Package org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc

Source Code of org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBMeatFactory

Copyright:, see xmlBlaster-LICENSE file

package org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc;

import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.I_Info;

* Maps the database table XBMEAT to this java bean.
* @author <a href=''>Marcel Ruff</a>
* @author <a href=''>Michele Laghi</a>

public class XBMeatFactory extends XBFactory {
   // private final static Logger log =
   // Logger.getLogger(XBMeatFactory.class.getName());

   private final static int ID = 1;
   private final static int DURABLE = 2;
   private final static int REF_COUNT = 3;
   private final static int REF_COUNT2 = 4;
   private final static int BYTE_SIZE = 5;
   private final static int DATA_TYPE = 6;
   private final static int META_INFO = 7;
   private final static int FLAG1 = 8;
   private final static int QOS = 9;
   private final static int CONTENT = 10;
   private final static int KEY = 11;
   private final static int STORE_ID = 12;
   private final static int LAST_ROW = STORE_ID;

   private String updateRefCounterSt;
   private String updateSt;
   private String incRefCounterFunction;
   private String incRefCounterInvoke;

   static String getName() {
      return "xbmeat";

   public XBMeatFactory(String prefix) {
      super(prefix, getName());
      base = prefix;
      insertSt = "insert into ${table} values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
      deleteCompleteSt = "delete from ${table}";
      deleteAllSt = deleteCompleteSt + " where xbstoreid=?";
      deleteSt = deleteAllSt + " and xbmeatid=?";
      deleteTransientsSt = deleteAllSt + " and xbdurable='F'";
      getCompleteSt = "select * from ${table}";
      getAllSt = getCompleteSt + " where xbstoreid=?";
      getFirstEntriesSt = getAllSt + " order by xbmeatid asc";
      getNumOfAllSt = "select xbdurable, count(xbbytesize), sum(xbbytesize) from ${table} where xbstoreid=? group by xbdurable";

      getSt = getAllSt + " and xbmeatid=?";
      updateSt = "update ${table} set xbmeatid=?,xbdurable=?,xbrefcount=?,xbrefcount2=?,xbbytesize=?,xbdatatype=?,xbmetainfo=?,xbflag1=?,xbmsgqos=?,xbmsgcont=?,xbmsgkey=?,xbstoreid=? where xbmeatid=? and xbstoreid=?";
      updateRefCounterSt = "update ${table} set xbrefcount=?,xbrefcount2=? where xbmeatid=? and xbstoreid=?";
      inList = " and xbmeatid in (";
   protected void prepareDefaultStatements() {
      incRefCounterFunction = null;
      incRefCounterInvoke = null;
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(512);
      if (getDbVendor().equals(POSTGRES)) {
         buf.append("create table ${table} (\n");
         buf.append("      xbmeatid int8 not null,\n");
         buf.append("      xbdurable char not null default 'F',\n");
         buf.append("      xbrefcount int4,\n");
         buf.append("      xbrefcount2 int4,\n");
         buf.append("      xbbytesize int8,\n");
         buf.append("      xbdatatype varchar(32) not null default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmetainfo text default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbflag1 varchar(32) default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgqos text default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgcont bytea default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgkey text default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbstoreid int8 not null,\n");
         buf.append("      constraint xbmeatpk primary key(xbmeatid, xbstoreid));\n");

         buf.append("alter table ${table} \n");
         buf.append("      add constraint fkxbstoremeat\n");
         buf.append("      foreign key (xbstoreid) \n");
         buf.append("      references ${xbstore} on delete cascade;\n");
         // since already in primary key
         // buf.append("create index ${table}stix on ${table}(xbmeatid,xbstoreid);\n");
      } else if (getDbVendor().equals(ORACLE)) {
         // currently disabled since not really performant and since I do not
         // know how to use fetch with multiparams
         // incRefCounterInvoke = "{call ${table}incr(?,?,?)}";
         incRefCounterInvoke = null;
         StringBuffer buf1 = new StringBuffer(512);

