Package com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind

Source Code of com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext

package com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.annotation.ObjectIdGenerator;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.annotation.ObjectIdResolver;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.core.*;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.cfg.ContextAttributes;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.deser.*;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.deser.impl.ReadableObjectId;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.deser.impl.TypeWrappedDeserializer;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.introspect.Annotated;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeDeserializer;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory;
import com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.util.*;

* Context for the process of deserialization a single root-level value.
* Used to allow passing in configuration settings and reusable temporary
* objects (scrap arrays, containers).
* Instance life-cycle is such that an partially configured "blueprint" object
* is registered with {@link ObjectMapper} (and {@link ObjectReader},
* and when an actual instance is needed for deserialization,
* a fully configured instance will
* be created using a method in excented API of sub-class
* ({@link com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.deser.DefaultDeserializationContext#createInstance}).
* Each instance is guaranteed to only be used from single-threaded context;
* instances may be reused iff no configuration has changed.
* Defined as abstract class so that implementations must define methods
* for reconfiguring blueprints and creating instances.
public abstract class DeserializationContext
    extends DatabindContext
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4290063686213707727L;

     * Let's limit length of error messages, for cases where underlying data
     * may be very large -- no point in spamming logs with megs of meaningless
     * data.
    private final static int MAX_ERROR_STR_LEN = 500;

    /* Configuration, immutable
     * Object that handle details of {@link JsonDeserializer} caching.
    protected final DeserializerCache _cache;

    /* Configuration, changeable via fluent factories

     * Read-only factory instance; exposed to let
     * owners (<code>ObjectMapper</code>, <code>ObjectReader</code>)
     * access it.
    protected final DeserializerFactory _factory;

    /* Configuration that gets set for instances (not blueprints)
    /* (partly denormalized for performance)

     * Generic deserialization processing configuration
    protected final DeserializationConfig _config;

     * Bitmap of {@link DeserializationFeature}s that are enabled
    protected final int _featureFlags;

     * Currently active view, if any.
    protected final Class<?> _view;

     * Currently active parser used for deserialization.
     * May be different from the outermost parser
     * when content is buffered.
    protected transient JsonParser _parser;
     * Object used for resolving references to injectable
     * values.
    protected final InjectableValues _injectableValues;
    /* Per-operation reusable helper objects (not for blueprints)

    protected transient ArrayBuilders _arrayBuilders;

    protected transient ObjectBuffer _objectBuffer;

    protected transient DateFormat _dateFormat;

     * Lazily-constructed holder for per-call attributes.
     * @since 2.3
    protected transient ContextAttributes _attributes;
    /* Life-cycle

    protected DeserializationContext(DeserializerFactory df) {
        this(df, null);
    protected DeserializationContext(DeserializerFactory df,
            DeserializerCache cache)
        if (df == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not pass null DeserializerFactory");
        _factory = df;
        _cache = (cache == null) ? new DeserializerCache() : cache;
        _featureFlags = 0;
        _config = null;
        _injectableValues = null;
        _view = null;
        _attributes = null;

    protected DeserializationContext(DeserializationContext src,
            DeserializerFactory factory)
        _cache = src._cache;
        _factory = factory;
        _config = src._config;
        _featureFlags = src._featureFlags;
        _view = src._view;
        _parser = src._parser;
        _injectableValues = src._injectableValues;
        _attributes = src._attributes;

     * Constructor used for creating actual per-call instances.
    protected DeserializationContext(DeserializationContext src,
            DeserializationConfig config, JsonParser p,
            InjectableValues injectableValues)
        _cache = src._cache;
        _factory = src._factory;
        _config = config;
        _featureFlags = config.getDeserializationFeatures();
        _view = config.getActiveView();
        _parser = p;
        _injectableValues = injectableValues;
        _attributes = config.getAttributes();

    /* DatabindContext implementation

    public DeserializationConfig getConfig() { return _config; }

    public final Class<?> getActiveView() { return _view; }

    public final AnnotationIntrospector getAnnotationIntrospector() {
        return _config.getAnnotationIntrospector();

    public final TypeFactory getTypeFactory() {
        return _config.getTypeFactory();

    /* Generic attributes (2.3+)

    public Object getAttribute(Object key) {
        return _attributes.getAttribute(key);

    public DeserializationContext setAttribute(Object key, Object value)
        _attributes = _attributes.withPerCallAttribute(key, value);
        return this;
    /* Public API, accessors

