Package flex.messaging.cluster

Source Code of flex.messaging.cluster.JGroupsCluster

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* NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains
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package flex.messaging.cluster;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;

import org.jgroups.Address;
import org.jgroups.ChannelException;
import org.jgroups.Channel;
import org.jgroups.JChannel;
import org.jgroups.JChannelFactory;
import org.jgroups.Message;
import org.jgroups.blocks.GroupRequest;
import org.jgroups.blocks.MessageDispatcher;
import org.jgroups.blocks.RequestHandler;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import flex.messaging.FlexContext;
import flex.messaging.log.Log;
import flex.messaging.util.StringUtils;
import flex.messaging.util.ExceptionUtil;

* A collection of ClusterNode instances scoped to a specific
* service destination.
* @author neville
public class JGroupsCluster extends Cluster implements RequestHandler
    private final MessageDispatcher broadcastDispatcher;
    private final List broadcastHandlers;
    private final JChannel clusterChannel;
    private final ClusterManager clusterManager;
    private final ClusterMembershipListener clusterMembershipListener;
    private final Map clusterNodes;
    private final String clusterId;
    public JGroupsCluster(ClusterManager clusterManager, String clusterId, Element props)
        this.broadcastHandlers = new ArrayList();
        this.clusterManager = clusterManager;
        this.clusterMembershipListener = new ClusterMembershipListener(this);
        this.clusterNodes = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap());
        this.clusterId = clusterId;

        if (Log.isDebug())
            Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Joining cluster with id: " + clusterId);
            JChannelFactory channelFactory = new JChannelFactory(props);
            clusterChannel = (JChannel) channelFactory.createChannel();
            // Disable delivery of messages we send to ourself.
            clusterChannel.setOpt(Channel.LOCAL, Boolean.FALSE);
            //clusterChannel.setOpt(Channel.AUTO_RECONNECT, Boolean.TRUE);
            broadcastDispatcher = new MessageDispatcher(clusterChannel, null, clusterMembershipListener, this);
        catch (ChannelException cex)
            ClusterException cx = new ClusterException();
            cx.setMessage(10200, new Object[] { clusterId, props });
            throw cx;
     * Retrieve a List of Maps, where each Map contains channel id keys
     * mapped to endpoint URLs. There is exactly one endpoint URL for each
     * channel id. This List represents all of the known endpoint URLs
     * for all of the channels in the Cluster.
    public List getAllEndpoints(String serviceType, String destName)
        List channelToEndpointMaps = new ArrayList();

        synchronized (clusterNodes)
            for (Iterator iter=clusterNodes.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                Address addr = (Address);
                if (!clusterMembershipListener.isZombie(addr))
                    ClusterNode node = (ClusterNode) clusterNodes.get(addr);
                    Map nodeEndpoints = node.getEndpoints(serviceType, destName);   
                    // Dedupe channel endpoints
                    if (nodeEndpoints.size() > 0)
                        for (Iterator iter1 = channelToEndpointMaps.iterator(); iter1.hasNext();)
                            Map nodeEndpoints2 = (Map);
                            for (Iterator iter2 = nodeEndpoints2.values().iterator(); iter2.hasNext();)
                                String endpointUrl = (String);
                                if (nodeEndpoints.containsValue(endpointUrl))
                                    // Remove the duplicate
                                    for (Iterator iter3 = nodeEndpoints.values().iterator(); iter3.hasNext();)
                                        String endpointUrl2 = (String);
                                        if (endpointUrl2.equals(endpointUrl))
                        if (nodeEndpoints.size() > 0)
        return channelToEndpointMaps;
     * Shutdown the cluster.
    public void destroy()
        catch (Exception e)
     * Clusters broadcast messages across their physical nodes, and when they
     * receive those messages they locate a BroadcastHandler capable of handling
     * the broadcast. This method configures those handlers.
    void configureBroadcastHandlers()
        broadcastHandlers.add(new RemoteEndpointHandler());
        broadcastHandlers.add(new ServiceOperationHandler());
     * This method is called in response to a ClusterMembershipListener's
     * notification that an Address has joined the Cluster.
    void addClusterNode(Address address)
        // we avoid adding the node until it has channel and endpoint
        // information which interests us, but we log the fact that the
        // member was discovered
        if (Log.isDebug())
            Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Cluster node from address " + address +
                    " joined the cluster for " + clusterId);
     * In response to a ClusterMembershipListener's notification that an
     * Address has abandoned the Cluster, remove the node and avoid using
     * its channel and endpoint information in the future.
    void removeClusterNode(Address address)

        if (Log.isDebug())
            Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Cluster node from address " + address +
                    " abandoned the cluster for " + clusterId);
     * Return the physical address of the local ClusterNode.
    Address getJGroupsLocalAddress()
        return clusterChannel.getLocalAddress();

    public Object getLocalAddress()
        return getJGroupsLocalAddress();
     * Add a local endpoint URL for a local channel. After doing so, broadcast the information to
     * peers so that they will be aware of the URL.
    public void addLocalEndpointForChannel(String serviceType, String destName,
                                    String channelId, String endpointUrl, int endpointPort)
        if (Log.isDebug())
            Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).debug("Adding clustered destination endpoint. cluster-id=" + clusterId +
                                              " destination=" + destName + " channelId=" + channelId +
                                              " endpoint url=" + endpointUrl + " endpointPort=" + endpointPort);

