Package flex.messaging

Source Code of flex.messaging.FactoryDestination

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package flex.messaging;

import flex.messaging.config.ConfigMap;
import flex.messaging.config.ConfigurationException;
import flex.messaging.log.Log;

public abstract class FactoryDestination extends Destination
    private static final String FACTORY = "factory";      
    private static final String DEFAULT_FACTORY = "java";
    // Errors
    private static int INVALID_FACTORY = 11103;
    private static int FACTORY_CANNOT_BE_RETURNED = 11118;
    // FactoryDestination's properties
    private FlexFactory factory;
    private String source;
    private String scope = FlexFactory.SCOPE_REQUEST;
    // FactoryDestination internal
    private String factoryId = DEFAULT_FACTORY;
    private FactoryInstance factoryInstance;
    private ConfigMap factoryProperties;
    // Constructor
     * Constructs an unmanaged <code>FactoryDestination</code> instance.
    public FactoryDestination()
     * Constructs a <code>FactoryDestination</code> with the indicated management.
     * @param enableManagement <code>true</code> if the <code>FactoryDestination</code>
     * is manageable; otherwise <code>false</code>.
    public FactoryDestination(boolean enableManagement)
    // Initialize, validate, start, and stop methods.
     * Initializes the <code>FactoryDestination</code> with the properties.
     * @param properties Properties for the <code>FactoryDestination</code>.
    public void initialize(String id, ConfigMap properties)
        super.initialize(id, properties);
        if (properties == null || properties.size() == 0)

        // Need to cache this for later. TODO: We shouldn't need to do this.
        factoryProperties = properties;

        factoryId = properties.getPropertyAsString(FACTORY, factoryId);       
        scope = properties.getPropertyAsString(FlexFactory.SCOPE, scope);
        source = properties.getPropertyAsString(FlexFactory.SOURCE, source);

        if (source == null)
            source = getId();

     * Verifies that the <code>FactoryDestination</code> is in valid state before
     * it is started.
    protected void validate()
        if (isValid())

        if (factory == null)
            if (factoryId == null)
                factoryId = DEFAULT_FACTORY;
            MessageBroker broker = getService().getMessageBroker();
            FlexFactory f = broker.getFactory(factoryId);
            if (f == null)
                ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
                ex.setMessage(INVALID_FACTORY, new Object[] {getId(), factoryId});
                throw ex;
            factory = f;
        if (scope == null)
            scope = FlexFactory.SCOPE_REQUEST;
        if (source == null)       
            source = getId();

    // Public Getters and Setters for Destination properties
     * Returns the factory of the <code>FactoryDestination</code>. Before a valid
     * <code>FlexFactory</code> can be returned, <code>MessageBroker</code> and
     * hence <code>Service</code> of the <code>Destination</code> has to be set.
    public FlexFactory getFactory()
        if (factory == null)
            if (factoryId == null)
                factoryId = DEFAULT_FACTORY;
            if (getService() == null)
                // Factory cannot be returned without ''{0}'' set.
                ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
                ex.setMessage(FACTORY_CANNOT_BE_RETURNED, new Object[] {"Service"});
                throw ex;
            if (getService().getMessageBroker() == null)
                // Factory cannot be returned without ''{0}'' set.
                ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
                ex.setMessage(FACTORY_CANNOT_BE_RETURNED, new Object[] {"MessageBroker"});
                throw ex;
            MessageBroker broker = getService().getMessageBroker();
            FlexFactory f = broker.getFactory(factoryId);
            if (f == null)
                ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
                ex.setMessage(INVALID_FACTORY, new Object[] {getId(), factoryId});
                throw ex;
            factory = f;
        return factory;

