Package com.fasterxml.clustermate.service.msg

Source Code of com.fasterxml.clustermate.service.msg.FileBackedResponseContentImpl

package com.fasterxml.clustermate.service.msg;

import java.util.*;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.ning.compress.DataHandler;
import com.ning.compress.Uncompressor;
import com.ning.compress.gzip.GZIPUncompressor;
import com.ning.compress.lzf.LZFInputStream;
import com.ning.compress.lzf.LZFUncompressor;

import com.fasterxml.storemate.shared.ByteRange;
import com.fasterxml.storemate.shared.StorableKey;
import com.fasterxml.storemate.shared.TimeMaster;
import com.fasterxml.storemate.shared.compress.Compression;
import com.fasterxml.storemate.shared.compress.Compressors;
import com.fasterxml.storemate.shared.util.BufferRecycler;
import com.fasterxml.util.membuf.StreamyBytesMemBuffer;

import com.fasterxml.clustermate.service.util.BufferBackedInputStream;

* {@link StreamingResponseContent} implementation used
* for returning content for entries that have external File-backed
* payload.
* Difference to {@link SimpleStreamingResponseContent} is that
* due to file system access, more care has to be taken, including
* allowing possible throttling of reading of content to output.
public class FileBackedResponseContentImpl
    implements StreamingResponseContent
    private final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

     * Let's use large enough read buffer to allow read-all-write-all
     * cases.
    private final static int READ_BUFFER_LENGTH = 64000;

    /* Helper objects
     * We can reuse read buffers as they are somewhat costly to
     * allocate, reallocate all the time.
    final protected static BufferRecycler _bufferRecycler = new BufferRecycler(READ_BUFFER_LENGTH);

    final protected OperationDiagnostics _diagnostics;
    final protected TimeMaster _timeMaster;

    final protected StorableStore _store;
    final protected StoreOperationThrottler _throttler;
    /* Data to stream out

    private final StoredEntry<?> _entry;

    private final File _file;
    private final long _dataOffset;
    private final long _dataLength;

    /* Metadata

    private final long _operationTime;
    private final Compression _compression;

     * When reading from a file, this indicates length of content before
     * processing (if any).
    private final long _fileLength;

    /* Construction

    public FileBackedResponseContentImpl(OperationDiagnostics diag, TimeMaster timeMaster,
            StorableStore store, long operationTime,
            File f, Compression comp, ByteRange range,
            StoredEntry<?> entry)
        _diagnostics = diag;
        _timeMaster = timeMaster;
        _store = store;
        _throttler = store.getThrottler();
        _operationTime = operationTime;
        _entry = entry;
        _fileLength = entry.getStorageLength();
        long contentLen = (comp == null) ? _fileLength : entry.getActualUncompressedLength();

        if (range == null) {
            _dataOffset = -1L;
            _dataLength = contentLen;
        } else {
            // Range can be stored in offset..
            _dataOffset = range.getStart();
            _dataLength = range.calculateLength();
        _file = f;
        _compression = comp;

    /* Metadata

    public boolean hasFile() { return true; }
    public boolean inline() { return false; }
    public long getLength() {
        return _dataLength;

    /* Actual streaming
    public void writeContent(final OutputStream out) throws IOException
        final BufferRecycler.Holder bufferHolder = _bufferRecycler.getHolder();       
        final byte[] copyBuffer = bufferHolder.borrowBuffer();
        try {
            _writeContent(out, copyBuffer);
        } finally {

    protected final void _writeContent(final OutputStream out, final byte[] copyBuffer)
        throws IOException
        // 4 main combinations: compressed/not-compressed, range/no-range
        // and then 2 variations; fits in buffer or not

        // Start with uncompressed
        if (!Compression.needsUncompress(_compression)) {
            // and if all we need fits in the buffer, read all, write all:
            if (_dataLength <= READ_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
                _readAllWriteAllUncompressed(out, copyBuffer, _dataOffset, (int) _dataLength);
            } else {
                // if not, need longer lock...
                _readAllWriteStreamingUncompressed(out, copyBuffer, _dataOffset, _dataLength);
        // And then compressed variants. First, maybe we can read all data in memory before uncomp?
        if (_fileLength <= READ_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
            _readAllWriteAllCompressed(out, copyBuffer, _dataOffset, _dataLength);
        } else {
            _readAllWriteStreamingCompressed(out, copyBuffer);

