     * @param heuristic_commit
     *            True for heuristic commit on timeout, false for heuristic
     *            abort. ONLY has effect if coordinator is null, otherwise the
     *            given coordinator's settings are taken.
     * @param timeout
     *            The timeout for indoubt states. After this time, indoubts are
     *            terminated heuristically according to the given strategy.
     * @return CoordinatorImp.

    private CoordinatorImp createCC ( RecoveryCoordinator adaptor ,
            String root , boolean checkOrphans , boolean heuristic_commit ,
            long timeout )
        CoordinatorImp cc = null;

        if ( timeout > maxTimeout_ ) {
            timeout = maxTimeout_;
            //FIXED 20188
            LOGGER.logWarning ( "Attempt to create a transaction with a timeout that exceeds " +
                AbstractUserTransactionServiceFactory.MAX_TIMEOUT_PROPERTY_NAME + " - truncating to: " + maxTimeout_ );

        synchronized ( shutdownSynchronizer_ ) {
            // check if shutting down -> do not allow new coordinator objects
            // to be added, so that shutdown will eventually succeed.
            if ( shutdownInProgress_ )
                throw new IllegalStateException ( "Server is shutting down..." );

            if ( otsOverride_ ) {
                // forced OTS mode; we do NEVER check orphans in this case
                checkOrphans = false;
            cc = new CoordinatorImp ( root, adaptor,
                    heuristic_commit, timeout,
                    checkOrphans , single_threaded_2pc_ );

            recoverymanager_.register ( cc );

            // now, add to root map, since we are sure there are not too many active txs
            synchronized ( getLatch ( root.intern () ) ) {
                rootToCoordinatorMap_.put ( root.intern (), cc );
            startlistening ( cc );

        return cc;

     * Start listening for terminated states, so coordinator can be removed.
     * @param coordinator
     *            The coordinator to listen on.

    private void startlistening ( CoordinatorImp coordinator )
        Hashtable<TxState,Object> forgetStates = new Hashtable<TxState,Object> ();
        // forgetStates are those that lead to a removal of the coordinator
        // such that it only exists in the log but no longer in CM

        forgetStates.put ( TxState.TERMINATED, new Object () );

        TxState[] finalStates = coordinator.getFinalStates ();
        for ( int i = 0; i < finalStates.length; i++ ) {
            forgetStates.put ( finalStates[i], new Object () );

        Enumeration<TxState> enumm = forgetStates.keys ();

        while ( enumm.hasMoreElements () ) {
            TxState state = (TxState)enumm.nextElement ();
            coordinator.addFSMEnterListener ( this, state );

        // on recovery, the end states might have been reached
        // BEFORE listener added -> check and remove if so.
        if ( forgetStates.contains ( coordinator.getState () ) )
            removeCoordinator ( coordinator );

    private CoordinatorImp getCoordinatorImp ( String root )
            throws SysException
        root = root.intern ();
        Stack errors = new Stack ();
        if ( !initialized_ )
            throw new IllegalStateException ( "Not initialized" );

        CoordinatorImp cc = null;
        synchronized ( shutdownSynchronizer_ ) {
            // Synch on shutdownSynchronizer_ first to avoid
            // deadlock, even if we don't seem to need it here

            synchronized ( getLatch ( root ) ) {
                cc = (CoordinatorImp) rootToCoordinatorMap_.get ( root
                        .intern () );
                if ( cc == null ) {
                    // swapped out already, or non-existing?
                    try {
                        cc = (CoordinatorImp) recoverymanager_.recover ( root );
                    } catch ( LogException le ) {
                        errors.push ( le );
                        throw new SysException (
                                "Error in getting coordinator: "
                                        + le.getMessage (), errors );
                    if ( cc != null ) {
                        startlistening ( cc );
                        rootToCoordinatorMap_.put ( root.intern (), cc );

        return cc;

     * Create a new tid.
     * @return String The newly created and unique identifier.

    protected String createTid () throws SysException
        return tidmgr_.get ();

     * Get the state recovery manager.
     * @return StateRecoveryManager The recovery manager.

    protected StateRecoveryManager getStateRecoveryManager ()
        return recoverymanager_;

     * Recover instances from a given recovery manager.
     * @exception SysException
     *                For unexpected failure.