     * Method for getting current {@link DeserializerFactory}.
    public DeserializerFactory getFactory() {
        return _factory;
     * Convenience method for checking whether specified on/off
     * feature is enabled
    public final boolean isEnabled(DeserializationFeature feat) {
        /* 03-Dec-2010, tatu: minor shortcut; since this is called quite often,
         *   let's use a local copy of feature settings:
        return (_featureFlags & feat.getMask()) != 0;

     * "Bulk" access method for checking that all features specified by
     * mask are enabled.
     * @since 2.3
    public final boolean hasDeserializationFeatures(int featureMask) {
        return _config.hasDeserializationFeatures(featureMask);
     * Method for accessing the currently active parser.
     * May be different from the outermost parser
     * when content is buffered.
     * Use of this method is discouraged: if code has direct access
     * to the active parser, that should be used instead.
    public final JsonParser getParser() { return _parser; }

    public final Object findInjectableValue(Object valueId,
            BeanProperty forProperty, Object beanInstance)
        if (_injectableValues == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No 'injectableValues' configured, can not inject value with id ["+valueId+"]");
        return _injectableValues.findInjectableValue(valueId, this, forProperty, beanInstance);

     * Convenience method for accessing the default Base64 encoding
     * used for decoding base64 encoded binary content.
     * Same as calling:
     *  getConfig().getBase64Variant();
    public final Base64Variant getBase64Variant() {
        return _config.getBase64Variant();

     * Convenience method, functionally equivalent to:
     *  getConfig().getNodeFactory();
     * </pre>
    public final JsonNodeFactory getNodeFactory() {
        return _config.getNodeFactory();

     * Method for accessing default Locale to use: convenience method for
     *   getConfig().getLocale();
    public Locale getLocale() {
        return _config.getLocale();

     * Method for accessing default TimeZone to use: convenience method for
     *   getConfig().getTimeZone();
    public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
        return _config.getTimeZone();

    /* Public API, pass-through to DeserializerCache

    @Deprecated // since 2.3, use overloaded variant
    public boolean hasValueDeserializerFor(JavaType type) {
        return hasValueDeserializerFor(type, null);

     * Method for checking whether we could find a deserializer
     * for given type.
     * @param type
     * @since 2.3
    public boolean hasValueDeserializerFor(JavaType type, AtomicReference<Throwable> cause) {
        try {
            return _cache.hasValueDeserializerFor(this, _factory, type);
        } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
            if (cause != null) {
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            if (cause == null) { // earlier behavior
                throw e;
        return false;
     * Method for finding a value deserializer, and creating a contextual
     * version if necessary, for value reached via specified property.
    public final JsonDeserializer<Object> findContextualValueDeserializer(JavaType type,
            BeanProperty prop) throws JsonMappingException
        JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = _cache.findValueDeserializer(this, _factory, type);
        if (deser != null) {
            deser = (JsonDeserializer<Object>) handleSecondaryContextualization(deser, prop);
        return deser;

     * Method for finding a deserializer for root-level value.
    public final JsonDeserializer<Object> findRootValueDeserializer(JavaType type)
        throws JsonMappingException
        JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = _cache.findValueDeserializer(this,
                _factory, type);
        if (deser == null) { // can this occur?
            return null;
        deser = (JsonDeserializer<Object>) handleSecondaryContextualization(deser, null);
        TypeDeserializer typeDeser = _factory.findTypeDeserializer(_config, type);
        if (typeDeser != null) {
            // important: contextualize to indicate this is for root value
            typeDeser = typeDeser.forProperty(null);
            return new TypeWrappedDeserializer(typeDeser, deser);
        return deser;

     * Convenience method, functionally same as:
     *  getDeserializerProvider().findKeyDeserializer(getConfig(), prop.getType(), prop);
    public final KeyDeserializer findKeyDeserializer(JavaType keyType,
            BeanProperty prop) throws JsonMappingException {
        KeyDeserializer kd = _cache.findKeyDeserializer(this,
                _factory, keyType);
        // Second: contextualize?
        if (kd instanceof ContextualKeyDeserializer) {
            kd = ((ContextualKeyDeserializer) kd).createContextual(this, prop);
        return kd;
    /* Public API, ObjectId handling

