Package com.cedarsoftware.ncube

Source Code of com.cedarsoftware.ncube.Axis$RangeToColumn

package com.cedarsoftware.ncube;

import com.cedarsoftware.ncube.exception.AxisOverlapException;
import com.cedarsoftware.util.CaseInsensitiveMap;
import com.cedarsoftware.util.DateUtilities;
import com.cedarsoftware.util.UniqueIdGenerator;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

* Implements an Axis of an NCube. When modeling, think of an axis as a 'condition'
* or decision point.  An input variable (like 'X:1' in a cartesian coordinate system)
* is passed in, and the Axis's job is to locate the column that best matches the input,
* as quickly as possible.
* @author John DeRegnaucourt (
*         <br/>
*         Copyright (c) Cedar Software LLC
*         <br/><br/>
*         Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*         you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*         You may obtain a copy of the License at
*         <br/><br/>
*         <br/><br/>
*         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*         distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*         WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
*         See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*         limitations under the License.
public class Axis
  public static final int SORTED = 0;
  public static final int DISPLAY = 1;
  final long id;
  private String name;
  private final AxisType type;
  private final AxisValueType valueType;
  private final List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
    private Column defaultCol;
  private int preferredOrder = SORTED;
    private boolean multiMatch = false;
    private static final Pattern rangePattern = Pattern.compile("\\[\\s*([^,]+)\\s*[,]\\s*([^]]+)\\s*[]|)]");
    Map<String, Object> metaProps = null;

    // used to get O(1) on SET axis for the discrete elements in the Set
    private transient Map<Comparable, Column> discreteToCol = new TreeMap<>();

    // used to get O(1) on Ranges for SET access
    private transient List<RangeToColumn> rangeToCol = new ArrayList<>();

    // used to get O(1) access to columns by ID
    transient Map<Long, Column> idToCol = new HashMap<>();

    public Axis(String name, AxisType type, AxisValueType valueType, boolean hasDefault)
    this(name, type, valueType, hasDefault, SORTED);

    public Axis(String name, AxisType type, AxisValueType valueType, boolean hasDefault, int order)
        this(name, type, valueType, hasDefault, order, false);

  public Axis(String name, AxisType type, AxisValueType valueType, boolean hasDefault, int order, boolean multiMatch)
  { = name;
    this.type = type;
        this.preferredOrder = order;
    this.valueType = valueType;
        this.multiMatch = multiMatch;
        if (type == AxisType.RULE)
            this.multiMatch = true;
            if (order == SORTED)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("RULE axis '" + name + "' cannot be set to SORTED");
            if (valueType != AxisValueType.EXPRESSION)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("RULE axis '" + name + "' must have valueType set to EXPRESSION");
        if (hasDefault)
            if (type == AxisType.NEAREST)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("NEAREST type axis '" + name + "' cannot have a default column");
            defaultCol = new Column(null);
            defaultCol.setDisplayOrder(Integer.MAX_VALUE)// Always at the end
            idToCol.put(, defaultCol);
        id = UniqueIdGenerator.getUniqueId();

     * @return Map (case insensitive keys) containing meta (additional) properties for the n-cube.
    public Map<String, Object> getMetaProperties()
        Map ret = metaProps == null ? new CaseInsensitiveMap() : metaProps;
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(ret);

     * Set (add / overwrite) a Meta Property associated to this axis.
     * @param key String key name of meta property
     * @param value Object value to associate to key
     * @return prior value associated to key or null if none was associated prior
    public Object setMetaProperty(String key, Object value)
        if (metaProps == null)
            metaProps = new CaseInsensitiveMap<>();
        return metaProps.put(key, value);

     * Add a Map of meta properties all at once.
     * @param allAtOnce Map of meta properties to add
    public void addMetaProperties(Map<String, Object> allAtOnce)
        if (metaProps == null)
            metaProps = new CaseInsensitiveMap<>();

     * Remove all meta properties associated to this Axis.
    public void clearMetaProperties()
        if (metaProps != null)
            metaProps = null;