         buf1.append("CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ${table}incr(id number, storeid number, incr number, incr2 number) AS\n");
         buf1.append("   oldCounter NUMBER(10);\n");
         buf1.append("   newCounter NUMBER(10);\n");
         buf1.append("   oldCounter2 NUMBER(10);\n");
         buf1.append("   newCounter2 NUMBER(10);\n");
         buf1.append("   CURSOR c1\n");
         buf1.append("      IS\n");
               .append("         SELECT xbrefcount,xbrefcount2 FROM ${table} WHERE xbmeatid=id and xbstoreid=storeid FOR UPDATE of xbrefcount,xbrefcount2;\n");
         buf1.append("   open c1;\n");
         buf1.append("   fetch c1 into oldCounter;\n");
         buf1.append("   newCounter := oldCounter + incr;\n");
               .append("   UPDATE ${table} SET xbrefcount=newCounter WHERE CURRENT OF c1;\n");
         buf1.append("   COMMIT;\n");
         buf1.append("   close c1;\n");
         // incRefCounterFunction = buf1.toString();
         incRefCounterFunction = null;

         // and here the create statement ...
         buf.append("create table ${table} (\n");
         buf.append("      xbmeatid number(20) not null,\n");
         buf.append("      xbdurable char default 'F' not null,\n");
         buf.append("      xbrefcount number(10),\n");
         buf.append("      xbrefcount2 number(10),\n");
         buf.append("      xbbytesize number(20),\n");
         buf.append("      xbdatatype varchar(32) default '' not null,\n");
         buf.append("      xbmetainfo clob default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbflag1 varchar(32) default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgqos clob default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgcont blob default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgkey clob default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbstoreid number(20), constraint xbmeatpk primary key(xbmeatid, xbstoreid));\n");

         buf.append("alter table ${table} \n");
         buf.append("      add constraint fkxbstoremeat\n");
         buf.append("      foreign key (xbstoreid) \n");
         buf.append("      references ${xbstore} on delete cascade;\n");
         // already in pk
         // buf.append("create index ${table}stix on ${table}(xbmeatid,xbstoreid);\n");

      else if (getDbVendor().equals(SQLSERVER_2005)) { // and 2008
         buf.append("create table ${table} (\n");
         buf.append("      xbmeatid bigint not null,\n");
         buf.append("      xbdurable char not null default 'F',\n");
         buf.append("      xbrefcount int,\n");
         buf.append("      xbrefcount2 int,\n");
         buf.append("      xbbytesize bigint,\n");
         buf.append("      xbdatatype varchar(32) not null default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmetainfo varchar(MAX) default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbflag1 varchar(32) default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgqos varchar(MAX) default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgcont varbinary(MAX),\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgkey varchar(MAX) default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbstoreid bigint not null,\n");
         buf.append("      constraint xbmeatpk primary key(xbmeatid, xbstoreid));\n");

         buf.append("alter table ${table} \n");
         buf.append("      add constraint fkxbstoremeat \n");
         buf.append("      foreign key (xbstoreid) \n");
         buf.append("      references xbstore on delete cascade;\n");
         buf.append(" create index IX_MEAT_DURABLE ON XBMEAT (xbdurable);\n");
       * else if (getDbVendor().equals(DB2)) {
       * } else if (getDbVendor().equals(FIREBIRD)) {
       * } else if (getDbVendor().equals(MYSQL)) {
       * } else if (getDbVendor().equals(SQLITE)) {
       * }
      else { // if (getDbVendor().equals(HSQLDB))
         buf.append("create table ${table} (\n");
         buf.append("      xbmeatid bigint not null,\n");
         buf.append("      xbdurable char default 'F' not null,\n");
         buf.append("      xbrefcount integer,\n");
         buf.append("      xbrefcount2 integer,\n");
         buf.append("      xbbytesize bigint,\n");
         buf.append("      xbdatatype varchar(32) default '' not null,\n");
         buf.append("      xbmetainfo varchar default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbflag1 varchar(32) default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgqos varchar default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgcont binary default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbmsgkey varchar default '',\n");
         buf.append("      xbstoreid bigint, constraint xbmeatpk primary key(xbmeatid, xbstoreid));\n");

         buf.append("alter table ${table} \n");
         buf.append("      add constraint fkxbstoremeat\n");
         buf.append("      foreign key (xbstoreid) \n");
         buf.append("      references ${xbstore} on delete cascade;\n");