     * Method called to find and return entry corresponding to given
     * Object Id: will add an entry if necessary, and never returns null
    public abstract ReadableObjectId findObjectId(Object id, ObjectIdGenerator<?> generator, ObjectIdResolver resolver);

    @Deprecated // since 2.4
    public abstract ReadableObjectId findObjectId(Object id, ObjectIdGenerator<?> generator);

     * Method called to ensure that every object id encounter during processing
     * are resolved.
     * @throws UnresolvedForwardReference
    public abstract void checkUnresolvedObjectId()
        throws UnresolvedForwardReference;

    /* Public API, type handling
     * Convenience method, functionally equivalent to:
     *  getConfig().constructType(cls);
     * </pre>
    public final JavaType constructType(Class<?> cls) {
        return _config.constructType(cls);

     * Helper method to use for locating Class for given name. Should be used
     * instead of basic <code>Class.forName(className);</code> as it can
     * try using contextual class loader, or use platform-specific workarounds
     * (like on Android, GAE).
    public Class<?> findClass(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException
        // By default, delegate to ClassUtil: can be overridden with custom handling
        return ClassUtil.findClass(className);

    /* Public API, helper object recycling

     * Method that can be used to get access to a reusable ObjectBuffer,
     * useful for efficiently constructing Object arrays and Lists.
     * Note that leased buffers should be returned once deserializer
     * is done, to allow for reuse during same round of deserialization.
    public final ObjectBuffer leaseObjectBuffer()
        ObjectBuffer buf = _objectBuffer;
        if (buf == null) {
            buf = new ObjectBuffer();
        } else {
            _objectBuffer = null;
        return buf;

     * Method to call to return object buffer previously leased with
     * {@link #leaseObjectBuffer}.
     * @param buf Returned object buffer
    public final void returnObjectBuffer(ObjectBuffer buf)
        /* Already have a reusable buffer? Let's retain bigger one
         * (or if equal, favor newer one, shorter life-cycle)
        if (_objectBuffer == null
            || buf.initialCapacity() >= _objectBuffer.initialCapacity()) {
            _objectBuffer = buf;

     * Method for accessing object useful for building arrays of
     * primitive types (such as int[]).
    public final ArrayBuilders getArrayBuilders()
        if (_arrayBuilders == null) {
            _arrayBuilders = new ArrayBuilders();
        return _arrayBuilders;

    /* Extended API: handler instantiation

    public abstract JsonDeserializer<Object> deserializerInstance(Annotated annotated,
            Object deserDef)
        throws JsonMappingException;

    public abstract KeyDeserializer keyDeserializerInstance(Annotated annotated,
            Object deserDef)
        throws JsonMappingException;

    /* Extended API: resolving contextual deserializers; called
    /* by structured deserializers for their value/component
    /* deserializers

     * Method called for primary property deserializers (ones
     * directly created to deserialize values of a POJO property),
     * to handle details of resolving
     * {@link ContextualDeserializer} with given property context.
     * @param prop Property for which the given primary deserializer is used; never null.
     * @since 2.3
    public JsonDeserializer<?> handlePrimaryContextualization(JsonDeserializer<?> deser,
            BeanProperty prop)
        throws JsonMappingException
        if (deser != null) {
            if (deser instanceof ContextualDeserializer) {
                deser = ((ContextualDeserializer) deser).createContextual(this, prop);
        return deser;

     * Method called for secondary property deserializers (ones
     * NOT directly created to deal with an annotatable POJO property,
     * but instead created as a component -- such as value deserializers
     * for structured types, or deserializers for root values)
     * to handle details of resolving
     * {@link ContextualDeserializer} with given property context.
     * Given that these deserializers are not directly related to given property
     * (or, in case of root value property, to any property), annotations
     * accessible may or may not be relevant.
     * @param prop Property for which deserializer is used, if any; null
     *    when deserializing root values
     * @since 2.3
    public JsonDeserializer<?> handleSecondaryContextualization(JsonDeserializer<?> deser,
            BeanProperty prop)
        throws JsonMappingException {
        if (deser != null && (deser instanceof ContextualDeserializer)) {
            deser = ((ContextualDeserializer) deser).createContextual(this, prop);
        return deser;
    /* Parsing methods that may use reusable/-cyclable objects