     * Scaffolding is extra, indexing structures (transient members) that are not part of
     * the persistent state, but are created and maintained internally so that searches for
     * SETs (RANGE_SET)s are O(Log(n)) or better O(1) for the discrete value in a RANGE_SET.
     * Variables 'discreteToCol' and 'rangeToCol' fall into this category.
     * All column ids are mapped to the column instances to support the setCellById(),
     * getCellByIdNoExecute(), removeCellById(), and containsCellById().  Variable
     * 'idToCol' is the scaffolding member that maintains this relationship.  This is built-in
     * scaffolding that ALWAYS must be present.  The scaffolding to support RANGE_SETs is only
     * used on a RANGE_SET axis, when it is not in 'multiMatch' mode.
    boolean hasScaffolding()
        return type == AxisType.SET && !multiMatch;

    public boolean isMultiMatch()
        return multiMatch;

     * Use Column id to retrieve column (hash map lookup), O(1)
    public Column getColumnById(long colId)
        return idToCol.get(colId);

     * Turn on multiMatch for this axis.
     * @param state boolean true turns on multiMatch, false turns it off.
    public void setMultiMatch(boolean state)
        if (state == multiMatch)
        multiMatch = state;

    void buildScaffolding()
        for (Column column : columns)

    private void addScaffolding(Column column)
        idToCol.put(, column);

        if (!hasScaffolding())
        {   // This check is required because this API may be called from other than buildScaffolding() (e.g., addColumn)

        RangeSet set = (RangeSet)column.getValue();
        if (set == null)
        {   // Default column being processed

        final int len = set.size();
        for (int i=0; i < len; i++)
            Comparable elem = set.get(i);
            if (elem instanceof Range)
                Range range = (Range) elem;
                RangeToColumn rc = new RangeToColumn(range, column);
                int where = Collections.binarySearch(rangeToCol, rc);
                if (where < 0)
                    where = Math.abs(where + 1);
                rangeToCol.add(where, rc);
                discreteToCol.put(elem, column);

    public long getId()
        return id;

    public String toString()
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
        s.append("Axis: ");
        s.append(" [");
        s.append(", ");
        s.append("  hasDefault column: ");
        s.append("  preferred Order: ");
        s.append("  multiMatch: ");
        for (Comparable value : columns)
            s.append("  ");

        return s.toString();

  public String getName()
    return name;

  void setName(String name)
  { = name;

  public AxisType getType()
    return type;

  public AxisValueType getValueType()
    return valueType;
  public List<Column> getColumns()
        List<Column> cols = new ArrayList<>(columns);
    if (preferredOrder == SORTED)
      return cols;  // Return a copy of the columns, not our internal values list.
    return cols;

     * Given the passed in 'raw' value, get a Column from the passed in value, which entails
     * converting the 'raw' value to the correct type, promoting the value to the appropriate
     * internal value for comparison, and so on.
     * @param value Comparable typically a primitive, but can also be an n-cube Range, RangeSet, CommandCell,
     *              or 2D, 3D, or LatLon
     * @return a Column with the up-promoted value as the column's value, and a unique ID on the column.  If
     * the original value is a Range or RangeSet, the components in the Range or RangeSet are also up-promoted.
    Column createColumnFromValue(Comparable value)
        Comparable v;
        if (value == null)
        {  // Attempting to add Default column to axis
            if (defaultCol != null)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add default column to axis '" + name + "' because it already has a default column.");
            if (type == AxisType.NEAREST)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add default column to NEAREST axis '" + name + "' as it would never be chosen.");
            v = null;
            v = standardizeColumnValue(value);
            if (type == AxisType.DISCRETE)
            else if (type == AxisType.RANGE)
                Range range = (Range)v;
                if (!multiMatch && doesOverlap(range))
                    throw new AxisOverlapException("Passed in Range overlaps existing Range on axis '" + name + "'");
            else if (type == AxisType.SET)
                RangeSet set = (RangeSet)v;
                if (!multiMatch && doesOverlap(set))
                    throw new AxisOverlapException("Passed in RangeSet overlaps existing RangeSet on axis '" + name + "'");
            else if (type == AxisType.RULE)
                if (!(value instanceof CommandCell))
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Columns for RULE axis must be a CommandCell, axis '" + name + "'");
            else if (type == AxisType.NEAREST)
                throw new IllegalStateException("New axis type added without complete support.");
        return new Column(v);

  public Column addColumn(Comparable value)
        Column column = createColumnFromValue(value);

        if (column.getValue() == null)
            defaultCol = column;