    protected synchronized void recoverCoordinators () throws SysException
        Stack errors = new Stack ();

        try {

            Vector recovered = recoverymanager_.recover ();
            Enumeration enumm = recovered.elements ();
            while ( enumm.hasMoreElements () ) {
                CoordinatorImp coord = (CoordinatorImp) enumm.nextElement ();
                synchronized ( getLatch ( coord.getCoordinatorId ().intern () ) ) {
                    rootToCoordinatorMap_.put ( coord.getCoordinatorId ().intern (),
                            coord );
                startlistening ( coord );
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            LOGGER.logWarning ( "Error in recoverCoordinators", e );
            errors.push ( e );
            throw new SysException ( "Error in recoverCoordinators: "
                    + e.getMessage (), errors );


    public String getName ()
        return tmUniqueName_;

     * @see RecoveryService
    public void recover ()


        //call listeners here: pending listeners may have been installed
        //by the installation step above
        if ( ! initialized_ ) {
            //only call if not initialized or listeners will get
            //multiple callbacks, once for each recovery scan!!!
            notifyListeners ( true, true );
            initialized_ = true;

        synchronized ( recoverySynchronizer_ ) {
            // recovery MUST be synchronized to avoid erroneous presumed abort
            // if two different threads interleave!!!
            // for instance: if thread1 starts recovery, but thread2 ends it first, then
            // thread1's endRecovery will REscan the resources in the middle of
            // its recovery scan! this leads to erroneous presumed aborts (since
            // recovery of the first half of the coordinators is no longer considered)

            try {
                Vector coordinators = getCoordinatorImpVector ();
                Iterator it = coordinators.iterator ();
                while ( it.hasNext () ) {
                    CoordinatorImp coord = (CoordinatorImp) ();
                    try {
                        if ( !coord.recover () && LOGGER.isInfoEnabled() )
                          LOGGER.logInfo ( "Coordinator not recoverable: "
                                    + coord.getCoordinatorId () );
                    } catch ( Exception e ) {
                       // ignore (to avoid VM exit) but log
                        LOGGER.logWarning (
                                "Coordinator not recoverable: "
                                        + coord.getCoordinatorId (), e );


                Enumeration reslist = Configuration.getResources ();
                while ( reslist.hasMoreElements () ) {
                    RecoverableResource res = (RecoverableResource) reslist
                            .nextElement ();
                    try {
                        res.endRecovery ();
                    } catch ( Exception error ) {
                        LOGGER.logWarning ( "ERROR IN RECOVERY", error );
                        // continue processing to avoid indoubts for other resources
            } catch ( Exception e ) {
                LOGGER.logWarning ( "Error in recover: "
                        + e.getClass ().getName () + e.getMessage (), e );

                Stack errors = new Stack ();
                errors.push ( e );
                throw new SysException ( "Error in recovering: "
                        + e.getMessage (), errors );



  private void prepareConfigurationForPresumedAbortIfNecessary() {
    if ( Configuration.getTransactionService () == null ) {
            Configuration.installTransactionService ( this );
            Configuration.installRecoveryService ( this );


     * Get a LogControl for the service.
     * @return LogControl The instance.

    public com.atomikos.icatch.admin.LogControl getLogControl ()

        return control_;

     * @see TransactionService

    public CompositeCoordinator getCompositeCoordinator ( String root )
            throws SysException
        return getCoordinatorImp ( root );

     * @see TransactionService

    public void addTSListener ( TSListener listener )
            throws IllegalStateException

        // NOTE: we do NOT synchronize with init,
        // because compensators will call this method
        // during recovery, and recovery happens inside
        // init!

        if ( ! tsListeners_.contains ( listener ) ) {
          tsListeners_.addElement ( listener );
          if ( initialized_ ) {
            listener.init ( false , initProperties_ );
          if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ) LOGGER.logDebug "Added TSListener: " + listener );


     * @see TransactionService

    public void removeTSListener ( TSListener listener )

        tsListeners_.removeElement ( listener );
        if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ) LOGGER.logDebug  ( "Removed TSListener: " + listener );


     * @see TransactionService

    public synchronized void init ( Properties properties ) throws SysException
        Stack errors = new Stack ();
        this.initProperties_ = properties;

        try {
            recoverymanager_.init (properties);
        } catch ( LogException le ) {
            errors.push ( le );
            throw new SysException ( "Error in init: " + le.getMessage (),
                    errors );
        recoverCoordinators ();

        shutdownInProgress_ = false;
        control_ = new LogControlImp ( this );
        recover(); //ensure that remote participants can start inquiring and replay

        notifyListeners ( true, false );

     * @see TransactionService

    public Participant getParticipant ( String root ) throws SysException
        return getCoordinatorImp ( root );

