Package com.carrotsearch.hppc

Source Code of com.carrotsearch.hppc.DoubleArrayDeque$ValueIterator

package com.carrotsearch.hppc;

import java.util.*;

import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.DoubleCursor;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.predicates.DoublePredicate;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.procedures.DoubleProcedure;

import static com.carrotsearch.hppc.Internals.*;

* An array-backed deque (doubly linked queue) of doubles. A single array is used to store and
* manipulate all elements. Reallocations are governed by a {@link ArraySizingStrategy}
* and may be expensive if they move around really large chunks of memory.
* <p>See {@link ObjectArrayDeque} class for API similarities and differences against Java
* Collections.
@javax.annotation.Generated(date = "2011-05-01T23:25:08+0200", value = "HPPC generated from:")
public class DoubleArrayDeque
    extends AbstractDoubleCollection implements DoubleDeque, Cloneable
     * Default capacity if no other capacity is given in the constructor.
    public final static int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 5;

     * Internal array for storing elements.
     *      */
    public double [] buffer;

     * The index of the element at the head of the deque or an
     * arbitrary number equal to tail if the deque is empty.
    public int head;

     * The index at which the next element would be added to the tail
     * of the deque.
    public int tail;

     * Buffer resizing strategy.
    protected final ArraySizingStrategy resizer;

     * Create with default sizing strategy and initial capacity for storing
     * {@value #DEFAULT_CAPACITY} elements.
     * @see BoundedProportionalArraySizingStrategy
    public DoubleArrayDeque()

     * Create with default sizing strategy and the given initial capacity.
     * @see BoundedProportionalArraySizingStrategy
    public DoubleArrayDeque(int initialCapacity)
        this(initialCapacity, new BoundedProportionalArraySizingStrategy());

     * Create with a custom buffer resizing strategy.
    public DoubleArrayDeque(int initialCapacity, ArraySizingStrategy resizer)
        assert initialCapacity >= 0 : "initialCapacity must be >= 0: " + initialCapacity;
        assert resizer != null;

        this.resizer = resizer;
        initialCapacity = resizer.round(initialCapacity);
        buffer = new double [initialCapacity];

     * Creates a new deque from elements of another container, appending them
     * at the end of this deque.
    public DoubleArrayDeque(DoubleContainer container)

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void addFirst(double e1)
        int h = oneLeft(head, buffer.length);
        if (h == tail)
            h = oneLeft(head, buffer.length);
        buffer[head = h] = e1;

     * Vararg-signature method for adding elements at the front of this deque.
     * <p><b>This method is handy, but costly if used in tight loops (anonymous
     * array passing)</b></p>
    public void addFirst(double... elements)

        // For now, naive loop.
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)

     * Inserts all elements from the given container to the front of this deque.
     * @return Returns the number of elements actually added as a result of this
     * call.
    public final int addFirst(DoubleContainer container)
        int size = container.size();

        for (DoubleCursor cursor : container)

        return size;

     * Inserts all elements from the given iterable to the front of this deque.
     * @return Returns the number of elements actually added as a result of this call.
    public final int addFirst(Iterable<? extends DoubleCursor> iterable)
        int size = 0;
        for (DoubleCursor cursor : iterable)
        return size;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void addLast(double e1)
        int t = oneRight(tail, buffer.length);
        if (head == t)
            t = oneRight(tail, buffer.length);
        buffer[tail] = e1;
        tail = t;
     * Vararg-signature method for adding elements at the end of this deque.
     * <p><b>This method is handy, but costly if used in tight loops (anonymous
     * array passing)</b></p>
    public void addLast(double... elements)

        // For now, naive loop.
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)

     * Inserts all elements from the given container to the end of this deque.
     * @return Returns the number of elements actually added as a result of this
     * call.
    public final int addLast(DoubleContainer container)
        int size = container.size();

        for (DoubleCursor cursor : container)

        return size;
     * Inserts all elements from the given iterable to the end of this deque.
     * @return Returns the number of elements actually added as a result of this call.
    public final int addLast(Iterable<? extends DoubleCursor> iterable)
        int size = 0;
        for (DoubleCursor cursor : iterable)
        return size;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public double removeFirst()
        assert size() > 0 : "The deque is empty.";

        final double result = buffer[head];
        buffer[head] = ((double) 0);
        head = oneRight(head, buffer.length);
        return result;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public double removeLast()
        assert size() > 0 : "The deque is empty.";

        tail = oneLeft(tail, buffer.length);
        final double result = buffer[tail];
        buffer[tail] = ((double) 0);
        return result;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public double getFirst()
        assert size() > 0 : "The deque is empty.";

        return buffer[head];