     * Sets the factory of the <code>FactoryDestination</code>.
     * <code>MessageBroker</code> has to know the factory before it can be
     * assigned to the destination.
     * @param id The id of the factory.
    public void setFactory(String id)
        if (isStarted())
            MessageBroker broker = getService().getMessageBroker();
            FlexFactory factory = broker.getFactory(id);
            if (factory == null)
                ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
                ex.setMessage(INVALID_FACTORY, new Object[] {getId(), factory});
                throw ex;
        factoryId = id;
     * Sets the factory of the <code>FactoryDestination</code>.
     * @param factory
    public void setFactory(FlexFactory factory)
        this.factory = factory;
     * Returns the <code>FactoryInstance</code>. <code>FactoryInstance</code>
     * stores configuration state used for retrieving an instance from
     * the factory. This needs to be called after calling <code>setSource</code>
     * and <code>setScope</code> methods.
    public FactoryInstance getFactoryInstance()
        // This is needed for HibernateAssembler
        return getFactoryInstance(factoryProperties);
     * Returns a <code>FactoryInstance</code> using the properties passed in.
     * @param properties Properties to be used while creating the <code>FactoryInstance</code>.
    private FactoryInstance getFactoryInstance(ConfigMap properties)
        // Automatically create a factory instance if not already set 
        if (factoryInstance == null)
            factoryInstance = createFactoryInstance(properties);

        return factoryInstance;

     * Creates a factory instance using the properties passed in.
     * @param properties Properties to be used while creating the <code>FactoryInstance</code>.
    private FactoryInstance createFactoryInstance(ConfigMap properties)
        if (properties == null)
            properties = new ConfigMap();
        properties.put(FlexFactory.SOURCE, source);
        properties.put(FlexFactory.SCOPE, scope);
        FactoryInstance factoryInstance = getFactory().createFactoryInstance(getId(), properties);
        return factoryInstance;
     * Returns the scope of the <code>FactoryDestination</code>
     * @return scope of the <code>FactoryDestination</code>.
    public String getScope()
        return scope;

     * Sets the scope of the <code>FactoryDestination</code> that is used
     * in <code>FactoryInstance</code> creation. Scope cannot be changed to and
     * from application scope once <code>FactoryInstance</code> is initialized.
     * @param scope
    public void setScope(String scope)
        if (factoryInstance != null)
            if (FlexFactory.SCOPE_APPLICATION.equals(this.scope)
                    && !FlexFactory.SCOPE_APPLICATION.equals(scope))
                if (Log.isWarn())
                            "Current scope is "+FlexFactory.SCOPE_APPLICATION
                            +" and it cannot be changed to "+scope
                            +" once factory instance is initialized.");
            else if (!FlexFactory.SCOPE_APPLICATION.equals(this.scope)
                        && FlexFactory.SCOPE_APPLICATION.equals(scope))
                if (Log.isWarn())
                            "Current scope is "+this.scope
                            +" and it cannot be changed to "+FlexFactory.SCOPE_APPLICATION
                            +" once factory instance is initialized.");
        this.scope = scope;
     * Gets the source of the <code>FactoryDestination</code>.
     * @return the source of the <code>FactoryDestination</code>.
    public String getSource()
        return source;

     * Sets the source of the <code>FactoryDestination</code> that is used
     * in <code>FactoryInstance</code> creation. Source cannot be changed once 
     * <code>FactoryInstance</code> is initialized and the scope is application.
     * @param source
    public void setSource(String source)
        if (factoryInstance != null)    
            if (FlexFactory.SCOPE_APPLICATION.equals(scope))
                if (Log.isWarn())
                            "Source of the destination cannot be changed once "
                            + "factory instance is already initialized and it has "
                            + FlexFactory.SCOPE_APPLICATION +" scope");
        this.source = source;
     * This method first calls stop on its superclass <code>Destination</code> and then
     * removes any assemblers from the ServletContext or Session that are ready for removal.
     * If an assembler is only used by a single destination (attribute-id==destination-id) then
     * it is removed.  If an assembler is shared across destinations, (attribute-id<>destination-id)
     * then it is only removed if its reference count (maintained in <code>MessageBroker</code>) is
     * down to zero
    public void stop()
        // destroy factory instance to free up resources
        if (factory != null && (factory instanceof DestructibleFlexFactory))

Related Classes of flex.messaging.FactoryDestination

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