Package com.espertech.esper.epl.join.base

Source Code of com.espertech.esper.epl.join.base.JoinSetComposerHistoricalImpl

* Copyright (C) 2008 EsperTech, Inc. All rights reserved.                            *
*                                                          *
*                                                           *
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the GPL license       *
* a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the license.txt file.  *
package com.espertech.esper.epl.join.base;

import com.espertech.esper.client.EventBean;
import com.espertech.esper.collection.MultiKey;
import com.espertech.esper.collection.UniformPair;
import com.espertech.esper.core.context.factory.StatementAgentInstancePostLoadIndexVisitor;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.db.DataCacheClearableMap;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.expression.ExprEvaluatorContext;
import com.espertech.esper.epl.join.table.EventTable;
import com.espertech.esper.metrics.instrumentation.InstrumentationHelper;
import com.espertech.esper.view.HistoricalEventViewable;
import com.espertech.esper.view.Viewable;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

* Implements the function to determine a join result set using tables/indexes and query strategy
* instances for each stream.
public class JoinSetComposerHistoricalImpl implements JoinSetComposer
    private final EventTable[][] repositories;
    private final QueryStrategy[] queryStrategies;

    // Set semantic eliminates duplicates in result set, use Linked set to preserve order
    private Set<MultiKey<EventBean>> oldResults = new LinkedHashSet<MultiKey<EventBean>>();
    private Set<MultiKey<EventBean>> newResults = new LinkedHashSet<MultiKey<EventBean>>();
    private EventTable[][] tables = new EventTable[0][];
    private Viewable[] streamViews;
    private ExprEvaluatorContext staticEvalExprEvaluatorContext;

     * Ctor.
     * @param repositories indexes for non-historical streams
     * @param queryStrategies for each stream a strategy to execute the join
     * @param streamViews the viewable representing each stream
     * @param staticEvalExprEvaluatorContext expression evaluation context for static (not runtime) evaluation
    public JoinSetComposerHistoricalImpl(Map<String, EventTable>[] repositories, QueryStrategy[] queryStrategies, Viewable[] streamViews,
                                         ExprEvaluatorContext staticEvalExprEvaluatorContext)
        this.repositories = JoinSetComposerUtil.toArray(repositories, streamViews.length);
        this.queryStrategies = queryStrategies;
        this.streamViews = streamViews;
        this.staticEvalExprEvaluatorContext = staticEvalExprEvaluatorContext;

    public void init(EventBean[][] eventsPerStream)
        if (repositories == null)

        for (int i = 0; i < eventsPerStream.length; i++)
            if ((eventsPerStream[i] != null) && (repositories[i] != null))
                for (int j = 0; j < repositories[i].length; j++)

    public void destroy()
        if (repositories == null)

        for (int i = 0; i < repositories.length; i++)
            if (repositories[i] != null)
                for (EventTable table : repositories[i])

    public UniformPair<Set<MultiKey<EventBean>>> join(EventBean[][] newDataPerStream, EventBean[][] oldDataPerStream, ExprEvaluatorContext exprEvaluatorContext)
        if (InstrumentationHelper.ENABLED) { InstrumentationHelper.get().qJoinCompositionHistorical();}


        // join old data
        for (int i = 0; i < oldDataPerStream.length; i++)
            if (oldDataPerStream[i] != null)
                if (InstrumentationHelper.ENABLED) { InstrumentationHelper.get().qJoinCompositionQueryStrategy(false, i, oldDataPerStream[i]);}
                queryStrategies[i].lookup(oldDataPerStream[i], oldResults, exprEvaluatorContext);
                if (InstrumentationHelper.ENABLED) { InstrumentationHelper.get().aJoinCompositionQueryStrategy();}

        if (repositories != null)
            // We add and remove data in one call to each index.
            // Most indexes will add first then remove as newdata and olddata may contain the same event.
            // Unique indexes may remove then add.
            for (int stream = 0; stream < newDataPerStream.length; stream++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < repositories[stream].length; j++)
                    if (InstrumentationHelper.ENABLED) { InstrumentationHelper.get().qJoinCompositionStepUpdIndex(stream, newDataPerStream[stream], oldDataPerStream[stream]);}
                    repositories[stream][j].addRemove(newDataPerStream[stream], oldDataPerStream[stream]);
                    if (InstrumentationHelper.ENABLED) { InstrumentationHelper.get().aJoinCompositionStepUpdIndex();}