        // New columns are always added at the end in terms of displayOrder, but internally they are added
        // in the correct sort order location.  The sort order of the list is required because binary searches
        // are done against it.
        column.setDisplayOrder(column.getValue() == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : size());
        int where = Collections.binarySearch(columns, column.getValue());
        if (where < 0)
            where = Math.abs(where + 1);
        columns.add(where, column);
        return column;

   * This method deletes a column from an Axis.  It is intentionally package
   * scoped because there are two parts to deleting a column - this removes
   * the column from the Axis, the other part removes the Cells that reference
   * the column (that is within NCube).
   * @param value Comparable value used to identify the column to delete.
   * @return Column that was deleted, or null if no column would be deleted.
  Column deleteColumn(Comparable value)
    Column col = findColumn(value);
    if (col == null)
    {  // Not found.
      return null;

        return deleteColumnById(;

    Column deleteColumnById(long colId)
        Column col = idToCol.get(colId);
        if (col == null)
            return null;

        if (col.isDefault())
            defaultCol = null;

        // Remove column from scaffolding
        removeColumnFromScaffolding(col.getValueThatMatches(), col);
        return col;

    private void removeColumnFromScaffolding(Comparable value, Column col)
        if (!hasScaffolding())

        if (discreteToCol != null)
            Iterator<Map.Entry<Comparable, Column>> j = discreteToCol.entrySet().iterator();
            while (j.hasNext())
                Map.Entry<Comparable, Column> entry =;
                Column column = entry.getValue();
                if (col.equals(column))
                {   // Multiple discrete values may have pointed to the passed in column, so we must loop through all

        if (rangeToCol != null)
            Iterator<RangeToColumn> i = rangeToCol.iterator();
            while (i.hasNext())
                Axis.RangeToColumn rangeToColumn =;
                if (rangeToColumn.getRange().isWithin(value) == 0)
                {   // Multiple ranges may have pointed to the passed in column, so we must loop through all

        // Remove from col id to column map

    public boolean moveColumn(int curPos, int newPos)
    if (preferredOrder != DISPLAY)
      throw new IllegalStateException("Axis '" + name + "' must be in DISPLAY order to permit column reordering");
    if (curPos == newPos)
    {  // That was easy
      return true;
    if (curPos < 0 || curPos >= columns.size() || newPos < 0 || newPos >= columns.size())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Position must be >= 0 and < number of Columns to reorder column, axis '" + name + "'");

        if (columns.get(curPos).isDefault() || columns.get(newPos).isDefault())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot move 'Default' column, axis '" + name + "'");

        List<Column> cols = new ArrayList<>(columns);
        cols.add(newPos, cols.remove(curPos));
        return true;

     * Update (change) the value of an existing column.  This entails not only
     * changing the value, but resorting the axis's columns (columns are always in
     * sorted order for quick retrieval).  The display order of the columns is not
     * rebuilt, because the column is changed in-place (e.g., changing Mon to Monday
     * does not change it's display order.)
     * @param colId long Column ID to update
     * @param value 'raw' value to set into the new column (will be up-promoted).
    public void updateColumn(long colId, Comparable value)
        Column col = idToCol.get(colId);
        Column newCol = createColumnFromValue(value);

        // Updated column is added in the same 'displayOrder' location.  For example, the months are a
        // displayOrder Axis type.  Updating 'Jun' to 'June' will use the same displayOrder value.
        // However, the columns are stored internally in sorted order (for fast lookup), so we need to
        // find where it should go (updating Fune to June, for example (fixing a misspelling), will
        // result in the column being sorted to a different location (while maintaining its display
        // order, because displayOrder is stored on the column).
        int where = Collections.binarySearch(columns, newCol.getValue());
        if (where < 0)
            where = Math.abs(where + 1);
        columns.add(where, newCol);