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public double getLast()
        assert size() > 0 : "The deque is empty.";

        return buffer[oneLeft(tail, buffer.length)];

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int removeFirstOccurrence(double e1)
        final int index = bufferIndexOf(e1);
        if (index >= 0) removeAtBufferIndex(index);
        return index;

     * Return the index of the first (counting from head) element equal to
     * <code>e1</code>. The index points to the {@link #buffer} array.
     * @param e1 The element to look for.
     * @return Returns the index of the first element equal to <code>e1</code>
     * or <code>-1</code> if not found.
    public int bufferIndexOf(double e1)
        final int last = tail;
        final int bufLen = buffer.length;
        for (int i = head; i != last; i = oneRight(i, bufLen))
            if (((e1) == (buffer[i])))
                return i;

        return -1;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int removeLastOccurrence(double e1)
        final int index = lastBufferIndexOf(e1);
        if (index >= 0) removeAtBufferIndex(index);
        return index;

     * Return the index of the last (counting from tail) element equal to
     * <code>e1</code>. The index points to the {@link #buffer} array.
     * @param e1 The element to look for.
     * @return Returns the index of the first element equal to <code>e1</code>
     * or <code>-1</code> if not found.
    public int lastBufferIndexOf(double e1)
        final int bufLen = buffer.length;
        final int last = oneLeft(head, bufLen);
        for (int i = oneLeft(tail, bufLen); i != last; i = oneLeft(i, bufLen))
            if (((e1) == (buffer[i])))
                return i;

        return -1;
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int removeAllOccurrences(double e1)
        int removed = 0;
        final int last = tail;
        final int bufLen = buffer.length;
        int from, to;
        for (from = to = head; from != last; from = oneRight(from, bufLen))
            if (((e1) == (buffer[from])))
                buffer[from] = ((double) 0);
            if (to != from)
                buffer[to] = buffer[from];
                buffer[from] = ((double) 0);
            to = oneRight(to, bufLen);
        tail = to;
        return removed;

     * Removes the element at <code>index</code> in the internal
     * {#link {@link #buffer}} array, returning its value.
     * @param index Index of the element to remove. The index must be located between
     * {@link #head} and {@link #tail} in modulo {@link #buffer} arithmetic.
    public void removeAtBufferIndex(int index)
        assert (head <= tail
            ? index >= head && index < tail
            : index >= head || index < tail) : "Index out of range (head="
                + head + ", tail=" + tail + ", index=" + index + ").";

        // Cache fields in locals (hopefully moved to registers).
        final double [] b = this.buffer;
        final int bufLen = b.length;
        final int lastIndex = bufLen - 1;
        final int head = this.head;
        final int tail = this.tail;

        final int leftChunk = Math.abs(index - head) % bufLen;
        final int rightChunk = Math.abs(tail - index) % bufLen;

        if (leftChunk < rightChunk)
            if (index >= head)
                System.arraycopy(b, head, b, head + 1, leftChunk);
                System.arraycopy(b, 0, b, 1, index);
                b[0] = b[lastIndex];
                System.arraycopy(b, head, b, head + 1, lastIndex - head);
            b[head] = ((double) 0);
            this.head = oneRight(head, bufLen);
            if (index < tail)
                System.arraycopy(b, index + 1, b, index, rightChunk);
                System.arraycopy(b, index + 1, b, index, lastIndex - index);
                b[lastIndex] = b[0];
                System.arraycopy(b, 1, b, 0, tail);
            b[tail] = ((double) 0);
            this.tail = oneLeft(tail, bufLen);
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean isEmpty()
        return size() == 0;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int size()
        if (head <= tail)
            return tail - head;
            return (tail - head + buffer.length);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>The internal array buffers are not released as a result of this call.</p>
     * @see #release()
    public void clear()
        if (head < tail)
            Arrays.fill(buffer, head, tail, ((double) 0));
            Arrays.fill(buffer, 0, tail, ((double) 0));
            Arrays.fill(buffer, head, buffer.length, ((double) 0));
        this.head = tail = 0;

     * Release internal buffers of this deque and reallocate the smallest buffer possible.
    public void release()
        this.head = tail = 0;
        buffer = new double [resizer.round(DEFAULT_CAPACITY)];