        Address myAddr = getJGroupsLocalAddress();
        ClusterNode myNode = getNodeForAddress(myAddr);
        endpointUrl = canonicalizeUrl(channelId, endpointUrl, endpointPort, myNode);
        myNode.addEndpoint(serviceType, destName, channelId, endpointUrl);
        broadcastClusterOperation("addEndpointForChannel", serviceType, destName,
                                  channelId, endpointUrl, null);
     * This method is invoked by the RemoteEndpointEndpointHandler when it receives a message from a remote peer.
     * The remote peer has broadcast some channel id and endpoint URL information, which we add to our local
     * list of such information, and we also tell the sender about our own channel and endpoint information.
    void addEndpointForChannel(Address address, String serviceType, String destName, String channelId, String endpointUrl)
        ClusterNode node = getNodeForAddress(address);
        if (!node.containsEndpoint(serviceType, destName, channelId, endpointUrl))
            node.addEndpoint(serviceType, destName, channelId, endpointUrl);
     * Tell a specific remote peer about our local channel and endpoint URL information.
    void broadcastMyEndpoints(Address address)
        // tell the new node about my channel id -> endpoint urls
        Vector destination = new Vector();
        ClusterNode myNode = getNodeForAddress(clusterChannel.getLocalAddress());
        Map destKeyToChannelMap = myNode.getDestKeyToChannelMap();
        synchronized (destKeyToChannelMap)
            for (Iterator destIt=destKeyToChannelMap.keySet().iterator(); destIt.hasNext(); )
                String destKey = (String);
                int ix = destKey.indexOf(":");
                String serviceType = destKey.substring(0, ix);
                String destName = destKey.substring(ix+1);
                Map channelEndpoints = myNode.getEndpoints(serviceType, destName);
                for (Iterator iter=channelEndpoints.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    String channelId = (String);
                    String endpointUrl = (String) channelEndpoints.get(channelId);
                    broadcastClusterOperation("addEndpointForChannel", serviceType, destName, channelId, endpointUrl, destination);            
     * Broadcast a cluster-related operation, such as channel and endpoint information,
     * out to the remote peers.
    void broadcastClusterOperation(String clusterOperation, String serviceType, String destName,
                                   String channelId, String endpointUrl, Vector destinations)
        List operationInfo = new ArrayList();
        broadcastOperation(RemoteEndpointHandler.class.getName(), clusterOperation, operationInfo, destinations);
     * Broadcast a service-related operation, which usually includes a Message as a method parameter. This method
     * allows a local service to process a Message and then send the Message to the services on all peer nodes
     * so that they may perform the same processing.
    public void broadcastServiceOperation(String serviceOperation, Object[] params)
        ArrayList operationInfo = new ArrayList();
        broadcastOperation(ServiceOperationHandler.class.getName(), serviceOperation, operationInfo, null);
     * Send a service-related operation in point-to-point fashion to one and only one member of the cluster.
     * This is similar to the broadcastServiceOperation except that this invocation is sent to the first
     * node among the cluster members that does not have the local node's address.
    public void sendPointToPointServiceOperation(String serviceOperation, Object[] params, Object targetAddress)
        ArrayList operationInfo = new ArrayList();
        // for point to point invocations, add the sender's address as a param
        Vector targetDestination = new Vector();
        if (targetAddress != null)
            for (int i=0; i<clusterChannel.getView().getMembers().size(); i++)
                Address a = (Address) clusterChannel.getView().getMembers().get(i);
                if (!a.equals(getJGroupsLocalAddress()))
        broadcastOperation(ServiceOperationHandler.class.getName(), serviceOperation, operationInfo, targetDestination);

     * Returns the Address instances for each of the servers in the cluster.
    public List getMemberAddresses()
        return clusterChannel.getView().getMembers();

     * This is the core broadcast operation.
    private void broadcastOperation(String handlerClass, String operationName, List operationParams, Vector destinations)
            operationParams.add(0, handlerClass);
            operationParams.add(1, operationName);
            Message operationMessage = new Message(null, getJGroupsLocalAddress(), (Serializable) operationParams);
            // null destinations implies a broadcast to all members (but ourself cause local is off)
            broadcastDispatcher.castMessage(destinations, operationMessage, GroupRequest.GET_NONE, 0);
        catch (IllegalArgumentException iae)
            String message = iae.getMessage();
            String notSerializableType = null;
            if ((message != null) && message.startsWith(""))
                notSerializableType = message.substring(message.indexOf(": ") + 2);

