Package com.bitplan.w3ccheck

Source Code of com.bitplan.w3ccheck.Body$ValidationResponse$Errors

* see
package com.bitplan.w3ccheck;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementWrapper;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;

import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.annotations.XmlCDATA;

import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource;
import com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataBodyPart;
import com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataMultiPart;

* Wrapper for W3C Validator Soap responses
* see <a href="">W3C Markup Validation Service Request Format</a>
* @author wf
* the JaxB annotations of this Wrapper are designed to be able to unmarshal a W3C Markup Validation Service
* Soap 1.2 response to this Java Object
* on the class level the root node of the SOAP message is covered:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
* ...
* </env:Envelope>
* }
* </pre>
*  According to <a href="">W3C Markup Validation Service Request Format documentation</a>:
*  A SOAP response for the validation of a document (invalid) will look like this:
* <pre>
* {@code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
*    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
*      <env:Body>
*        <m:markupvalidationresponse
*          env:encodingStyle=""
*          xmlns:m="">
*            <m:uri></m:uri>
*            <m:checkedby></m:checkedby>
*            <m:doctype>-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN</m:doctype>
*            <m:charset>utf-8</m:charset>
*            <m:validity>false</m:validity>
*            <m:errors>
*              <m:errorcount>1</m:errorcount>
*              <m:errorlist>
*                <m:error>
*                  <m:line>13</m:line>
*                  <m:col>6</m:col>                                          
*                  <m:source><![CDATA[
*                    &#60;foo<strong title="Position where error was detected.">&#62;</strong>This phrase is enclosed in a bogus FOO element.&#60;/foo&#62;
*                  ]]>
*                  </m:source>                                          
*                  <m:explanation>
*                    <![CDATA[
*                    <p> ... </p<p>
*                    ]]>
*                  </m:explanation>                                          
*                  <m:messageid>76</m:messageid>                                          
*                  <m:message>element "foo" undefined</m:message>
*               </m:error>
*          </m:errorlist>
*        </m:errors>
*        <m:warnings>
*          <m:warningcount>0</m:warningcount>
*          <m:warninglist>         
*            ...           
*          </m:warninglist>
*        </m:warnings>
*      </m:markupvalidationresponse>
*     </env:Body>
*    }
* </pre>
*    the structure of this W3CValidator class is aligned to this format
@XmlRootElement(name = "Envelope", namespace = "")
// no getters/setters are used - all fields are initialized to make this safe
// setting should only be done via the check function
public class W3CValidator {
   * set to true if Logging should be enabled
  public static boolean debug=false;

   *  Logging may be enabled by setting debug to true
  protected static java.util.logging.Logger LOGGER = java.util.logging.Logger
   * create a W3CValidator result for the given url with the given html
   * @param url - the url of the validator e.g. ""
   * @param html - the html code to be checked
   * @return - a W3CValidator response according to the SOAP response format or null if the
   * http response status of the Validation service is other than 200
   * explained at response
   * @throws JAXBException if there is something wrong with the response message so that it
   * can not be unmarshalled
  public static W3CValidator check(String url, String html)
      throws JAXBException {
    // initialize the return value
    W3CValidator result = null;
    // create a WebResource to access the given url
    WebResource resource = Client.create().resource(url);
    // prepare form data for posting
    FormDataMultiPart form = new FormDataMultiPart();
    // set the output format to soap12
    // triggers the various outputs formats of the validator. If unset, the usual Web format will be sent.
    // If set to soap12,
    // the SOAP1.2 interface will be triggered. See the SOAP 1.2 response format description at
    form.field("output", "soap12");
    // The document to validate, POSTed as multipart/form-data
    FormDataBodyPart fdp = new FormDataBodyPart("uploaded_file",
        // new FileInputStream(tmpHtml),
    // attach the inputstream as upload info to the form
    // now post the form via the Internet/Intranet
    ClientResponse response = resource.type(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)
        .post(ClientResponse.class, form);
    // in debug mode show the response status
    if (debug)
      LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "response status for '"+url+"'=" + response.getStatus());
    // if the http Status is ok
    if (response.getStatus() == 200) {
      // get the XML encoded SOAP 1.2 response format
      String responseXml = response.getEntity(String.class);
      // in debug mode show the full xml
      if (debug)
      // unmarshal the xml message to the format to a W3CValidator Java object
      JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(W3CValidator.class);
      Unmarshaller u = context.createUnmarshaller();
      StringReader xmlReader = new StringReader(responseXml);
      // this step will convert from xml text to Java Object
      result = (W3CValidator) u.unmarshal(xmlReader);
    // return the result which might be null if the response status was other than 200
    return result;