               .append("create index ${table}stix on ${table}(xbmeatid,xbstoreid);\n");

      createSt = buf.toString();

   protected void doInit(I_Info info) {
      String tmp = info.get(base + ".table." + XBStoreFactory.getName(),
      info.put(XBStoreFactory.getName(), tmp);
      getCompleteSt = info.get(prefix + ".getCompleteStatement", getCompleteSt);
      deleteCompleteSt = info.get(prefix + ".deleteCompleteStatement",

      updateRefCounterSt = info.get(prefix + ".updateRefCounterStatement",
      incRefCounterFunction = info.get(prefix + ".incRefCounterFunction",
      if (incRefCounterFunction != null
            && incRefCounterFunction.trim().length() < 1)
         incRefCounterFunction = null;
      incRefCounterInvoke = info.get(prefix + ".incRefCounterInvoke",
      if (incRefCounterInvoke != null
            && incRefCounterInvoke.trim().length() < 1)
         incRefCounterInvoke = null;

      updateSt = info.get(prefix + ".updateStatement", updateSt);
      getFirstEntriesSt = info.get(prefix + ".getFirstEntriesStatement",

   public boolean create(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
      boolean ret = super.create(conn);
      if (incRefCounterFunction != null && incRefCounterInvoke != null) {
         Statement st = null;
         try {
            st = conn.createStatement();
         } finally {
            if (st != null)
         return true;
      return ret;

   private void fillStatement(PreparedStatement preStatement, XBMeat xbMeat)
         throws SQLException, IOException {
      preStatement.setLong(ID, xbMeat.getId());

      if (xbMeat.isDurable())
         preStatement.setString(DURABLE, "T");
         preStatement.setString(DURABLE, "F");

      preStatement.setLong(REF_COUNT, xbMeat.getRefCount());
      preStatement.setLong(REF_COUNT2, xbMeat.getRefCount2());
      preStatement.setLong(BYTE_SIZE, xbMeat.getByteSize());

      fillDbCol(preStatement, DATA_TYPE, xbMeat.getDataType());

      fillDbCol(preStatement, META_INFO, xbMeat.getMetaInfo());
      fillDbCol(preStatement, FLAG1, xbMeat.getFlag1());

      fillDbCol(preStatement, QOS, xbMeat.getQos());

      if (xbMeat.getContent() != null) {
         InputStream contentStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(xbMeat
         preStatement.setBinaryStream(CONTENT, contentStream, xbMeat
      } else {
         // Types.BLOB fails on Postgres Types.BINARY is OK
         // (Oracle accepts both)
         preStatement.setNull(CONTENT, Types.BINARY);

      fillDbCol(preStatement, KEY, xbMeat.getKey());
      preStatement.setLong(STORE_ID, xbMeat.getStoreId());

    * Inserts an entry in the database
    * @param table
    * @param xbMeat
    *           The object to store. Note that
    * @param conn
    *           The database connection to use set.
    * @throws SQLException
    *            If an exception occurs in the backend. For example if the entry
    *            already exists in the database.
   public void insert(XBMeat xbMeat, Connection conn, int timeout)
         throws SQLException, IOException {
      if (xbMeat == null || conn == null)
      PreparedStatement preStatement = conn.prepareStatement(insertSt);
      try {
         if (timeout > 0)
         fillStatement(preStatement, xbMeat);
      } finally {
         if (preStatement != null)


    * Updates the XBMeat object. If qos, flag or
    * @param table
    * @param xbMeat
    * @param conn
    * @throws SQLException
   public void updateRefCounters(XBStore store, XBMeat xbMeat, Connection conn, int timeout)
         throws SQLException {
      if (xbMeat == null || conn == null)
      if (false) {
         try {
            XBMeat tmp = get(store, xbMeat.getId(), conn, timeout);
            if (tmp == null) {
               throw new SQLException("Entry to increment not found " + xbMeat.toXml(""));
         catch (Exception ex) {
      PreparedStatement preStatement = conn.prepareStatement(updateRefCounterSt);
      try {
         if (timeout > 0)
         // Id
         preStatement.setLong(1, xbMeat.getRefCount());
         preStatement.setLong(2, xbMeat.getRefCount2());
         preStatement.setLong(3, xbMeat.getId());
         preStatement.setLong(4, xbMeat.getStoreId());
      } finally {
         if (preStatement != null)