            if (notSerializableType != null)
                ClusterException cx = new ClusterException();
                cx.setMessage(10212, new Object[] { clusterId, notSerializableType });
                throw cx;
                ClusterException cx = new ClusterException();
                cx.setMessage(10204, new Object[] { clusterId });
                throw cx;
        catch (Exception e)
            ClusterException cx = new ClusterException();
            cx.setMessage(10204, new Object[] { clusterId });
            throw cx;
     * Receive a message broadcast by another peer.
    public Object handle(Message msg)
        if (msg.getSrc() != getJGroupsLocalAddress())
            List operationInfo = (List) msg.getObject();
            String handlerClass = (String) operationInfo.get(0);
            String operationName = (String) operationInfo.get(1);
                // We only have the message broker, but make that available to
                // the handler thread.
                FlexContext.setThreadLocalObjects(null, null, clusterManager.getMessageBroker(),
                                                  null, null, null);
                for (Iterator iter=broadcastHandlers.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                    BroadcastHandler handler = (BroadcastHandler);
                    if (handler.getClass().getName().equals(handlerClass) && handler.isSupportedOperation(operationName))
                        handler.handleBroadcast(msg.getSrc(), operationInfo.subList(1, operationInfo.size()));
        return null;

     * Locate the ClusterNode mapped to the provided physical address. If no ClusterNode
     * exists for the address, create one.
    private ClusterNode getNodeForAddress(Address addr)
        synchronized (clusterNodes)
            ClusterNode node = (ClusterNode) clusterNodes.get(addr);
            if (node == null)
                node = new ClusterNode(addr);
                clusterNodes.put(addr, node);
            return node;
     * The endpoint in the configuration may may not be fully-qualified, but it must be before it
     * is added to a ClusterNode.
    private String canonicalizeUrl(String channelId, String endpointUrl, int endpointPort, ClusterNode myNode)
        if (endpointUrl.startsWith("/"))
            ClusterException cx = new ClusterException();
            cx.setMessage(10203, new Object[] { channelId});           
            throw cx;
        if (endpointUrl.indexOf(":///") != -1)
            endpointUrl = StringUtils.substitute(endpointUrl, ":///", "://" + myNode.getHost() + "/");
        if (endpointPort != 0 && endpointUrl.indexOf("" + endpointPort) == -1)
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(endpointUrl);
            sb.insert(endpointUrl.indexOf("/", endpointUrl.indexOf("://") + 3), ":" + endpointPort);
            endpointUrl = sb.toString();
        return endpointUrl;
     * This BroadcastHandler implementation handles cluster operations
     * broadcast by a Cluster.
    class RemoteEndpointHandler implements BroadcastHandler
        public void handleBroadcast(Object sender, List params)
            // note: the operation name is at index 0, and we do not need it in this handler
            // the serviceType, destName, channel id and endpoint url are expected to be at indexes 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively
            addEndpointForChannel((Address)sender, (String) params.get(1), (String) params.get(2), (String) params.get(3), (String) params.get(4));
        public boolean isSupportedOperation(String name)
            if (name.equals("addEndpointForChannel"))
                return true;
            return false;
     * This BroadcastHandler implementation handles service operations
     * broadcast by a Cluster.
    class ServiceOperationHandler implements BroadcastHandler
        String[] supportedOperations = new String[] {
                "pushMessageFromPeer", "peerSyncAndPush",
                "requestAdapterState", "receiveAdapterState",
                "sendSubscriptions", "receiveSubscriptions",
                "subscribeFromPeer", "pushMessageFromPeerToPeer",
        public void handleBroadcast(Object sender, List params)
                // param 0 is the method name
                String serviceType = (String) params.get(1);
                // In this case, the destName is not used because the dest is in the
                // message.  It is here just to be consistent with the other methods and
                // in case we need to send something to a destination without a message.
                String destName = (String) params.get(2);
                Service svc = clusterManager.getMessageBroker().getServiceByType(serviceType);
                if (svc != null)
                    String methodName = (String) params.get(0);
                    Object[] paramValues = params.subList(3, params.size()).toArray();
                    Method[] svcMethods = svc.getClass().getMethods();
                    // note: in order to avoid requiring services to have specific formal
                    // types on methods (superclasses aren't honored by reflection) we just
                    // grab the first method we see with the correct name
                    // -- intended for internal use only
                    for (int i=0; i<svcMethods.length; i++)
                        if (svcMethods[i].getName().equals(methodName))
                            svcMethods[i].invoke(svc, paramValues);
            catch (InvocationTargetException ite)
                Throwable th = ite.getCause();
                if (Log.isError())
                    Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("Error handling message pushed from cluster: " + th);
                    Log.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY).error("Exception=" + ExceptionUtil.toString(th));
                ClusterException cx = new ClusterException();
                cx.setMessage(10205, new Object[] { clusterId});
                throw cx;
            catch (Exception e)
                ClusterException cx = new ClusterException();
                cx.setMessage(10205, new Object[] { clusterId });
                throw cx;
        public boolean isSupportedOperation(String name)
            for (int i=0; i<supportedOperations.length; i++)
                if (name.equals(supportedOperations[i]))
                    return true;
            return false;

Related Classes of flex.messaging.cluster.JGroupsCluster

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