     * Ensures the internal buffer has enough free slots to store
     * <code>expectedAdditions</code>. Increases internal buffer size if needed.
    protected final void ensureBufferSpace(int expectedAdditions)
        final int bufferLen = (buffer == null ? 0 : buffer.length);
        final int elementsCount = size();
        // +1 because there is always one empty slot in a deque.
        final int requestedMinimum = 1 + elementsCount + expectedAdditions;
        if (requestedMinimum >= bufferLen)
            final int newSize = resizer.grow(bufferLen, elementsCount, expectedAdditions + 1);
            assert newSize >= requestedMinimum : "Resizer failed to" +
                    " return sensible new size: " + newSize + " <= "
                    + (elementsCount + expectedAdditions);

            final double [] newBuffer = new double [newSize];
            if (bufferLen > 0)
                tail = elementsCount;
                head = 0;
            this.buffer = newBuffer;

     * {@inheritDoc}
         public final double [] toArray()
        final int size = size();
        return toArray(new double [size]);

     * Copies elements of this deque to an array. The content of the <code>target</code>
     * array is filled from index 0 (head of the queue) to index <code>size() - 1</code>
     * (tail of the queue).
     * @param target The target array must be large enough to hold all elements.
     * @return Returns the target argument for chaining.
    public double [] toArray(double [] target)
        assert target.length >= size() : "Target array must be >= " + size();

        if (head < tail)
            // The contents is not wrapped around. Just copy.
            System.arraycopy(buffer, head, target, 0, size());
        else if (head > tail)
            // The contents is split. Merge elements from the following indexes:
            // [head...buffer.length - 1][0, tail - 1]
            final int rightCount = buffer.length - head;
            System.arraycopy(buffer, head, target, 0, rightCount);
            System.arraycopy(buffer,    0, target, rightCount, tail);

        return target;

     * Clone this object. The returned clone will reuse the same hash function
     * and array resizing strategy.
    public DoubleArrayDeque clone()
            /*  */
            DoubleArrayDeque cloned = (DoubleArrayDeque) super.clone();
            cloned.buffer = buffer.clone();
            return cloned;
        catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * Move one index to the left, wrapping around buffer.
    final static int oneLeft(int index, int modulus)
        if (index >= 1) return index - 1;
        return modulus - 1;

     * Move one index to the right, wrapping around buffer.
    final static int oneRight(int index, int modulus)
        if (index + 1 == modulus) return 0;
        return index + 1;

     * An iterator implementation for {@link ObjectArrayDeque#iterator}.
    private final class ValueIterator extends AbstractIterator<DoubleCursor>
        private final DoubleCursor cursor;
        private int remaining;

        public ValueIterator()
            cursor = new DoubleCursor();
            cursor.index = oneLeft(head, buffer.length);
            this.remaining = size();

        protected DoubleCursor fetch()
            if (remaining == 0)
                return done();

            cursor.value = buffer[cursor.index = oneRight(cursor.index, buffer.length)];
            return cursor;

     * An iterator implementation for {@link ObjectArrayDeque#descendingIterator()}.
    private final class DescendingValueIterator extends AbstractIterator<DoubleCursor>
        private final DoubleCursor cursor;
        private int remaining;

        public DescendingValueIterator()
            cursor = new DoubleCursor();
            cursor.index = tail;
            this.remaining = size();

        protected DoubleCursor fetch()
            if (remaining == 0)
                return done();

            cursor.value = buffer[cursor.index = oneLeft(cursor.index, buffer.length)];
            return cursor;

     * Returns a cursor over the values of this deque (in head to tail order). The
     * iterator is implemented as a cursor and it returns <b>the same cursor instance</b>
     * on every call to {@link Iterator#next()} (to avoid boxing of primitive types). To
     * read the current value (or index in the deque's buffer) use the cursor's public
     * fields. An example is shown below.
     * <pre>
     * for (IntValueCursor c : intDeque)
     * {
     *     System.out.println(&quot;buffer index=&quot;
     *         + c.index + &quot; value=&quot; + c.value);
     * }
     * </pre>
    public Iterator<DoubleCursor> iterator()
        return new ValueIterator();

     * Returns a cursor over the values of this deque (in tail to head order). The
     * iterator is implemented as a cursor and it returns <b>the same cursor instance</b>
     * on every call to {@link Iterator#next()} (to avoid boxing of primitive types). To
     * read the current value (or index in the deque's buffer) use the cursor's public
     * fields. An example is shown below.
     * <pre>
     * for (Iterator<IntCursor> i = intDeque.descendingIterator(); i.hasNext(); )
     * {
     *     final IntCursor c =;
     *     System.out.println(&quot;buffer index=&quot;
     *         + c.index + &quot; value=&quot; + c.value);
     * }
     * </pre>
    public Iterator<DoubleCursor> descendingIterator()
        return new DescendingValueIterator();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public <T extends DoubleProcedure> T forEach(T procedure)
        forEach(procedure, head, tail);
        return procedure;

