Package org.codehaus.stax.test.evt

Source Code of org.codehaus.stax.test.evt.TestStartElem

package org.codehaus.stax.test.evt;

import java.util.*;

import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

* Unit tests for testing that START_ELEMENT event object behaves
* as expected
* @author Tatu Saloranta
public class TestStartElem
    extends BaseEventTest
     * Simple tests to ensure that the namespace declarations are properly
     * parsed and accessible via {@link StartElement}.
    public void testStartElemNs()
        throws XMLStreamException
        String XML = "<root xmlns='http://my' xmlns:a='ns:attrs' "
            +"attr1='value1' a:attr2='value2'"

        XMLEventReader er = getReader(XML, true, false);
        assertTokenType(START_DOCUMENT, er.nextEvent().getEventType());
        XMLEvent evt = er.nextEvent();
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, evt.getEventType());
        // Ok, got the start element... is it ok?
        StartElement se = evt.asStartElement();

        NamespaceContext nsCtxt = se.getNamespaceContext();

        assertNotNull("StartElement.getNamespaceContext() should never return null", nsCtxt);
        // First, ones we shouldn't get:

            Iterator it = nsCtxt.getPrefixes("http://foobar");
            // Specs don't specify if we should get null, or empty iterator
            assertTrue((it == null) || !it.hasNext());
            it = nsCtxt.getPrefixes("a");
            assertTrue((it == null) || !it.hasNext());
        // Then ones we should:

        assertEquals("a", nsCtxt.getPrefix("ns:attrs"));
        assertEquals("", nsCtxt.getPrefix("http://my"));
        assertEquals("http://my", nsCtxt.getNamespaceURI(""));
        assertEquals("ns:attrs", nsCtxt.getNamespaceURI("a"));

        // Plus, let's check the other namespace access:
        Iterator it = se.getNamespaces();
        assertEquals(2, countElements(it));

        assertTokenType(END_ELEMENT, er.nextEvent().getEventType());
        assertTokenType(END_DOCUMENT, er.nextEvent().getEventType());

    public void testNestedStartElemNs()
        throws XMLStreamException
        String XML = "<root><leaf xmlns='x' />"
            +"<branch xmlns:a='b' xmlns:x='url'>"
            +"<leaf xmlns:a='c' x:attr='value'/></branch>"

        XMLEventReader er = getReader(XML, true, false);
        assertTokenType(START_DOCUMENT, er.nextEvent().getEventType());
        XMLEvent evt = er.nextEvent();
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, evt.getEventType());
        StartElement se = evt.asStartElement();

        // Let's first check that it has 1 declaration:
        assertEquals(0, countElements(se.getNamespaces()));
        NamespaceContext nsCtxt = se.getNamespaceContext();
        assertNotNull("StartElement.getNamespaceContext() should never return null", nsCtxt);

        // then first leaf:
        evt = er.nextEvent();
        se = evt.asStartElement();
        assertEquals("leaf", se.getName().getLocalPart());
        assertEquals(1, countElements(se.getNamespaces()));
        assertEquals("x", se.getName().getNamespaceURI());
        nsCtxt = se.getNamespaceContext();
        assertEquals("x", nsCtxt.getNamespaceURI(""));
        assertEquals("", nsCtxt.getPrefix("x"));

        evt = er.nextEvent();

        // Ok, branch:
        evt = er.nextEvent();
        se = evt.asStartElement();
        assertEquals("branch", se.getName().getLocalPart());
        assertEquals(2, countElements(se.getNamespaces()));
        nsCtxt = se.getNamespaceContext();
        assertEquals("a", nsCtxt.getPrefix("b"));
        assertEquals("b", nsCtxt.getNamespaceURI("a"));
        assertEquals("x", nsCtxt.getPrefix("url"));
        assertEquals("url", nsCtxt.getNamespaceURI("x"));

        // second leaf
        evt = er.nextEvent();
        se = evt.asStartElement();
        nsCtxt = se.getNamespaceContext();
        assertEquals("leaf", se.getName().getLocalPart());
        // only one declared in this particular element
        assertEquals(1, countElements(se.getNamespaces()));
        // but should still show the other bound ns from parent
        nsCtxt = se.getNamespaceContext();
        assertEquals("a", nsCtxt.getPrefix("c"));
        assertEquals("c", nsCtxt.getNamespaceURI("a"));
        assertEquals("x", nsCtxt.getPrefix("url"));
        assertEquals("url", nsCtxt.getNamespaceURI("x"));
        // ok, but how about masking:

