Package com.ardor3d.scenegraph.shape

Source Code of com.ardor3d.scenegraph.shape.Sphere

* Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Ardor Labs, Inc.
* This file is part of Ardor3D.
* Ardor3D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of its license which may be found in the accompanying
* LICENSE file or at <>.

package com.ardor3d.scenegraph.shape;


import com.ardor3d.math.MathUtils;
import com.ardor3d.math.Vector3;
import com.ardor3d.math.type.ReadOnlyVector3;
import com.ardor3d.scenegraph.FloatBufferData;
import com.ardor3d.scenegraph.Mesh;
import com.ardor3d.util.export.InputCapsule;
import com.ardor3d.util.export.OutputCapsule;
import com.ardor3d.util.geom.BufferUtils;

* Sphere represents a 3D object with all points equi-distance from a center point.
public class Sphere extends Mesh {

    public enum TextureMode {
        Linear, Projected, Polar;

    protected int _zSamples;

    protected int _radialSamples;

    /** the distance from the center point each point falls on */
    public double _radius;
    /** the center of the sphere */
    public final Vector3 _center = new Vector3();

    protected TextureMode _textureMode = TextureMode.Linear;

    protected boolean _viewInside = false;

    public Sphere() {}

     * Constructs a sphere. By default the Sphere has not geometry data or center.
     * @param name
     *            The name of the sphere.
    public Sphere(final String name) {

     * Constructs a sphere with center at the origin. For details, see the other constructor.
     * @param name
     *            Name of sphere.
     * @param zSamples
     *            The samples along the Z.
     * @param radialSamples
     *            The samples along the radial.
     * @param radius
     *            Radius of the sphere.
     * @see #Sphere(java.lang.String, com.ardor3d.math.Vector3, int, int, double)
    public Sphere(final String name, final int zSamples, final int radialSamples, final double radius) {
        this(name, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), zSamples, radialSamples, radius);

     * Constructs a sphere. All geometry data buffers are updated automatically. Both zSamples and radialSamples
     * increase the quality of the generated sphere.
     * @param name
     *            Name of the sphere.
     * @param center
     *            Center of the sphere.
     * @param zSamples
     *            The number of samples along the Z.
     * @param radialSamples
     *            The number of samples along the radial.
     * @param radius
     *            The radius of the sphere.
    public Sphere(final String name, final ReadOnlyVector3 center, final int zSamples, final int radialSamples,
            final double radius) {
        setData(center, zSamples, radialSamples, radius);

     * Constructs a sphere. All geometry data buffers are updated automatically. Both zSamples and radialSamples
     * increase the quality of the generated sphere.
     * @param name
     *            Name of the sphere.
     * @param center
     *            Center of the sphere.
     * @param zSamples
     *            The number of samples along the Z.
     * @param radialSamples
     *            The number of samples along the radial.
     * @param radius
     *            The radius of the sphere.
     * @param textureMode
     *            the mode to use when setting uv coordinates for this Sphere.
    public Sphere(final String name, final ReadOnlyVector3 center, final int zSamples, final int radialSamples,
            final double radius, final TextureMode textureMode) {
        _textureMode = textureMode;
        setData(center, zSamples, radialSamples, radius);

     * Changes the information of the sphere into the given values.
     * @param center
     *            The new center of the sphere.
     * @param zSamples
     *            The new number of zSamples of the sphere.
     * @param radialSamples
     *            The new number of radial samples of the sphere.
     * @param radius
     *            The new radius of the sphere.
    public void setData(final ReadOnlyVector3 center, final int zSamples, final int radialSamples, final double radius) {
        _zSamples = zSamples;
        _radialSamples = radialSamples;
        _radius = radius;


     * builds the vertices based on the radius, center and radial and zSamples.
    private void setGeometryData() {
        // allocate vertices
        final int verts = (_zSamples - 2) * (_radialSamples + 1) + 2;
        final FloatBufferData vertsData = _meshData.getVertexCoords();
        if (vertsData == null) {
        } else {
            vertsData.setBuffer(BufferUtils.createVector3Buffer(vertsData.getBuffer(), verts));

        // allocate normals if requested
        final FloatBufferData normsData = _meshData.getNormalCoords();
        if (normsData == null) {
        } else {
            normsData.setBuffer(BufferUtils.createVector3Buffer(normsData.getBuffer(), verts));

