Package at.newmedialab.ldpath.template.engine

Source Code of at.newmedialab.ldpath.template.engine.LDPathDirective

* Copyright (c) 2011 Salzburg Research.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package at.newmedialab.ldpath.template.engine;

import at.newmedialab.ldpath.LDPath;
import at.newmedialab.ldpath.api.backend.RDFBackend;
import at.newmedialab.ldpath.exception.LDPathParseException;
import at.newmedialab.ldpath.model.Constants;
import at.newmedialab.ldpath.template.model.freemarker.TemplateNodeModel;
import at.newmedialab.ldpath.template.model.freemarker.TemplateStackModel;
import at.newmedialab.ldpath.template.model.freemarker.TemplateWrapperModel;
import at.newmedialab.ldpath.template.model.transformers.*;
import at.newmedialab.ldpath.template.util.FormatUtil;
import freemarker.core.Environment;
import freemarker.template.*;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

* A directive for inserting values retrieved with LDPath. It can be used in several forms:
* <p/>
* <strong>Value Insertion (without body):</strong><br/>
* Allows inserting the value of a path expression. The path expression should specify an XML schema type for the
* type conversion. If no type is given, string conversion is assumed. If the expression would return several values,
* only the first result is taken.
* <p/>
* <code>
* &lt;@ldpath path="... :: xsd:type">
* </code>
* <p/>
* <strong>Value Iteration (with body):</strong>
* Allows iterating over result nodes of a path expression. Further path expressions can be used to select the
* values of each result node.
* <p/>
* <code>
* &lt;@ldpath path="..."><br/>
*    &nbsp;...<br/>
*    &nbsp;&lt;@ldpath path="..."><br/>
*    &nbsp;...<br/>
* &lt;/@ldpath>
* </code>
* <p/>
* If a loop variable is given, it will be bound to the context node. The context node is also implicitly available
* as the variable "context".
* <p/>
* Author: Sebastian Schaffert
public class LDPathDirective<Node> implements TemplateDirectiveModel {

    private LDPath<Node>     ldpath;
    private RDFBackend<Node> backend;

    public LDPathDirective(RDFBackend<Node> backend) {
        this.ldpath  = new LDPath<Node>(backend);
        this.backend = backend;

        // register custom freemarker transformers for the parser so we get the results immediately in the freemarker model
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "string", new TemplateScalarTransformer<Node>());
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "decimal", new TemplateLongTransformer<Node>());
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "integer", new TemplateIntegerTransformer<Node>());
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "long", new TemplateLongTransformer<Node>());
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "short", new TemplateIntegerTransformer<Node>());
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "double", new TemplateDoubleTransformer<Node>());
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "float", new TemplateFloatTransformer<Node>());
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "dateTime", new TemplateDateTransformer<Node>(TemplateDateModel.DATETIME));
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "date", new TemplateDateTransformer<Node>(TemplateDateModel.DATE));
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "time", new TemplateDateTransformer<Node>(TemplateDateModel.TIME));
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "boolean", new TemplateBooleanTransformer<Node>());
        ldpath.registerTransformer(Constants.NS_XSD + "anyURI", new TemplateScalarTransformer<Node>());


     * Executes this user-defined directive; called by FreeMarker when the user-defined
     * directive is called in the template.
     * @param env      the current processing environment. Note that you can access
     *                 the output {@link Writer} by {@link freemarker.core.Environment#getOut()}.
     * @param params   the parameters (if any) passed to the directive as a
     *                 map of key/value pairs where the keys are {@link String}-s and the
     *                 values are {@link freemarker.template.TemplateModel} instances. This is never
     *                 <code>null</code>. If you need to convert the template models to POJOs,
     *                 you can use the utility methods in the {@link freemarker.template.utility.DeepUnwrap} class.
     * @param loopVars an array that corresponds to the "loop variables", in
     *                 the order as they appear in the directive call. ("Loop variables" are out-parameters
     *                 that are available to the nested body of the directive; see in the Manual.)
     *                 You set the loop variables by writing this array. The length of the array gives the
     *                 number of loop-variables that the caller has specified.
     *                 Never <code>null</code>, but can be a zero-length array.
     * @param body     an object that can be used to render the nested content (body) of
     *                 the directive call. If the directive call has no nested content (i.e., it is like
     *                 [@myDirective /] or [@myDirective][/@myDirective]), then this will be
     *                 <code>null</code>.
     * @throws freemarker.template.TemplateException
     * @throws
    public void execute(Environment env, Map params, TemplateModel[] loopVars, TemplateDirectiveBody body) throws TemplateException, IOException {
        TemplateStackModel contextStack = (TemplateStackModel)env.getVariable("context");
        if(contextStack == null || contextStack.empty()) {
            throw new TemplateModelException("error; no context node available");
        TemplateNodeModel<Node> context = (TemplateNodeModel<Node>)contextStack.peek();

        SimpleScalar pathScalar = (SimpleScalar)params.get("path");
        if(pathScalar == null) {
            throw new TemplateException("the directive has been called without a path parameter",env);
        String path = pathScalar.getAsString();

        TemplateWrapperModel<Map<String,String>> namespacesWrapped = (TemplateWrapperModel<Map<String,String>>)env.getGlobalVariable("namespaces");

        Map<String,String> namespaces;
        if(namespacesWrapped == null) {
            namespaces = new HashMap<String, String>();
            namespacesWrapped = new TemplateWrapperModel<Map<String, String>>(new HashMap<String, String>());
        } else {
            namespaces = namespacesWrapped.getAdaptedObject(Map.class);

        if(body == null) { // value insertion
            if(!path.contains("::")) {
                path = path + ":: xsd:string";
            try {
                Collection results = ldpath.pathTransform(context.getNode(),path,namespaces);

                if(results.size() > 0) {
                    Object result = results.iterator().next();

                    if(result instanceof TemplateNumberModel) {
                        env.getOut().write(FormatUtil.formatNumber( ((TemplateNumberModel)result).getAsNumber() ));
                    } else if(result instanceof TemplateDateModel) {
                        switch (((TemplateDateModel)result).getDateType()) {
                            case TemplateDateModel.DATE:
                            case TemplateDateModel.TIME:
                            case TemplateDateModel.DATETIME:
                    } else if(result instanceof TemplateScalarModel) {
                        env.getOut().write( ((TemplateScalarModel)result).getAsString() );
                    } else if(result instanceof TemplateBooleanModel) {
                        env.getOut().write( Boolean.toString(((TemplateBooleanModel)result).getAsBoolean()) );

                } // else write nothing

            } catch (LDPathParseException e) {
                throw new TemplateException("invalid path for ldpath directive: "+path,e,env);

        } else {
            try {
                for(Node node : ldpath.pathQuery(context.getNode(),path,namespaces)) {
                    contextStack.push(new TemplateNodeModel<Node>(node, backend));

                    if(loopVars.length > 0) {
                        loopVars[0] = new TemplateNodeModel<Node>(node,backend);


            } catch(LDPathParseException ex) {
                throw new TemplateException("invalid path for ldpath directive: "+path,ex,env);



Related Classes of at.newmedialab.ldpath.template.engine.LDPathDirective

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