    /* Second level copy methods; uncompressed data

     * Method called for the simple case where we can just read all data into
     * single buffer (and do that in throttled block), then write it out
     * at our leisure.
    protected void _readAllWriteAllUncompressed(OutputStream out, final byte[] copyBuffer,
            final long offset, final int dataLength)
        throws IOException
        _readAll(out, copyBuffer, offset, dataLength);
        // and write out like so
        final long start = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
        out.write(copyBuffer, 0, dataLength);
        if (_diagnostics != null) {
            _diagnostics.addResponseWriteTime(start, _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics());

     * Method called in cases where content does not all fit in a copy buffer
     * and has to be streamed.
    protected void _readAllWriteStreamingUncompressed(final OutputStream out, final byte[] copyBuffer,
            final long offset, final long dataLength)
        throws IOException
        IOException e = _store.leaseOffHeapBuffer(new ByteBufferCallback<IOException>() {
            public IOException withBuffer(StreamyBytesMemBuffer buffer) {
                try {
                    _readAllWriteStreamingUncompressed2(out, copyBuffer, offset, dataLength, buffer);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    return e;
                return null;
        if (e != null) {
            throw e;

    protected void _readAllWriteStreamingUncompressed2(final OutputStream out, final byte[] copyBuffer,
            final long offset, final long dataLength,
            final StreamyBytesMemBuffer offHeap)
        throws IOException
        final long fsWaitStart = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
        Boolean b = _throttler.performFileRead(StoreOperationSource.REQUEST,
                _operationTime, _entry.getRaw(), _file,
                new FileOperationCallback<Boolean>() {
            public Boolean perform(long operationTime, StorableKey key, Storable value, File externalFile)
                throws IOException
                // gets tricky, so process wait separately
                if (_diagnostics != null) {
                    _diagnostics.addFileReadWait( _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics() - fsWaitStart);
                InputStream in = new FileInputStream(_file);
                try {
                    if (offset > 0L) {
                        final long start = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
                        _skip(in, offset);
                        // assume skip is "free"?
                        if (_diagnostics != null) {
                            _diagnostics.addFileReadAccess(start, start, _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics(), 0L);
                    long left = dataLength;
                    // Can we make use of off-heap buffer?
                    if (offHeap != null) {
                        int leftovers = _readInBuffer(key, in, left, copyBuffer, offHeap);
                        // easy case: all read?
                        if (leftovers == 0) {
                            return Boolean.TRUE;
                        // if not, read+write; much longer. But starting with buffered, if any
                        byte[] stuff = Arrays.copyOf(copyBuffer, leftovers);
                        left -= _writeBuffered(offHeap, out, copyBuffer, stuff);

                    while (left > 0L) {
                        final long fsStart = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
                        int read = _read(in, copyBuffer, left);
                        if (_diagnostics != null) {
                            _diagnostics.addFileReadAccess(fsStart,  _timeMaster, (long) read);
                        final long writeStart = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
                        out.write(copyBuffer, 0, read);
                        left -= read;
                        if (_diagnostics != null) {
                            _diagnostics.addResponseWriteTime(writeStart, _timeMaster);
                } finally {
                return Boolean.FALSE;

        // Optimized case: all in the buffer, written outside file-read lock (to reduce lock time)
        if (b == Boolean.TRUE) {
            _writeBuffered(offHeap, out, copyBuffer, null);
    /* Second level copy methods; compressed data

     * Method called in cases where the compressed file can be fully read
     * in a single buffer, to be uncompressed and written.
    protected void _readAllWriteAllCompressed(final OutputStream out, final byte[] copyBuffer,
            final long offset, final long dataLength)
        throws IOException
        // important: specify no offset, file length; data offset/length is for _uncompressed_
        int inputLength = (int) _fileLength;
        _readAll(out, copyBuffer, 0L, inputLength);

