Package org.sonatype.aether.util.graph.transformer

Source Code of org.sonatype.aether.util.graph.transformer.JavaEffectiveScopeCalculator

package org.sonatype.aether.util.graph.transformer;

* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Sonatype, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Apache License v2.0 which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* The Apache License v2.0 is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.sonatype.aether.RepositoryException;
import org.sonatype.aether.collection.DependencyGraphTransformationContext;
import org.sonatype.aether.collection.DependencyGraphTransformer;
import org.sonatype.aether.graph.DependencyNode;
import org.sonatype.aether.util.artifact.JavaScopes;

* A dependency graph transformer that handles scope inheritance and conflict resolution among conflicting scopes as
* seen in Maven 2.x. For a given set of conflicting nodes, a single scope will be chosen and assigned to all of the
* nodes. This transformer will query the keys {@link TransformationContextKeys#CONFLICT_IDS} and
* {@link TransformationContextKeys#SORTED_CONFLICT_IDS} for existing information about conflict ids. In absence of this
* information, it will automatically invoke the {@link ConflictIdSorter} to calculate it.
* @author Benjamin Bentmann
public class JavaEffectiveScopeCalculator
    implements DependencyGraphTransformer

    public DependencyNode transformGraph( DependencyNode node, DependencyGraphTransformationContext context )
        throws RepositoryException
        List<?> sortedConflictIds = (List<?>) context.get( TransformationContextKeys.SORTED_CONFLICT_IDS );
        if ( sortedConflictIds == null )
            ConflictIdSorter sorter = new ConflictIdSorter();
            sorter.transformGraph( node, context );

            sortedConflictIds = (List<?>) context.get( TransformationContextKeys.SORTED_CONFLICT_IDS );

        Map<?, ?> conflictIds = (Map<?, ?>) context.get( TransformationContextKeys.CONFLICT_IDS );
        if ( conflictIds == null )
            throw new RepositoryException( "conflict groups have not been identified" );

        Boolean cyclicConflictIds = (Boolean) context.get( TransformationContextKeys.CYCLIC_CONFLICT_IDS );

        Map<Object, ConflictGroup> groups = new HashMap<Object, ConflictGroup>( 256 );

        buildConflictGroups( groups, node, null, conflictIds );

        String rootScope = "";
        if ( node.getDependency() != null )
            Object key = conflictIds.get( node );
            groups.get( key ).scope = rootScope = node.getDependency().getScope();
        for ( DependencyNode child : node.getChildren() )
            Object key = conflictIds.get( child );
            groups.get( key ).scope = getInheritedScope( rootScope, child.getDependency().getScope() );

        Set<Object> prequisites = null;
        if ( Boolean.TRUE.equals( cyclicConflictIds ) )
            prequisites = new HashSet<Object>( sortedConflictIds.size() * 2 );

        for ( Object key : sortedConflictIds )
            if ( prequisites != null )
                prequisites.add( key );

            ConflictGroup group = groups.get( key );
            resolve( group, conflictIds, prequisites );

        return node;

    private void buildConflictGroups( Map<Object, ConflictGroup> groups, DependencyNode node, DependencyNode parent,
                                      Map<?, ?> conflictIds )
        Object key = conflictIds.get( node );

        ConflictGroup group = groups.get( key );
        if ( group == null )
            group = new ConflictGroup( key );
            groups.put( key, group );

        List<DependencyNode> parents = group.parents.get( node );
        boolean visited = parents != null;

        if ( parents == null )
            parents = new ArrayList<DependencyNode>( 4 );
            group.parents.put( node, parents );

        if ( parent != null )
            parents.add( parent );

        if ( !visited )
            parent = ( node.getDependency() != null ) ? node : null;
            for ( DependencyNode child : node.getChildren() )
                buildConflictGroups( groups, child, parent, conflictIds );

    private void resolve( ConflictGroup group, Map<?, ?> conflictIds, Set<?> prerequisites )
        if ( group.scope == null )
            Set<String> inheritedScopes = getInheritedScopes( group, conflictIds, prerequisites );
            group.scope = chooseEffectiveScope( inheritedScopes );

        for ( DependencyNode node : group.parents.keySet() )
            if ( node.getPremanagedScope() == null )
                String scope = node.getDependency().getScope();
                if ( !group.scope.equals( scope ) && !JavaScopes.SYSTEM.equals( scope ) )
                    node.setScope( group.scope );

    private Set<String> getInheritedScopes( ConflictGroup group, Map<?, ?> conflictIds, Set<?> prerequisites )
        Set<String> inheritedScopes = new HashSet<String>();

        for ( Map.Entry<DependencyNode, List<DependencyNode>> entry : group.parents.entrySet() )
            String childScope = entry.getKey().getDependency().getScope();

            if ( entry.getValue().isEmpty() )
                inheritedScopes.add( childScope );
                for ( DependencyNode parent : entry.getValue() )
                    if ( prerequisites != null && !prerequisites.contains( conflictIds.get( parent ) ) )
                         * There's a cycle and the parent node belongs to a later group, i.e. its scope is not yet
                         * calculated so ignore it.

                    String parentScope = parent.getDependency().getScope();
                    String inheritedScope = getInheritedScope( parentScope, childScope );
                    inheritedScopes.add( inheritedScope );

        return inheritedScopes;

    private String getInheritedScope( String parentScope, String childScope )
        String inheritedScope;

        if ( JavaScopes.SYSTEM.equals( childScope ) || JavaScopes.TEST.equals( childScope ) )
            inheritedScope = childScope;
        else if ( parentScope == null || parentScope.length() <= 0 || JavaScopes.COMPILE.equals( parentScope ) )
            inheritedScope = childScope;
        else if ( JavaScopes.TEST.equals( parentScope ) || JavaScopes.RUNTIME.equals( parentScope ) )
            inheritedScope = parentScope;
        else if ( JavaScopes.SYSTEM.equals( parentScope ) || JavaScopes.PROVIDED.equals( parentScope ) )
            inheritedScope = JavaScopes.PROVIDED;
            inheritedScope = JavaScopes.RUNTIME;

        return inheritedScope;

    private String chooseEffectiveScope( Set<String> scopes )
        if ( scopes.size() > 1 )
            scopes.remove( JavaScopes.SYSTEM );

        String effectiveScope = "";

        if ( scopes.size() == 1 )
            effectiveScope = scopes.iterator().next();
        else if ( scopes.contains( JavaScopes.COMPILE ) )
            effectiveScope = JavaScopes.COMPILE;
        else if ( scopes.contains( JavaScopes.RUNTIME ) )
            effectiveScope = JavaScopes.RUNTIME;
        else if ( scopes.contains( JavaScopes.PROVIDED ) )
            effectiveScope = JavaScopes.PROVIDED;
        else if ( scopes.contains( JavaScopes.TEST ) )
            effectiveScope = JavaScopes.TEST;

        return effectiveScope;

    static final class ConflictGroup

        final Object key;

        final Map<DependencyNode, List<DependencyNode>> parents;

        String scope;

        public ConflictGroup( Object key )
            this.key = key;
            this.parents = new IdentityHashMap<DependencyNode, List<DependencyNode>>();

        public boolean equals( Object obj )
            if ( this == obj )
                return true;
            else if ( !( obj instanceof ConflictGroup ) )
                return false;
            ConflictGroup that = (ConflictGroup) obj;
            return this.key.equals( that.key );

        public int hashCode()
            return key.hashCode();

        public String toString()
            return String.valueOf( key );


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