     * Applies <code>procedure</code> to a slice of the deque,
     * <code>fromIndex</code>, inclusive, to <code>toIndex</code>,
     * exclusive.
    private void forEach(DoubleProcedure procedure, int fromIndex, final int toIndex)
        final double [] buffer = this.buffer;
        for (int i = fromIndex; i != toIndex; i = oneRight(i, buffer.length))

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public <T extends DoublePredicate> T forEach(T predicate)
        int fromIndex = head;
        int toIndex = tail;

        final double [] buffer = this.buffer;
        for (int i = fromIndex; i != toIndex; i = oneRight(i, buffer.length))
            if (!predicate.apply(buffer[i]))
        return predicate;

     * Applies <code>procedure</code> to all elements of this deque, tail to head.
    public <T extends DoubleProcedure> T descendingForEach(T procedure)
        descendingForEach(procedure, head, tail);
        return procedure;

     * Applies <code>procedure</code> to a slice of the deque,
     * <code>toIndex</code>, exclusive, down to <code>fromIndex</code>, inclusive.
    private void descendingForEach(DoubleProcedure procedure,
        int fromIndex, final int toIndex)
        if (fromIndex == toIndex)

        final double [] buffer = this.buffer;
        int i = toIndex;
            i = oneLeft(i, buffer.length);
        } while (i != fromIndex);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public <T extends DoublePredicate> T descendingForEach(T predicate)
        descendingForEach(predicate, head, tail);
        return predicate;
     * Applies <code>predicate</code> to a slice of the deque,
     * <code>toIndex</code>, exclusive, down to <code>fromIndex</code>, inclusive
     * or until the predicate returns <code>false</code>.
    private void descendingForEach(DoublePredicate predicate,
        int fromIndex, final int toIndex)
        if (fromIndex == toIndex)

        final double [] buffer = this.buffer;
        int i = toIndex;
            i = oneLeft(i, buffer.length);
            if (!predicate.apply(buffer[i]))
        } while (i != fromIndex);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int removeAll(DoublePredicate predicate)
        int removed = 0;
        final int last = tail;
        final int bufLen = buffer.length;
        int from, to;
        from = to = head;
            for (from = to = head; from != last; from = oneRight(from, bufLen))
                if (predicate.apply(buffer[from]))
                    buffer[from] = ((double) 0);
                if (to != from)
                    buffer[to] = buffer[from];
                    buffer[from] = ((double) 0);
                to = oneRight(to, bufLen);
            // Keep the deque in consistent state even if the predicate throws an exception.
            for (; from != last; from = oneRight(from, bufLen))
                if (to != from)
                    buffer[to] = buffer[from];
                    buffer[from] = ((double) 0);
                to = oneRight(to, bufLen);
            tail = to;

        return removed;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean contains(double e)
        int fromIndex = head;
        int toIndex = tail;

        final double [] buffer = this.buffer;
        for (int i = fromIndex; i != toIndex; i = oneRight(i, buffer.length))
            if (((e) == (buffer[i])))
                return true;

        return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int hashCode()
        int h = 1;
        int fromIndex = head;
        int toIndex = tail;

        final double [] buffer = this.buffer;
        for (int i = fromIndex; i != toIndex; i = oneRight(i, buffer.length))
            h = 31 * h + rehash(this.buffer[i]);
        return h;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    /*  */
    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        if (obj != null)
            if (obj instanceof DoubleDeque)
                DoubleDeque other = (DoubleDeque) obj;
                if (other.size() == this.size())
                    int fromIndex = head;
                    final double [] buffer = this.buffer;
                    int i = fromIndex;
                    for (DoubleCursor c : other)
                        if (!((c.value) == (buffer[i])))
                            return false;
                        i = oneRight(i, buffer.length);                       
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Returns a new object of this class with no need to declare generic type (shortcut
     * instead of using a constructor).
    public static /*  */
      DoubleArrayDeque newInstance()
        return new DoubleArrayDeque();

     * Returns a new object of this class with no need to declare generic type (shortcut
     * instead of using a constructor).
    public static /*  */
        DoubleArrayDeque newInstanceWithCapacity(int initialCapacity)
        return new DoubleArrayDeque(initialCapacity);

     * Create a new deque by pushing a variable number of arguments to the end of it.
    public static /*  */
        DoubleArrayDeque from(double... elements)
        final DoubleArrayDeque coll = new DoubleArrayDeque(elements.length);
        return coll;

     * Create a new deque by pushing a variable number of arguments to the end of it.
    public static /*  */
        DoubleArrayDeque from(DoubleArrayDeque container)
        return new DoubleArrayDeque(container);

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