     * Update columns on this Axis, from the passed in Axis.  Columns that exist on both axes,
     * will have their values updated.  Columns that exist on this axis, but not exist in the
     * 'newCols' will be deleted (and returned as a Set of deleted Columns).  Columns that
     * exist in newCols but not on this are new columns.
     * NOTE: The columns field within the newCols axis are NOT in sorted order as they normally are
     * within the Axis class.  Instead, they are in display order (this order is typically set forth by a UI).
     * Axis is used as a Data-Transfer-Object (DTO) in this case, not the normal way it is typically used
     * where the columns would always be sorted for quick access.
    public Set<Long> updateColumns(final Axis newCols)
        Set<Long> colsToDelete = new HashSet<>();

        for (Column col : columns)
            if (!newCols.idToCol.containsKey(

        int order = 1;

        for (Column column : newCols.columns)
            if (!column.isDefault())
                if (column.getId() < 0)
                {   // Create new ID for new column

        // Columns must be stored sorted for fast retrieval, regardless of whether the
        // preferred order is SORTED or DISPLAY.  Display order was already marked above,
        // from newCols.
        Collections.sort(columns, new Comparator<Column>()
            public int compare(Column c1, Column c2)
                return c1.compareTo(c2);

        // Put default column back if it was already there.
        if (defaultCol != null)

        return colsToDelete;

    // Take the passed in value, and prepare it to be allowed on a given axis type.
    public Comparable convertStringToColumnValue(String value)
            case DISCRETE:
                return convertStringToDiscreteValue(value, valueType);

            case RANGE:
                Matcher matcher = rangePattern.matcher(value);
                if (matcher.find())
                    String one =;
                    String two =;
                    return new Range(convertStringToDiscreteValue(one.trim(), valueType), convertStringToDiscreteValue(two.trim(), valueType));
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value (" + value + ") cannot be parsed as a Range.  Use [value1, value2].");

            case SET:
                // TODO: Parse SETs

            case NEAREST:
                // TODO: Parse items on NEAREST (not just lat/lon, but also numbers, Strings, etc.)

            case RULE:
                return convertStringToDiscreteValue(value, valueType);

                throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported axis type (" + type + ") for axis '" + name + "', trying to process value: " + value);
        return "";

    private Comparable convertStringToDiscreteValue(String input, AxisValueType valType)
            case STRING:
                return input;

            case LONG:
                    return Long.parseLong(input);
                catch (NumberFormatException e)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse long integer: " + input, e);

            case BIG_DECIMAL:
                    return new BigDecimal(input);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse big decimal: " + input, e);

            case DOUBLE:
                    return new Double(input);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse floating point number: " + input, e);

            case DATE:
                    return DateUtilities.parseDate(input);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse date: " + input, e);

            case EXPRESSION:
                return new GroovyExpression(input, null);

            case COMPARABLE:
                    return (Comparable) JsonReader.jsonToJava(input);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not convert JSON string to Java Comparable instance, json: " + input, e);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported axis value type (" + valueType + ") for axis '" + name + "', trying to process value: " + input);