        // Ok, fine... others we don't care about:

     * Another unit test, one that checks a special case of namespace
     * enclosures and namespace context objects.
    public void testNestedStartElemNs2()
        throws XMLStreamException
        String XML = "<root><branch xmlns:a='url'><leaf /></branch></root>";

        XMLEventReader er = getReader(XML, true, false);
        assertTokenType(START_DOCUMENT, er.nextEvent().getEventType());

        XMLEvent evt = er.nextEvent(); // root
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, evt.getEventType());
        StartElement se = evt.asStartElement();
        assertEquals("root", se.getName().getLocalPart());
        assertEquals(0, countElements(se.getNamespaces()));

        evt = er.nextEvent(); // branch
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, evt.getEventType());
        se = evt.asStartElement();
        assertEquals("branch", se.getName().getLocalPart());
        assertEquals(1, countElements(se.getNamespaces()));
        NamespaceContext nsCtxt = se.getNamespaceContext();
        assertNotNull("StartElement.getNamespaceContext() should never return null", nsCtxt);
        assertEquals("url", nsCtxt.getNamespaceURI("a"));
        assertEquals("a", nsCtxt.getPrefix("url"));

        evt = er.nextEvent(); // leaf
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, evt.getEventType());
        se = evt.asStartElement();
        assertEquals("leaf", se.getName().getLocalPart());
        assertEquals(0, countElements(se.getNamespaces()));
        nsCtxt = se.getNamespaceContext();
        assertEquals("url", nsCtxt.getNamespaceURI("a"));
        assertEquals("a", nsCtxt.getPrefix("url"));

        assertTrue(er.nextEvent().isEndElement()); // /leaf
        assertTrue(er.nextEvent().isEndElement()); // /branch
        assertTrue(er.nextEvent().isEndElement()); // /root

     * Test to check that attributes can be accessed normally via
     * {@link StartElement} instances.
    public void testStartElemAttrs()
        throws XMLStreamException
        String XML = "<root xmlns:a='ns:attrs' "
            +"attr1='value1' a:attr2='value2'"
            +"><leaf xmlns='url:ns2' attr='x' /></root>";

        XMLEventReader er = getReader(XML, true, false);
        assertTokenType(START_DOCUMENT, er.nextEvent().getEventType());

        XMLEvent evt = er.nextEvent();
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, evt.getEventType());
        StartElement se = evt.asStartElement();

        assertAttr(se, "", "attr1", "value1");
        // ... and same without ns uri being passed
        assertNqAttr(se, "attr1", "value1");
        assertAttr(se, "ns:attrs", "attr2", "value2");
        assertAttr(se, "", "attr2", null);
        assertNqAttr(se, "attr2", null);
        assertAttr(se, "ns:attrs", "attr1", null);

        evt = er.nextEvent();
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, evt.getEventType());
        se = evt.asStartElement();

        // One we should find (note: def. ns is not used!)
        assertAttr(se, "", "attr", "x");
        assertNqAttr(se, "attr", "x");
        // and then ones that aren't there...
        assertAttr(se, "url:ns2", "attr", null);
        assertAttr(se, "url:ns2", "x", null);
        assertAttr(se, "ns:foo", "foobar", null);
        assertAttr(se, "", "attr1", null);
        assertNqAttr(se, "attr1", null);

        assertTokenType(END_ELEMENT, er.nextEvent().getEventType());
        assertTokenType(END_ELEMENT, er.nextEvent().getEventType());
        assertTokenType(END_DOCUMENT, er.nextEvent().getEventType());

    public void testStartElemManyAttrsNs()
        throws XMLStreamException
        XMLEventReader er = getReader(get11AttrDoc(), true, false);
        assertTokenType(START_DOCUMENT, er.nextEvent().getEventType());
        XMLEvent evt = er.nextEvent();
        assertTokenType(START_ELEMENT, evt.getEventType());
        StartElement se = evt.asStartElement();
        assertEquals(11, countElements(se.getAttributes()));

