Package com.atlassian.maven.plugin.clover

Source Code of com.atlassian.maven.plugin.clover.CloverOptimizerMojo

package com.atlassian.maven.plugin.clover;

import com.atlassian.maven.plugin.clover.internal.AbstractCloverMojo;
import com.atlassian.maven.plugin.clover.internal.ConfigUtil;
import com.cenqua.clover.CloverNames;
import com.cenqua.clover.types.CloverOptimizedTestSet;
import com.cenqua.clover.types.CloverAlwaysRunTestSet;
import com.cenqua.clover.util.FileUtils;
import org.apache.maven.model.Plugin;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

* Sets the 'test' property on the project which is used by the maven-surefire-plugin to determine which tests are run.
* If a snapshot file from a previous build, is found, that will be used to determine what tests should be run.
* @goal optimize
* @phase process-test-classes
public class CloverOptimizerMojo extends AbstractCloverMojo {

     * The number of builds to run, before the snapshot file gets deleted.
     * <p/>
     * The snapshot stores the mapping between your test cases and source code. Over time, this becomes stale,
     * so it is recommended to regenerate this file, by running all tests, on a regular basis.
     * @parameter expression="${maven.clover.fullRunEvery}" default-value="10"
    private int fullRunEvery;

     * A list of Tests to include for build optimization.
     * If neither <i>optimizeIncludes</i> nor <i>optimizeExcludes</i> are supplied, then the
     * <i>includes</i> specified in the maven-surefire-plugin's configuration will be used.
     * @parameter
    private List/*<String>*/ optimizeIncludes;

     * A list of Tests to exclude from build optimization.
     * If neither <i>optimizeIncludes</i> nor <i>optimizeExcludes</i> are supplied, then the
     * <i>excludes</i> specified in the maven-surefire-plugin's configuration will be used.
     * @parameter
    private List/*<String>*/ optimizeExcludes;

     * A list of Tests which should always be run. ie they will never be optimized away.
     * @parameter
    private List/*<String>*/ alwaysRunTests;

     * <b>NOTE:</b> This currently has no effect, because the maven-surefire-plugin re-orders the tests alphabetically.
     * This controls how Clover optimizes your tests.
     * By default - clover excludes any test case it deems as irrelevant to any changes made to your source code.
     * "failfast" - (default) ensures your build FAILs fast ie: tests relevant to code changes are run first
     * "random" - tests will be shuffled before run. Can be used to determine inter-test-dependencies.
     * @parameter expression="${maven.clover.ordering}"
    private String ordering;

     * Toggles whether or not build optimization is to be done or not.
     * @parameter expression="${maven.clover.optimize.enabled}" default-value="true"
    private boolean enabled;

     * Controls whether or not to exclude tests that do not cover any modified files.
     * If false, (and ordering is not random or original), Clover will not exclude any of the tests. Instead, they
     * will be run in an optimal order to ensure the build fails as fast as possible. ie - tests that cover modify code
     * first, then ascending by test time.
     * @parameter expression="${maven.clover.optimize.minimize}" default-value="true"
    private boolean minimize;

     * The default test patterns to include.
    private static final List DEFAULT_INCLUDES = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"**/Test*.java", "**/*", "**/*"});

    private static final String REGEX_START = "%regex[";
    private static final String REGEX_END = "]";

    public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {
        if (skip) {
            getLog().info("Skipping build optimization.");

        // if there are no source files, then skip this mojo
        final String sourceDirectory = getProject().getBuild().getSourceDirectory();
        final String testSourceDirectory = getProject().getBuild().getTestSourceDirectory();
        if (!new File(sourceDirectory).exists() && !new File(testSourceDirectory).exists()) {
            getLog().info(sourceDirectory + " and " + testSourceDirectory + " do not exist. No optimization will be done for: "
                    + getProject().getGroupId() + ":" + getProject().getArtifactId());

        final Project antProj = new Project();
        antProj.addBuildListener(new MvnLogBuildListener(getLog()));

        final List optimizedTests = configureOptimisedTestSet(antProj);

        final StringBuffer testPattern = new StringBuffer();
        for (final Iterator iterator = optimizedTests.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            final Resource test = (Resource);
            getLog().debug("Running TEST: " + test.getName());
        getLog().debug("Setting test property to: '" + testPattern + "'");