        // Compress-Ning package allows "push" style uncompression (yay!)
        Uncompressor uncomp;
        DataHandler h = new RangedDataHandler(out, offset, dataLength);

        if (_compression == Compression.LZF) {
            uncomp = new LZFUncompressor(h);
        } else if (_compression == Compression.GZIP) {
            uncomp = new GZIPUncompressor(h);
        } else { // otherwise, must use bulk operations?
            // TODO: currently we do not have other codecs
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No Uncompressor for compression type: "+_compression);

        final long start = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
        uncomp.feedCompressedData(copyBuffer, 0, inputLength);
        if (_diagnostics != null) {
            _diagnostics.addResponseWriteTime(start, _timeMaster);

     * Method called in the complex case of having to read a large piece of
     * content, where source does not fit in the input buffer.
    protected void _readAllWriteStreamingCompressed(final OutputStream out, final byte[] copyBuffer)
        throws IOException
        IOException e = _store.leaseOffHeapBuffer(new ByteBufferCallback<IOException>() {
            public IOException withBuffer(StreamyBytesMemBuffer buffer) {
                InputStream in = null;
                try {
                    in = new FileInputStream(_file);
                    // First: LZF has special optimization to use, if we are to copy the whole thing:
                    if ((_compression == Compression.LZF) && (_dataOffset < 0L)) {
                        _readAllWriteStreamingCompressedLZF(in, out, copyBuffer, buffer);
                    } else {
                        _readAllWriteStreamingCompressed2(in, out, copyBuffer, buffer);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    return e;
                } finally {
                return null;
        if (e != null) {
            throw e;

    // specialized version for read-all-no-offset, lzf-compressed case
    protected void _readAllWriteStreamingCompressedLZF(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out,
            final byte[] copyBuffer, final StreamyBytesMemBuffer offHeap)
        throws IOException
        final long waitStart = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
        StreamyBytesMemBuffer rest =_throttler.performFileRead(StoreOperationSource.REQUEST,
                _operationTime, _entry.getRaw(), _file,
                new FileOperationCallback<StreamyBytesMemBuffer>() {
            public StreamyBytesMemBuffer perform(long operationTime, StorableKey key, Storable value, File externalFile)
                    throws IOException, StoreException
                long left = _entry.getStorageLength();
                if (_diagnostics != null) {
                    _diagnostics.addFileReadWait(_timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics() - waitStart);
                InputStream combined;
                if (offHeap != null) {
                    int leftovers = _readInBuffer(key, in, left, copyBuffer, offHeap);
                    // easy case: all read?
                    if (leftovers == 0) {
                        return offHeap;
                    // if not, read+write; much longer. But starting with buffered, if any
                    Vector<InputStream> coll = new Vector<InputStream>(3);
                    coll.add(new BufferBackedInputStream(offHeap));
                    coll.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(copyBuffer, 0, leftovers));
                    combined = new SequenceInputStream(coll.elements());
                } else {
                    // otherwise, just read from input
                    combined = in;

                final long start = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
                CountingInputStream counter = new CountingInputStream(combined);
                LZFInputStream lzfIn = new LZFInputStream(counter);
                try {
                } finally {
                    if (_diagnostics != null) {
                        final long totalSpent = _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics() - start;
                        // Not good, but need to try avoiding double-booking so assume 1/4 for response write
                        long respTime = (totalSpent >> 2);
                        _diagnostics.addFileReadAccess(start, start, start + totalSpent - respTime,
                return null;

        // Fast case is out of file-access lock so must be handled here
        if (rest != null) {
            final long start = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
            LZFInputStream lzfIn = new LZFInputStream(new BufferBackedInputStream(rest));
            try {
            } finally {
                 if (_diagnostics != null) {
                     _diagnostics.addResponseWriteTime(start, _timeMaster);

    protected void _readAllWriteStreamingCompressed2(final InputStream in, final OutputStream out,
            final byte[] copyBuffer, final StreamyBytesMemBuffer offHeap)
        throws IOException
                _operationTime, _entry.getRaw(), _file,
                new FileOperationCallback<Void>() {
            public Void perform(long operationTime, StorableKey key,
                    Storable value, File externalFile) throws IOException,
                    StoreException {
                _readAllWriteStreamingCompressed3(in, out, copyBuffer, offHeap);
                return null;
    protected void _readAllWriteStreamingCompressed3(InputStream in0, OutputStream out,
            byte[] copyBuffer, StreamyBytesMemBuffer offHeap)
        throws IOException
        final CountingInputStream counter = new CountingInputStream(in0);
        InputStream in = Compressors.uncompressingStream(counter, _compression);