        // Let's verify we can find all attrs:
        for (int i = ATTR11_NAMES.length; --i >= 0; ) {
            String name = ATTR11_NAMES[i];
            String value = ATTR11_VALUES[i];
            // First, via string constant:
            assertAttr11Value(se, name, value);
            // Then using non-interned:
            assertAttr11Value(se, ""+name, value);

            // Then that non-existing ones are not found:
            String start = name.substring(0, 1);
            assertAttr11Value(se, name+start, null);
            assertAttr11Value(se, start+name, null);
        assertTokenType(END_ELEMENT, er.nextEvent().getEventType());

    // Internal methods:

    final static String[] ATTR11_NAMES = new String[] {
        "method", "activeShell", "source", "data",
        "widget", "length", "start", "styledTextNewValue",
        "replacedText", "styledTextFunction", "raw"
    final static String[] ATTR11_VALUES = new String[] {
        "a", "x", "y", "z",
        "a", "1", "2", "t",
        "", "f", "b"

    private void assertAttr11Value(StartElement elem, String localName, String expValue)
        String msg = "Wrong value for attribute '"+localName+"'; ";

        Attribute attr = elem.getAttributeByName(new QName(localName));
        String actValue = (attr == null) ? null : attr.getValue();
        if (expValue == null) {
            assertNull(msg, actValue);
        } else {
            assertEquals(msg, expValue, actValue);

        // Let's also try with the other qname constructors, just to be sure
        attr = elem.getAttributeByName(new QName("", localName));
        actValue = (attr == null) ? null : attr.getValue();
        if (expValue == null) {
            assertNull(msg, actValue);
        } else {
            assertEquals(msg, expValue, actValue);

        attr = elem.getAttributeByName(new QName("", localName, ""));
        actValue = (attr == null) ? null : attr.getValue();
        if (expValue == null) {
            assertNull(msg, actValue);
        } else {
            assertEquals(msg, expValue, actValue);

    private String get11AttrDoc()
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (int i = 0; i < ATTR11_NAMES.length; ++i) {
            sb.append(' ');
            sb.append(((i & 1) == 0) ? '"' : '\'');
            // Assuming no quoting needed
            sb.append(((i & 1) == 0) ? '"' : '\'');
        sb.append(" />");
        return sb.toString();

    private int countElements(Iterator it) {
        int count = 0;
        if (it != null) {
            while (it.hasNext()) {
        return count;

    private void assertAttr(StartElement se, String nsURI, String localName,
          String expValue)
        QName qn = new QName(nsURI, localName);
        Attribute attr = se.getAttributeByName(qn);
        if (expValue == null) {
            assertNull("Should not find attribute '"+qn+"'", attr);
        } else {
            assertNotNull("Should find attribute '"+qn+"' but got null", attr);
            assertEquals("Attribute '"+qn+"' has unexpected value",
                         expValue, attr.getValue());

    private void assertNqAttr(StartElement se, String localName, String expValue)
        QName qn = new QName(localName);
        Attribute attr = se.getAttributeByName(qn);
        if (expValue == null) {
            assertNull("Should not find attribute '"+qn+"'", attr);
        } else {
            assertNotNull("Should find attribute '"+qn+"' but got null", attr);
            assertEquals("Attribute '"+qn+"' has unexpected value",
                         expValue, attr.getValue());

        /* 21-Sep-2006, TSa: Let's also try it with different QName
         *   constructor, just to be sure
        qn = new QName("", localName);
        attr = se.getAttributeByName(qn);
        if (expValue == null) {
            assertNull("Should not find attribute '"+qn+"'", attr);
        } else {
            assertNotNull("Should find attribute '"+qn+"' but got null", attr);
            assertEquals("Attribute '"+qn+"' has unexpected value",
                         expValue, attr.getValue());

    private XMLEventReader getReader(String contents, boolean nsAware,
                                     boolean coalesce)
        throws XMLStreamException
        XMLInputFactory f = getInputFactory();
        setNamespaceAware(f, nsAware);
        setCoalescing(f, coalesce);
        setSupportDTD(f, true);
        setValidating(f, false);
        return constructEventReader(f, contents);

Related Classes of org.codehaus.stax.test.evt.TestStartElem

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