     * @see FSMEnterListener.

    public void entered ( FSMEnterEvent<TxState> event )
        CoordinatorImp cc = (CoordinatorImp) event.getSource ();
        TxState state = event.getState ();

     * Called if a tx is ended successfully. In order to remove the tx from the
     * mapping.
     * @see SubTxAwareParticipant

    public void committed ( CompositeTransaction tx )
        removeTransaction ( tx );

     * Called if a tx is ended with failure. In order to remove tx from mapping.
     * @see SubTxAwareParticipant

    public void rolledback ( CompositeTransaction tx )
        removeTransaction ( tx );


     * @see TransactionService

    public CompositeTransaction getCompositeTransaction ( String tid )
        CompositeTransaction ret = null;

        synchronized ( tidToTransactionMap_ ) {
            ret = (CompositeTransaction) tidToTransactionMap_.get ( tid.intern () );

        return ret;

     * Creates a subtransaction for the given parent
     * @param parent
     * @return
    CompositeTransaction createSubTransaction ( CompositeTransaction parent )
        CompositeTransactionImp ret = null;
        Stack lineage = (Stack) parent.getLineage ().clone ();
        lineage.push ( parent );
        String tid = tidmgr_.get ();
        CoordinatorImp ccParent = (CoordinatorImp) parent
                .getCompositeCoordinator ();
        // create NEW coordinator for subtx, with most of the parent settings
        // but without orphan checks since subtxs have no orphans
        CoordinatorImp cc = createCC ( null, tid, false ,
                ccParent.prefersHeuristicCommit (), parent.getTimeout () );
        if ( ccParent.isRecoverableWhileActive() != null &&
             ccParent.isRecoverableWhileActive().booleanValue() ) {
            //inherit active recoverability feature
        ret = createCT ( tid, cc, lineage, parent.isSerial () );
        ret.noLocalAncestors_ = false;
        return ret;


     * @see TransactionService

    public synchronized CompositeTransaction recreateCompositeTransaction (
            Propagation context , boolean orphancheck , boolean heur_commit )
            throws SysException
        if ( !initialized_ )
            throw new IllegalStateException ( "Not initialized" );

        if ( maxNumberOfActiveTransactions_ >= 0 && tidToTransactionMap_.size () >= maxNumberOfActiveTransactions_ )
            throw new IllegalStateException (
                    "Max number of active transactions reached:" + maxNumberOfActiveTransactions_ );

        Stack errors = new Stack ();
        CoordinatorImp cc = null;
        CompositeTransaction ct = null;

        try {
            String tid = tidmgr_.get ();
            boolean serial = context.isSerial ();
            Stack lineage = context.getLineage ();
            if ( lineage.empty () )
                throw new SysException (
                        "Empty lineage in propagation: empty lineage" );
            Stack tmp = new Stack ();

            while ( !lineage.empty () ) {
                tmp.push ( lineage.pop () );

            CompositeTransaction root = (CompositeTransaction) tmp.peek ();

            while ( !tmp.empty () ) {
                lineage.push ( tmp.pop () );

            CompositeTransaction parent = (CompositeTransaction) lineage
                    .peek ();
            synchronized ( shutdownSynchronizer_ ) {
                synchronized ( getLatch ( root.getTid () ) ) {
                    cc = getCoordinatorImp ( root.getTid () );
                    if ( cc == null ) {
                        RecoveryCoordinator coord = parent
                                .getCompositeCoordinator ()
                                .getRecoveryCoordinator ();
                        cc = createCC ( coord, root.getTid (), orphancheck,
                                heur_commit, context.getTimeOut () );
                    cc.incLocalSiblingCount (); // for detection of orphans
            ct = createCT ( tid, cc, lineage, serial );

        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            errors.push ( e );
            e.printStackTrace ();
            throw new SysException ( "Error in recreate.", errors );

        return ct;

     * @see TransactionService

    public synchronized void shutdown ( boolean force ) throws SysException,
        Stack errors = new Stack ();
        boolean wasShuttingDown = false;
        if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ) LOGGER.logDebug ( "Transaction Service: Entering shutdown ( "
                + force + " )..." );

        // following moved out of synch block to avoid deadlock on immediate
        // shutdown with interleaving entered notification of a terminating
        // coordinator state-handler
        if ( !wasShuttingDown && force ) {
            // If we were already shutting down, then the FIRST thread
            // to enter this method will do the following. Don't do
            // it twice.