        // First: anything to skip (only the case for range requests)?
        if (_dataOffset > 0L) {
            long skipped = 0L;
            long toSkip = _dataOffset;

            final long start = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
            while (toSkip > 0) {
                long count = in.skip(toSkip);
                if (count <= 0L) { // should not occur really...
                    throw new IOException("Failed to skip more than "+skipped+" bytes (needed to skip "+_dataOffset+")");
                skipped += count;
                toSkip -= count;
            if (_diagnostics != null) {
                // assume here skipping is "free" (i.e. no bytes read)
                _diagnostics.addFileReadAccess(start, _timeMaster, 0L);
        // Second: output the whole thing, or just subset?
        // TODO: buffer
        if (_dataLength < 0) { // all of it
            long prevCount = 0L;
            while (true) {
                final long start = _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
                int count =;
                if (_diagnostics != null) {
                    long newCount = counter.readCount();
                    _diagnostics.addFileReadAccess(start, _timeMaster, newCount-prevCount);
                    prevCount = newCount;
                if (count <= 0) {
                final long outputStart = _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
                out.write(copyBuffer, 0, count);
                if (_diagnostics != null) {
                    _diagnostics.addResponseWriteTime(outputStart, _timeMaster);
        // Just some of it
        long left = _dataLength;

        // TODO: buffer
        long prevCount = 0L;
        while (left > 0) {
            final long start = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
            int count =, 0, (int) Math.min(copyBuffer.length, left));
            if (_diagnostics != null) {
                long newCount = counter.readCount();
                _diagnostics.addFileReadAccess(start, _timeMaster, newCount-prevCount);
                prevCount = newCount;
            if (count <= 0) {
            final long outputStart = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
            out.write(copyBuffer, 0, count);
            if (_diagnostics != null) {
                _diagnostics.addResponseWriteTime(outputStart, _timeMaster);
            left -= count;
        // Sanity check; can't fix or add headers as output has been written...
        if (left > 0) {
            LOG.error("Failed to write request Range %d-%d (from File {}): only wrote {} bytes",
                  new Object[] { _dataOffset, _dataOffset+_dataLength+1, _file.getAbsolutePath(),
                  _dataLength-left });

    /* Shared file access, buffering methods

    protected void _readAll(OutputStream out, final byte[] copyBuffer,
            final long offset, final int dataLength)
        throws IOException
        final long start = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
                _operationTime, _entry.getRaw(), _file,
                new FileOperationCallback<Void>() {
            public Void perform(long operationTime,  StorableKey key, Storable value, File externalFile)
                throws IOException
                final long fsStart = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
                int count = _readFromFile(externalFile, copyBuffer, offset, dataLength);
                if (_diagnostics != null) {
                    _diagnostics.addFileReadAccess(start, fsStart, _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics(),
                if (count < dataLength) {
                    throw new IOException("Failed to read all "+dataLength+" bytes from '"
                            +externalFile.getAbsolutePath()+"'; only got: "+count);
                return null;

    protected int _readInBuffer(StorableKey key,
            InputStream input, long toRead, byte[] readBuffer, StreamyBytesMemBuffer offHeap)
        throws IOException
        final long nanoStart = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
        long total = 0;
        try {
            while (toRead > 0L) {
                int count;
                try {
                    int maxToRead = (int) Math.min(toRead, readBuffer.length);
                    count =, 0, maxToRead);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new StoreException.IO(key, "Failed to read content to store (after "+offHeap.getTotalPayloadLength()
                            +" bytes)", e);
                if (count <= 0) { // got it all babe
                    throw new IOException("Failed to read all content: missing last "+toRead+" bytes");
                // can we append it in buffer?
                if (!offHeap.tryAppend(readBuffer, 0, count)) {
                    _verifyBufferLength(offHeap, total);
                    total += count; // since total is reported via diagnostics
                    return count;
                total += count;
                toRead -= count;
            _verifyBufferLength(offHeap, total);
            return 0;
        } finally {
            if (_diagnostics != null) {
                _diagnostics.addFileReadAccess(nanoStart, _timeMaster, total);