     * Convenience method for parsing a Date from given String, using
     * currently configured date format (accessed using
     * {@link DeserializationConfig#getDateFormat()}).
     * Implementation will handle thread-safety issues related to
     * date formats such that first time this method is called,
     * date format is cloned, and cloned instance will be retained
     * for use during this deserialization round.
    public Date parseDate(String dateStr) throws IllegalArgumentException
        try {
            DateFormat df = getDateFormat();
            return df.parse(dateStr);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse Date value '"+dateStr+"': "+e.getMessage());

     * Convenience method for constructing Calendar instance set
     * to specified time, to be modified and used by caller.
    public Calendar constructCalendar(Date d) {
        // 08-Jan-2008, tatu: not optimal, but should work for the most part; let's revise as needed.
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(getTimeZone());
        return c;

    /* Convenience methods for reading parsed values

     * Convenience method that may be used by composite or container deserializers,
     * for reading one-off values contained (for sequences, it is more efficient
     * to actually fetch deserializer once for the whole collection).
     * NOTE: when deserializing values of properties contained in composite types,
     * rather use {@link #readPropertyValue(JsonParser, BeanProperty, Class)};
     * this method does not allow use of contextual annotations.
     * @since 2.4
    public <T> T readValue(JsonParser p, Class<T> type) throws IOException {
        return readValue(p, getTypeFactory().constructType(type));

     * @since 2.4
    public <T> T readValue(JsonParser p, JavaType type) throws IOException {
        JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = findRootValueDeserializer(type);
        if (deser == null) {
        return (T) deser.deserialize(p, this);

     * Convenience method that may be used by composite or container deserializers,
     * for reading one-off values for the composite type, taking into account
     * annotations that the property (passed to this method -- usually property that
     * has custom serializer that called this method) has.
     * @since 2.4
    public <T> T readPropertyValue(JsonParser p, BeanProperty prop, Class<T> type) throws IOException {
        return readPropertyValue(p, prop, getTypeFactory().constructType(type));

     * @since 2.4
    public <T> T readPropertyValue(JsonParser p, BeanProperty prop, JavaType type) throws IOException {
        JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = findContextualValueDeserializer(type, prop);
        if (deser == null) {
        return (T) deser.deserialize(p, this);
    /* Methods for problem handling, reporting

     * Method deserializers can call to inform configured {@link DeserializationProblemHandler}s
     * of an unrecognized property.
     * @return True if there was a configured problem handler that was able to handle the
     *   problem
     * Method deserializers can call to inform configured {@link DeserializationProblemHandler}s
     * of an unrecognized property.
    public boolean handleUnknownProperty(JsonParser p, JsonDeserializer<?> deser,
            Object instanceOrClass, String propName)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException
        LinkedNode<DeserializationProblemHandler> h = _config.getProblemHandlers();
        if (h != null) {
            while (h != null) {
                // Can bail out if it's handled
                if (h.value().handleUnknownProperty(this, p, deser, instanceOrClass, propName)) {
                    return true;
                h =;
        return false;

     * Helper method for reporting a problem with unhandled unknown exception
     * @param instanceOrClass Either value being populated (if one has been
     *   instantiated), or Class that indicates type that would be (or
     *   have been) instantiated
     * @param deser Deserializer that had the problem, if called by deserializer
     *   (or on behalf of one)
    public void reportUnknownProperty(Object instanceOrClass, String fieldName,
            JsonDeserializer<?> deser)
        throws JsonMappingException
        if (!isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES)) {
        // Do we know properties that are expected instead?
        Collection<Object> propIds = (deser == null) ? null : deser.getKnownPropertyNames();
        throw UnrecognizedPropertyException.from(_parser,
                instanceOrClass, fieldName, propIds);
    /* Methods for constructing exceptions
     * Helper method for constructing generic mapping exception for specified type
    public JsonMappingException mappingException(Class<?> targetClass) {
        return mappingException(targetClass, _parser.getCurrentToken());

    public JsonMappingException mappingException(Class<?> targetClass, JsonToken token) {
        return JsonMappingException.from(_parser, "Can not deserialize instance of "+_calcName(targetClass)+" out of "+token+" token");
     * Helper method for constructing generic mapping exception with specified
     * message and current location information
    public JsonMappingException mappingException(String message) {
        return JsonMappingException.from(getParser(), message);
     * Helper method for constructing instantiation exception for specified type,
     * to indicate problem with physically constructing instance of
     * specified class (missing constructor, exception from constructor)
    public JsonMappingException instantiationException(Class<?> instClass, Throwable t) {
        return JsonMappingException.from(_parser,
                "Can not construct instance of "+instClass.getName()+", problem: "+t.getMessage(), t);