  private static void assignDisplayOrder(final List<Column> cols)
    final int size = cols.size();
    for (int k=0; k < size; k++)
            Column col = cols.get(k);
            col.setDisplayOrder(col.isDefault() ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : k);
  public int getColumnOrder()
    return preferredOrder;
  public void setColumnOrder(int order)
    preferredOrder = order;
  private static void sortColumnsByDisplayOrder(List<Column> cols)
    Collections.sort(cols, new Comparator<Column>()
      public int compare(Column c1, Column c2)
        return c1.getDisplayOrder() - c2.getDisplayOrder();
  public int size()
    return columns.size();
   * This method takes the input value (could be Number, String, Range, etc.)
   * and 'promotes' it to the same type as the Axis.
   * @param value Comparable value to promote (to highest of it's type [e.g., short to long])
   * @return Comparable promoted value.  For example, a Long would be returned a
   * Byte value were passed in, and this was a LONG axis.
  public Comparable standardizeColumnValue(Comparable value)
    if (value == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("'null' cannot be used as an axis value, axis: " + name);
    if (type == AxisType.DISCRETE)
      return promoteValue(value);
    else if (type == AxisType.RANGE)
      if (!(value instanceof Range))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must only add Range values to " + type + " axis '" + name + "' - attempted to add: " + value.getClass().getName());
      return promoteRange(new Range(((Range)value).low, ((Range)value).high));
    else if (type == AxisType.SET)
      if (!(value instanceof RangeSet))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must only add RangeSet values to " + type + " axis '" + name + "' - attempted to add: " + value.getClass().getName());
            RangeSet set = new RangeSet();
            Iterator<Comparable> i = ((RangeSet)value).iterator();
            while (i.hasNext())
                Comparable val =;
                if (val instanceof Range)
                    val = promoteValue(val);
            return set;
    else if (type == AxisType.NEAREST)
    {  // Standardizing a NEAREST axis entails ensuring conformity amongst values (must all be Point2D, LatLon, Date, Long, String, etc.)
      value = promoteValue(value);
      if (!getColumnsWithoutDefault().isEmpty())
        Column col = columns.iterator().next();
                if (value.getClass() != col.getValue().getClass())
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value '" + value.getClass().getName() + "' cannot be added to axis '" + name + "' where the values are of type: " + col.getValue().getClass().getName());
      return value;  // First value added does not need to be checked
        else if (type == AxisType.RULE)
            return value;
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("New AxisType added '" + type + "' but code support for it is not there.");
   * Promote passed in range's low and high values to the largest
   * data type of their 'kinds' (e.g., byte to long).
   * @param range Range to be promoted
   * @return Range with the low and high values promoted and in proper order (low < high)
  private Range promoteRange(Range range)
    final Comparable low = promoteValue(range.low);
    final Comparable high = promoteValue(range.high);
    ensureOrder(range, low, high);
    return range;
  private static void ensureOrder(Range range, final Comparable low, final Comparable high)
    if (low.compareTo(high) > 0)
      range.low = high;
      range.high = low;
      range.low = low;
      range.high = high;

     * Convert passed in value to a similar value of the highest type.  If the
     * valueType is not the same basic type as the value passed in, intelligent
     * conversions will happen, and the result will be of the requested type.
     * An intelligent conversion example - String to date, it will parse the String
     * attempting to convert it to a date.  Or a String to a long, it will try to
     * parse the String as a long.  Long to String, it will .toString() the long,
     * and so on.
     * @return promoted value, or the same value if no promotion occurs.
    public static Comparable promoteValue(AxisValueType srcValueType, Comparable value)
            case STRING:
                return getString(value);
            case LONG:
                return getLong(value);
            case BIG_DECIMAL:
                return getBigDecimal(value);
            case DOUBLE:
                return getDouble(value);
            case DATE:
                return getDate(value);
            case COMPARABLE:
            case EXPRESSION:
                return value;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("AxisValueType '" + srcValueType + "' added but not code to support it.");

   * Convert passed in value to a similar value of the highest type.  Axis
   * values and inputs are always promoted before being stored or compared.
   * @param value Comparable to promote
   * @return promoted value, or the same value if no promotion occurs.
  Comparable promoteValue(Comparable value)
            return promoteValue(valueType, value);
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error promoting value for Axis: " + name, e);