    * Updates the XBMeat object. If qos, flag or
    * @param table
    * @param xbMeat
    * @param conn
    * @throws SQLException
   public void update(XBMeat xbMeat, Connection conn, int timeout)
         throws SQLException, IOException {
      if (xbMeat == null || conn == null)
      PreparedStatement preStatement = conn.prepareStatement(updateSt);
      try {
         if (timeout > 0)
         fillStatement(preStatement, xbMeat);
         preStatement.setLong(LAST_ROW + 1, xbMeat.getId());
         preStatement.setLong(LAST_ROW + 2, xbMeat.getStoreId());
      } finally {
         if (preStatement != null)

   public void incrementRefCounters(XBStore store, XBMeat meat, long increment,
         Connection conn, int timeout) throws SQLException, IOException {
      checkSameStore(store, meat);
      if (increment == 0)
      if (true && incRefCounterFunction != null && incRefCounterInvoke != null) {
         CallableStatement st = null;
         try {
            st = conn.prepareCall(incRefCounterInvoke);
            st.setLong(1, meat.getId());
            st.setLong(2, store.getId());
            st.setLong(3, increment);
         } finally {
            if (st != null)
      } else {
         XBMeat meatRet = get(store, meat.getId(), conn, timeout);
         meatRet.setRefCount(meatRet.getRefCount() + increment);
         updateRefCounters(store, meatRet, conn, timeout);

   static final XBMeat buildFromRs(ResultSet rs, int offset)
         throws SQLException, IOException {
      long meatId = rs.getLong(ID + offset);
      if (meatId == 0)
         return null; // then the meat is only in memory (for example for
      // swapped callback queues)
      XBMeat xbMeat = new XBMeat();
      String tmp = rs.getString(DURABLE + offset);
      if (isTrue(tmp))
      xbMeat.setRefCount(rs.getLong(REF_COUNT + offset));
      xbMeat.setByteSize(rs.getLong(BYTE_SIZE + offset));
      xbMeat.setDataType(getDbCol(rs, DATA_TYPE + offset));
      xbMeat.setMetaInfo(getDbCol(rs, META_INFO + offset));
      xbMeat.setFlag1(getDbCol(rs, FLAG1 + offset));
      xbMeat.setQos(getDbCol(rs, QOS + offset));

      InputStream stream = rs.getBinaryStream(CONTENT + offset);
      if (stream != null)
      xbMeat.setKey(getDbCol(rs, KEY + offset));
      return xbMeat;

   protected XBMeat rsToEntry(XBStore store, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, IOException {
      return buildFromRs(rs, 0);

    * @param sql
    *           The select statement to use to fill the objects.
    * @param conn
    * @return null if the object has not been found or the object if it has been
    *         found on the backend.
    * @throws SQLException
   public XBMeat get(XBStore store, long id, Connection conn, int timeout)
         throws SQLException, IOException {
      XBMeat xbMeat = null;
      if (conn == null)
         return xbMeat;
      PreparedStatement preStatement = conn.prepareStatement(getSt);
      ResultSet rs = null;
      try {
         if (timeout > 0)
         preStatement.setLong(1, store.getId());
         preStatement.setLong(2, id);
         rs = preStatement.executeQuery();
         if (!
            return null;
         xbMeat = (XBMeat) rsToEntry(store, rs);
      } finally {
         if (preStatement != null)

      return xbMeat;
    * @param store
    * @param conn
    * @param numOfEntries
    * @param numOfBytes
    * @param timeout
    * @return
    * @throws SQLException
   public List<XBMeat> getFirstMeatEntries(XBStore store, Connection conn, long numOfEntries, long numOfBytes,
         int timeout) throws SQLException, IOException {
      PreparedStatement ps = null;
      try {
         ps = conn.prepareStatement(getFirstEntriesSt);
         if (numOfEntries != -1)
            ps.setMaxRows((int) numOfEntries);
         boolean storeMustBeSet = getFirstEntriesSt.indexOf('?') > -1;
         if (storeMustBeSet)
            ps.setLong(1, store.getId());

         ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
         long countEntries = 0L;
         long countBytes = 0L;
         List<XBMeat> list = new ArrayList<XBMeat>();
         while (( && ((countEntries < numOfEntries) || (numOfEntries < 0))
               && ((countBytes < numOfBytes) || (numOfBytes < 0))) {
            long byteSize = getByteSize(rs, 0);
            if ((numOfBytes < 0) || (countBytes + byteSize < numOfBytes) || (countEntries == 0)) {
               XBMeat entry = rsToEntry(store, rs);
               countBytes += byteSize;
         return list;
      } finally {
         if (ps != null)
   protected long getByteSize(ResultSet rs, int offset) throws SQLException {
      return rs.getLong(BYTE_SIZE + offset);


Related Classes of org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.jdbc.XBMeatFactory

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