    public JsonMappingException instantiationException(Class<?> instClass, String msg) {
        return JsonMappingException.from(_parser, "Can not construct instance of "+instClass.getName()+", problem: "+msg);
     * Method that will construct an exception suitable for throwing when
     * some String values are acceptable, but the one encountered is not.
     * @deprecated Since 2.1 should use variant that takes value
    public JsonMappingException weirdStringException(Class<?> instClass, String msg) {
        return weirdStringException(null, instClass, msg);

     * Method that will construct an exception suitable for throwing when
     * some String values are acceptable, but the one encountered is not.
     * @param value String value from input being deserialized
     * @param instClass Type that String should be deserialized into
     * @param msg Message that describes specific problem
     * @since 2.1
    public JsonMappingException weirdStringException(String value, Class<?> instClass, String msg) {
        return InvalidFormatException.from(_parser,
                "Can not construct instance of "+instClass.getName()+" from String value '"+_valueDesc()+"': "+msg,
                value, instClass);

     * Helper method for constructing exception to indicate that input JSON
     * Number was not suitable for deserializing into given type.
    public JsonMappingException weirdNumberException(Class<?> instClass, String msg) {
        return weirdStringException(null, instClass, msg);

     * Helper method for constructing exception to indicate that input JSON
     * Number was not suitable for deserializing into given target type.
    public JsonMappingException weirdNumberException(Number value, Class<?> instClass, String msg) {
        return InvalidFormatException.from(_parser,
                "Can not construct instance of "+instClass.getName()+" from number value ("+_valueDesc()+"): "+msg,
                null, instClass);
     * Helper method for constructing exception to indicate that given JSON
     * Object field name was not in format to be able to deserialize specified
     * key type.
    public JsonMappingException weirdKeyException(Class<?> keyClass, String keyValue, String msg) {
        return InvalidFormatException.from(_parser,
                "Can not construct Map key of type "+keyClass.getName()+" from String \""+_desc(keyValue)+"\": "+msg,
                keyValue, keyClass);

     * Helper method for indicating that the current token was expected to be another
     * token.
    public JsonMappingException wrongTokenException(JsonParser p, JsonToken expToken, String msg0) {
        String msg = "Unexpected token ("+p.getCurrentToken()+"), expected "+expToken;
        if (msg0 != null) {
            msg = msg + ": "+msg0;
        return JsonMappingException.from(p, msg);

     * Helper method for constructing exception to indicate that given
     * type id (parsed from JSON) could not be converted to a Java type.
    public JsonMappingException unknownTypeException(JavaType type, String id) {
        return JsonMappingException.from(_parser, "Could not resolve type id '"+id+"' into a subtype of "+type);

    public JsonMappingException endOfInputException(Class<?> instClass) {
        return JsonMappingException.from(_parser, "Unexpected end-of-input when trying to deserialize a "
    /* Overridable internal methods

    protected DateFormat getDateFormat()
        if (_dateFormat != null) {
            return _dateFormat;
        /* 24-Feb-2012, tatu: At this point, all timezone configuration
         *    should have occured, with respect to default dateformat
         *    and timezone configuration. But we still better clone
         *    an instance as formatters may be stateful.
        DateFormat df = _config.getDateFormat();
        _dateFormat = df = (DateFormat) df.clone();
        return df;

    protected String determineClassName(Object instance) {
        return ClassUtil.getClassDescription(instance);
    /* Other internal methods

    protected String _calcName(Class<?> cls) {
        if (cls.isArray()) {
            return _calcName(cls.getComponentType())+"[]";
        return cls.getName();
    protected String _valueDesc() {
        try {
            return _desc(_parser.getText());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return "[N/A]";

    protected String _desc(String desc) {
        // !!! should we quote it? (in case there are control chars, linefeeds)
        if (desc.length() > MAX_ERROR_STR_LEN) {
            desc = desc.substring(0, MAX_ERROR_STR_LEN) + "]...[" + desc.substring(desc.length() - MAX_ERROR_STR_LEN);
        return desc;

Related Classes of com.facebook.presto.jdbc.internal.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext

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