
Source Code of$TtfMetricsFileBuilder


import org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.PFMReader;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.truetype.TTFFile;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.type1.PFMFile;

import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;

import org.codehaus.plexus.util.DirectoryScanner;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;

* A Maven plugin for generating FOP font metrics files from font files.
* @author Wilfred Springer
* @goal generate
public class FontmetricsMojo
    extends AbstractMojo
     * The list of all {@link MetricsFileBuilder MetricsFileBuilders} to be
     * included.
    private MetricsFileBuilder[] builders =
        new MetricsFileBuilder[] { new Type1MetricsFileBuilder(  ), new TtfMetricsFileBuilder(  ) };

     * The directory containing the font files.
     * @parameter expression="${basedir}/src/fonts"
    protected File sourceDirectory;

     * The directory to which the metrics files will be generated.
     * @parameter expression="${basedir}/target/fonts"
    protected File targetDirectory;

     * Creates a WinAnsi-encoded font metrics file. Without this option, a
     * CID-keyed font metrics file is created. The table below summarizes the
     * differences between these two encoding options as currently used within
     * FOP. Please note that this information only applies to TrueType fonts and
     * TrueType collections
     * @parameter
    protected boolean ansi = false;

     * {@inheritDoc} Generates font metric files from the font files found in
     * {@link #sourceDirectory the source directory}.
    public void execute(  )
                 throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
        String[] fontFiles = getFontFiles(  );
        targetDirectory.mkdirs(  );

        for ( int i = 0; i < fontFiles.length; i++ )
            String fontFile = fontFiles[i];

            for ( int j = 0; j < builders.length; j++ )
                if ( builders[j].matches( fontFile ) )
                    transform( new File( sourceDirectory, fontFile ).getAbsolutePath(  ),
                               builders[j] );


     * Transforms the font file passed in using the given builder.
     * @param fontFile The font file to be transformed into a metrics file.
     * @param builder  The builder that's going to do it.
     * @throws MojoExecutionException If the builder somehow fails to do it.
    private void transform( String fontFile, MetricsFileBuilder builder )
                    throws MojoExecutionException
            builder.transform( fontFile );
        } catch ( IOException ioe )
            // let be tolerant here
            getLog(  ).warn( "Failed to transform " + fontFile, ioe );

     * Returns the target metrics file for the given font file.
     * @param fontFile The file to be transformed.
     * @return The name of the target metrics file.
    private String getTargetFile( String fontFile )
        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(  );
        String basename = FileUtils.basename( fontFile );
        builder.append( basename.substring( 0, basename.length(  ) - 1 ) );
        builder.append( "-metrics.xml" );

        File file = new File( targetDirectory,
                              builder.toString(  ) );

        return file.getAbsolutePath(  );

     * Returns an array of the names of all font files found.
     * @return An array with the names of all font files found.
    private String[] getFontFiles(  )
        String[] includes = getFontFileIncludes(  );
        getLog(  ).debug( "Patterns " + Arrays.asList( includes ) );

        DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner(  );
        scanner.setBasedir( sourceDirectory );
        scanner.setIncludes( includes );
        scanner.scan(  );

        String[] results = scanner.getIncludedFiles(  );

        if ( getLog(  ).isDebugEnabled(  ) )
            for ( int i = 0; i < results.length; i++ )
                getLog(  ).debug( "Found " + results[i] );

            getLog(  ).debug( "Found " + results.length + " font files in total." );

        return results;

     * Returns a list of patterns of font files to be included while scanning
     * for font files.
     * @return A list of patterns matching font files to be included while
     *         scanning for other font files.
    private String[] getFontFileIncludes(  )
        List results = new ArrayList(  );

        for ( int i = 0; i < builders.length; i++ )
            builders[i].appendSuffixes( results );

        return (String[]) results.toArray( new String[0] );

    private interface MetricsFileBuilder
        boolean matches( String fontFile );

        void transform( String fontFile )
                throws IOException;

        void appendSuffixes( List list );

    private class Type1MetricsFileBuilder
        implements MetricsFileBuilder
        public boolean matches( String fontFile )
            return fontFile.toLowerCase(  ).endsWith( ".pfm" );

        public void transform( String fontFile )
                       throws IOException
            PFMReader reader = new PFMReader(  );
            getLog(  ).debug( "Parsing font: " + fontFile );

            PFMFile pfm = reader.loadPFM( fontFile );

            if ( pfm == null )
                throw new IOException( "Unable to load PFM file: " + fontFile );

            Document doc = reader.constructFontXML( pfm, null, null, null, null );

            if ( doc == null )
                throw new IOException( "Unable to construct font XML file" );

                reader.writeFontXML( doc,
                                     getTargetFile( fontFile ) );
            } catch ( TransformerException e )
                throw new IOException( "Unable to write font XML file", e );

        public void appendSuffixes( List list )
            list.add( "*.pfm" );
            list.add( "*.PFM" );

    private class TtfMetricsFileBuilder
        implements MetricsFileBuilder
        public boolean matches( String fontFile )
            return fontFile.toLowerCase(  ).endsWith( ".ttf" );

        public void transform( String fontFile )
                       throws IOException
            TTFReader reader = new TTFReader(  );
            getLog(  ).debug( "Parsing font: " + fontFile );

            TTFFile ttf = reader.loadTTF( fontFile, null );

            if ( ttf == null )
                throw new IOException( "Unable to load TTF file: " + fontFile );

            Document doc = reader.constructFontXML( ttf, null, null, null, null, ! ansi, null );

            if ( doc == null )
                throw new IOException( "Unable to construct font XML file" );

                reader.writeFontXML( doc,
                                     getTargetFile( fontFile ) );
            } catch ( TransformerException e )
                throw new IOException( "Unable to write font XML file", e );

        public void appendSuffixes( List list )
            list.add( "*.ttf" );
            list.add( "*.TTF" );

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