        // allocate texture coordinates
        final FloatBufferData texData = _meshData.getTextureCoords(0);
        if (texData == null) {
            _meshData.setTextureBuffer(BufferUtils.createVector2Buffer(verts), 0);
        } else {
            texData.setBuffer(BufferUtils.createVector2Buffer(texData.getBuffer(), verts));

        // generate geometry
        final double fInvRS = 1.0 / _radialSamples;
        final double fZFactor = 2.0 / (_zSamples - 1);

        // Generate points on the unit circle to be used in computing the mesh
        // points on a sphere slice.
        final double[] afSin = new double[(_radialSamples + 1)];
        final double[] afCos = new double[(_radialSamples + 1)];
        for (int iR = 0; iR < _radialSamples; iR++) {
            final double fAngle = MathUtils.TWO_PI * fInvRS * iR;
            afCos[iR] = MathUtils.cos(fAngle);
            afSin[iR] = MathUtils.sin(fAngle);
        afSin[_radialSamples] = afSin[0];
        afCos[_radialSamples] = afCos[0];

        // generate the sphere itself
        int i = 0;
        final Vector3 tempVa = Vector3.fetchTempInstance();
        final Vector3 tempVb = Vector3.fetchTempInstance();
        final Vector3 tempVc = Vector3.fetchTempInstance();
        for (int iZ = 1; iZ < (_zSamples - 1); iZ++) {
            final double fAFraction = MathUtils.HALF_PI * (-1.0f + fZFactor * iZ); // in (-pi/2, pi/2)
            final double fZFraction = MathUtils.sin(fAFraction); // in (-1,1)
            final double fZ = _radius * fZFraction;

            // compute center of slice
            final Vector3 kSliceCenter = tempVb.set(_center);
            kSliceCenter.setZ(kSliceCenter.getZ() + fZ);

            // compute radius of slice
            final double fSliceRadius = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(_radius * _radius - fZ * fZ));

            // compute slice vertices with duplication at end point
            Vector3 kNormal;
            final int iSave = i;
            for (int iR = 0; iR < _radialSamples; iR++) {
                final double fRadialFraction = iR * fInvRS; // in [0,1)
                final Vector3 kRadial = tempVc.set(afCos[iR], afSin[iR], 0);
                kRadial.multiply(fSliceRadius, tempVa);
                _meshData.getVertexBuffer().put((float) (kSliceCenter.getX() + tempVa.getX()))
                        .put((float) (kSliceCenter.getY() + tempVa.getY()))
                        .put((float) (kSliceCenter.getZ() + tempVa.getZ()));

                BufferUtils.populateFromBuffer(tempVa, _meshData.getVertexBuffer(), i);
                kNormal = tempVa.subtractLocal(_center);
                if (!_viewInside) {
                } else {

                if (_textureMode == TextureMode.Linear) {
                    _meshData.getTextureCoords(0).getBuffer().put((float) fRadialFraction)
                            .put((float) (0.5 * (fZFraction + 1.0)));
                } else if (_textureMode == TextureMode.Projected) {
                    _meshData.getTextureCoords(0).getBuffer().put((float) fRadialFraction)
                            .put((float) (MathUtils.INV_PI * (MathUtils.HALF_PI + Math.asin(fZFraction))));
                } else if (_textureMode == TextureMode.Polar) {
                    final double r = (MathUtils.HALF_PI - Math.abs(fAFraction)) / MathUtils.PI;
                    final double u = r * afCos[iR] + 0.5;
                    final double v = r * afSin[iR] + 0.5;
                    _meshData.getTextureCoords(0).getBuffer().put((float) u).put((float) v);


            BufferUtils.copyInternalVector3(_meshData.getVertexBuffer(), iSave, i);
            BufferUtils.copyInternalVector3(_meshData.getNormalBuffer(), iSave, i);

            if (_textureMode == TextureMode.Linear) {
                _meshData.getTextureCoords(0).getBuffer().put(1.0f).put((float) (0.5 * (fZFraction + 1.0)));
            } else if (_textureMode == TextureMode.Projected) {
                        .put((float) (MathUtils.INV_PI * (MathUtils.HALF_PI + Math.asin(fZFraction))));
            } else if (_textureMode == TextureMode.Polar) {
                final float r = (float) ((MathUtils.HALF_PI - Math.abs(fAFraction)) / MathUtils.PI);
                _meshData.getTextureCoords(0).getBuffer().put(r + 0.5f).put(0.5f);