  } // check

   * field that holds the  structure for the Body node of the message
   * <pre>
   * {@code
   * <env:Body>
   * ...
   * </env:Body>
   * }
   * </pre>
  @XmlElement(name = "Body")
  // initialize Body
  public Body body = new Body();

   * structure for the Body node of the message
   * <pre>
   * {@code
   * <env:Body>
   * ...
   * </env:Body>
   * }
   * </pre>
  @XmlRootElement(name = "Body", namespace = "")
  public static class Body {

    @XmlElement(name = "markupvalidationresponse", namespace = "")
    public ValidationResponse response = new ValidationResponse();

     * The main element of the validation response. Encloses all other information about the validation results.
     * @author wf
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     * <m:markupvalidationresponse env:encodingStyle="" xmlns:m="">
     * ...
     * </m:markupvalidationresponse>
     * }
     * </pre>
    public static class ValidationResponse {
       * the address of the document validated. Will (likely?) be upload://Form Submission if an uploaded document or fragment was validated. In EARL terms, this is the TestSubject.
      @XmlElement(namespace = "")
      public String uri;

       * Location of the service which provided the validation result. In EARL terms, this is the Assertor
      @XmlElement(namespace = "")
      public String checkedby;
       * Detected (or forced) Document Type for the validated document
      @XmlElement(namespace = "")
      public String doctype;

       * Detected (or forced) Character Encoding for the validated document
      @XmlElement(namespace = "")
      public String charset;

       * Whether or not the document validated passed or not formal validation (true|false boolean)
      @XmlElement(namespace = "")
      public boolean validity;

       * Encapsulates all data about errors encountered through the validation process
       * <pre>
       * {@code
       * <m:errors>
       * ...
       * </m:errors>
       * }
       * </pre>
      @XmlElement(namespace = "")
      public Errors errors = new Errors();

       * wrapped list of validation errors structurally equivalent to Warnings
      public static class Errors {
         * a child of errors, counts the number of errors listed
        @XmlElement(namespace = "")
        public int errorcount;
         * a child of errors, contains the list of errors (surprise!)
        @XmlElementWrapper(name = "errorlist", namespace = "")
        @XmlElement(name = "error", namespace = "")
        public List<ValidationError> errorlist = new ArrayList<ValidationError>();

          * a child of errorlist, contains the information on a single validation error.
        @XmlRootElement(name = "error", namespace = "")
        public static class ValidationError extends ValidationAtom {
        } // Error
      } // Errors

       * Encapsulates all data about warnings encountered through the validation process
       * <pre>
       * {@code
       * <m:warnings>
       * ...
       * </m:warnings>
       * }
       * </pre>
      @XmlElement(namespace = "")
      public Warnings warnings = new Warnings();

       * wrapped list of validation warnings structurally equivalent to Errors
      public static class Warnings {
         * a child of warnings, counts the number of warnings listed
        @XmlElement(namespace = "")
        public int warningcount;
         * a child of warnings, contains the list of warnings (surprise!)
        @XmlElementWrapper(name = "warninglist", namespace = "")
        @XmlElement(name = "warning", namespace = "")
        public List<ValidationWarning> warninglist = new ArrayList<ValidationWarning>();

          * a child of warninglist, contains the information on a single validation warning.
        @XmlRootElement(name = "warning", namespace = "")
        public static class ValidationWarning extends ValidationAtom {
        } // ValidationWarning
      } // Warnings

       * base class for ValidationError and ValidationWarning
       * containing e.g. line, col and message
      public static class ValidationAtom {
         * Within the source code of the validated document, refers to the line where
         * the error was detected.
        @XmlElement(namespace = "")
        public int line;
         * Within the source code of the validated document, refers to the column of the
         * line where the error was detected.
        @XmlElement(namespace = "")
        public int col;
         * Snippet of the source where the error was found. Given as HTML fragment within CDATA block.
        @XmlElement(namespace = "")
        public String source;
         * Explanation for the error. Given as HTML fragment within CDATA block.
        @XmlElement(namespace = "")
        public String explanation;
         * The number/identifier of the error, as addressed internally by the validator
        @XmlElement(namespace = "")
        public int messageid;
         * The actual error message
        @XmlElement(namespace = "")
        public String message;
         * convert this W3CValidator to a human readable string
        public String toString() {
          String kind=this.getClass().getSimpleName();
          String result=kind + " line " + line + " col " + col + ":'" + message  + "'";
          return result;
      } // ValidationAtom
    } // ValidationResponse
  } // Body
} // W3CValidator

Related Classes of com.bitplan.w3ccheck.Body$ValidationResponse$Errors

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