  private static String getString(Comparable value)
    if (value instanceof String)
      return (String) value;
        else if (value instanceof Number)
            return value.toString();
        else if (value instanceof Boolean)
            return value.toString();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value type [" + value.getClass().getName() + "] attempting to convert to 'String'");
   * Promote any Number (or String) type to a BigDecimal in the best possible manner.
   * @return BigDecimal equivalent of value, or null if it could not be converted.
  private static BigDecimal getBigDecimal(Comparable value)
      if (value instanceof BigDecimal)
        return (BigDecimal) value;
      else if (value instanceof BigInteger)
        return new BigDecimal((BigInteger)value);
      else if (value instanceof String)
        return new BigDecimal((String) value);
      else if (value instanceof Number)
        return new BigDecimal(((Number)value).doubleValue());
    catch (Exception e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("value [" + value.getClass().getName() + "] could not be converted to a 'BigDecimal'", e);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value type [" + value.getClass().getName() + "] attempting to convert to 'BigDecimal'");
   * Promote Number (or String) to a Double in the best possible manner.
   * @return Double equivalent of value, or null if it could not be converted.
  private static Double getDouble(Comparable value)
      if (value instanceof Double)
        return (Double) value;
      else if (value instanceof Number)
        return ((Number)value).doubleValue();
      else if (value instanceof String)
        return Double.valueOf((String) value);
    catch(Exception e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("value [" + value.getClass().getName() + "] could not be converted to a 'Double'", e);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value type [" + value.getClass().getName() + "] attempting to convert to 'Double'");
   * Promote Number (or String) to a Long in the best possible manner.
   * @return Long equivalent of value, or null if it could not be converted.
  private static Long getLong(Comparable value)
      if (value instanceof Long)
        return (Long) value;
      else if (value instanceof Number)
        return ((Number)value).longValue();
      else if (value instanceof String)
        return Long.valueOf((String) value);
    catch(Exception e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("value [" + value.getClass().getName() + "] could not be converted to a 'Long'", e);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value type [" + value.getClass().getName() + "] attempting to convert to 'Long'");
   * Promote Number (or String) to a Long in the best possible manner.
   * @return Long equivalent of value, or null if it could not be converted.
  private static Date getDate(Comparable value)
    if (value instanceof Date)
      return (Date) value;
        else if (value instanceof String)
            return DateUtilities.parseDate((String)value);
    else if (value instanceof Calendar)
      return ((Calendar)value).getTime();
    else if (value instanceof Long)
      return new Date((Long)value);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value type [" + value.getClass().getName() + "] attempting to convert to 'Date'");

  public boolean hasDefaultColumn()
    return defaultCol != null;
   * @param value to test against this Axis
   * @return boolean true if the value will be found along the access, false
   * if the value does not match anything along the axis.
  public boolean contains(Comparable value)
      return findColumn(value) != null;
    catch (Exception e)
      return false;

    public Column getDefaultColumn()
        return defaultCol;

     * Locate the column (AvisValue) along an axis.
     * @param value Comparable - A value that can be checked against the axis
     * @return Column that 'matches' the passed in value, or null if no column
     * found.  'Matches' because matches depends on AxisType.
     Column findColumn(Comparable value)
        if (value == null)
            if (defaultCol != null)
                return defaultCol;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'null' passed to axis '" + name + "' which does not have a default column");

        final Comparable promotedValue = promoteValue(value);
        int pos;
        if (type == AxisType.DISCRETE || type == AxisType.RANGE)
        {  // DISCRETE and RANGE axis searched in O(Log n) time using a binary search
            pos = binarySearchAxis(promotedValue);
        else if (type == AxisType.SET)
        {  // The SET axis searched in O(Log n)
            return findOnSetAxis(promotedValue);
        else if (type == AxisType.NEAREST)
        {   // The NEAREST axis type must be searched linearly O(n)
            pos = findNearest(promotedValue);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Axis type '" + type + "' added but no code supporting it.");

        if (pos >= 0)
            return columns.get(pos);

        return defaultCol;

     * In the case of a multiMatch axis, return all columns that match.
    List<Column> findColumns(Comparable value)
        List<Column> cols = new ArrayList<>();
        if (value == null)
            if (defaultCol != null)
                return cols;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'null' passed to axis '" + name + "' which does not have a default column");

        final Comparable promotedValue = promoteValue(value);

        if (multiMatch)
            if (type == AxisType.SET)
            {   // Linearly scan all columns, because multiMatch is true
                for (Column column : getColumnsWithoutDefault())
                    RangeSet set = (RangeSet) column.getValue();
                    if (set.contains(promotedValue))
            else if (type == AxisType.RANGE)
            {   // Linearly scan all columns, because multiMatch is true
                for (Column column : getColumnsWithoutDefault())
                    Range range = (Range) column.getValue();
                    if (range.isWithin(promotedValue) == 0)
            else if (type == AxisType.DISCRETE || type == AxisType.NEAREST)