        // south pole
        _meshData.getVertexBuffer().position(i * 3);
        _meshData.getVertexBuffer().put(_center.getXf()).put(_center.getYf()).put((float) (_center.getZ() - _radius));

        _meshData.getNormalBuffer().position(i * 3);
        if (!_viewInside) {
            // TODO: allow for inner texture orientation later.
        } else {

        _meshData.getTextureCoords(0).getBuffer().position(i * 2);
        if (_textureMode == TextureMode.Polar) {
        } else {


        // north pole
        _meshData.getVertexBuffer().put(_center.getXf()).put(_center.getYf()).put((float) (_center.getZ() + _radius));

        if (!_viewInside) {
        } else {

        if (_textureMode == TextureMode.Polar) {
        } else {

     * sets the indices for rendering the sphere.
    private void setIndexData() {
        // allocate connectivity
        final int verts = (_zSamples - 2) * (_radialSamples + 1) + 2;
        final int tris = 2 * (_zSamples - 2) * _radialSamples;
        _meshData.setIndices(BufferUtils.createIndexBufferData(3 * tris, verts - 1));

        // generate connectivity
        for (int iZ = 0, iZStart = 0; iZ < (_zSamples - 3); iZ++) {
            int i0 = iZStart;
            int i1 = i0 + 1;
            iZStart += (_radialSamples + 1);
            int i2 = iZStart;
            int i3 = i2 + 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < _radialSamples; i++) {
                if (!_viewInside) {
                } else // inside view

        // south pole triangles
        for (int i = 0; i < _radialSamples; i++) {
            if (!_viewInside) {
                _meshData.getIndices().put(_meshData.getVertexCount() - 2);
                _meshData.getIndices().put(i + 1);
            } else // inside view
                _meshData.getIndices().put(i + 1);
                _meshData.getIndices().put(_meshData.getVertexCount() - 2);

        // north pole triangles
        final int iOffset = (_zSamples - 3) * (_radialSamples + 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < _radialSamples; i++) {
            if (!_viewInside) {
                _meshData.getIndices().put(i + iOffset);
                _meshData.getIndices().put(i + 1 + iOffset);
                _meshData.getIndices().put(_meshData.getVertexCount() - 1);
            } else // inside view
                _meshData.getIndices().put(i + iOffset);
                _meshData.getIndices().put(_meshData.getVertexCount() - 1);
                _meshData.getIndices().put(i + 1 + iOffset);

     * Returns the center of this sphere.
     * @return The sphere's center.
    public Vector3 getCenter() {
        return _center;

     * @return true if the normals are inverted to point into the sphere so that the face is oriented for a viewer
     *         inside the sphere. false (the default) for exterior viewing.
    public boolean isViewFromInside() {
        return _viewInside;

     * @param viewInside
     *            if true, the normals are inverted to point into the sphere so that the face is oriented for a viewer
     *            inside the sphere. Default is false (for outside viewing)
    public void setViewFromInside(final boolean viewInside) {
        if (viewInside != _viewInside) {
            _viewInside = viewInside;

     * @return Returns the textureMode.
    public TextureMode getTextureMode() {
        return _textureMode;

     * @param textureMode
     *            The textureMode to set.
    public void setTextureMode(final TextureMode textureMode) {
        _textureMode = textureMode;

    public double getRadius() {
        return _radius;

    public void write(final OutputCapsule capsule) throws IOException {
        capsule.write(_zSamples, "zSamples", 0);
        capsule.write(_radialSamples, "radialSamples", 0);
        capsule.write(_radius, "radius", 0);
        capsule.write(_center, "center", new Vector3(Vector3.ZERO));
        capsule.write(_textureMode, "textureMode", TextureMode.Linear);
        capsule.write(_viewInside, "viewInside", false);

    public void read(final InputCapsule capsule) throws IOException {;
        _zSamples = capsule.readInt("zSamples", 0);
        _radialSamples = capsule.readInt("radialSamples", 0);
        _radius = capsule.readDouble("radius", 0);
        _center.set((Vector3) capsule.readSavable("center", new Vector3(Vector3.ZERO)));
        _textureMode = capsule.readEnum("textureMode", TextureMode.class, TextureMode.Linear);
        _viewInside = capsule.readBoolean("viewInside", false);

Related Classes of com.ardor3d.scenegraph.shape.Sphere

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