        // join new data
        for (int i = 0; i < newDataPerStream.length; i++)
            if (newDataPerStream[i] != null)
                if (InstrumentationHelper.ENABLED) { InstrumentationHelper.get().qJoinCompositionQueryStrategy(true, i, newDataPerStream[i]);}
                queryStrategies[i].lookup(newDataPerStream[i], newResults, exprEvaluatorContext);
                if (InstrumentationHelper.ENABLED) { InstrumentationHelper.get().aJoinCompositionQueryStrategy();}

        if (InstrumentationHelper.ENABLED) { InstrumentationHelper.get().aJoinCompositionHistorical(newResults, oldResults);}
        return new UniformPair<Set<MultiKey<EventBean>>>(newResults, oldResults);

     * Returns tables.
     * @return tables for stream.
    protected EventTable[][] getTables()
        return tables;

     * Returns query strategies.
     * @return query strategies
    protected QueryStrategy[] getQueryStrategies()
        return queryStrategies;

    public Set<MultiKey<EventBean>> staticJoin()
        Set<MultiKey<EventBean>> result = new LinkedHashSet<MultiKey<EventBean>>();
        EventBean[] lookupEvents = new EventBean[1];

        // Assign a local cache for the thread's evaluation of the join
        // This ensures that if a SQL/method generates a row for a result set based on an input parameter, the event instance is the same
        // in the join, and thus the same row does not appear twice.
        DataCacheClearableMap caches[] = new DataCacheClearableMap[queryStrategies.length];
        assignThreadLocalCache(streamViews, caches);

        // perform join
            // for each stream, perform query strategy
            for (int stream = 0; stream < queryStrategies.length; stream++)
                if (streamViews[stream] instanceof HistoricalEventViewable)
                    HistoricalEventViewable historicalViewable = (HistoricalEventViewable) streamViews[stream];
                    if (historicalViewable.hasRequiredStreams())

                    // there may not be a query strategy since only a full outer join may need to consider all rows
                    if (queryStrategies[stream] != null)
                        Iterator<EventBean> streamEvents = historicalViewable.iterator();
                        for (;streamEvents.hasNext();)
                            lookupEvents[0] =;
                            queryStrategies[stream].lookup(lookupEvents, result, staticEvalExprEvaluatorContext);
                    Iterator<EventBean> streamEvents = streamViews[stream].iterator();
                    for (;streamEvents.hasNext();)
                        lookupEvents[0] =;
                        queryStrategies[stream].lookup(lookupEvents, result,staticEvalExprEvaluatorContext);
            deassignThreadLocalCache(streamViews, caches);

        return result;

    public void visitIndexes(StatementAgentInstancePostLoadIndexVisitor visitor) {

    private void assignThreadLocalCache(Viewable[] streamViews, DataCacheClearableMap[] caches)
        for (int stream = 0; stream < streamViews.length; stream++)
            if (streamViews[stream] instanceof HistoricalEventViewable)
                HistoricalEventViewable historicalViewable = (HistoricalEventViewable) streamViews[stream];
                caches[stream] = new DataCacheClearableMap();

    private void deassignThreadLocalCache(Viewable[] streamViews, DataCacheClearableMap[] caches)
        for (int stream = 0; stream < streamViews.length; stream++)
            if (streamViews[stream] instanceof HistoricalEventViewable)
                HistoricalEventViewable historicalViewable = (HistoricalEventViewable) streamViews[stream];

Related Classes of com.espertech.esper.epl.join.base.JoinSetComposerHistoricalImpl

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