        //Always set this to true because we can't be sure if the filtered list we have will result in no tests being run
        //because we matched classes under src/test/ which aren't unit tests
        getProject().getProperties().put("failIfNoTests", "false");
        if (optimizedTests.size() == 0) {
            // empty -Dtest values cause all tests to be run so let's put a dummy value
            getProject().getProperties().put("test", "clover/optimized/test/");
            // ensure surefire wont fail if we run no tests
        } else {
            getProject().getProperties().put("test", testPattern.toString());

    protected List configureOptimisedTestSet(final Project antProj) {
        List/*<String>*/ includes = optimizeIncludes;
        List/*<String>*/ excludes = optimizeExcludes;
        if (includes == null && excludes == null) {
            getLog().debug("No clover excludes or includes specified. Falling back to Surefire configuration.");

            final Plugin surefirePlugin = lookupSurefirePlugin();
            if (surefirePlugin != null) {
                includes = extractNestedStrings("includes", surefirePlugin);
                excludes = extractNestedStrings("excludes", surefirePlugin);
            // If there are still no includes use the default ones
            if (includes == null) {
                includes = DEFAULT_INCLUDES;

        getLog().debug("Effective filtering: includes=" + includes + ", excludes=" + excludes);
        final CloverOptimizedTestSet testsToRun = new CloverOptimizedTestSet();
        testsToRun.setLogger(new MvnLogger(getLog()));

        testsToRun.setSnapshotFile(new ConfigUtil(this).resolveSnapshotFile(snapshot));
        if (ordering != null) {
            final CloverOptimizedTestSet.TestOrdering order = new CloverOptimizedTestSet.TestOrdering();

        antProj.setProperty(CloverNames.PROP_INITSTRING, resolveCloverDatabase());

        final List testSources = getProject().getTestCompileSourceRoots();

        for (final Iterator iterator = testSources.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            addTestRoot(antProj, includes, excludes, testsToRun, (String);
        return testsToRun.getOptimizedTestResource();

    protected List/*<String>*/ extractNestedStrings(final String elementName, final Plugin surefirePlugin) {
        final Xpp3Dom config = (Xpp3Dom) surefirePlugin.getConfiguration();
        return config == null ? null : extractNestedStrings(elementName, config);

     * Extracts nested values from the given config object into a List.
     * @param childname the name of the first subelement that contains the list
     * @param config    the actual config object
    static List/*<String>*/ extractNestedStrings(final String childname, final Xpp3Dom config) {
        final Xpp3Dom subelement = config.getChild(childname);
        if (subelement != null) {
            final List/*<String>*/ result = new LinkedList/*<String>*/();
            final Xpp3Dom[] children = subelement.getChildren();
            for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                final Xpp3Dom child = children[i];
            return result;

        return null;

    private void addTestRoot(final Project antProj, final List/*<String>*/ includes, final List/*<String>*/ excludes,
                             final CloverOptimizedTestSet testsToRun, final String testRoot) {
        final File testRootDir = new File(testRoot);
        if (!testRootDir.exists()) {
            // if the test dir does not exist, do not add this as a fileset.

        getLog().info("Adding fileset: directory=" + testRootDir + ", includes=" + includes + ", excludes=" + excludes);

        testsToRun.add(createFileSet(antProj, testRootDir, includes, excludes));

        if (alwaysRunTests != null) {
            // create  fileset
            final FileSet alwaysRunFileSet = createFileSet(antProj, testRootDir, alwaysRunTests, null);

            // add it to an AlwaysRunTestSet
            final CloverAlwaysRunTestSet alwaysRunTestSet = new CloverAlwaysRunTestSet();