            Enumeration enumm = rootToCoordinatorMap_.keys ();
            while ( enumm.hasMoreElements () ) {
                String tid = (String) enumm.nextElement ();
                LOGGER.logDebug ( "Transaction Service: Stopping thread for root "
                                + tid + "..." );
                CoordinatorImp c = (CoordinatorImp) rootToCoordinatorMap_
                        .get ( tid );
                if ( c != null ) { //null if intermediate termination while in enumm
                    c.dispose (); //needed for forced shutdown
                LOGGER.logDebug ( "Transaction Service: Thread stopped." );

        } // if wasShuttingDown

        synchronized ( shutdownSynchronizer_ ) {
          LOGGER.logDebug ( "Transaction Service: Shutdown acquired lock on waiter." );
            wasShuttingDown = shutdownInProgress_;
            shutdownInProgress_ = true;

            // check for active coordinators (who might be indoubt)
            // NOTE: should be thread safe, since createCC
            // is also a synchronized method.
            // Of course, getCoordinator also puts into the
            // roottocoordinatormap_, but that one only adds
            // instances that have been swapped out, hence who
            // can not be indoubt.

            while ( !rootToCoordinatorMap_.isEmpty () && !force ) {
                try {
                  LOGGER.logWarning ( "Transaction Service: Waiting for non-terminated coordinators..." );
                    //wait for max timeout to let actives finish
                    shutdownSynchronizer_.wait ( maxTimeout_ );
                    //PURGE to avoid issue 10079
                    //use a clone to avoid concurrency interference
                    if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ) LOGGER.logDebug ( "Transaction Service: Purging coordinators for shutdown..." );
                    Hashtable clone = ( Hashtable ) rootToCoordinatorMap_.clone();
                    Enumeration coordinatorIds = clone.keys();
                    while ( coordinatorIds.hasMoreElements() ) {
                        String id = ( String ) coordinatorIds.nextElement();
                        CoordinatorImp c = ( CoordinatorImp ) clone.get ( id );
                        if ( TxState.TERMINATED.equals ( c.getState() ) ) {
                          if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() ) LOGGER.logDebug ( "Transaction Service: removing terminated coordinator: " + id );
                          rootToCoordinatorMap_.remove ( id );
                    //contine the loop: if not empty then wait again

                } catch ( InterruptedException inter ) {
                  // cf bug 67457
              InterruptedExceptionHelper.handleInterruptedException ( inter );
                    errors.push ( inter );
                    throw new SysException ( "Error in shutdown: "
                            + inter.getMessage (), errors );
            notifyListeners ( false, true );
            initialized_ = false;
            if ( !wasShuttingDown ) {
                // If we were already shutting down, then the FIRST thread
                // to enter this method will do the following. Don't do
                // it twice.
                try {
                    recoverymanager_.close ();
                } catch ( LogException le ) {
                    errors.push ( le );
                    throw new SysException ( "Error in shutdown: "
                            + le.getMessage (), errors );


        notifyListeners ( false, false );

    public synchronized void finalize () throws Throwable

        try {
            if ( !shutdownInProgress_ && initialized_ ) shutdown ( true );
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            LOGGER.logWarning( "Error in GC of TransactionServiceImp" , e );
        } finally {
            super.finalize ();

     * @see com.atomikos.icatch.TransactionService#getSuperiorRecoveryCoordinator(java.lang.String)
    public RecoveryCoordinator getSuperiorRecoveryCoordinator ( String root )
        RecoveryCoordinator ret = null;
        CoordinatorImp c = getCoordinatorImp ( root );
        if ( c != null ) {
            ret = c.getSuperiorRecoveryCoordinator ();
        return ret;

    public CompositeTransaction createCompositeTransaction ( long timeout ) throws SysException
        if ( !initialized_ ) throw new IllegalStateException ( "Not initialized" );

        if ( maxNumberOfActiveTransactions_ >= 0 &&
             tidToTransactionMap_.size () >= maxNumberOfActiveTransactions_ ) {
            throw new IllegalStateException ( "Max number of active transactions reached:" + maxNumberOfActiveTransactions_ );
        String tid = tidmgr_.get ();
        Stack lineage = new Stack ();
        // create a CC with heuristic preference set to false,
        // since it does not really matter anyway (since we are
        // creating a root)
        CoordinatorImp cc = createCC ( null, tid, true, false, timeout );
        CompositeTransaction ct = createCT ( tid, cc, lineage, false );
        return ct;


Related Classes of com.atomikos.icatch.imp.TransactionServiceImp

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