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import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;
import flex.messaging.config.DestinationSettings;

* Base adapter class for publish/subscribe messaging adapters.  You extend this
* class if you want to implement your own messaging adapter.  A custom messaging
* adapter has the ability to implement authorization logic for specific subtopics,
* and may also control how messages are routed.  A more advanced messaging adapter
* can take control over the subscription process and have complete control over
* the subscription process for producers and consumers.
* <p>
* All messaging adapters must provide an implementation for the invoke method.
* A simple invoke implementation which would give you similar functionality as
* the ActionScriptAdapter is simply:
* <pre>
*  public Object invoke(Message message)
*  {
*       MessageService msgService = (MessageService)service;
*       msgService.pushMessageToClients(message, true);
*       msgService.sendPushMessageFromPeer(message, true);
*       return null;
*   }
* </pre>
* </p>
* <p>
* This method is called for each data message sent from the client.  It gets
* a reference to the MessageService which is controlling delivery of messages
* for this adapter.  It uses the pushMessageToClients method to send the
* message to all clients connected to this server.  It then uses the
* sendPushMessageFromPeer method to send the message to other servers which
* will then route the message to each client connected to those servers.
* In both cases, we pass the "evalSelector" parameter as true.  This indicates
* that the message service will only send the message to those clients whose
* selector pattern evaluates to true for the supplied message.  If you supply
* false, the selector pattern is ignored and the message is delivered to the clients
* even if the pattern evaluates to false.
* </p><p>
* The default behavior is for the messaging adapter to use the builtin FDS
* subscription mechanism.  The client sends subscribe and unsubscribe command
* messages which are managed by the MessageService, not the adapter.  If you
* override the "handlesSubscriptions" method to return true, your adapter's
* manage method is called for each of these command messages instead.  You must
* then override this method to provide an implementation for these operations.
* See the docs on the CommandMessage class for details on the message format.
* </p>
* @see
* @see
* @see flex.messaging.messages.Message
* @see flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage
public abstract class MessagingAdapter extends ServiceAdapter implements MessagingSecurity
     * Constraint manager used to assert authorization of send and subscribe related operations.
    private MessagingSecurityConstraintManager constraintManager;

    // Constructor

     * Constructs an unmanaged <code>MessagingAdapter</code> instance.
    public MessagingAdapter()

     * Constructs a <code>MessagingAdapter</code> instance.
     * @param enableManagement <code>true</code> if the <code>MessagingAdapter</code>
     * has a corresponding MBean control for management; otherwise <code>false</code>.
    public MessagingAdapter(boolean enableManagement)

    // Initialize, validate, start, and stop methods.

     * Initializes the <code>MessagingAdapter</code> with the properties.
     * Subclasses should call <code>super.initialize</code>.
     * @param id Id of the <code>MessagingAdapter</code>.
     * @param properties Properties for the <code>MessagingAdapter</code>.
    public void initialize(String id, ConfigMap properties)
        super.initialize(id, properties);

        if (properties == null || properties.size() == 0)

        ConfigMap server = properties.getPropertyAsMap(DestinationSettings.SERVER_ELEMENT, null);
        if (server != null)
            if (constraintManager == null)
                constraintManager = new MessagingSecurityConstraintManager(getDestination().getService().getMessageBroker());

     * Verifies that the <code>MessagingAdapter</code> is in valid state before
     * it is started. If subclasses override, they must call <code>super.validate()</code>.
    protected void validate()
        if (isValid())


        // Initialize constraint manager to avoid null pointer checks even though
        // it won't do any real constraint checking.
        if (constraintManager == null)
            constraintManager = new MessagingSecurityConstraintManager(getDestination().getService().getMessageBroker());

    // Public Methods

     * Implements
     * This method is invoked before a client subscribe request is processed,
     * so that custom application logic can determine whether the client
     * should be allowed to subscribe to the specified subtopic. You can access
     * the current user via
     * <code>FlexContext.getUserPrincipal()</code>.
     * @param subtopic The subtopic the client is attempting to subscribe to.
     * @return true to allow the subscription, false to prevent it.
    public boolean allowSubscribe(Subtopic subtopic)
        return true;

     * Implements
     * This method is invoked before a client message is sent to a subtopic,
     * so that custom application logic can determine whether the client
     * should be allowed to send to the specified subtopic. You can access
     * the current user via
     * <code>FlexContext.getUserPrincipal()</code>.
     * @param subtopic The subtopic the client is attempting to send a message to.
     * @return true to allow the message to be sent, false to prevent it.
    public boolean allowSend(Subtopic subtopic)
        return true;

     * Gets the <code>MessagingSecurityConstraintManager</code> of the <code>MessagingAdapter</code>.
     * @return The <code>MessagingSecurityConstraintManager</code> of the <code>MessagingAdapter</code>.
    public MessagingSecurityConstraintManager getSecurityConstraintManager()
        return constraintManager;

     * Sets the <code>MessagingSecurityConstraintManager</code> of the <code>MessagingAdapter</code>.
     * @param constraintManager The <code>MessagingSecurityConstraintManager</code> of the <code>MessagingAdapter</code>.
    public void setSecurityConstraintManager(MessagingSecurityConstraintManager constraintManager)
        this.constraintManager = constraintManager;

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