            // then add that to the OptimizedTestSet

     * Creates a FileSet for <code>antProject</code> and base <code>directory</code> having a list of files
     * to be included and excluded, according to <code>includes / excludes</code> wildcard patterns.
     * @param antProject
     * @param directory
     * @param includes
     * @param excludes
     * @return FileSet
    FileSet createFileSet(final Project antProject, final File directory, final List/*<String>*/ includes, final List/*<String>*/ excludes) {
        final FileSet testFileSet = new FileSet();

        final List/*<String>*/ includesExpanded = explodePaths(directory, includes);
        testFileSet.appendIncludes((String[]) includesExpanded.toArray(new String[includesExpanded.size()]));

        if (excludes != null && !excludes.isEmpty()) {
            final List/*<String>*/ excludesExpanded = explodePaths(directory, excludes);
            testFileSet.appendExcludes((String[]) excludesExpanded.toArray(new String[excludesExpanded.size()]));
        return testFileSet;

     * Search for maven-surefire-plugin in the list of build plugins. Returns a plugin instance or
     * <code>null</code> if not found.
     * @return Plugin maven-surefire-plugin or <code>null</code>
    private Plugin lookupSurefirePlugin() {
        final String key = "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin";
        final MavenProject mavenProject = getProject();
        if (mavenProject == null) {
            getLog().warn("Maven execution project is null. Surefire configuration will be ignored.");
            return null;
        final List plugins = mavenProject.getBuildPlugins();

        for (final Iterator iterator = plugins.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            final Plugin plugin = (Plugin);
            if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(plugin.getKey())) {
                return plugin;
        return null;

     * Resolves exact list of paths using the input <code>paths</code> list, because:
     *  1) we can have multiple 'includes' tags in Ant FileSet and
     *  2a) we can have multiple comma- or space-separated patterns in one 'includes'
     *  2b) we can have regular expression entered (surefire specific feature)
     * For 2a) String.split() is used, for 2b) a directory scan is performed
     * See:
     * <li></li>
     * <li></li>
     * @param paths list of paths (single or separated by space or comma)
     * @return List&lt;String&gt;
    static List/*<String>*/ explodePaths(final File directory, final List/*<String>*/ paths) {
        final List/*<String>*/ explodedPaths = new LinkedList/*<String>*/();

        for (final Iterator/*<String>*/ iter = paths.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            final String path = (String);

            if (path.trim().startsWith("%regex[")) {
                splitPathByRegexp(directory, explodedPaths, path);
            } else {
                splitPathBySeparators(explodedPaths, path);

        return explodedPaths;

    private static List/*<File>*/ dirTreeMatchingPattern(final File dir, final Pattern pattern) {
        final List/*<File>*/ matchedFiles = new LinkedList/*<File>*/();

        if (dir.isDirectory()) {
            // recursive search
            final String dirContent[] = dir.list();
            for (int i = 0; i < dirContent.length; i++) {
                matchedFiles.addAll(dirTreeMatchingPattern(new File(dir, dirContent[i]), pattern));
        } else {
            // add a file
            if (pattern.matcher(dir.getPath()).matches()) {

        return matchedFiles;

     * Takes <code>pathRegex</code> regular expression in a form like "%regex[.*[Cat|Dog].*Test.*]" (as supported by
     * surefire plugin) and searches for all files in <code>directory</code> whose path name matches this expression.
     * Adds relative paths of found files to <code>outputList</code>.
     * @param directory  directory to be scanned
     * @param outputList output list to which names of found files will be added
     * @param pathRegex  regular expression for file name
    private static void splitPathByRegexp(final File directory, final List/*<String>*/ outputList, final String pathRegex) {
        // extract regular expression from a path entry (we assume that there can be only one regexp)
        final String regex = pathRegex.substring(
                pathRegex.indexOf(REGEX_START) + REGEX_START.length(),

        // create pattern for this regexp and find all files in directory matching it
        final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
        final List/*<File>*/ matchedFiles = dirTreeMatchingPattern(directory, pattern);

        // convert File->String and add to output list
        for (final Iterator/*<File>*/ iter = matchedFiles.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            final File file = (File);
            outputList.add(FileUtils.getRelativePath(directory, file));

    private static void splitPathBySeparators(final List/*<String>*/ outputList, final String path) {
        final String ANT_PATTERN_SEPARATOR = "[, ]";
        final String pathSplit[] = path.split(ANT_PATTERN_SEPARATOR);
        for (int i = 0; i < pathSplit.length; i++) {
            if (pathSplit[i].length() > 0) {

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