Package flex.messaging.endpoints.amf

Source Code of flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.MessageBrokerFilter

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package flex.messaging.endpoints.amf;

import flex.messaging.FlexContext;
import flex.messaging.FlexSession;
import flex.messaging.MessageException;
import flex.messaging.endpoints.AbstractEndpoint;
import flex.messaging.messages.AbstractMessage;
import flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage;
import flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage;
import flex.messaging.messages.Message;
import flex.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils;
import flex.messaging.util.StringUtils;
import flex.messaging.log.LogCategories;
import flex.messaging.log.Log;
import flex.messaging.util.UUIDUtils;

import java.util.List;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;

* A simple bridge between the encoding/decoding functionality of
* the AMF endpoint and the MessageBroker: this last filter in the
* chain returns the message to the MessageBroker, which will then
* locate the correct service to handle the message.
public class MessageBrokerFilter extends AMFFilter
    private static final int UNHANDLED_ERROR = 10000;
    static final String LOG_CATEGORY = LogCategories.MESSAGE_GENERAL;

    protected AbstractEndpoint endpoint;

    public MessageBrokerFilter(AbstractEndpoint endpoint)
        this.endpoint = endpoint;

    public void invoke(final ActionContext context)
        MessageBody request = context.getRequestMessageBody();
        MessageBody response = context.getResponseMessageBody();

        Object data = request.getData();
        if (data instanceof List)
            data = ((List)data).get(0);
        else if (data.getClass().isArray())
            data = Array.get(data, 0);

        Message inMessage;
        if (data instanceof Message)
            inMessage = (Message)data;
            throw new MessageException("Request was not of type flex.messaging.messages.Message");
        Object outMessage = null;

        String replyMethodName = MessageIOConstants.STATUS_METHOD;

            // Lookup or create the correct FlexClient.

            // Assign a clientId if necessary.
            // We don't need to assign clientIds to general poll requests.
            if (inMessage.getClientId() == null &&
                (!(inMessage instanceof CommandMessage) || ((CommandMessage)inMessage).getOperation() != CommandMessage.POLL_OPERATION))
                Object clientId = UUIDUtils.createUUID();
            // Messages received via the AMF channel can be batched (by NetConnection on the client) and
            // we must not put the handler thread into a poll-wait state if a poll command message is followed by
            // or preceeded by other messages in the batch; the request-response loop must complete without waiting.
            // If the poll command is the only message in the batch it's ok to wait.
            // If it isn't ok to wait, tag the poll message with a header that short-circuits any potential poll-wait.
            if (inMessage instanceof CommandMessage)
                CommandMessage command = (CommandMessage)inMessage;
                if ((command.getOperation() == CommandMessage.POLL_OPERATION) && (context.getRequestMessage().getBodyCount() != 1))
                    command.setHeader(CommandMessage.SUPPRESS_POLL_WAIT_HEADER, Boolean.TRUE);
            // If MPI is enabled update the MPI metrics on the object referred to by the context
            // and the messages
            if (context.isMPIenabled())           
              MessagePerformanceUtils.setupMPII(context, inMessage);

            // Service the message.
            outMessage = endpoint.serviceMessage(inMessage);                      

            // if processing of the message resulted in an error, set up context and reply method accordingly
            if (outMessage instanceof ErrorMessage)
                replyMethodName = MessageIOConstants.STATUS_METHOD;               
                replyMethodName = MessageIOConstants.RESULT_METHOD;
        catch (MessageException e)
            replyMethodName = MessageIOConstants.STATUS_METHOD;

            outMessage = e.createErrorMessage();

            if (e instanceof
                if (Log.isDebug())
                    Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Security error for message: " +
                         e.toString() + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                         "  incomingMessage: " + inMessage + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                         "  errorReply: " + outMessage);
            else if (e.getCode() != null && e.getCode().equals(MessageService.NOT_SUBSCRIBED_CODE))
                if (Log.isDebug())
                    Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Client not subscribed: " +
                         e.toString() + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                         "  incomingMessage: " + inMessage + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                         "  errorReply: " + outMessage);
            else if (Log.isError())
                Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("Error handling message: " +
                     e.toString() + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                     "  incomingMessage: " + inMessage + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                     "  errorReply: " + outMessage);
        catch (Throwable t)
            // Handle any uncaught failures. The normal exception path on the server
            // is to throw MessageExceptions which are handled in the catch block above,
            // so if that was skipped we have an overlooked or serious problem.
            replyMethodName = MessageIOConstants.STATUS_METHOD;
            String lmeMessage = t.getMessage();
            if (lmeMessage == null)
              lmeMessage = t.getClass().getName();
            MessageException lme = new MessageException();
            lme.setMessage(UNHANDLED_ERROR, new Object[] {lmeMessage});
            outMessage = lme.createErrorMessage();
            if (Log.isError())
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                StackTraceElement [] el = t.getStackTrace();
                if (el != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < el.length; i++)
                        sb.append("    ");
                Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("Unhandled error when processing a message: " +
                        t.toString() + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                        "  incomingMessage: " + inMessage + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                        "  errorReply: " + outMessage + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
                        "  stackTrace for: " + t.toString() +
                        StringUtils.NEWLINE + sb.toString());
            // If MPI is enabled update the MPI metrics on the object referred to by the context
            // and the messages
            if (context.isRecordMessageSizes() || context.isRecordMessageTimes())
                MessagePerformanceUtils.updateOutgoingMPI(context, inMessage, outMessage);

            // If our channel-endpoint combination supports small messages, and
            // if we know the current protocol version supports small messages,
            // try to replace the message...
            FlexSession session = FlexContext.getFlexSession();
            if (session != null && session.useSmallMessages()
                    && !context.isLegacy()
                    && context.getVersion() >= MessageIOConstants.AMF3
                    && outMessage instanceof Message)
                outMessage = endpoint.convertToSmallMessage((Message)outMessage);

Related Classes of flex.messaging.endpoints.amf.MessageBrokerFilter

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