            if (cols.isEmpty() && hasDefaultColumn())
            {   // Add in default, but only if no matches occurred.
            Column col = findColumn(promotedValue);
            if (col != null)
        return cols;

    private Column findOnSetAxis(final Comparable promotedValue)
        Column col = discreteToCol.get(promotedValue);
        if (discreteToCol.containsKey(promotedValue))
            return col;

        int pos = binarySearchRanges(promotedValue);
        if (pos >= 0)
            return (rangeToCol.get(pos)).column;

        return getDefaultColumn();

    private int binarySearchRanges(final Comparable promotedValue)
        return Collections.binarySearch(rangeToCol, promotedValue, new Comparator()
            public int compare(Object r1, Object r2)
                RangeToColumn rc = (RangeToColumn) r1;
                Range range = rc.getRange();
                return -1 * range.isWithin(promotedValue);

  private int binarySearchAxis(final Comparable promotedValue)
        List cols = getColumnsWithoutDefault();
    return Collections.binarySearch(cols, promotedValue, new Comparator()
      public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
        Column column = (Column) o1;

        if (type == AxisType.DISCRETE)
          return column.compareTo(promotedValue);
        else if (type == AxisType.RANGE)
          Range range = (Range)column.getValue();
          return -1 * range.isWithin(promotedValue);
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot binary search axis type: '" + type + "'");

    private int findNearest(final Comparable promotedValue)
        double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        int savePos = -1;
        int pos = 0;

        for (Column column : getColumnsWithoutDefault())
            double d = Proximity.distance(promotedValue, column.getValue());
            if (d < min)
            {  // Record column that set's new minimum record
                min = d;
                savePos = pos;
        return savePos;

     * Ensure that the passed in range does not overlap an existing Range on this
     * 'Range-type' axis.  This method is only called in non-multiMatch mode.
     * Test low range limit to see if it is valid.  Axis is already a RANGE type
     * before this method is called.
     * @param value Range (value) that is intended to be a new low range limit.
     * @return true if the Range overlaps this axis, false otherwise.
    private boolean doesOverlap(Range value)
        // Start just before where this range would be inserted.
        int where = binarySearchAxis(value.low);
        if (where < 0)
            where = Math.abs(where + 1);
        where = Math.max(0, where - 1);
        int size = getColumnsWithoutDefault().size();

        for (int i = where; i < size; i++)
            Column column = getColumnsWithoutDefault().get(i);
            Range range = (Range) column.getValue();
            if (value.overlap(range))
                return true;

            if (value.low.compareTo(range.low) <= 0)
            {   // No need to continue, once the passed in low is less or equals to the low of the next column
        return false;

     * Test RangeSet to see if it overlaps any of the existing columns on
     * this cube.  Axis is already a RangeSet type before this method is called.
     * @param value RangeSet (value) to be checked
     * @return true if the RangeSet overlaps this axis, false otherwise.
    private boolean doesOverlap(RangeSet value)
        for (Column column : getColumnsWithoutDefault())
            RangeSet set = (RangeSet) column.getValue();
            if (value.overlap(set))
                return true;
        return false;

    private void doesMatchExistingValue(Comparable v)
        if (binarySearchAxis(v) >= 0)
            throw new AxisOverlapException("Passed in value '" + v + "' matches a value already on axis '" + name + "'");

    private void doesMatchNearestValue(Comparable v)
        for (Column col : columns)
            Object val = col.getValue();
            if (v.equals(val))
                throw new AxisOverlapException("Passed in value '" + v + "' matches a value already on axis '" + name + "'");

    public List<Column> getColumnsWithoutDefault()
        if (defaultCol != null)
            if (columns.size() == 1)
                return new ArrayList<>();
            return columns.subList(0, columns.size() - 1);
        return columns;

    private static class RangeToColumn implements Comparable<RangeToColumn>
        private Range range;
        private Column column;

        private RangeToColumn(Range range, Column column)
            this.range = range;
            this.column = column;

        private Range getRange()
            return range;

        public int compareTo(RangeToColumn rc)
            return range.compareTo(rc.range);

Related Classes of com.cedarsoftware.ncube.Axis$RangeToColumn

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