    private long _writeBuffered(StreamyBytesMemBuffer offHeap, OutputStream out,
            byte[] copyBuffer, byte[] leftovers)
        throws IOException
        final long nanoStart = (_diagnostics == null) ? 0L : _timeMaster.nanosForDiagnostics();
        long total = 0L;
        int count;
        while ((count = offHeap.readIfAvailable(copyBuffer)) > 0) {
            out.write(copyBuffer, 0, count);
            total += count;
        if (leftovers != null) {
            total += leftovers.length;
        if (_diagnostics != null) {
            _diagnostics.addResponseWriteTime(nanoStart, _timeMaster);
        return total;
    private void _verifyBufferLength(StreamyBytesMemBuffer offHeap, long total) throws IOException
        // sanity check to verify that buffer has everything it is supposed to...
        long bufd = offHeap.getTotalPayloadLength();
        if (bufd != total) {
            throw new IOException("Internal buffering problem: read "+total
                    +" bytes, buffer contains "+bufd);
    /* Simple helper methods
     * Helper method for reading all the content from specified file
     * into given buffer. Caller must ensure that amount to read fits
     * in the buffer.
    protected int _readFromFile(File f, byte[] buffer, long toSkip, int dataLength) throws IOException
        InputStream in = new FileInputStream(_file);
        int offset = 0;

        try {
            // Content to skip?
            if (toSkip > 0L) {
                _skip(in, toSkip);
            int left = dataLength;
            while (left > 0) {
                int count =, offset, left);
                if (count <= 0) {
                    if (count == 0) {
                        throw new IOException("Weird stream ("+in+"): read for "+left+" bytes returned "+count);
                offset += count;
                left -= count;
        } finally {
        return offset;

    protected final int _read(InputStream in, byte[] buffer, long maxRead) throws IOException
        int toRead = (int) Math.min(buffer.length, maxRead);
        int offset = 0;
        while (offset < toRead) {
            int count=, offset, toRead-offset);
            if (count <= 0) {
                throw new IOException("Failed to read next "+toRead+" bytes (of total needed: "+maxRead+"): only got "
            offset += count;
        return toRead;
    protected final void _skip(InputStream in, long toSkip) throws IOException
        long skipped = 0L;
        while (skipped < toSkip) {
            long count = in.skip(toSkip - skipped);
            if (count <= 0L) { // should not occur really...
                throw new IOException("Failed to skip more than "+skipped+" bytes (needed to skip "+_dataOffset+")");
            skipped += count;
    private final void _close(InputStream in)
        if (in != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.warn("Failed to close file '{}': {}", _file, e.getMessage());

    /* Helper classes
     * {@link DataHandler} implementation we use to extract out optional
     * ranges, writing out content as it becomes available
    static class RangedDataHandler implements DataHandler
        protected final OutputStream _out;
        protected final long _fullDataLength;
        protected long _leftToSkip;
        protected long _leftToWrite;

        public RangedDataHandler(OutputStream out, long offset, long dataLength)
            _out = out;
            _fullDataLength = dataLength;
            _leftToSkip = offset;
            _leftToWrite = dataLength;
        public void handleData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int len) throws IOException
            if (_leftToSkip > 0L) {
                if (len <= _leftToSkip) {
                    _leftToSkip -= len;
                offset += (int) _leftToSkip;
                len -= (int) _leftToSkip;
                _leftToSkip = 0L;
            if (_leftToWrite > 0L) {
                if (len > _leftToWrite) {
                    len = (int) _leftToWrite;
                _out.write(buffer, offset, len);
                _leftToWrite -= len;

        public void allDataHandled() throws IOException {
            if (_leftToWrite > 0L) {
                throw new IOException("Could not uncompress all data ("+_fullDataLength+" bytes): missing last "+_leftToWrite);

Related Classes of com.fasterxml.clustermate.service.msg.FileBackedResponseContentImpl

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